Holosky Podcast

Welcome to the HOLOSKY podcast with your hosts Steve and Kyle, where we cover all things paranormal from aliens, ghosts, missing people, and much much more.

  1. Night Shift Ep.93 - Maynards Night Shift

    4 DAYS AGO

    Night Shift Ep.93 - Maynards Night Shift

    Live Paranormal Talk Show Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1 Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.com Facebook and Twitter @holoskypodcast Instagram @ theholoskypodcast   If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email.    If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com  You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be  1 (618) 556-0837   If you want to send us weird shit then please do!   Holosky Podcast P.O. Box 145 Fieldon, IL 62031   If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us!   https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU  ——-Discord Link   Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com    We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible.    Dark Array Media Our Sponsors: * Check out Mood and use my code HOLO1 for a great deal: https://mood.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    1h 37m
  2. The Gate Program

    6 DAYS AGO

    The Gate Program

    Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we dive into the GATE program. A program that was designed to help the gifted and talented youth of our nation flourish. However it seems that many people had a different experience within this program. People recall all types of things while participating. They remember being taken into a windowless room and preforming a strange hearing test. They also remember plenty of tests that were given like, puzzles, analogies, debates, crafting, alternate history books, and bizarre questions like “why do we have skin?”. All of a sudden these people are starting to remember this strange program from their youth. Could it be they are all remembering because whatever blocked their memory is wearing off? Or is it more likely they sense something coming in the future? Maybe they all are being woken up to fulfill their purpose. We hope you enjoy the show and as always stay safe and stay weird.  Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1 Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.com Facebook and Twitter @holoskypodcast Instagram @ theholoskypodcast   If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email.    If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com  You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be  1 (618) 556-0837   If you want to send us weird shit then please do!   Holosky Podcast P.O. Box 145 Fieldon, IL 62031   If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us!   https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU  ——-Discord Link   Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com    We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible.    Dark Array Media Our Sponsors: * Check out Mood and use my code HOLO1 for a great deal: https://mood.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    1h 21m
  3. Peter Bergmann - The Man That Did Not Exist

    24 FEB

    Peter Bergmann - The Man That Did Not Exist

    Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we follow the mysterious appearance of Peter Bergmann. Peter was found dead on a beach one day. It prompted police to begin looking into the man to figure out who he was. Once they started digging into this man his story didn’t unravel like you would assume it would. It only got weird, they found him on CCTV footage mapping out the entire town and its cameras. Peter would carry a small purple bag with him every day only to return without it. The police assumed he was going all over town into the blind spots of the CCTV coverage and throwing things away. They looked back upwards of a month to attempt and find out how the man arrived and found nothing. They ran his DNA through the database and found nothing on him. The suitcase he arrived with at the local hotel wasn’t the same one he left with. Everything about this man is a mystery and still unsolved to this day. We hope you enjoy the show and always enjoy the show.  Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1 Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.com Facebook and Twitter @holoskypodcast Instagram @ theholoskypodcast   If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email.    If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com  You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be  1 (618) 556-0837   If you want to send us weird shit then please do!   Holosky Podcast P.O. Box 145 Fieldon, IL 62031   If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us!   https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU  ——-Discord Link   Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com    We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible.    Dark Array Media Our Sponsors: * Check out Mood and use my code HOLO1 for a great deal: https://mood.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    58 min
  4. Night Shift Ep.92

    19 FEB

    Night Shift Ep.92

    Live Paranormal Talk Show Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1 Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.com Facebook and Twitter @holoskypodcast Instagram @ theholoskypodcast   If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email.    If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com  You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be  1 (618) 556-0837   If you want to send us weird shit then please do!   Holosky Podcast P.O. Box 145 Fieldon, IL 62031   If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us!   https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU  ——-Discord Link   Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com    We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible.    Dark Array Media Our Sponsors: * Check out Mood and use my code HOLO1 for a great deal: https://mood.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    1h 37m
  5. Voodoo Priestesses

