FutureTech Podcast

Podcast FutureTech Podcast

Podcast interviews with genius-level (top .1%) practitioners, scientists, researchers, clinicians and professionals in Cancer, 3D Bio Printing, CRISPR-CAS9, Ketogenic Diets, the Microbiome, Extracellular Vesicles, and more. Subscribe today for the latest medical, health and bioscience insights from geniuses in their field(s).

  1. 09.03.2020

    Emerging Technologies, and the Tools That Are Changing How We Do Business in the 21st Century – Jamie Burke, Founder and CEO of Outlier Ventures

    Jamie Burke, Founder, and CEO of Outlier Ventures provides an overview of bitcoin and blockchain and the ways that companies can aggressively push their businesses forward with emerging technologies. Burke is a pioneer in the blockchain industry. As Europe's 1st Web 3.0 blockchain venture builder, he and his team have pushed forward on utilizing blockchain as a significant key to emerging trends (AI, Mixed Reality, IoT, and Autonomous Robotics) that will play key roles in multiple industries such as Industry 4.0, eGovt, Health, Mobility, and Smart Cities. Burke talks about his background in blockchain and cryptocurrency. He explains that he wanted to launch Outlier Ventures as a means to deal with the technology and tools that would be fundamentally changing the web and how it is structured, and subsequently society as a whole. Discovering bitcoin, he decided to immerse himself in the space, studying the technology, rooting out the problems, and identifying areas that could be improved upon. Burke discusses the disconnect with proprietary business models building on open source technologies, meaning that even if an entity could create something truly unique, there was the problem of someone else potentially coming in and copying what you’ve created, and doing it at a lower price even. The technology guru explains the many ways that Outlier Ventures can assist companies, as an advisor or board member, helping them find the most efficient and aggressive ways to utilize emerging technologies. As he discusses, Outlier Ventures can help them design their token economy or assist them in designing their governance model. He explains how their staff of analysts really dig into the technology and the technology layers to maximize a company’s market-forward position. Continuing, Burke talks about how Outlier Ventures invests in projects that reinforce their previous investments, which is a markedly different approach than what is considered a traditional VC path in which investments are diversified to offset risk. Burke is a regular speaker at various conferences around the globe, and throughout his career he has amassed a strong network of significant corporate partners, investors, and government agencies as well, working together to build better tech for the benefit of many industries.

    29 Min.
  2. 04.03.2020

    Understanding Magnetism – Ronald T. Merrill, Professor Emeritus of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington – An Overview of Physics Principles, Magnetism, and How Animals Navigate Using Magnetic Fields

    Ronald T. Merrill, Professor Emeritus of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington, and author of, Our Magnetic Earth: The Science of Geomagnetism, engages in a lively discussion about multiple broad concepts of science, the Earth’s magnetic field, and geomagnetism. Podcast Points: What is magnetism? What has modern science learned from past experiments in physics? How do animals use magnetism to guide them? Professor Merrill discusses magnetism, which as he states is a broad field that covers a lot of information, from physics to geology. Magnetism, simply defined, is a class of physical experiences/occurrences that are mediated by magnetic fields. The professor discusses his areas of interest within the general topic of magnetism, such as the Earth’s magnetic field, its properties, what creates it, etc. Professor Merrill discusses the basic properties of magnetism. He explains how animals in nature sense, and use, magnetic fields. He provides examples of various animals and how they use magnetic fields, such as salmon, birds, etc. Continuing, the professor discusses the strength of magnetic fields, and how animals use tools for navigation, smell being one, and magnetic fields being another. He provides some examples of single-cell organisms and how they use magnetic fields to find their ideal environments to live and thrive.  Going deeper, Professor Merrill talks about other species, and their use of magnetic fields, from bats to mole rats. In regard to humans, some scientists believe that we may have a magnetic sense, although Professor Merrill is quite skeptical at this point. He talks about some Cal Tech experiments that have contributed to further understanding of magnetic fields, and the possibility of whether humans have a magnetic sense. Professor Merrill states that magnetic fields can reverse periodically, and he explains varied conditions that can produce irregularity. Professor Merrill discusses the Earth’s core and he provides information on electrical currents in relation to magnetic fields.  Wrapping up, the scientific professor provides his thoughts on some historical physics as it relates to magnetism, citing the work of William Gilbert, “the father of experimental physics.”

