The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling

The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling is an audio documentary that examines some of the most contentious conflicts of our time through the life and career of the world’s most successful author. In conversation with host Megan Phelps-Roper, J.K. Rowling speaks with unprecedented candor and depth about the controversies surrounding her—from book bans to debates on gender and sex. The series also examines the forces propelling this moment in history, through interviews with Rowling’s supporters and critics, journalists, historians, clinicians, and more.
Season 1
Hosts & Guests
12 Mar
It isn’t ok for trans people to justify scapegoating because they’re bitter. The only way to create a discourse is to discuss WITHOUT abuse, which is exactly what J.K.Rowling has done. The description by Natalie of trans people doubling down on abusive rhetoric because they feel powerless is the text book male abuser excuse. Saying you feel insulted when you have not been insulted is the basis of so many mental illnesses. Trans spokespeople need to be very careful what they reveal about their abusive psychological makeup. Men do rape women in bathrooms. Saying that there is not an emotional distortion in trans motivation. Natalie cares what JK thinks. And she’s also angry, bitter, scapegoating and attempting to justify abuse. You’ve got to leave your own position of feeling hurt and threatened. Yourself. JK is NOT afraid of trans. She’s talking about abuse. Don’t even try to change the subject.
Incredible podcast
Hands down one of the best podcasts I have ever listened to. It truly opened my mind to a far more balanced view, having not had much knowledge previously of the whole discussion around trans rights, and not even been aware of J.K. Rowling’s experience! I wish for everything good for trans people, but I agree that it is so important that girls and women’s rights and safety are not compromised. Also, from a general human perspective and as a Jewish person, I felt solidarity and empathy with how J.K. Rowling has been treated. Well done Megan and thank you to all who participated, especially the young man Noah who spoke so eloquently in episode six that it brought me to tears. If only all people could speak and act like that, how much better would we be as a human race.
I love this podcast so much
I am from Russia and it was hard for me to understand the situation with J.K. Rolling. I think I’ve got it now. I also see that the problem is much deeper than it looks like. Thank you for your beautiful work! It is hard to hear another person when you’re both in pain. Too much pain. Through all this series I can’t stop asking, why people so aggressive with Rolling because of her tweets, and at the same time they allow all the hatred towards the Jews people. Rolling didn’t call to kill trans people, and society is trying to shut her up. Meanwhile any person can come and call to kill an israeli, and this is ok. It blows my mind
Fair recount but but lacks depth
Listening to this in 2024 where this issue is as divisive as ever. The host is articulate and gives fair time to both sides but she acts like a moderator and don’t really ask tough follow up questions. If you are upto date with the whole saga, just listen to the last 2 chapters where she invited 2 trans persons to speak and then Rowling to reply. The crux of the issue has always been trans women rights vs women’s rights (Rowling’s stand), not trans rights or no rights (trans stand) and listening to the 2 guests did not address that makes this a futile debate. In particular, the host had to help elaborate Natalie’s points because she was talking in circles. Is there no one better to defend the trans women’s stand? How about someone who is not trans but arguing for trans rights? One point to take away; Rowling predicted rightly the right would win the cultural war if the left persists in a non-dialogue, authoritarian approach to nuanced issues and see where we are at in Nov 2024.
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- CreatorThe Free Press
- Episodes8
- Seasons1
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