    17 FEB

    Voodoo Priestesses

    Welcome back to the show everyone, while on the hunt for some witch stories we stumbled across some women of voodoo. It starts off with Julia Brown, a woman who helped out her town everyday. She practiced voodoo and became the town healer. People knew they could count on Julia, not only was she always there but her abilities really did help the locals. One day she was over heard singing a damning tune about how when she died the town would go with her. Knowing that Julia also had the ability to predict things the town became terrified. Then we jump into the Queen Of Voodoo, Marie Laveau. She was well known in New Orleans and even more so respected. A woman who walked the streets like she owned them, and for the most part at the time she really did. She would dance in the square with snakes invoking the spirits and having the entire town square join her. One thing that Marie became even more known for was her abilities to find out everyone’s secrets. She knew everything about everyone and somethings those secrets would be used against you. We hope you enjoy the show and as always stay safe and stay weird.  Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1 Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.com Facebook and Twitter @holoskypodcast Instagram @ theholoskypodcast   If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email.    If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com  You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be  1 (618) 556-0837   If you want to send us weird shit then please do!   Holosky Podcast P.O. Box 145 Fieldon, IL 62031   If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us!   https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU  ——-Discord Link   Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com    We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible.    Dark Array Media Our Sponsors: * Check out Mood and use my code HOLO1 for a great deal: https://mood.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    1h 1m
  6. The Gulf Breeze 6 - The Antichrist Hit Squad Pt.2

    10 FEB

    The Gulf Breeze 6 - The Antichrist Hit Squad Pt.2

    Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we get back into the Gulf Breeze 6. As the group makes their way to Florida, the military becomes aware that all of them are missing. The six link up with a friend and a wrench gets thrown into the plan. Love happens, this gives a few cold feet and the plan begins to fall apart quickly. One of the men get pulled over and instead of standing strong he spills the beans right away. Leading to all of the six being picked up and arrested. However their story doesn’t end there. Unexpected things unravel and leave us with far more questions than answers. Which always seems to be the case when looking into the strange. We hope you enjoy the show and as always stay safe and stay weird.  Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1 Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.com Facebook and Twitter @holoskypodcast Instagram @ theholoskypodcast   If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email.    If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com  You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be  1 (618) 556-0837   If you want to send us weird shit then please do!   Holosky Podcast P.O. Box 145 Fieldon, IL 62031   If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us!   https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU  ——-Discord Link   Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com    We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible.    Dark Array Media Our Sponsors: * Check out Mood and use my code HOLO1 for a great deal: https://mood.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    1h 15m
  7. Night Shift Ep.91 - Can Aliens Be Friendly?

    5 FEB

    Night Shift Ep.91 - Can Aliens Be Friendly?

    Live Paranormal Talk Show Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1 Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.com Facebook and Twitter @holoskypodcast Instagram @ theholoskypodcast   If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email.    If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com  You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be  1 (618) 556-0837   If you want to send us weird shit then please do!   Holosky Podcast P.O. Box 145 Fieldon, IL 62031   If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us!   https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU  ——-Discord Link   Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com    We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible.    Dark Array Media Our Sponsors: * Check out Mood and use my code HOLO1 for a great deal: https://mood.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    1h 36m
  8. The Gulf Breeze 6 - The Antichrist Hit Squad

    3 FEB

    The Gulf Breeze 6 - The Antichrist Hit Squad

    Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we dive into a rather bizarre mystery. A group of people in the military spying on the Russians begin to use an ouija board. At first they begin to communicate with beings that are claiming to be religious entities. As the story unfolds an entity named Sapphire begins to take over the conversation. She explains to the group that they have been chosen by god for a special mission. This group is now tasked with eliminating the next antichrist. The problem is, all the members are in Germany serving the United States government. They ask Sapphire how they are supposed to leave the military and not face treason. The best advice she comes up with is, just leave. More important things are at stake here. The group does decide to leave and head to America to hunt down the antichrist and save the world.  Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1  Check out Mood and use my code HOLO1 for a great deal: https://mood.com Facebook and Twitter @holoskypodcast Instagram @ theholoskypodcast   If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at holoskypodcast@gmail.com you can also use your voice memo app on your smart phone or anything that can record you and send it over to the email.    If you have and experience you’d rather sit down and talk to us about please send that email to holoskyinterviews@gmail.com  You can also call our podcast cell phone and leave a message or time it right and grab an on the spot interview. The number is going to be  1 (618) 556-0837   If you want to send us weird shit then please do!   Holosky Podcast P.O. Box 145 Fieldon, IL 62031   If your interested in our discord and becoming part of the family, then please take the time to join us!   https://discord.gg/GFsbY92NgU  ——-Discord Link   Check out the website for stories and merchandise! www.holoskypodcast.com    We also have a patreon you can sign up for to get some extra goodies and help support us or just send us a one time donation on venmo. We forever appreciate each and everyone who supports us in anyway possible.    Dark Array Media Our Sponsors: * Check out Mood and use my code HOLO1 for a great deal: https://mood.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/holosky-podcast/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    55 min
out of 5
34 Ratings


Welcome to the HOLOSKY podcast with your hosts Steve and Kyle, where we cover all things paranormal from aliens, ghosts, missing people, and much much more.

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