    39 Min.
  3. 04.03.2020

    Quantum Technologies and Quantum Control Systems with Dr. Itamar Sivan

    Dr. Sivan describes some the basics and the intricacies of quantum computing. When you listen, you'll learn about the difference between classical computers and quantum processors, the weaknesses involved in the quantum system such as the paradox between necessary binary isolations and interaction, and how these systems may impact the future in technologies such as machine learning and AI. Dr. Itamar Sivan is the co-founder of Quantum Machines. His background includes extensive studies in quantum technologies and quantum-control systems. He obtained a master's degree from Oxford University in quantum optics and the physics of cold atoms and his PhD was on quantum physics and quantum computing combined with an entrepreneurship angle.  This discussion explores much of his present work as well as the tension between what quantum technologies are capable of accomplishing and what limits come in the delicate nature of the quantum-control systems.  His company, Quantum Machines or QM, develops the quantum orchestration platform. In other words, they develop hardware and software systems that run complex algorithms on quantum processors. He explains that technology can be leveraged into running algorithms into pretty much any quantum processor. He also discusses the advances and challenges as the exponential power of the quantum system is not fully utilized.  He comments that the race for technology for the quantum world involves expanding processors to be bigger and more stable. Finally, he explains what these advances may impact and how everyday life might be affected.  For more, see his company's website: https://www.quantum-machines.co/

    38 Min.
  4. 02.03.2020

    Freedom of Movement, Evolution, and Nature's Hierarchy System: Dr. Bejan Talks about His New Book

    Mechanical engineering professor Dr. Adrian Bejan explains how his new book takes on the hierarchy system of natural movement. He explains the gist of this theory by discussing how from an engineering point of view, evolution is possible because movement is possible, why this freedom of movement makes change possible, and how this freedom of movement and change means hierarchy is unavoidable. In this podcast Dr. Adrian Bejan, distinguished professor at Duke University and author of more than thirty books, discusses the ideas that propel his new book, Freedom and Evolution: Hierarchy in Nature, Society and Science.  He explains connections between different disciplines to give a fuller picture of his idea. For example, he discusses the impact of society on science such that in technology, we talk in terms of evolution toward greater economy, easier life, and greater health. He asserts that these improvements and directions are due to changes that are possible because these moving parts have the freedom to change. He provides one example central to the approach in his new book: he tells listeners to think of evolution as a universal phenomenon and evokes an aerial view of the Mississippi river basin. He discusses the constant readjustment of the small tributaries due to force and movement. Essential however and evocative of the impact of society on science is the hierarchical nature of these relationships.  Ultimately what you see, he says, is the cohabiting of the few large with the many small: the big channel is not exploiting the many small, but rather the hierarchy works together in stasis or harmony. For more information, find his new book , Freedom and Evolution: Hierarchy in Nature, Society and Science for sale through most booksellers including Amazon and see his page on the Duke web site: https://mems.duke.edu/faculty/adrian-bejan

    35 Min.
  5. 28.02.2020

    Quantum Questions – Denise Ruffner, Chief Business Officer, Cambridge Quantum Computing – Thoughts on the Coming Wave of Quantum Computing

