
Benjamin Nathaniel
WeInspirePodcast Podcast

Having an understanding that words have tremendous effect on us and the world in its entirety, this podcast stands to bridge the gap by bringing to you positive words, motivational talk and declarations that will help refocus and encourage you during your daily dealings amidst negativity.We value you, the world needs your input and all we do here is to position your mind to make it happen.

  1. Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 16

    30 JAN

    Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 16

    Let's delve into my journey through 2023, highlighting the good, the bad, and the lessons learned. It was undeniably a year of growth and stretching my limits, as I took on various projects to leverage my 25+ years of experience in finance and entrepreneurship to give back to the community. Lessons from Selling My Insurance Company: Early in 2023, I made the decision to sell my property and casualty insurance company. The experience taught me valuable lessons. Firstly, building an empire requires the right team. I realized I wasn't the best leader for that company, emphasizing the importance of being a transformational leader who inspires action beyond meetings. The Importance of Team and Leadership: Reflecting on the sale, I understood the significance of having the right people in the right positions. Burnout and stress were signs that my leadership and team were not aligned. Taking care of my health emerged as a crucial lesson, emphasizing the need to balance work and well-being. Highlights of 2023: Despite the challenges, 2023 had its highlights. I explored real estate investing in the Dominican Republic, wrote and published my first book, "Empower Your Money," and successfully hosted my first solo in-person event in Miami. The event featured incredible women speakers, and launching the Empower Her Money podcast became another milestone. The Power of Asking for Help: Acknowledging my limitations, I sought help from experienced podcasters, contributing to the podcast's remarkable success within six months. Surrounding myself with a supportive team, especially in areas like marketing and sales, became a crucial strategy. Looking Ahead to 2024: As I step into 2024, my focus is on health, podcast growth, and potential ventures in real estate or a new business. I aim to reach the top 1% globally as a podcast host, driven by a passion to impact lives and change generations by teaching financial control. Acknowledging Impact and Overcoming Challenges: While entrepreneurship has its share of challenges and moments of self-doubt, knowing that I've positively impacted someone's life reinforces my purpose. Sharing both successes and roadblocks on social media aims to connect with others facing similar struggles. Continuing the Journey: The entrepreneurial journey is ongoing, filled with both highs and lows. Transparency about struggles aims to inspire others. As 2024 unfolds, I invite feedback and suggestions for future podcast topics, ensuring that I continue to share knowledge about money, business, and personal development. Here's to a remarkable 2024, filled with growth, resilience, and continued impact. Thank you for being part of this journey.

    13 min
  2. Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 15

    29 JAN

    Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 15

    Today, I want to share a memorable experience from 2023, something I consider a golden rubbish—a lesson I learned that I hope can be valuable for all of you. In life, different routes lead to various destinations. What may be a pain for me might be a joy for someone else, so I encourage you to analyze it in the context of your own life. One of my painful experiences in 2023 was the breakdown of a relationship with a senior friend. As a graphic designer and voiceover artist, he was someone I respected in the industry, particularly for his skills in motion graphics. We had a working relationship, and the breakdown of this relationship became a source of sadness for me. The Importance of Self-Value and Boundaries: The core issue revolved around boundaries and mutual respect. Despite the respect I had for him, there were instances where he overstepped the bounds, demanding urgent work without proper briefs or consideration for my schedule. This lack of respect led to a strain on the relationship, impacting not just the professional aspect but also the personal connection we had. Lesson Learned: Others Will Love You as Much as You Love Yourself: The lesson I took from this experience is that people will love you as much as you love yourself. It's essential to recognize that people are watching and waiting for you to set boundaries. The way you allow others to treat you establishes a standard for how they will treat you in the future. Setting Boundaries and Demanding Respect: If you willingly respond to disrespectful calls or requests, you inadvertently allow a certain level of treatment. It's crucial to set boundaries early on, establishing a framework for how you want to be treated. People will value you to the extent that you value yourself. Life Gives You What You Demand, Not What You Deserve: A mentor once said, "Life will not give you what you deserve; life will give you what you demand." This applies to respect and how people treat you. If you demand respect and set clear boundaries, people are more likely to respond accordingly. Moving Forward: Building a Foundation of Self-Value: To avoid similar mistakes in the future, I've decided to be more professional in my work relationships. I'll set clear boundaries, especially concerning time and expectations. I'll expect those who value me to respect my schedule and plan accordingly. Conclusion: Relationships Are Priceless, But They Require Balance: In all of this, it's crucial to remember that relationships are priceless, but their value is upheld by the people within them. As you grow, maintain your core principles like the unchanging sun. Don't compromise your values for friends or family unless judged correctly. Thank you once again to Mr. Benjamin and everyone listening. May God bless and increase each one of you.

