The Q & A with Rabbi Breitowitz Podcast

Rabbi Dr Yitzchak Breitowitz
The Q & A with Rabbi Breitowitz Podcast

Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz's weekly Question and Answer sessions at Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem. A Project of Questions? Comments? We'd love to hear from you at:

  1. 15. OKT.

    Q&A: Sleeping in the Sukkah, Kvitels & Running Away

    Dedication opportunities are available for episodes and series at   Questions? Comments?   Yeshivat Ohr Somayach located in the heart of Jerusalem, is an educational institution for young Jewish English-speaking men. We have a range of classes and programs designed for the intellectually curious and academically inclined - for those with no background in Jewish learning to those who are proficient in Gemara and other original source material. To find the perfect program for you, please visit our website​ whatsapp us at or call our placement specialist at 1-254-981-0133 today!   Subscribe to the Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast at   Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at   9 October 2024 00:00 - 7:06  Should I always tell someone that they’re Jewish if they had not known? 7:07 - 12:30  What is the explanation of the Khazar people? 12:31 - 20:00  Why are Jews so successful in the world, yet having such a small population? 20:01 - 25:48  How do we know the passing down of the Oral Torah is legitimate? 25:49 - 30:40  How do we know the prophecies of the ‘new temple’ refers to the Messianic Redemption, perhaps it was referring to The Second Temple? 30:41 - 37:30 Why is it so important to Daven to Hashem through the Nusach of the Siddur? 37:31 - 42:30 If my free will is restricted as a result of my sins, how can I be punished for decisions made beyond the point of restriction? Are any future sins the will of God? 42:31 - 47:05 If I have free will and everyone else has free will then how can there be divine providence? 47:06 - 50:22 What is the range of my free will? 50:23 - 56:10 Why don’t Chabad sleep in the Sukkah? 56:11 - 01:00:00 Why do we continue to apply some Takanos of Chazal but not others? 01:00:01 - 01:05:22 What is the origin of having a party at age 13, a bar mitzvah? 01:05:23 - 01:08:00 Do we still practice Halitzah even if the woman has to wait many years to receive it? 01:08:01 - 01:11:00 How can I enjoy Gemara more? 01:11:01 - 01:14:55 How can we have faith in difficult times? 01:14:56 - 01:18:50 How do techiyas hamesim and olam haba work? 01:18:51 - 01:21:35 When I answer questions about Judaism should I answer truthfully or modify my answer to accommodate their beliefs? 01:21:36 - 01:23:54 What is the significance of a kvitel(prayer-note)? 01:23:55 - 01:29:30 The Mesilas Yesharim says teshuva can only work from chesed. How can it be that Hashem overlooks the reality of what happened? 01:29:31 - 01:32:22 Can we build the third temple without Gog uMagog etc? 01:32:23 - 01:36:25 What did the European Rabbis tell people to do before the holocaust in regard to fleeing to America? 01:36:26 - 01:39:00 Why are Drashos D’Oraissa if they were not commanded by God? 01:39:01 What is the Avodah of Yom Kippur and Shabbos?   You can listen to this and many other Ohr Somayach programs by downloading our app, on Apple and Google Play, and all major podcast platforms. Visit us @  PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS

    1 Std. 43 Min.
  2. 10. OKT.

    Q&A: Learning vs Outreach, Why Gemara & Cash Advance

    SIGN UP!: UPCOMING LIVE Q&A!   Dedication opportunities are available for episodes and series at   Questions? Comments?   Yeshivat Ohr Somayach located in the heart of Jerusalem, is an educational institution for young Jewish English-speaking men. We have a range of classes and programs designed for the intellectually curious and academically inclined - for those with no background in Jewish learning to those who are proficient in Gemara and other original source material. To find the perfect program for you, please visit our website​ whatsapp us at or call our placement specialist at 1-254-981-0133 today!   Subscribe to the Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast at   Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at   00:00 - 21:14 The controversy of the Ralbag 21:15 - 30:39 What is a higher spiritual level, to learn Torah or to bring others closer to Hashem? 30:40 - 32:39 The Gemoro says it is forbidden to fill one’s mouth with laughter, what does this mean today? 32:40 - 42:17 What is the role of Mussar in Rosh Hashana? 42:18 - 51:54 Why does the Torah prohibit continued social contact with former spouses and significant others? 51:55 - 1:02:07 Why does the Yeshivah world put more emphasis on Gemoro than other learnings? 1:02:08 - 1:04:47 Can you count a person who breaks Shabbas for a Minyan or give them an Aliyah? 1:04:48 - 1:08:00 What is the pshat of the Maharsha of Rebi Yehuda who was cholek on his Rebi? 1:08:01 - 1:12:11 How should we approach Sha’ar Yichud of Chovos HaLevavos? 1:12:12 - 1:16:00 In Elul, how does a person know if he’s going too fast or too slow? 1:16:01 - If a Kohen is getting an Aliyah and he is still in Tachanun, what should he do? 1:17:00 - 1:18:55 In what was said above about the Ralbag, could that be related to the idea that ‘history repeats itself’ 1:18:56 - 1:20:03 If I come late to the Minyan should I skip Pesukei D’Zimra? 1:20:04 - 1:23:12 If Olam Haba is such a fundamental principle of Judaism, why is not mentioned in the Torah? 1:23:13 - 1:26:08 If Olam Haba is the greatest point, what can one’s relationship be with their body? 1:26:09 - 1:30:03 ‘God loves me I don’t have to do Mitzvahs anymore’, how would the Rav respond to this? 1:30:04 - 1:31:14 Is one allowed to work in cash advance jobs?   You can listen to this and many other Ohr Somayach programs by downloading our app, on Apple and Google Play, and all major podcast platforms. Visit us @  PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS

    1 Std. 32 Min.
  3. 25. SEPT.

    Q&A: Curses, Rap Music & University

    SIGN UP!: UPCOMING LIVE Q&A!   Dedication opportunities are available for episodes and series at   Questions? Comments?   Yeshivat Ohr Somayach located in the heart of Jerusalem, is an educational institution for young Jewish English-speaking men. We have a range of classes and programs designed for the intellectually curious and academically inclined - for those with no background in Jewish learning to those who are proficient in Gemara and other original source material. To find the perfect program for you, please visit our website​ whatsapp us at or call our placement specialist at 1-254-981-0133 today!   Subscribe to the Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast at   Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at 00:00-18:33 What exactly are the curses mentioned in the Tocheicha in Devarim? 18:34 - 21:42 Who tends to be the Tanna Kama on the Mishnah? 21:43 - 27:37 At the end of a siyum we say ‘We get up and they get up’, who are ‘they’? 27:38 - 34:44 Can a country like America be blessed by Hashem despite not exactly following the Noahide laws? 34:45 - 40:18 The Gemoro says one cannot go to Roman entertainment, does this apply to the entertainment today? 40:19 - 51:28 Would Talmud Torah in the nineteenth century have slowed down the Haskala movement? 51:29 - 1:00:38 How can a machlokes Tannaim or Amoraim both be correct? 1:00:39 - 1:02:16 When Moshiach comes what will the Code of Law be for the Jews? 1:02:17 - 1:04:55 Does the generation from the desert have a share in Olam Haba? 1:04:56 - 1:11:11 What is the Rav’s position on Chabad?  1:11:12 - 1:17:58 If there is no Sanhedrin today, how do we know who to follow today? 1:17:59 - 1:21:11 If I have to be at a certain place quickly can I say birkas Hamazon while walking or driving rather than sitting in a fixed place? 1:21:12 - 1:28:49 What is the Rav’s position on kosher rap music? 1:28:50 - 1:30:14 Is there a source that the spirit of Shabbas goes down after Musaf? 1:30:15 - 1:32:52 Is it heretical to say the Zohar is on the same level as a Midrash? 1:32:53 - 1:35:53 Should I listen to my parents if they want me to leave Yeshivah and go to university?   You can listen to this and many other Ohr Somayach programs by downloading our app, on Apple and Google Play, and all major podcast platforms. Visit us @  PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS

    1 Std. 37 Min.
  4. 22. SEPT.

    Q&A: Anti-Zionism, Church Music & Jewish Education

    SIGN UP!: UPCOMING LIVE Q&A!   Dedication opportunities are available for episodes and series at   Questions? Comments?   Yeshivat Ohr Somayach located in the heart of Jerusalem, is an educational institution for young Jewish English-speaking men. We have a range of classes and programs designed for the intellectually curious and academically inclined - for those with no background in Jewish learning to those who are proficient in Gemara and other original source material. To find the perfect program for you, please visit our website​ whatsapp us at or call our placement specialist at 1-254-981-0133 today!   Subscribe to the Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast at   Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at 00:00 - 8:50 Did Hashem prohibit something because it’s bad or vice versa? 8:51- 12:00 Should the Jewish people be called the indigenous people of Israel? 12:01- 15:28 Should we educate Jews who are becoming frum with every detail? 15:29 - 16:40 Can I think about Hashem in the bathroom? 16:41 - 21:00 Is it permitted to listen to church music? 21:01 - 23:10 Seven books of the Torah? 23:11 - 28:01 If we can change nature through Tefilah, yet there were times when Tefilah wasn’t strong enough, why is that? 28:02 - 31:23 Why do people stand up when a chosson and kallah walk in? 31:24 - 44:53 In the book of Iyov what is the discussion between Hashem and the Satan? 44:54 - 46:50 What is the meaning of the bracha ‘hanosein layoef koach’? 46:51 - 48:47 Is there a contradiction between the lav of ‘thou shall not take revenge’ and ‘whoever spills the blood of one, their blood shall be spilt’? 48:48 - 59:25 What exactly is the idea of ‘lishma’ - ‘for the sake of heaven’? 59:26 - 1:04:41 How do we rectify the machlokes between Rav Saadia Gaon and the Arizal on gilgulim (reincarnations)? 1:04:42 - 1:07:27 If someone has terminal pain and we’re not able to relieve it, what should we daven for? 1:07:28 - 1:12:45 If a person has utter trust in Hashem, why should they pray? 1:12:46 - 1:15:38 If a woman is not able to have children, should they be divorced? 1:15:39 - 1:19:15 Does adopting a children fulfil the mitzvah ‘be fruitful and multiply’? 1:19:16 - 1:23:20 What is the Rav’s view on Neturei Karta? 1:23:21 - 1:26:24 What exactly is Baal Tashgis? 1:26:25 - 1:27:40 What was the situation between Hizkiyahu Melech Yisrael and his son? 1:27:41 - 1:30:00 Is there anything special about seforim being printed in Israel? 1:30:01 - 1:34:50 Is it true to assume that the Sephardim were religious before the creation of the state? 1:34:51 - 1:37:08 Why do Jewish institutions allow for multiple smaller minyans when they can all daven together as one? 1:37:09 - 1:38:43 Does the original Satmar Rebbe feel that having the state of Israel will prevent the coming of Moshiach?   You can listen to this and many other Ohr Somayach programs by downloading our app, on Apple and Google Play, and all major podcast platforms. Visit us @  PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS

    1 Std. 40 Min.
  5. 9. SEPT.

    Q&A: Eliyahu Hanavi, Exile & The Holocaust

    SIGN UP!: UPCOMING LIVE Q&A!   Dedication opportunities are available for episodes and series at   Questions? Comments?   Yeshivat Ohr Somayach located in the heart of Jerusalem, is an educational institution for young Jewish English-speaking men. We have a range of classes and programs designed for the intellectually curious and academically inclined - for those with no background in Jewish learning to those who are proficient in Gemara and other original source material. To find the perfect program for you, please visit our website​ whatsapp us at or call our placement specialist at 1-254-981-0133 today!   Subscribe to the Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast at   Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at   8-7-24 00:00 - What is Eliyahu HaNavi’s biography?   06:44 - Hazal talks about four exiles of Galus. Why is the Galus of Edom assumed to be the last and the one we are currently in?   15:34 - Why does the Gemara repeat itself word for word?   24:10 - When there is no speaker named in the Gemara do we assume it is Ravina and Rav Ashi?   25:10 - What are the minor Tractates?   31:55 - What is כרת, excision of the soul?   38:07 - When Yosef cried on Binyamin’s neck Chazal explains that this is referring to the  destruction of the two temples. Why was this prophecy relevant at that time?   42:55 - When the Pasuk says that brothers were concerned what Yosef would do to them after Yaakov’s death, what exactly were they concerned about?   45:50 - How do we connect to Tisha Ba’Av?   56:48 - Were the Malachim lying when they asked where Sarah was?   01:03:15 - Why did Baalei Mussar find it difficult to accept Mashiach?   01:06:35 - What does it mean Derech Eretz Kadma L’Torah? Does this mean there is morality outside of the Torah?   01:15:50 - Hazal say that Tamar was a Bas Cohen. How does this work chronologically?   01:19:11 - Does we encourage people to convert who have a lot of opposition from their family?   01:25:09 - What are the halachos of a Cohen visiting Auschwitz?   01:27:20 - Did the holocaust lead to the state of Israel?   01:29:55 - What does it mean that it is a Halacha that Esav hates Yaakov?   01:32:35 - Should we encourage goyim to be Christian seeing as Rambam says Christianity is a necessary step from Paganism to belief in God?   01:33:55 - Is the ideal state of the world without a Beis Hamikdash?     You can listen to this and many other Ohr Somayach programs by downloading our app, on Apple and Google Play, and all major podcast platforms. Visit us @  PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS

    1 Std. 37 Min.


Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz's weekly Question and Answer sessions at Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem. A Project of Questions? Comments? We'd love to hear from you at:

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