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    第2232期:Poorly-paid Healthcare Workers Leaving Africa

    第2232期:Poorly-paid Healthcare Workers Leaving Africa

    Cameroon has one of the world's lowest amounts of health care workers per capita. About a third of trained doctors who completed medical school last year left the West African country. Many doctors and nurses are leaving for more well-paying jobs in Europe and North America, including Canada.喀麦隆是世界上人均医疗工作者数量最低的国家之一。去年完成医学院学业的受训医生中约有三分之一离开了这个西非国家。许多医生和护士前往欧洲和北美洲(包括加拿大)寻找薪资更高的工作。Canada, like Cameroon, has official languages of English and French.加拿大和喀麦隆一样,官方语言是英语和法语。After training as a nurse, Nevielle Leinyuy spent almost 10 years in Cameroon working as a front desk worker. He was unable to find a well-paying job in the medical field. Last year, he applied for a nursing program in Canada. He now lives there with his wife and children.经过护士培训后,内维尔·莱尼尤在喀麦隆做了近十年的前台工作人员。他无法在医疗领域找到一份高薪工作。去年,他申请了加拿大的一个护理项目。现在他和妻子及孩子们住在加拿大。“They are stealing us from Cameroon. We want to work in Cameroon but there is no pay,” the 39-year-old Leinyuy said.39岁的莱尼尤说:“他们在从喀麦隆抢走我们。我们想在喀麦隆工作,但没有报酬。”
    He said he would have earned less than $100 a month working as a nurse in Cameroon.他说,如果在喀麦隆当护士,他每月的收入不会超过100美元。Cameroon is not the only sub-Saharan African country where low pay is causing health workers to leave.喀麦隆并不是唯一一个因低薪导致医务人员离开的撒哈拉以南非洲国家。
    The number of health workers increased in several countries after the COVID-19 pandemic. But almost 75 percent of African nations still experience medical worker shortages and high rates of healthcare workers leaving to work overseas. That information comes from a 2023 report from the World Health Organization (WHO).在新冠疫情之后,几个国家的医务人员数量有所增加。但近75%的非洲国家仍面临医务人员短缺和高比例的医务人员外流。这些信息来自世界卫生组织(WHO)2023年的报告。
    The lack of health workers makes it difficult to deal with infant mortality and infectious diseases. It also makes it hard to provide services like vaccinations, said Matshidiso Moeti. He is the WHO regional director for Africa.WHO非洲区域主任玛茜迪索·莫伊提表示,医务人员的缺乏使得处理婴儿死亡率和传染病变得困难,也使得提供疫苗接种等服务变得困难。Cameroon has fewer than seven nurses per 10,000 people, the latest WHO data found. Neighboring Nigeria has more than double that amount. Canada has more than 14 times that number.最新的WHO数据显示,喀麦隆每一万人中不到七名护士。邻国尼日利亚的护士数量是喀麦隆的两倍多。加拿大的护士数量是喀麦隆的十四倍以上。Marie-Pier Burelle is a spokesperson for Health Canada. She told The Associated Press that Canada is facing its own health workforce shortages. The country has 30,000 nursing positions it needs to fill, says Statistics Canada.加拿大卫生部发言人玛丽·皮尔·布雷尔告诉美联社,加拿大也面临着医疗工作者短缺的问题。据加拿大统计局称,加拿大有3万个护理岗位需要填补。Burelle said Canada follows the WHO’s code of practice to make sure its recruitment of workers internationally is ethical. Ethical recruitment includes strengthening the health systems of developing countries dealing with medical worker shortages.布雷尔表示,加拿大遵循WHO的行为准则,确保其国际招聘符合伦理。伦理招聘包括加强应对医务人员短缺的发展中国家的卫生系统。
    Late last year, the Canadian g