    13 min
  3. Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 14

    28 JAN

    Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 14

    In 2023, I had a myriad of experiences, making it challenging to pinpoint one as the most memorable. However, one significant achievement was the launch of my book, "Maximizing Your NYSC Year." This book serves as a guide for individuals navigating their National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) year, providing insights into award-winning personal Community Development Service (CDS) projects. I delved into numerous projects and focused on my personal business, specializing in book editing, publishing, and consultancy services. This journey involved taking on projects that were new to me, leading to a wealth of experience and research. Lessons Learned from 2023: Purpose in Every Experience: One crucial lesson from 2023 is that every experience, whether good or bad, serves a purpose. Challenges prepare us for the future, and successes pave the way for more significant achievements. Even in the face of losses and setbacks, there's an opportunity for growth. God's Presence in Challenges: The awareness that God is ever-present in our lives, especially during challenges, was a key lesson for me. Turning to God in prayer and sharing burdens with Him allowed me to witness His merciful ways. Involving God in all aspects of life made 2023 outstanding. Perseverance and Resilience: The importance of never giving up, regardless of the challenges faced, is a valuable lesson. Challenges don't come to break us but to make us stronger and more resilient. Perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving our goals. Facing Challenges with Triumph: I shared a personal experience of facing a robbery at the beginning of 2023, resulting in significant losses. However, the decision to bounce back, coupled with family support and prayer, led to a triumphant recovery. The challenges became a catalyst for positive changes, redirection, and newfound determination. Encouragement for 2024: As we step into 2024, my advice is to run your race diligently. Be intentional about your actions, align them with your long-term goals, and take charge of the year. Life is a journey, and it's essential to navigate it with purpose and determination. Remember, challenges are part of life, but they don't define us. The key is to learn from every experience and use it as a stepping stone to greater heights. Don't leave your life to chance; be proactive and make choices that contribute to your overall well-being. I'm entering 2024 with a triumphant mindset, and I encourage you to do the same. This year is yours, and by running your race diligently, you can make the best of it. Wishing everyone a fantastic and successful 2024. Take care, and bye for now!

    11 min
  4. Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 13

    27 JAN

    Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 13

    A Journey of Balancing Life: Reflecting on 2023, I recall the podcasts from 2022 that delved into personal journeys. Those episodes helped me learn how to balance various aspects of my life. A Release from Grief: One of the most memorable experiences of 2023 was when God lifted the burden of grief from my shoulders. In 2020, I lost my father, and the pain and anger towards God lingered. Despite prayers and fasting, the loss occurred, and resentment grew. Seeking Answers and God's Response: Throughout 2020, questions tormented me. Why did God allow it despite our prayers? Why show us signs without preventing the loss? The grief consumed me, and anger festered. A Turning Point: The turning point came in 2023 when God spoke to me, saying, "Blessed is he that is not offended by me." This profound statement marked a shift in my perspective. Lessons Learned: Through this experience, I learned that our trials often lead to doubts about God's goodness. The devil attempts to convince us that God doesn't care or answer prayers. However, the lesson is clear—whatever God does is good and perfect. Gratitude in All Circumstances: The Biblical admonition to "give thanks in everything" (1 Thessalonians 5:18) became a guiding principle. Gratitude isn't a requirement; it's an acknowledgment that God, who knows the future, is in control. Trusting God Despite Lack of Understanding: Even when I don't comprehend the why, I choose to trust God. In Hebrews 10, patience is highlighted. After giving thanks, waiting patiently is part of doing the will of God. Approaching Grief Differently: In 2023, I approached grief differently. I surrendered it to God, recognizing that my understanding is limited. I dropped the burden at His feet, choosing to trust Him completely. The Role of Scripture in Healing: Studying the word of God played a vital role in addressing grief. The Bible brought clarity and comfort that I hadn't found in previous years. Encouragement for Those Grieving: To those grieving, my advice is simple: God loves you, understands your pain, and comprehends even the depths of your heartache. Surrender everything to Him, for He holds the future. As we step into 2024, let's entrust our burdens to God, knowing that His plans for us are good, and He will never intentionally inflict pain. Thank you for having me, and may this podcast continue to impact lives positively.