    Denise Ruffner, Chief Business Officer, Cambridge Quantum Computing, discusses quantum computing. Denise Ruffner, as Chief Business Officer at Cambridge Quantum Computing, is a valuable member of the company’s executive leadership. Ruffner coordinates and oversees Cambridge Quantum Computing’s business development activities that build upon and support their active growth agenda, client development, corporate strategy, and important relationships. Denise earned her master’s degree in Neurobiology and Molecular Biology from the University of Pittsburgh. Podcast Points: What is quantum computing? As technology develops, so do ways to hack into environments. What can be done? An overview of encryption Ruffner discusses the details of her company, Cambridge Quantum Computing, and what quantum computing really is all about. She talks about the development of software for quantum computers, and the security devices they develop that can protect against quantum computers potentially breaking security environments. She explains the power of these quantum computer juggernauts, and how they will have the power to break through standard computer encryption safety walls. So companies that hold sensitive data need to start thinking about how they can protect confidential data. Ruffner explains their projects in development that use quantum physics to create non-hackable environments.  Expanding on her discussion, Ruffner talks about the scientists and teams involved in various projects in quantum finance and more at Cambridge Quantum Computing. She provides an overview of some of the projects and products she finds extremely interesting. She discusses t|ket⟩™ which is their software package that allows you to write quantum algorithms on top of it, and ultimately enables users to move their software and run it on different devices. As she states, there is a race in the quantum computer industry, and operating software can be quite varied, thus t|ket⟩™ provides a platform to move software and run algorithms on different devices seamlessly. t|ket⟩™ translates machine independent algorithms into truly executable circuits, and thereby optimizes for physical qubit layout, all the while reducing the total number of required operations. Continuing, Ruffner discusses quantum volume and the details of it. Wrapping up, Ruffner discusses some of the scientific problems that can be addressed with quantum computing, and the complex computational problems that still cannot be solved even with supercomputers, and how quantum computing can help.

    26 Min.
  6. 27.02.2020

    Studies in Psychiatry – Guillermo A. Cecchi, Research Staff Member, Computational Neuroscience at IBM – The Current State of Computational Neuroscience Research

    Guillermo A. Cecchi, Research Staff Member, Computational Neuroscience at IBM, discusses his background and the current state of computational neuroscience research. Podcast Points: What can we learn from neuroimaging? Is it possible to predict psychotic outbreaks? An update on new ALS research   Dr. Cecchi has an extensive background in Physics (MSc, University of La Plata, Argentina); in Physics and Biology (PhD, The Rockefeller University); as well as in Imaging in Psychiatry (Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University). In this podcast, Cecchi discusses much of his current research. Dr. Cecchi has broken ground in the use of a computational linguistics approach to assess psychiatric conditions. He provides an overview of his work in computational psychiatry and the use of neuroimaging. Dr. Cecchi’s particular interests are in the varied aspects of theoretical biology, such as brain imaging, molecular computation, Brownian transport, spike reliability in neurons, the song production and representation in diverse songbirds, statistics of natural images as well as visual perception, and more. The computational neuroscientist discusses their work with adolescents who have a clinical risk for psychosis. As he explains, they conducted baseline interviews then followed patients for several years, to see if it is possible to predict which patients would have dramatic psychotic outbreaks, in an attempt to better understand how to work with patients, predict upcoming problems, and provide better early treatment. Dr. Cecchi explains how they observe speech and patterns, and interpret signs and signals. The research doctor goes on to discuss parameters they consider in their studies, and as he states, certain factors can be significant. He explains studies that have been successful in the identification of speech markers, and the factors that are involved, looking at baseline, and considering future trials. Dr. Cecchi cites further examples of their work researching ALS, and how they use data collected from smartphones, in order to observe deterioration, motor activity, and cognitive aspects over time. As Dr. Cecchi states, the goal on some of their work is to create a model that can be brought to the FDA, in order to eventually provide better treatment.

    35 Min.


Podcast interviews with genius-level (top .1%) practitioners, scientists, researchers, clinicians and professionals in Cancer, 3D Bio Printing, CRISPR-CAS9, Ketogenic Diets, the Microbiome, Extracellular Vesicles, and more. Subscribe today for the latest medical, health and bioscience insights from geniuses in their field(s).

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