I'm Speaking...with Elizabeth West

Elizabeth West
I'm Speaking...with Elizabeth West Podcast

"I'm Speaking" is a take on (now) Vice-President Kamala Harris at the US VP debate with (then) VP Pence as she had to say "Excuse me, I'm Speaking" when he kept interrupting her and cutting her off. This term became famous for a lot of women and I thought it was fitting since this is a podcast and I'm literally 'speaking' my mind on women in business as well as being an introvert and a highly sensitive person in life and in business in an 'extroverted' and 'non-sensitive' world. A lot of my episodes are 'Love Letters' to Introverts, HSP’s and Neurodivergents. www.westelizabeth.com

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    Ep 116 I’m Back! | Money Blocks | No More Playing Small

    Hello lovelies! Thanks for listening! I am back! Boy has it been an interesting time off. 🤔 I started with a week off from the day job which was nice. It wasn’t a really time off as I had other pressures to deal with and being a highly sensitive person, any and all ‘pressures’ impact us that much more. 😳 What did I do? I caught up with friends, I watched the Olympics (I ❤️ the Olympics!), I rested mentally, and I thought about next steps 'life wise' and 'biz wise'. I also asked for help and support from friends as something had popped up that took me by surprise. Asking for help really is an act of self-love. 🥰 I felt so supported and that I wasn’t alone in this situation. ☺️ I also took Michelle Rohr’s 30 Day Abundance Adventure course which is really clicking for me. 🥰 Do y’all have money blocks? 💸🚫 We all have some form of them whether we grew up poor or not. I also am looking to putting myself out there and to not play small anymore 😣— more on this on future podcast episodes. 🤓 Michelle Rohr’s website is www.secretowlsociety.com. ‘Say Yes to Desire’ is her community with live Zoom types of calls every month. 🥰 ‘The Abundance Adventure’ is her program that talks about letting our money work for us vs the other way around. 💸 = More 💸💸 Like putting away some money (you can start with $1.00) into a www.Vanguard.com account and it just being there, it accrues more money just by fricken sitting there! Crazy huh?! 😲 🎙I interview the amazing Michelle Rohr, it’s Episode 81 titled “Why Leaders Don’t Need *Followers in Business + Why Shiny Object Isn’t a Bad Thing”, here’s that link to listen to it on 🍎 Apple--> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-81-why-leaders-dont-need-followers-in-business-why/id1589007063?i=1000639554033 AND 🟢 Spotify--> https://open.spotify.com/episode/0JdmbTOxGSMhzvKhSL1JUF?si=2ed5e0b4fffc4c07 🎧 Ellyce Fulmore’s (not Fullerton’s) interview on Tracy Otsuka’s podcast “ADHD For Smart Ass Women”; Ellyce’s episode is titled “Ep 297 Creating Financial Harmony: Ellyce Fulmore’s Intersectional Feel Good Approach”, on 🍎 Apple--> https://podcasts.apple.com/no/podcast/ep-297-creating-financial-harmony-ellyce-fulmores-intersectional/id1443678424?i=1000669146859 AND 🟢 Spotify--> https://open.spotify.com/episode/0mz4O4EtvTA4k0ArNjaIY9?si=c4e62c2bf0674b66 . 🎙If this or any of my podcast episodes have helped you in any way please share it with a friend here--> on 🍎 Apple--> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/im-speaking-with-elizabeth-west/id1589007063 AND 🟢 Spotify--> https://open.spotify.com/show/3RFkb38vfoO14bbt2LF9G5?si=4dd4d0ee7a9b47fd Thanks in advance! I talk more about this on my newsletter 🗞 or my ‘love letters’ 💌 as I like to call them). 😉 Wanna get my newsletter? 🗞💌Here’s the link to join the list! —> www.westelizabeth.com/newsletter. I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you in some way, shape or form. ☺️ 🎙I podcast for the love of connecting with others, encouraging others and sharing information with others. 🥰 Cheers 🥂 to speaking up and for making your voice heard! 🗣 Sincerely, Elizabeth https://www.westelizabeth.com

    20 min
  2. 27 JUL

    Ep 114 Asking For Help Is A Part of Self-love | Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! S1 E7

