Finnish Education Perspectives

Melissa Georgiou
Podcast Finnish Education Perspectives

Finland attracts a lot of attention about its education system. Listen to interviews with some of Finland's top education experts. You'll hear about ways to innovate, and reflect upon, your teaching and leadership practice. This podcast, hosted by Melissa Georgiou is brought to you by Eduten. Finland's #1 Math Learning Platform.

  1. 20.02.2023

    #18 Has Finnish Education Lost its Shine? | William Doyle |

    William Doyle is an award-winning author and TV producer who has produced and programmed hundreds of TV shows for HBO, The History Channel, PBS, and A+E, and has written articles and opinion pieces for CNN, Fox News, Politico, Psychology Today, and the Wall Street Journal. William has served as a Fulbright Scholar and Scholar in Residence at Finland's largest teacher training school, the University of Eastern Finland. He has also served as an advisor to the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. He spent much of his life in New York City and currently lives in Helsinki, where his child attends public school. William and Professor Pasi Sahlberg were appointed Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Resident Fellows to write their book Let the Children Play (Oxford University Press, 2019). Recently, discussions have surfaced about Finnish education 'losing its shine'. William was invited to the podcast to share his thoughts and observations about the topic. In this chat, we delve into William's five-point prescription for improving Finland's future in education. He talked about: Critically rethinking technology in the classroom Promoting books over screen time Addressing specific teacher shortages Boosting physical activity in schools Refocusing Finland's approach to sharing education with the world It was a pleasure to hear William's eloquent and well-researched contribution to the topic. If it resonates with you, please share it with fellow educators to keep the conversation rolling! Link to the Bildung Review by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Connect with William on Twitter here. and LinkedIn here. Browse William's books here. Read The Sisterhood of the Enchanted Forest here. This podcast is brought to you by EDUTEN. Finland's #1 Digital Math Learning Platform. Sign up HERE for a free 4-week trial and your students will never look back! Please follow Eduten on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook.

    40 Min.
  2. 31.01.2023

    #17 Testing in Schools. Does it work? | Michael Lawrence |

    Michael Lawrence is an Australian school teacher with more than 30 years of experience. When he visited Finland to take a look at their world-leading education system, he came away in a state of shock. "Finnish teachers looked at me like I was insane when I described the NAPLAN tests (National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy) given to children as young as eight. With shocked expressions, they asked why Australian teachers allowed this to be done to such young children..." Michael felt that there was no reasonable answer to this. His investigation into what made the Finnish system so successful quickly became an inquiry into why his own (Australian) system wasn't working. The next few years would see more time in Finland interacting with Finnish educators at all levels. Michael's research went deep. He held multiple formal and informal interviews and worked alongside Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences to bring training to Australian teachers. A happy outcome of his profound interest in Finland also led to his book entitled Testing 3-2-1: What Australian education Can Learn from Finland: A Teacher's Perspective. The book tells the story of how Australian education fell behind the world’s best and why Finland came to lead. It's also a guide to how some of Finland’s ideas can be used by teachers and schools to begin to reverse this. In today’s interesting free-flowing discussion, Melissa and Michael discuss: Testing in Australian schools and how Finland compares Creativity in schools and whether we can rank/grade it How teachers can be 'rebels' in their own classrooms Top tips for enhancing teaching and learning with a 'touch of Finland' in your own classroom To contact Michael or buy his book please click here. To read about NAPLAN testing in Australia see here. To connect with Michael on LinkedIn see here. This podcast is brought to you by EDUTEN. Finland's #1 Digital Math Learning Platform. Sign up HERE for a free 4-week trial and your students will never look back! Please follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook.

    1 Std. 14 Min.
  3. #16 Finnish Education Travels to Latin America | Isidora Rojas | En Español/ Special Spanish Edition!


    #16 Finnish Education Travels to Latin America | Isidora Rojas | En Español/ Special Spanish Edition!