    • 4 Min.
    第2231期:African Elephants Call, Answer to Individual Names

    第2231期:African Elephants Call, Answer to Individual Names

    African elephants call each other by and answer to individual names, a new study finds. Such communication is rare in the animal world.一项新的研究发现,非洲象会用名字互相呼唤,并对名字作出回应。这种交流在动物界非常罕见。African elephants are among the largest animals that live on land.非洲象是陆地上最大的动物之一。
    The names are one part of the low sounds, or rumbles, elephants make. They can hear these sounds over long distances where they live in the savannah – large grassy areas of land mixed with woodlands.名字是大象发出的低沉声音或轰鸣的一部分。它们可以在居住的稀树草原上听到这些声音,这些地方是大片草地和林地的混合区域。
    Scientists believe that animals with complex social structures may be more likely to use individual names.科学家认为,具有复杂社会结构的动物更有可能使用个人名字。Stuart Pimm of Duke University is an ecologist who was not involved with the study. He said, “If you’re looking after a large family, you’ve got to be able to say, ‘Hey, Virginia, get over here!’”杜克大学的生态学家斯图尔特·皮姆没有参与这项研究。他说:“如果你在照顾一个大家庭,你必须能够说,‘嘿,弗吉尼亚,过来!’”It is extremely rare for animals to call each other by individual names. Humans have names, of course, and dogs and cats may react when their names are called.动物用名字互相称呼是极其罕见的。人类当然有名字,狗和猫在听到名字时也可能会有反应。
    Some ocean animals, including the dolphin, invent their own names when they are very young. And the birds called parrots may also use names.一些海洋动物,包括海豚,在很小的时候就会创造自己的名字。被称为鹦鹉的鸟类也可能使用名字。Each of these naming animals also have the ability to learn and say individual new sounds throughout their lives, as does the African elephant, the research shows.研究表明,这些起名字的动物也有能力在其一生中学习和发出新的独特声音,非洲象也是如此。
    The study was released in the publication Nature Ecology & Evolution. In the study, biologists used machine learning to find the use of names in recordings of savanna elephant sounds. The sounds were recorded at Kenya’s Samburu National Reserve and Amboseli National Park.这项研究发表在《自然生态与进化》杂志上。在研究中,生物学家使用机器学习在记录的稀树草原象的声音中找到名字的使用。这些声音是在肯尼亚的桑布鲁国家保护区和安博塞利国家公园录制的。The researchers followed the elephants as they traveled to observe which one called out and which one appeared to answer.研究人员在跟踪大象旅行时观察哪只大象在呼唤,哪只大象似乎在回应。By examining only the audio data, the computer model predicted which elephant was being called 28 percent of the time, likely due to the inclusion of its name. When fed meaningless data, the model only correctly predicted eight percent of calls.通过仅检查音频数据,计算机模型在28%的时间内预测出了哪只大象被叫到,这很可能是由于包含了它的名字。当输入无意义的数据时,模型只正确预测了8%的呼叫。Biologist Mickey Pardo of Cornell University wrote the study. He said, “Just like humans, elephants use names, but probably don’t use names in the majority” of their communications.康奈尔大学的生物学家米奇·帕尔多撰写了这项研究。他说,“就像人类一样,大象使用名字,但可能在大多数交流中并不使用名字。”The low rumbles elephants make also may include sounds that are below the range of human hearing. The scientists still do not know which sounds make up a name.大象发出的低沉轰鸣声也可能包括低于人类听觉范围的声音。

    • 4 Min.
    第2230期:Climate Change Made Brazil’s Floods Twice as Likely

    第2230期:Climate Change Made Brazil’s Floods Twice as Likely

    A team of international researchers says that climate change made recent flooding in southern Brazil twice as likely to happen.一个国际研究团队表示,气候变化使巴西南部最近发生的洪水发生的可能性增加了一倍。
    It also said that the El Niño Pacific Ocean current made the rains in Brazil more severe.他们还表示,厄尔尼诺太平洋洋流使巴西的降雨更加严重。Last month, flooding killed more than 170 people and displaced nearly 580,000 in Brazil's southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. Local officials said it was the worst disaster in the area's history.上个月,洪水在巴西南部的南大河州造成170多人死亡,近58万人流离失所。当地官员称这是该地区历史上最严重的灾难。A network of experts called World Weather Attribution said that the heavy rainfall in Rio Grande do Sul was an “extremely rare” event. The group said it expects such an event to happen only once every 100 to 250 years. However, the group added, it would have been even rarer without the effects of burning fossil fuel.一个名为世界天气归因的专家网络表示,南大河州的强降雨是一个“极其罕见”的事件。该组织称,这种事件预计每100到250年才会发生一次。然而,该组织补充说,如果没有燃烧化石燃料的影响,这种事件会更为罕见。The experts at World Weather Attribution also said the flooding was six to nine percent more severe than it would have been without climate change. The experts combined weather observations with results from climate models to make their estimates.世界天气归因的专家还表示,洪水比没有气候变化的情况下严重了六到九个百分点。专家们结合天气观测和气候模型的结果进行了估算。Lincoln Alves is with Brazil’s space research center INPE. Alves said, "The climate in Brazil has already changed." He said that the study "confirms that human activities have contributed to more intense and frequent extreme events…” He added that the flooding showed Brazil's vulnerability to climate change.林肯·阿尔维斯(Lincoln Alves)在巴西空间研究中心(INPE)工作。阿尔维斯说,“巴西的气候已经发生了变化。”他表示,这项研究“证实了人类活动对更强烈和更频繁的极端事件有所贡献……”他补充说,这次洪水显示了巴西对气候变化的脆弱性。The researchers said that the El Niño Pacific Ocean current also played a part in the flooding in Brazil. Experts say the El Niño phenomenon contributes to higher temperatures in many parts of the world. It also brings increased rainfall and flood risk to parts of the Americas.研究人员表示,厄尔尼诺太平洋洋流也在巴西的洪水中起了作用。专家说,厄尔尼诺现象导致世界许多地方气温升高,还给美洲部分地区带来了更多的降雨和洪水风险。The scientists added that failure of important infrastructure, deforestation, and the fast growth of cities helped to increase the effects of the disaster. The flooding affected Porto Alegre, the capital of Rio Grande do Sul. The city is home to 1.3 million people.科学家们补充说,重要基础设施的失效、森林砍伐和城市的快速增长加剧了灾害的影响。洪水影响了南大河州的首府阿雷格里港。该市有130万人口。Regina Rodrigues is a researcher at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She said that good flood protection infrastructure and the right urban planning are needed to reduce the effect of "such extreme events.”雷吉娜·罗德里格斯(Regina Rodrigues)是圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学的研究员。她表示,需要良好的防洪基础设施和正确的城市规划来减少“此类极端事件”的影响。