    Hello lovie! Thanks for listening! Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! 🌞🥰 This is the 7th and last episode in this series! Also, I will be taking a break in August so the next new episode (and season 2) will start in September of 2024! Asking for help is a part of self-love. But why do we as women, we as a society and especially Americans, why do we hate asking for it? 🤔 It’s due to a lot of things… One reason is because we don’t wanna look weak or because we as a society are taught things like “push through”, “get it done” and “no pain, no gain”. 💪🏽🫤 It’s funny because it’s human nature and second nature for us to wanna help others. We genuinely ‘like’ to help others. For example asking someone for directions 🗺 to a place. (Even in this age of smart phones 📱 and online maps.) Nothing can beat a physical map or a person giving you directions in-person. And it’s a win-win! 🏆 The person gets help with directions and you feel good about helping someone! 🙌🏽 It’s why a lot of us love to volunteer! 🥰 We get those feel good endorphins when we do and those that we’re helping are also happy about it. ☺️ The bottom line is…asking for help is a part of self-love. When we don’t ask for help we ‘stop’ others blessings upon us, we make others feel unnecessary and unwanted and we can look ungrateful too. Not to mention the anxiety and extra stress that we put on ourselves in addition! It’s a lose-lose. I talk more about this on my newsletter or my ‘love letters’ 💌 as I like to call them). 😉 Wanna get my newsletter? 📰 Here’s the link to join the list! —> www.westelizabeth.com/newsletter. I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you in some way, shape or form. I podcast for the love of connecting with others, encouraging others and sharing information with others. Cheers 🥂 to speaking up and for making your voice heard! 🗣 Sincerely, Elizabeth www.westelizabeth.com 💞My self-love ‘supplement’ for this episode is The Brave Table Podcast by Dr. Neeta Bhushan. She has podcast episodes titled “The Hidden Signs of High Functioning Anxiety You Need To Know with Dr. Lalitaa Suglani” and “How to Buy Back Your Time, ADHD Brains and Time Management with Dan Martell”. It’s one of my fave self-help podcasts! Dr. Neeta is such a great interviewer and it’s like magic the camaraderie that she has with all of her guests. Sooo goood and informative! :)

    26 min
  3. 20 JUL

    Ep 113 Making Things Easier | Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! S1 E6

    Hello lovely! Thanks for listening! Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! 🌞🥰 In this episode I speak about how I make things easier. For example, pre-cooking and pre-packing my lunch meals for the week (like making a big pot of spaghetti 🍝) and putting it into 5 containers so lunch is packed for the week! All I gotta do is ‘grab & go’ in the morning! Something else that I do is pick out my work attire (from head to toe) for the week or the next few days. This way in the morning I don’t have to think about what I’m gonna wear and what goes with what. And I can just (you guessed it), grab & go’ with my clothes for the day for that workweek! 💞My self-love ‘supplement’ for this episode is: Glennon Doyle’s podcast called “We Can Do Hard Things”. Glennon Doyle (also the author of the amazing book 📖 , “Untamed”) hosts the show with her sister Amanda and her wife, soccer champion, 🏟 Abby Wambach. They talk about things from Asking for help and how it’s bettering their lives to Amanda’s recent cancer scare and all of the feels that come along with it. 🧐:( Wanna check it out —> Here’s the link for it on Apple—> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-can-do-hard-things/id1564530722 | And on Spotify —> https://open.spotify.com/show/0eFL5HJejQHZrdgAFdPnOm?si=tDaX4P3JTh-urBsSgy3FTg. I talk more about this on my newsletter or my ‘love letters’ 💌 as I like to call them). 😉 Wanna get my newsletter? 🗞Here’s the link to join the list! —> www.westelizabeth.com/newsletter. I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you in some way, shape or form. I podcast for the love of connecting with others, encouraging others and sharing information with others. Cheers 🥂 to speaking up and for making your voice heard! 🗣 Sincerely, Elizabeth www.westelizabeth.com

    27 min
  4. 13 JUL

    Ep 112 Focusing on Doing My Best vs Being Perfect | Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! S1 E5

    Hello lovely…thanks for listening! Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! 🌞🥰 In this episode I speak about how I started to take on this idea 💡of asking myself if I’ve ‘done my best’ instead of ‘how many tasks I have accomplished on my to-do list’ 📝 and in how changing this question ❓lowered and continues to lower my anxiety and stress to this day. 😌 We can’t do any better than our best y’all so whether we’ve accomplished only a couple of tasks on our ‘to-do’ list or 0️⃣ zero tasks, if the answer is ‘yes’ to “Did I do my best?” then my hope is that we can instead move-on and not continue to kick ourselves 😣for what we did ‘not’ get done on our to-do list. 😏 I talk more about this on my newsletter or my ‘love letters’ 💌 as I like to call them). 😉 Wanna get my newsletter? 🗞Here’s the link to join the list! —> www.westelizabeth.com/newsletter. I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you in some way, shape or form. I podcast for the love of connecting with others, encouraging others and sharing information with others. Cheers 🥂 to speaking up and for making your voice heard! 🗣 Sincerely, Elizabeth https://www.westelizabeth.com 💞My self-love ‘supplement’ for this episode is: Kate Northrup’s book “Do Less”. https://shop.katenorthrup.com/products/do-less-a-revolutionary-approach-to-time-and-energy-management-for-ambitious-women

    16 min
  5. 6 JUL

    Ep 111 “Second Guessing Yourself is Self-Sabotage” | Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! S1 E4

