The Rx Bricks Podcast

The Rx Bricks Podcast Podcast

The Rx Bricks podcast from USMLE-Rx is designed to help you master medical school. Each episode is an audio version of one of our revolutionary Rx Bricks, which are short, high-yield, interactive learning modules. Each week, we present a new audiobrick based on an important basic science topic (e.g., pressure-volume loops) or clinical concept (e.g., ischemic heart disease). Learn more at

  1. Introduction to Global Health

    10 SEPT

    Introduction to Global Health

    What Is Global Health? In our increasingly interconnected world, health challenges transcend national boundaries and demand global solutions. Global health is an interdisciplinary field of study and practice that seeks to improve the health and well-being of populations worldwide, focusing on the health challenges that require global and national action in every country. It encompasses epidemiology, public health, medicine, environmental health, anthropology, sociology, health policy, and economics. After listening to this AudioBrick, you should be able to: Explain how globalization impacts health.1 Explain how health status varies across countries, time, age, and gender.2 Identify the main threats to global health. You can also check out the original brick from our Global Health collection, which is available for free. Learn more about Rx Bricks by signing up for a free USMLE-Rx account: You will get 5 days of full access to our Rx360+ program, including nearly 800 Rx Bricks.  After the 5-day period, you will still be able to access over 150 free bricks, including the entire collections for General Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology. *** If you enjoyed this episode, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.  It helps with our visibility, and the more med students (or future med students) listen to the podcast, the more we can provide to the future physicians of the world. Follow USMLE-Rx at: Facebook: Blog: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Learn how you can access over 150 of our bricks for FREE:

    27 min
  2. 3 SEPT

    Immunology: Foundations and Frameworks

    How do we survive in a complex environment filled with harmful organisms that thrive on colonizing us? Our heroic defender is the immune system, a network of organs and cell lines that exist with the mission of protecting the body from harm. While we often recognize the pathogen-fighting capabilities of the system, we can sometimes forget that the immune system is also crucial in ensuring the body is kept safe from itself, as in when our cells transform into cancer cells. On the dark side, sometimes our immune system can get overactive, reacting against our own normal body tissue. Taken together, the immune system is both critical for survival and a vital topic for new medical research. After listening to this AudioBrick, you should be able to: Discuss the main purposes of the immune system. Briefly explain how the innate immune system works, and describe how antigens are transferred from the innate to the adaptive immune system (dendritic cells). Briefly describe the main purpose of the adaptive immune system, and explain how the two arms (cellular and humoral) work. Describe what happens after an immune response is finished. You can also check out the original brick from our Immunology collection, which is available for free. Learn more about Rx Bricks by signing up for a free USMLE-Rx account: You will get 5 days of full access to our Rx360+ program, including nearly 800 Rx Bricks.  After the 5-day period, you will still be able to access over 150 free bricks, including the entire collections for General Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology. *** If you enjoyed this episode, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.  It helps with our visibility, and the more med students (or future med students) listen to the podcast, the more we can provide to the future physicians of the world. Follow USMLE-Rx at: Facebook: Blog: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Learn how you can access over 150 of our bricks for FREE:

    27 min
  3. 27 AUG


    In the fed state, glucose is used by almost all the cells in the body to generate energy. But even when we are not fueling it with food, our bodies still run well, such as during sleep. Gluconeogenesis is the process of synthesizing glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors. The major substrates (substances that enzymes act on) are the glucogenic amino acids, lactate, glycerol, and propionate. The liver and kidneys are the major sites where gluconeogenesis occurs; the kidneys may contribute up to 40% of total glucose synthesis in the fasting state and more in starvation. After listening to this AudioBrick, you should be able to: Describe gluconeogenesis and the compounds that can and cannot serve as glucose precursors in mammals. Explain the gluconeogenesis pathway. Describe ways in which gluconeogenesis and glycolysis are reciprocally regulated. You can also check out the original brick from our Cellular and Molecular Biology collection, which is available for free. Learn more about Rx Bricks by signing up for a free USMLE-Rx account: You will get 5 days of full access to our Rx360+ program, including nearly 800 Rx Bricks.  After the 5-day period, you will still be able to access over 150 free bricks, including the entire collections for General Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology. *** If you enjoyed this episode, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.  It helps with our visibility, and the more med students (or future med students) listen to the podcast, the more we can provide to the future physicians of the world. Follow USMLE-Rx at: Facebook: Blog: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Learn how you can access over 150 of our bricks for FREE:

    28 min
  4. 20 AUG

    Plasma Composition

    When you hear the word blood, what do you picture in your mind? Most likely, your brain conjures up an image of thick, red liquid. But what would blood look like if you removed all the red cells? You’d be left with a murky yellowish liquid that would clear up once you removed the white cells and platelets. This lovely, clear, straw-yellow, liquid portion of blood is known as plasma.  So let’s talk about plasma composition. After listening to this AudioBrick, you should be able to: Define blood plasma and explain its importance and function. Compare and contrast the contents of plasma and serum. Understand how plasma components are used in medicine. You can also check out the original brick on plasma composition from our Hematology collection, which is available for free. Learn more about Rx Bricks by signing up for a free USMLE-Rx account: You will get 5 days of full access to our Rx360+ program, including nearly 800 Rx Bricks.  After the 5-day period, you will still be able to access over 150 free bricks, including the entire collections for General Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology. *** If you enjoyed this episode, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.  It helps with our visibility, and the more med students (or future med students) listen to the podcast, the more we can provide to the future physicians of the world. Follow USMLE-Rx at: Facebook: Blog: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Learn how you can access over 150 of our bricks for FREE:

    17 min
  5. 13 AUG

    Hemophilia (Re-release)

    Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder resulting from defects in factors of the coagulation cascade. There are two primary types of hemophilia: A and B. Both types of hemophilia are rare, with only a combined frequency of about 1 in 5000 live births. Of the two types, hemophilia A is about four times more common. In the intrinsic arm of the coagulation cascade, factor VIII serves as a cofactor for factor IX. They cooperate to activate factor X, leading to the formation of fibrin. After listening to this AudioBrick, you should be able to: Compare and contrast the underlying defect in hemophilia A and B. Describe the inheritance pattern and relative incidence of hemophilia A and B. Describe the clinical features of hemophilia A and B. Explain how hemophilia A and B are diagnosed. List and briefly describe other factor deficiencies. You can also check out the original brick on Hemophilia from our Hematology collection, which is available for free. Learn more about Rx Bricks by signing up for a free USMLE-Rx account: You will get 5 days of full access to our Rx360+ program, including nearly 800 Rx Bricks.  After the 5-day period, you will still be able to access over 150 free bricks, including the entire collections for General Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology. *** If you enjoyed this episode, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.  It helps with our visibility, and the more med students (or future med students) listen to the podcast, the more we can provide to the future physicians of the world. Follow USMLE-Rx at: Facebook: Blog: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Learn how you can access over 150 of our bricks for FREE:

    15 min
  6. 16 JUL

    Pain Mechanisms

    Pain is a sensation that warns of potential injury and alerts the person to avoid or treat it. For example, if you touch a hot object, you will feel pain and immediately remove your hand from that object, protecting your hand from further damage. As much as pain can burden and torment, ultimately it is an essential part of our bodies’ mechanisms of self-preservation. Pain can be mild or severe, constant or intermittent, sharp or dull. Sometimes it can even be hard to describe the uncomfortable sensation in words. Nevertheless, clinicians always ask their patients to describe their pain. Why? Because its characteristics can help us better determine the mechanism behind a patient’s pain. In the clinic, the patient’s subjective experience of pain can be crucial to arriving at the correct diagnosis and treatment. For this reason, understanding the different kinds of pain and their underlying biology is an essential building block of foundational clinical knowledge. There is no standard system of classifying pain. In this discussion, we will classify the five main types of pain as nociceptive, breakthrough, inflammatory, neuropathic, and functional. After listening to this AudioBrick, you should be able to: Define the different classifications of pain and why they occur. Describe the mechanisms of neuropathic pain. Define and describe transient and chronic paresthesia. Define and describe allodynia and hyperalgesia. You can also check out the original brick on Pain Mechanisms from our Neurology and Special Senses collection, which is available for free. Learn more about Rx Bricks by signing up for a free USMLE-Rx account: You will get 5 days of full access to our Rx360+ program, including nearly 800 Rx Bricks.  After the 5-day period, you will still be able to access over 150 free bricks, including the entire collections for General Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology. *** If you enjoyed this episode, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.  It helps with our visibility, and the more med students (or future med students) listen to the podcast, the more we can provide to the future physicians of the world. Follow USMLE-Rx at: Facebook: Blog: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Learn how you can access over 150 of our bricks for FREE:

    23 min
  7. 9 JUL

    Gastrointestinal Regulatory Substances

    As we eat, our gastrointestinal (GI) system releases a host of both local and distant regulators to control the process of digestion. We will begin with the primary hormones, then cover some of the secondary hormones, and lastly discuss how our body senses its intraluminal contents and then subsequently integrates all of the various stimuli it receives. After listening to this AudioBrick, you should be able to: Identify the location, cell type, release stimulus to the endocrine cells, and function of the major gastrointestinal (GI) hormones secretin, cholecystokinin (CCK), gastrin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Describe in brief the release stimulus and function of the GI regulatory peptides bombesin, GLP-1, GLP-2, ghrelin, leptin, motilin, somatostatin, and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). Understand how the physical and chemical compositions of luminal contents are sensed and the hormonal responses that then occur. Outline how GI cells integrate multiple regulatory inputs from hormonal and neural inputs to control function. You can also check out the original brick on Gastrointestinal Regulatory Substances  from our Gastrointestinal collection, which is available for free. Learn more about Rx Bricks by signing up for a free USMLE-Rx account: You will get 5 days of full access to our Rx360+ program, including nearly 800 Rx Bricks.  After the 5-day period, you will still be able to access over 150 free bricks, including the entire collections for General Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology. *** If you enjoyed this episode, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.  It helps with our visibility, and the more med students (or future med students) listen to the podcast, the more we can provide to the future physicians of the world. Follow USMLE-Rx at: Facebook: Blog: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Learn how you can access over 150 of our bricks for FREE:

    29 min
  8. 2 JUL

    Migraine, Cluster, and Tension Headaches

    Headaches are an unavoidable fact of life and often are nothing more than the result of sitting through one too many lectures. However, they can become debilitating and get in the way of daily life, especially when they become recurrent. Although some headaches have symptoms other than head pain, we typically think of headache pain relative to its location, how intense it is, and how long it lasts. After listening to this AudioBrick, you should be able to: Compare and contrast the clinical features of primary headache syndromes (migraine, cluster, tension-type headaches). Differentiate migraine aura from other transient neurological disorders (eg, transient ischemic attacks, seizure, presyncope). Discuss the mechanisms of central nervous system sensitization and pain referral and the interaction of neural structures, particularly pain pathways and neurovascular control. Outline which patients warrant radiologic or other lab evaluation for headache. Describe the treatment of patients with headache disorders and potential complications of treatment. You can also check out the original brick on Migraine, Cluster, and Tension Headaches from our Neurology and Special Senses collection, which is available for free. Learn more about Rx Bricks by signing up for a free USMLE-Rx account: You will get 5 days of full access to our Rx360+ program, including nearly 800 Rx Bricks.  After the 5-day period, you will still be able to access over 150 free bricks, including the entire collections for General Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology. *** If you enjoyed this episode, we’d love for you to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.  It helps with our visibility, and the more med students (or future med students) listen to the podcast, the more we can provide to the future physicians of the world. Follow USMLE-Rx at: Facebook: Blog: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Learn how you can access over 150 of our bricks for FREE:

    28 min


The Rx Bricks podcast from USMLE-Rx is designed to help you master medical school. Each episode is an audio version of one of our revolutionary Rx Bricks, which are short, high-yield, interactive learning modules. Each week, we present a new audiobrick based on an important basic science topic (e.g., pressure-volume loops) or clinical concept (e.g., ischemic heart disease). Learn more at

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