    • 3 Min.
    第2229期:UK supermarket spending 'challenges' could lead to overspending

    第2229期:UK supermarket spending 'challenges' could lead to overspending

    Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons are now offering members of their loyalty schemes bonus points if they hit spending targets.
    The challenges vary between supermarkets, but some involve shopping more frequently, while others are about hitting a spending target on specific products before a deadline. 
    Supermarkets say these schemes offer better value and more personalised savings, but the consumer group Which? and the debt charity StepChange have warned that setting shopping challenges could encourage people to spend more than they can afford.
    超市说这些会员项目为会员提供更物有所值的产品和更具个性化的省钱方案。但英国消费者组织 Which? 和债务慈善机构 StepChange 则警告称,给顾客设置购物挑战可能会鼓励公众超过自己的消费能力购物。
    Retail experts have told the BBC personalised prices and challenges are simply a way for supermarkets to get customers to spend more with them instead of their rivals. New data from the research firm Kantar suggest the average person has loyalty cards for three different supermarkets.
    一些零售业专家告诉 BBC,个性化价格和消费挑战只不过是超市想让顾客在自家多消费而不在竞争对手那里消费的一个方法。市场调研公司 Kantar(凯度)的新数据显示,一个普通顾客会拥有三家不同超市的忠诚会员卡。
    loyalty schemes 顾客忠诚计划spending targets 消费目标deadline 截止日期value 价值、物有所值debt 债务afford 能消费得起retail experts 零售业专家rivals 竞争对手loyalty cards 忠诚会员卡

    • 49 s
    第2228期:How sponge cities could prevent floods

    第2228期:How sponge cities could prevent floods

    Devastating floods are becoming more and more common around the world. The warming climate is leading to heavier rainfall, but could the way that cities are growing be making things worse? Could we design cities in a different way to reduce the risk of flooding?
    毁灭性的洪水在世界各地变得越来越普遍。 气候变暖导致降雨量增加,但城市的发展方式是否会让情况变得更糟? 我们能否以不同的方式设计城市来降低洪水风险?
    As cities expand, and more and more land is underneath concrete or paving, less water is absorbed and more needs to be channelled away by storm drains and sewerage systems. As they become overwhelmed by the volume of water, the risk of flash flooding increases.
    随着城市的扩张,越来越多的土地被混凝土或路面覆盖,吸收的水越来越少,更多的水需要通过雨水渠和污水处理系统排出。 当它们被大量的水淹没时,山洪爆发的风险就会增加。
    Could it be that we've been taking the wrong approach? Chinese landscape architect Yu Kongjian certainly thinks so. In 2013, he proposed the concept of 'sponge cities', which are designed to soak up water – like a sponge – reducing the risk of sudden floods. Natural solutions are encouraged, using riverside parks and ponds to absorb floodwater. Approaches inspired by this have been taken by cities across the world. Auckland, in New Zealand, was named the spongiest city in one study. It has replaced the concrete culverts around the Oakley creek stream with green banks and connected parks. This has reduced flooding in the nearby residential areas as well as the amount of associated contamination which used to be washed into the sea.
    难道我们一直采取了错误的方法吗? 中国景观设计师俞孔坚当然这么认为。 2013年,他提出了“海绵城市”的概念,其设计目的是像海绵一样吸水,从而降低突发洪水的风险。 鼓励自然解决方案,利用河滨公园和池塘吸收洪水。 世界各地的城市都采取了受此启发的方法。 新西兰奥克兰在一项研究中被评为海绵最丰富的城市。 它用绿色河岸和相连的公园取代了奥克利溪流周围的混凝土涵洞。 这减少了附近居民区的洪水以及过去被冲入大海的相关污染物的数量。
    Auckland has taken a natural approach, but a much more high-tech method can be seen in Amsterdam. The Dutch city has installed blue-green roofs on a number of buildings. These roofs have a layer of plants on the outside, and then layers underneath which collect and store rainwater. This water can be used by people in the building below to water plants or flush toilets. Sophisticated software can even tell the roofs to release water ahead of upcoming storms to maximise the system's ability to soak up rainwater. It can even identify which areas of the city are at most risk and tailor the response accordingly.
    奥克兰采取了一种自然的方法,但在阿姆斯特丹可以看到一种更加高科技的方法。 荷兰城市在许多建筑物上安装了蓝绿色屋顶。 这些屋顶外面有一层植物,下面有一层收集和储存雨水的植物。 楼下的人们可以用这些水来浇灌植物或冲厕所。 复杂的软件甚至可以告诉屋顶在即将到来的暴风雨之前释放水,以最大限度地提高系统吸收雨水的能力。 它甚至可以识别城市的哪些区域风险最大,并相应地调整应对措施。
    Yu Kongjian describes the sponge city approach as using Tai Chi with nature instead of boxing. Questions have been raised as to whether a natural approach is sufficient when faced with increased rain fall globally. What remains to be seen is whether increased scale and combination with modern technology can help natural methods save many more people from flooding.
    俞孔坚将海绵城市的做法描述为用自然太极而不是拳击。 有人质疑,面