    Hello lovely, thanks for listening! Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! 🌞🥰 A friend of mine named Adrienne gave me this great quote which is “second guessing yourself is self-sabotage”. 😖 We were having dinner or lunch and I started to say something along the lines of “I shouldn’t have second guessed myself!” and she says to me “second guessing yourself is self-sabotage” and it was an ‘ah-ha’ moment for me. 😲 It’s really true. When I’m at work for example and someone asks me a question…almost every time I’ll know the correct answer but more often than not, I’ll second guess myself and proceed to ask a colleague which will have the exact same answer almost word for word that I was gonna say. So frustrating. My colleague looks like a genius and I look like an idiot. It feels like that anyway. 😖 In this Summer of self-love let’s not second guess ourselves if we know in our gut what to do or say already. Let’s listen to our inner child/our instincts/our gut and follow that instead. I think it was on the Oprah show back when it was on regular television (back in the day) where she said, “if you keep ignoring that voice trying to guide you, eventually you won’t hear it or it will get more and more quiet until it goes away”. I talk more about this on my newsletter or my ‘love letters’ 💌 as I like to call them). 😉 Wanna get my newsletter? Here’s the link to join the list! —> www.westelizabeth.com/newsletter. I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you in some way, shape or form. I podcast for the love of connecting with others, encouraging others and sharing information with others. Cheers to speaking up and for making your voice heard! 🗣 Sincerely, Elizabeth 💞My ‘self-love supplement’ for this episode is: The Mavenelle app by Ivirlei, it gives you daily advice and positive words that just make me feel all so much better and is just what I need to hear. ☺️ Wanna check it out —> Here’s the link for it https://mavenelle.com/.

    15 min
  6. 4 JUL

    Ep 110 Independence Day to Whom? *Re-release*

    Hi lovely…thanks for listening! This is a re-released episode from July 3, 2022. I originally titled it "Independence Day?" but later changed it to "Independence Day to Whom?"(Which was my original title.) I ask this question because back in July 4, 1776 (when this later became the United States' 🇺🇸 Independence Day, it only included white men with property). Let's think about this for a second…this would *exclude everyone else. Friendly history reminder: In the US, White women were only able to vote in 1920 and white women couldn't open a bank account until 1974! WTF?!? And we all know people of color couldn't vote until 1964! 😲🤬 It was not that long ago, y'all. And a lot of these liberties 🗽are slowly but surely getting rolled back sad to say. 🫤Roe v. Wade and civil rights to name a couple. Which brings me to this…in the US 🇺🇸we need to Vote 🗳 in the upcoming election on November 5, 2024. I can't believe it's coming up so fast. We need to vote 🗳 up and down the ticket and leave no stone ‘unturned’. And we need to be aware of who our representatives are. We need to do homework too. 📑 We are all busy and our lives keep getting busier but this isn't the time for us to "sleep on this". 😴 In the same amount of time that it takes for us to share or forward a joke or a meme we can share information about our democracy and how fragile it is right now. For more info click on www.vote.gov I talk more about this on my newsletter or my ‘love letters’ 💌 as I like to call them). 😉 Wanna get my newsletter? Here’s the link to join the list! —> www.westelizabeth.com/newsletter. I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you in some way, shape or form. I podcast for the love of connecting with others, encouraging others and sharing information with others. Cheers to speaking up and for making your voice heard! 🗣 Sincerely, Elizabeth

    9 min
  7. 29 JUN

    Ep 109 Planning “Me Time” Dates | Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! S1 E3

    Hello lovely! Thanks for listening! Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! 🌞💞 In this episode I talk about how I’m loving planning “me time” dates with myself. 🥰 I remember years ago, a friend of mine (she was like an older sister and mentor really), she advised me to go to places and to do things by myself and that it’s very empowering (for women especially) to do these things. She talked about things like taking solo trips, 🏖 taking myself out to dinner 🍱 and even to the movies! 🍿 At this time (around 10-15) years ago, this was unheard of for me. 😲 I didn’t wanna look like a "loser" and I didn’t want people giving me the look of pity like I don’t have any friends to go with. Haha! Which brings me to my recent podcast episode 105 titled “What others think of me is none of my business”. 😏 What are ‘me time’ dates? Anything and everything that you love to do and it’s exactly what you wanna do, it makes you feel cozy and it gives you all of the feels. (Hint: And others’ thoughts or judgements aren’t allowed, just yours.) 😉 It should be something that you look forward to, that you feel giddy and excited about and it ‘fills your cup’! 🥛 I talk more about this on my newsletter or my ‘love letters’ 💌 as I like to call them). 😉 Wanna get my newsletter? Here’s the link to join the list! —> www.westelizabeth.com/newsletter. I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you in some way, shape or form. I podcast for the love of connecting with others, encouraging others and sharing information with others. Cheers to speaking up and for making your voice heard! 🗣 Sincerely, Elizabeth https://www.westelizabeth.com 💕My ‘self-love supplement’ for this episode is: the podcast called Inner Workout by Taylor Elyse Morrison https://www.innerworkout.co

    27 min



"I'm Speaking" is a take on (now) Vice-President Kamala Harris at the US VP debate with (then) VP Pence as she had to say "Excuse me, I'm Speaking" when he kept interrupting her and cutting her off. This term became famous for a lot of women and I thought it was fitting since this is a podcast and I'm literally 'speaking' my mind on women in business as well as being an introvert and a highly sensitive person in life and in business in an 'extroverted' and 'non-sensitive' world. A lot of my episodes are 'Love Letters' to Introverts, HSP’s and Neurodivergents. www.westelizabeth.com

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