    11 min
  5. Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 12

    26 JAN

    Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 12

    My story begins in a small, farmer-dominated community where I did my national youth service. Life was comfortable, peaceful, and the cost of living was affordable. I even engaged in small businesses to keep things interesting. However, comfort has its drawbacks, and I soon realized I was missing out on numerous opportunities beyond my cozy haven. After spending two years in that community, I knew it was time to move on, but fear held me back. Thankfully, my friends encouraged me to seek job opportunities outside my comfort zone. In November last year, my job hunting journey began, and within two weeks, I was invited for an interview in the capital city. I landed a job at a prestigious organization with good pay and accommodation. Transitioning to my new workplace wasn't easy. I felt like a little fish in a big pond—quiet, withdrawn, and introverted. But with encouragement from friends and a determination to challenge myself, I gradually stepped out of my shell. I discovered a social side of me that I didn't know existed, and my comfort zone expanded. Lessons Learned: The key lesson I gleaned from this experience is that being too comfortable in my comfort zone can blind me to profitable opportunities. Sometimes, a gentle push is all we need to step into a realm of growth and possibilities. Advice: To all you wonderful individuals out there, I encourage you to take the leap—step out of your comfort zones. Even if it means doing it afraid, the experience is more valuable than not trying at all. You never know what opportunities await you beyond your familiar surroundings. Approach in 2024: For the year 2024, I've decided to put myself out there in a positive light. I'll dare to do the things I've been too afraid to attempt. Even if failure knocks on my door, I'll proudly say I tried. This year, I'm embracing challenges, opportunities, and personal growth with open arms. Thank you all for listening to my journey, and I hope it inspires you to take that step out of your comfort zone. Here's to a fantastic and fearless 2024! 🌟

    7 min
  6. Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 11

    25 JAN

    Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 11

    Hello, everyone. I'm Solomon Joseph, and I'd like to share my insights on the rollercoaster ride that was 2023. It was a tough year, full of challenges, but it also brought significant impact, teaching me valuable lessons through both successes and losses. Embracing Individuality and Dismissing Stereotypes: One profound lesson from 2023 was embracing the uniqueness of individuals. People are different, and it's crucial to discard stereotypes like "all men are the same" or "all women are alike." Each person deserves a chance to define their own story, unburdened by preconceived notions. The Art of Sacrifice and Understanding: 2023 presented me with lessons on sacrifice and understanding in relationships. Not all efforts are perceived equally, and recognizing the sacrifices made by your partner fosters a deeper connection. Misunderstandings often arise from overlooking the unique value each person brings to the table. Regrets and the Power of Timely Action: Regrets, though few, include not allowing ample time for personal healing before diving into new relationships. Procrastination also played a role, urging me to stress the importance of seizing opportunities promptly. The year emphasized that timely actions yield more favorable outcomes. Expect the Unexpected in Acts of Kindness: Acts of kindness and generosity may not always yield immediate rewards, but they create a ripple effect. The lesson learned was not to expect returns from the exact place where you invest. Help others selflessly, and rewards may arrive unexpectedly from unforeseen sources. Navigating Relationships and the Impact of Distance: The challenge of understanding each other in a long-distance relationship highlighted the need for effective communication and mutual comprehension. Every sacrifice made should be acknowledged, fostering a more profound connection. Understanding, beyond mere communication, is the key. The Continual Learning Process: 2023, with its ups and downs, relationships, and personal growth, reinforced the idea that life is an ongoing learning process. As I venture into 2024, the fear of the unknown lingers, but the lessons learned provide a compass to navigate the uncertainties. In conclusion, 2023 was not just a year but a profound journey of self-discovery and resilience. Here's to embracing the lessons learned and welcoming the possibilities that 2024 holds.

    10 min


Having an understanding that words have tremendous effect on us and the world in its entirety, this podcast stands to bridge the gap by bringing to you positive words, motivational talk and declarations that will help refocus and encourage you during your daily dealings amidst negativity.We value you, the world needs your input and all we do here is to position your mind to make it happen.

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