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OnePerfect Shift is an audio letter from a psychologist that shifts you into a better state of mind anytime. Each post gives you a fresh look at your relationship to your mind and reminds you how much control you can have over your life experience.


SHIFT Dr. Sean Sullivan

    • Gesundheit und Fitness

OnePerfect Shift is an audio letter from a psychologist that shifts you into a better state of mind anytime. Each post gives you a fresh look at your relationship to your mind and reminds you how much control you can have over your life experience.


    Shift Your Buzz

    Shift Your Buzz

    Every cell of our bodies is born of energy and filled with energy.
    Our cells interact with each other to produce our experience of life.
    We're energetic beings.
    We can connect with the awareness of ourselves as energy beings by making what I call the Epic Shift
    So let's do it now.
    First, say to yourself “I'm making a journey into my inner world to connect to silence” — the energy of life that flows through you.

    Now, feel the silence — feel that energy flowing through you by allowing 100% of your attention to focus into your body.

    Just feel your body with 100% of your attention.

    Notice the tingling sensations percolating on your skin

    Allow any thoughts that arise as you focus your attention in your body to melt right back into the energy of silence flowing through you.

    Only feeling.
    No thinking.

    If you get distracted anytime, don't judge yourself.
    Just bring your attention back to noticing the energy that is your buzzing body.
    Let’s sit together in silence.
    Just feel the buzz of your body.

    Feel the aliveness of your body

    Okay, perfect.
    Now, direct your attention away from that silent buzzing of your body — and toward listening outside your body.
    Listen to the outer world.
    Listen to any sounds that arise that you may usually not notice.

    Allow your hovering attention to listen to life.

    Be open and receptive to the world.

    And again, if you get distracted during this task, same thing — don't judge yourself.
    Know that you can bring your attention back to the task you're focused on — listening with 100% of your attention.

    Listening strengthens your attention.
    It moves you more consistently toward living in presence with full attention.

    Let's listen together.

    Now see if you can feel the tingling in your body as you listen to the outer world buzzing too.

    Can you feel your body as part of the buzzing silence of life?

    Feel it.

    Have a great rest of your day.
    I'll talk to you soon.
    Stay present,
    The OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.
    Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.oneperfectshift.com

    • 3 Min.
    Shift Your Daily Emotional Cycle

    Shift Your Daily Emotional Cycle

    Let's take a long, deep breath together.
    How are you?

    How about a couple long, deep breaths?

    I hope things are good.
    I've been looking forward to saying hello for a little bit here.
    Have you been living in a present state of mind and body lately?
    It's worth taking stock of that.
    When you take stock, you tend to prioritize it more moving forward.
    So, how present have you been feeling lately?

    Related that topic, one way to think about yourself, and your mental health, and your wellness, and really, your day, is to recognize that we each go through emotional patterns that repeat every day.
    Think about a 24-hour day as an emotional cycle.
    If you were to map one 24-hour period to another one within some close proximity in time, in all likelihood you would see enormous overlap in the emotional patterns that you roll through during the course of each 24 hours.
    We often think of the content that's causing or provoking our emotional cycles to be the important thing to pay attention to.
    However, the reality is that if you have an existing pattern of emotion that you repeat regularly — and we all do — then you should instead focus on noticing what that pattern is for you if you want to better understand yourself and your mental wellness.
    Developing a baseline understanding of your repeating emotional patterns, and how to improve your patterns, (e.g., by learning to shift your emotional state when you choose to), is incredibly helpful for feeling connected to the present moment of your life more often.
    To put that a bit more concretely…
    You might wake up in the middle of the night stressed during one of your emotional cycles.
    And or, you might wake up happy in the morning.
    Later in the day, you might feel guilty.
    Maybe you feel guilty because something happened during the day, or maybe it’s because you tend to feel guilty regularly as part of a repeating emotional pattern of yours.
    If you do feel shame or guilty regularly, your mind is managing to consistently populate with content (e.g., thoughts, conversation, media, etc.) that provokes you to feel of guilt or shame regularly.
    In some future Shift, we’ll walk through a process for evaluating your pattern for yourself. For today, we’ll just notice the fact that we each experience repeating emotional patterns.
    Noticing any aspect of your patterns can help you become more aware of how your mental health is evolving, or revolving, repetitively each day. Knowing that your emotional patterns exist makes it easier to recognize them run the future.
    Once you notice a repeating emotion, you're in a position to do something about it.
    And what is it that we do about it?
    We Shift.
    We learn how to recognize that when we’re feeling guilty it may just be because we feel guilty regularly (for example) and not for some reason that you actually should feel guilt, or shame, or anger, or frustration, or whatever the repeating emotion might be for you.
    So let’s take a long, deep breath and notice how we feel right now.

