Be Your Radiant Self with Kylie Anderson

Kylie Anderson
Be Your Radiant Self with Kylie Anderson

Kylie Anderson is the founder of Be Your Radiant Self and is a reiki healer, holistic health coach, personal trainer, massage therapist and mama of two girls. Her mission in life is to inspire and support women everywhere on their journey to reconnecting with themselves and living the life they desire!


  1. The power of honouring yourself : 026


    The power of honouring yourself : 026

    Welcome back! It has been a few months but I am back with a new episode and a new format. Every couple of weeks I will popping into your podcast app with a little wellness tip / experiment for you to try in your own life. Wellness and health should be something that is fun to play around with. We take it too seriously at times and we are all different. So what works for you may not work for me, but I ask you to come and play along. Try new things and see what happens. Keep going with what works and leave the rest. It is all about trial and error. TOPICS I DISCUSS + Explaining the new format I am going to be offering you in this podcast. + The wellness experiment for this episode is HONOURING YOURSELF. + If you say yes to something you don't want to do, you are saying no to yourself. + My latest experiment of consciously honouring myself and how that is playing out. + Health and wellness should be a fun experiment of trying new things and having a play, then noticing how you and your body respond. + Examples of how you can honour yourself. + Take the challenge and start to become AWARE of honouring yourself. + Share with me how you go with this experiment. ~ Thank you so much for listening to this episode. It means so much to me that you have taken the time to listen and I would love to hear what you think, so please leave a comment below. Also, if you know of someone who would get a lot from this episode please share it with them on your social media (and don't forget to tag me ( ). And lastly, I would be forever grateful if you could please leave me a 5-star review on iTunes so I can reach even more amazing people just like you. ​ ** Please note, always seek advice from a qualified practitioner before starting any new health practice, fitness routine or way of eating. What I share in my podcast is my own experience and things I have learned along my journey. What works for me, may not work for you. Be happy & healthy, Kylie x

    11 min
  2. Self-care for busy women : 024


    Self-care for busy women : 024

    ​Self-care is something that I preach about all the time. The importance of it is next level and something that we all should be doing every single day. I hear a lot that women just don't have time for self-care every day, but in today's episode I share with you some effective and efficient self-care that you CAN incorporate into every day. Think 5 minutes; if you have 5 minutes to check social media, you can do something that will fill you up on a soul level and not drain your time. We can't give from an empty cup, so we MUST do things that light us up, feel relaxed and bring us back into the present moment. Not only do you benefit from self-care, so does everyone around you because you are going to radiate a much more positive energy to those around you, which in turn will be reflected back at you. So grab a pen and paper and put together your own self-care list. TOPICS I DISCUSS + The most common excuse I hear for why women don't do self-care on a regular basis. + Put together your self-care list so you have something to refer to when the time presents itself. + Don't make self-care another item on your to-do list, do what intuitively feels good for you in that moment. + Self-care doesn't have to cost you anything or take half a day, it can be simple and free. + How mama guilt can pop up with taking time for yourself, but the benefits your kids are going to get from you looking after you really out ways the time away from them. + My eight simple and time effective self-care ideas. + If we have the time for social media, we definitely have the time for self-care. + The three things I want to do this year - pottery class, movies on my own and go away for a night on my own. + Do more of what lights you up. EPISODE RESOURCES + Join my radiant email community HERE ( to grab your freebies but also stay up to date with what I am up to. ~ Thank you so much for listening to this episode. It means so much to me that you have taken the time to listen and I would love to hear what you think, so please leave a comment below. Also, if you know of someone who would get a lot from this episode please share it with them on your social media (and don't forget to tag me ( And lastly, I would be forever grateful if you could please leave me a 5-star review on iTunes so I can reach even more amazing people just like you. ** Please note, always seek advice from a qualified practitioner before starting any new health practice, fitness routine or way of eating. What I share in my podcast is my own experience and things I have learned along my journey. What works for me, may not work for you. Be happy & healthy, Kylie x

