11 min

170: Making Online Courses Work for You: Proven Tips to Maximise Learning and Success as a Student Seriously in Business: Brand + Design, Marketing and Business

    • Marketing

Have you ever found yourself trapped in the web of an online course, only to emerge months later with barely a dent in your progress bar? We've all been there. But fear not, because today we're diving headfirst into the world of online courses. As a seasoned online course creator and avid learner, I've got a treasure trove of tips to ensure you wring out every drop of value from those digital learning experiences.

Have you ever found yourself trapped in the web of an online course, only to emerge months later with barely a dent in your progress bar? We've all been there. But fear not, because today we're diving headfirst into the world of online courses. As a seasoned online course creator and avid learner, I've got a treasure trove of tips to ensure you wring out every drop of value from those digital learning experiences.

11 min