    Relax your shoulders.

    Relax your arms.

    Sink into your space.

    Set an intention to be 100% present for the next minute or two.

    Sink deeper into your space.

    Feel your body weight against your seat.

    Allow your head to fall backwards if you want to.

    If that feels good for you, relax even further.

    Now, close your eyes with me — if you're in a place where that's a safe thing to do.
    Set the intention to be a 100% present again.

    Listen to life and feel life on your skin at the same time now.
    Focus 100%

    • 6 Min.
    Energy Shift

    Energy Shift

    Let's take a long, deep breath.

    Let's take another longer, deeper breath.

    I hope you're having a great one.
    The focus of this Shift is managing your energy level.
    A variety of strategies can move your energy level around.
    Today, we're going shift our attention in different ways while noticing how alive and awake we feel.
    Can you feel the air on your skin right now, for example?

    If you want to shift into a better energy state, noticing your body is helpful.
    Take your shirt off if you need help feeling the air brushing against your skin.
    If you walk with your shirt off, you'll more clearly feel air brushing against your skin.

    Take another deep breath and feel the air on your skin.

    Are you fully present to the sensations?

    Next, notice the thoughts flowing through your mind for a few seconds.

    Are your thoughts swirling at a fast or slow pace right now?
    Unless it's intentional (if you’re in your creative zone, for example) fast, swirling thoughts usually mean that you’re not feeling present.
    If you're feeling low energy, and you're having swirling thoughts, it’s likely a cue that you're not currently fully awake and present.
    It’s the same principle when you close your eyes and listen.
    Let's try that next.
    Take another deep breath and close your eyes and listen as you notice your energy level.

    Can you notice your energy level rising?

    Even if listening with your eyes closed settles you down, it can also raise your available energy.

    Can you feel your level of aliveness and awakeness growing as you listen?

    Notice how alert you are?

    Can you feel your presence raising your available energy?

    Shifting into presence consolidates your available energy.
    Let's listen to life and be fully present together for 30 seconds now.

    Keep 100% of your attention on listening to life in this moment.

    Whenever you're not in a good energy state, ask yourself: Am I present?
    Take another long, deep breath.

    Let’s just be here together for a little while longer, listening to life.

    Allow your shoulders to relax.

    Allow your body to relax fully.

    Feel your body weight on whatever you're pressing against.
    Just feel the weight of your body for a moment.

    Take a few more deep breaths.

    Again, focus 100% of your attention on listening to life.

    Listen with your ears.

    Listen with your body.

    Be present with me for a while longer.

    If you get distracted, Shift back into presence.
    Place 100% of your attention on listening to life.

    When gratitude starts to flow, you're in the sweet spot.


    • 7 Min.
    Shift Into Now

    Shift Into Now

    Let's take a few minutes of pure, unadulterated, me-disappearing-into-now time.
    Take a deep breath.

    Resettle into your space.

    Remind yourself to be comfortable.

    Allow your body to relax.

    Maybe stretch your neck a little bit.

    Move your head from side to side.

    Allow your shoulders and your arms to fall toward the ground.

    Let go of everything — except your awareness of sensations.


    Relax into this moment.

    Notice your body's tingling.

    Notice where your body touches against whatever you're sitting on or lying on.

    Allow your head to fall back a bit into perfect comfort.

    Melt into your space.

    Melt into the seat — or the mattress, if you're lying down.

    I think of it as melting into the cushion.

    Enjoy right now.

    Enjoy this eternal moment feeding you, rejuvenating you.

    Just be relaxed for a while


    Love life.

    Let life be.

    Stay present,
    The OnePerfect Shift app is free to you if your employer or school subscribes your community.
    Contact us for a team trial or try it on iPhone or Android today.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.oneperfectshift.com

    • 2 Min.
    The Breakthrough Mindset Shift

    The Breakthrough Mindset Shift

    Let's take a long, deep breath.

    Relax your shoulders.

    Allow your arms to fall toward the ground as you settle in.