    En Español: En este podcast (edición especial) platicamos con Isidora Rojas, coordinadora de innovación educativa de la empresa chilena Momento Cero. Isidora nos cuenta sus intereses personales en la educación, los que son compatibles con los de Momento Cero a la vez. Nos explica a la vez los retos y desafíos a los que Momento Cero se enfrenta al tener como objetivo la introducción de la digitalización educativa en Latino América. Por último expresa las experiencias positivas y los retos a vencer en el uso de la plataforma #1 para la enseñanza de las matemáticas, Eduten de Finlandia. In English: In this (special edition, Spanish language) podcast we talk with Isidora Rojas, coordinator of educational innovation at the Chilean company Momento Cero. Isidora tells us about her personal interests in education, which are compatible with those of Momento Cero. At the same time, she explains the challenges that Momento Cero faces when advocating the digitization of education across Latin America. Finally, she expresses the positive experiences and challenges she overcame when using Eduten from Finland. To find out more about Momento Cero, investigate here: Eduten in Spanish: This podcast is brought to you by EDUTEN. Finland's #1 Digital Math Learning Platform. Sign up HERE for a free 4-week trial and your students will never look back! Please follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook

    32 Min.
  4. #15 Curiosity, Compassion and Computer Science | Linda Liukas |


    #15 Curiosity, Compassion and Computer Science | Linda Liukas |

    Linda Liukas is a programmer, storyteller and illustrator from Helsinki, Finland. Her book series Hello Ruby introduces the whimsical world of technology to kids and has now been translated into over 25 languages. Her fabulous TED talk about ‘A delightful way to teach kids about computers’ has been viewed over 2 million times. Linda is a key figure in the world of programming and worked in edutech before it was called that. She’s the founder of Rails Girls, a global phenomenon teaching the basics of programming to young women all over the world. She believes that code is 21st-century literacy and the need for people to speak the ABC of Programming is here. She also believes our world is increasingly run by software and we need more diversity in the people who are building it. Linda has studied business, design and engineering at Aalto University and product engineering at Stanford University. She is the recipient of many awards including Ruby Hero, Digital Champion of Finland and the State Award for Children’s Culture. In today's talk we listen to Linda's sharp intellect, and melodic voice, reflect about: 💎The best and most challenging parts of the Finnish education system. 💎The role of technology in growing and developing as a human being. 💎How curiosity and connection during childhood can make meaningful technology experiences regardless of the medium. 💎Bridging the gap between emotions and technology. To find out more about Linda Liukas: Excellent, free resource by Linda that encourages practical, tactile computer science pedagogy: Free teaching material that teaches computer science without a computer: Free helpful and engaging online computer lessons and curriculum: This podcast is brought to you by EDUTEN. Finland's #1 Digital Math Learning Platform. Sign up HERE for a free 4-week trial and your students will never look back! Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn

    35 Min.
  5. 08.11.2021

    #11 In Teachers We Trust| Pasi Sahlberg |

    Dubbed ‘the face of Finnish education abroad’, Pasi Sahlberg is a passionate educator, author and researcher. Currently, he’s the Professor of Education Policy at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.  Pasi’s professional background is varied, but the common thread throughout his service is equity in education and trust in teachers. He has served as a Senior Education Specialist at the World Bank, as a Lead Education Expert at the European Training Foundation, as Director-General at Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture, and as a visiting Professor of Practice at Harvard University. He is the recipient of several awards for his lifelong service in education and also for his writing. It was hard to contain my excitement (and chatter) while speaking with Pasi. In this podcast the themes discussed were: The concept of trust and how it works in schools. How to build a trust-based culture within a school. How Finland emerged as a trust-based education system after years of top-down control. Inequality and inequity in Australian and Finnish education. Accountability in education. A conversation that’s sure to get you thinking about trust in education and how it transpires in a variety of settings. Pasi’s website can be found here: Follow him on Twitter here: His latest book with Tim Walker, In Teachers we Trust: The Finnish Way to World-Class Schools  This podcast is brought to you by EDUTEN. Finland's #1 Digital Math Learning Platform. Sign up HERE for a free 4-week trial and your students will never look back! Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn

    46 Min.


Finland attracts a lot of attention about its education system. Listen to interviews with some of Finland's top education experts. You'll hear about ways to innovate, and reflect upon, your teaching and leadership practice. This podcast, hosted by Melissa Georgiou is brought to you by Eduten. Finland's #1 Math Learning Platform.

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