    • 2 Min.
    第2227期:Olympic Athletes Bring Cooling Technology to Paris Games

    第2227期:Olympic Athletes Bring Cooling Technology to Paris Games

    The 2024 Olympic Games open in Paris late next month and experts say especially hot summer weather is likely to return. Temperatures set record highs in Europe last summer and France’s national weather agency says it expects warmer than normal conditions this year.2024年奥运会将于下个月末在巴黎开幕,专家们表示,炎热的夏季天气可能会再次到来。去年夏天欧洲的气温创下了历史新高,法国国家气象局表示,今年预计气温将高于正常水平。Such weather brings additional difficulty to the already punishing climate of physical competition. The Olympic athletes will have to pay more attention to their body temperatures as they train, recover and compete.这种天气给本已严酷的体能竞争环境带来了额外的难度。奥运选手在训练、恢复和比赛时必须更加注意自己的体温。And the buildings in which athletes will stay during the event will not be equipped with air conditioning.运动员在比赛期间居住的建筑物将不配备空调。Craig Heller of Stanford University is an expert in body temperature regulation. Heller told the Reuters news agency, "It can be very hot and miserable (in Paris), as it was in Tokyo during the last Olympics...And that increase in environmental temperature has lots of effects on performance."斯坦福大学的Craig Heller是体温调节方面的专家。Heller告诉路透社:“巴黎可能会非常炎热和难受,就像上届奥运会的东京一样……环境温度的上升对表现有很大的影响。”Stanford University, in California's Bay Area, is well known for Olympic athletes. At least one medalist at every Games since 1912 has been linked with the school.位于加州湾区的斯坦福大学以奥运选手闻名。自1912年以来,每届奥运会都有至少一名与该校有关的奖牌得主。
    Stanford-connected athletes won 26 Olympic medals in the 2020 games in Tokyo and 27 in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.在2020年东京奥运会上,与斯坦福大学有关的选手赢得了26枚奥运奖牌,而在2016年里约热内卢奥运会上则赢得了27枚奖牌。As a result, Heller and other researchers at the school have had the chance to study body temperature regulation. And the school's closeness to Silicon Valley helped the tech industry enter the playing field.因此,Heller和该校的其他研究人员有机会研究体温调节。该校靠近硅谷也帮助了科技行业进入竞技场。Heller co-invented CoolMitt, a device worn like a glove on the hand. The device helps take out heat while cooling the blood. The cooled blood is sent back to the heart and to the athlete's muscles.Heller共同发明了CoolMitt,这是一种像手套一样戴在手上的装置。该装置帮助散热并冷却血液。冷却的血液被送回心脏并传送到运动员的肌肉。It is designed to be used during timeouts in games, in between sets and reps in the gym, or any short break in training or competition.它设计用于比赛暂停期间、健身房中间组和重复之间,或训练或比赛中的任何短暂休息期间。"If you take heat out of the core of the body, that prevents heat from building up in the active muscles, and they keep on working," Heller said.Heller说:“如果你把热量从身体核心带走,就能防止热量在活跃的肌肉中积聚,它们就能继续工作。”"So what CoolMitt does is prevents hyperthermia, rise in body temperature to a dangerous level. And therefore it enables you to have a higher work volume. And if you have a higher work volume, you get a bigger conditioning effect."“CoolMitt的作用是防止体温过高,防止体温上升到危险水平。因此,它使你能够进行更高的工作量。而如果你有更高的工作量,你会得到更大的调节效果。”The CoolMitt targets the non-hairy parts of the skin that "contain specialized vascular structures” that ease heat loss, a study says.研究表明,CoolMitt

    • 5 Min.

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