    I’ve been asked about what mindset ‘breakthroughs’ I've experienced that have contributed to feeling more present, more consistently.
    We all have fantasies about what we hope might happen in our lives — what we, and our lives, might ‘become’ in the future.
    A powerful realization is that when some version of your personal fantasy becomes reality, it will likely simply mean that you've learned to conduct a larger orchestra within whatever domain your personal development(s) (i.e., your personal mastery, or expertise, or growth) has occurred during your life.
    The second half of that ‘breakthrough mindset’ is recognizing that being a ‘player’ in the orchestra of life can always be as beautiful a part of your life’s journey as conducting an orchestra can be.
    They are different in type, not kind.
    When you’re deeply present, you are as fully alive as you can ever be.
    When you’re fully embodying your life’s unique journey, sometimes you're playing solo, other times you’re playing in the orchestra, and other times you may be conducting.
    That mindset helps keep you from distorting your fantasies about what the future may or may not bring, while also acknowledging that by consistently attending to the present moment you’re living an unfathomably complex and beautiful existence.
    Your orchestra may grow, or not, throughout your life.
    Regardless, that ‘breakthrough mindset’ encourages you to return your attention to the present moment always — which deepens your unique relationship to life throughout your life.
    That’s why I find it so powerful.
    Take another long, deep breath and listen to life with me with 100% of your attention.

    Allow that idea to sink in a bit, if it resonates.

    100% focus, right here.

    Getting in touch with a sense of yourself as a conductor, an orchestra player AND a soloist can release you from ‘future fear’ too.
    The mindset releases you from distortions in your fantasies about what success or failure ‘must’ to look like for you.
    Imagining your life as being better in the future can subtly imply to yourself that the present moment will always be a problem — which is a self-defeating mindset.
    Instead of trying to control the future, the breakthrough mindset shifts you into living this moment fully.
    It shifts you back into awareness that your life is always taking place in this perfect present moment.
    Invariably, the breakthrough mindset reminder returns your attention to listening to life to live fully right now.
    So let’s do that.
    Let’s listen in full presence together for a little while longer.

    Feel life flowing into and through you.

    The breakthrough mindset is also a reminder that the most wonderful experiences of our lives so often occur when we feel deeply embedded with others — with family, friendship, and or, community.
    Within those containers of love, you know and feel yourself as a singular aspect of this miraculous symphony we share.

    Let's take one more long, deep breath and shift again with the breakthrough mindset.

    The best reminder of life’s never-ending beauty comes from placing your attention fully in the present moment.


    • 6 Min.
    Shift The Noise

    Shift The Noise

    Let's take a long, deep breath.

    Take another deep breath and relax your shoulders and arms.

    Maybe find a seat if you're standing, or lie down if you choose.

    Breathe deeply.

    Set the intention to be fully present for a little while.

    Place all your attention in the present moment, right here.

    Shift your attention to listening to ALL the sounds of life now.

    Use any moments of distraction, like a refrigerator in the background, or a car driving by, as reminders that when you get distracted you can get annoyed.
    Remember, those moments of distraction, of annoyance even, can become cues to come back into the present moment.
    To take another deep breath and listen even more deeply.
    Then, feel as presence emerges.

    Every sound can become a part of the whole of life — and annoy you less.

    All sound is life.

    You are 30-trillion cells buzzing as life.
    You get to have life flow through you as you — as your life — each moment.
    You get to play with that.
    You get to experiment with that.
    You get to learn about it for a lifetime.
    Listen and feel.

    Let’s take one full minute with our eyes open now, just looking around our space listening with 100% of our attention.
    Notice how the flavor of your presence changes as your listen.
    That's how you explore your inner world as you explore your outer world.

    Now, settle on a single object — listen to it and see it with all your attention.
    Notice something about it you've never noticed before.
    There are many things you haven't noticed about this object before.
    Reflections of light, shadows — things that could only exist at this exact moment, with this exact lighting, on this exact day.

    You are changing all the time too.
    So “who” is seeing the object has changed since the last time you saw it as well.
    What do you see now?

    Feel what's occurring in your inner world shifting as you focus on something new about your object.

    What happens for you when you merge all of your attention into the object?

    Can you feel gratitude pouring into you from being present?
    Let’s spend ~20 more seconds sitting together in silence.

    Be 100% here.

    Allow any thoughts that arise to immediately fade away.

    • 6 Min.

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