    20 min
  3. Real life motherhood with Maddi Wright : 023


    Real life motherhood with Maddi Wright : 023

    Maddi Wright is a wife to her hunk hubby, Lloyd, a brekky radio announcer and mumma to two stunner boys. She is a twin; a qualified journalist, she loves the gym and is partial to a glass (read: bottle) of white wine. Over the past 3 years Lloyd and Maddi have been on a TV show (7’s House Rules), gotten married, had two beautiful kids, started a business, moved house, built a house and moved towns. She has stayed sane by being a real; Mum life is tough and as rewarding as her kids are, they’re a hell of a lotta hard work. She struggles, every day, to love being a mum. Maddi LOVES her kids but most days has MANY moments where she loathes being a mum. WHY? put simply, she is exhausted. There are so many of us who have similar experiences and she is blessed to get so many incredible messages everyday from women all over Australia and the world. Fuck Mum guilt, let it go, it’s not helping. You'll find Maddi telling it like it is, it’s not always glamorous but hopefully you find it refreshing. TOPICS WE DISCUSS + How her life changed after being on a reality TV show. + Maddi shares how her journey into motherhood began. + How she consciously decided to have her children close together in age. + Her honest opinion about pregnancy and birth, and it is okay not to love it. + Motherhood is our own situation and our own story - speak to your own journey. + Real life motherhood is tough. + The impact children have on our lives. + What motherhood has taught her about herself. + Fake it until you make it is her life affirmation. + How parenting is the biggest self-development experience ever. + What fitting in health and self-care looks like for Maddi. + As mum's we need to take the pressure of ourselves. + How no one can prepare you for the disconnection to self that motherhood can bring up. + Trusting yourself as a mother is so important. For Maddi's links please head to the show notes at . Thank you so much for listening to this episode. It means so much to me that you have taken the time to listen and I would love to hear what you think, so please leave a comment below. Also, if you know of someone who would get a lot from this episode please share it with them on your social media (and don't forget to tag me And lastly, I would be forever grateful if you could please leave me a 5-star review on iTunes so I can reach even more amazing people just like you. ** Please note, always seek advice from a qualified practitioner before starting any new health practice, fitness routine or way of eating. What I share in my podcast is my own experience and things I have learned along my journey. What works for me, may not work for you. Be happy & healthy, Kylie x

    42 min
  4. How reiki can help you : 021


    How reiki can help you : 021

    ​Since I was a young girl, I have always been sensitive to energies and spirits. It scared me and I didn't understand it, so I shut it down for many years. That is until I did Reiki Level 1, and I knew then that I had found my calling. This is what I'm meant to be doing. Helping people heal and get clarity so they can live their best life possible. In today's episode I go into what is reiki and how can it help you. Plus my new podcast series, Radiant Reiki, a monthly distant reiki for all those that listen to the episode. TOPICS I DISCUSS + What reiki healing is. + The ways having blocked energy can manifest in your life. + Reiki is becoming more and more accepted in Western Medicine and used in hospitals. + How reiki is a massage for the mind. + Reiki will only heal what you can manage at that moment in time. + What reiki can help you heal. + Stories of birth trauma from a couple of my child clients. + How reiki helped me after having a miscarriage. + Who is reiki for? + What the difference between in-person reiki and distant reiki is. + How you can help yourself continue your healing with the notes I give you. + How resistance can equal magic. + I read a few testimonials from some of my clients - both in-person and distant. + I share with you what my monthly Radiant Reiki is and when it begins. + How you can book your reiki healing with me. EPISODE RESOURCES + Book your reiki healing with me HERE ( ) . ~ Thank you so much for listening to this episode. It means so much to me that you have taken the time to listen and I would love to hear what you think, so please leave a comment below. Also, if you know of someone who would get a lot from this episode please share it with them on your social media (and don't forget to tag me @__kylie.anderson). And lastly, I would be forever grateful if you could please leave me a 5-star review on iTunes so I can reach even more amazing people just like you. ​ ** Please note, always seek advice from a qualified practitioner before starting any new health practice, fitness routine or way of eating. What I share in my podcast is my own experience and things I have learned along my journey. What works for me, may not work for you. Be happy & healthy, Kylie x

    22 min
  5. Organisation to change your life : 020


    Organisation to change your life : 020

    Welcome back for 2019! In this day and age we are time poor, stressed and overwhelmed, so I wanted to share with you a couple of ways you can get organised in your life to help you save time, limit stress and even save money. Now who doesn't want those things! In my 6 years of being in the health and wellness industry, organisation is something that I have been preaching to my clients over and over again, because it really makes life easier. I want you to thrive in life and not just survive, so let's take a step towards that. TOPICS I DISCUSS + The feelings organisation can bring up in us. + How powerful organisation can be in your life. + The cleaning schedule that has helped me not feel so overwhelmed with housework. + We shouldn't be a slave to the mundane things in life. + Taking into consideration your energy levels and where you are in your cycle when it comes to organisation. + How organisation with your meals can save you money each week. + Meal planning is life - breakfast, lunch and dinner if you can. + Being organised with your exercise takes away the need to think and helps keep you motivated. + Finances and money organisation can help ease your stress and allow you to save and pay off your debts. + Think about one area of your life where you can start to be more organised. EPISODE RESOURCES (to get them head to ( ) + Cleaning schedule from Just Another Mummy Blog. + Download my meal planner template HERE. ~ Thank you so much for listening to this episode. It means so much to me that you have taken the time to listen and I would love to hear what you think, so please leave a comment below. Also, if you know of someone who would get a lot from this episode please share it with them on your social media (and don't forget to tag me . And lastly, I would be forever grateful if you could please leave me a 5-star review on iTunes so I can reach even more amazing people just like you. ​ ** Please note, always seek advice from a qualified practitioner before starting any new health practice, fitness routine or way of eating. What I share in my podcast is my own experience and things I have learned along my journey. What works for me, may not work for you. Be happy & healthy, Kylie x

    16 min
  6. Releasing 2018 and welcoming in 2019 : 019


    Releasing 2018 and welcoming in 2019 : 019

    New Year is a great time to reflect on the past year, release anything that you want to let go of and get clear on what it is that you want for the new year. We tend to set New Year resolutions which never seem to get past the first month, I think this is due to the fact that we don't break our goal down. We leave it broad and in turn, it is too overwhelming so we let it go. In today's episode I share with you some journaling prompts to reflect on 2018, a releasing technique to let things go and feel into what you want for 2019. ​Let's make 2019 your year! TOPICS I DISCUSS + I go into what you can expect from my Fresh & Vibrant coaching offer. + Journaling prompts for reflecting on 2018 - What are my highlights for 2018? What have been my challenges in 2018? What am I ready to let go of from the past year? + I take you through a releasing technique to leave behind 2018. + I explain why new years resolutions just don't work. + How to figure out what your FEELING word is for 2019. + I explain how you can take that feeling word deeper, and really get clear action steps you can work on. + How powerful vision boards can be. + I share with you a couple of examples of what I have manifested into my life from using vision boards each year. + The importance of breaking down your goals so they are achievable. If you are interested in booking a Fresh & Vibrant session with me, you can do so here - . Thank you so much for listening to this episode. It means so much to me that you have taken the time to listen and I would love to hear what you think, so please leave a comment below. Also, if you know of someone who would get a lot from this episode please share it with them on your social media (and don't forget to tag me And lastly, I would be forever grateful if you could please leave me a 5-star review on iTunes so I can reach even more amazing people just like you. Be happy & healthy, Kylie x

    17 min
  7. Sharing my baby Rose : 018


    Sharing my baby Rose : 018

    ** Trigger warning for today's episode, I share with you my miscarriage story. In December 2016, I found out I was pregnant with our second baby, but she wasn't meant to be brought into this world as I lost her on 24 January 2017 at 9 weeks. Miscarriage is something that is swept under the rug and it shouldn't be; it is a traumatic and heart breaking experience. We can feel alone and empty due to society making us feel as though we need to keep quiet and get on with life. But we don't and we shouldn't. We are allowed to talk about our angel babies, grieve them and honour them in any way that feels right. I am sharing my story today to bring awareness to the fact that miscarriage isn't something to be ashamed of or something that shouldn't be spoken about. You are not alone! Please seek help if this episode brings up anything for you. TOPICS I DISCUSS + My intuitive feeling that something wasn't right even weeks before I lost her. + The story of what happened to me with my miscarriage - including first signs and finally the procedure I had. + Where the name Rose came from. + I share with you how my baby girl Rose helps me today with my reiki healing work. + You deserve to feel what you need to feel. Honour yourself and honour your baby. + How I released and moved through my grief. + What butterflies mean for me. Head on over to for links and more information on todays episode, plus all the previous episodes. Don't forget to give me a 5-star review and some beautiful words on iTunes. As well as share this episode with anyone who you feel needs to hear this story and may be going through the same thing. You can find me sharing my everyday life on Instagram ( Until next time, Kylie x

    29 min
out of 5
15 Ratings


Kylie Anderson is the founder of Be Your Radiant Self and is a reiki healer, holistic health coach, personal trainer, massage therapist and mama of two girls. Her mission in life is to inspire and support women everywhere on their journey to reconnecting with themselves and living the life they desire!

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