Heart 2 Heart Truth

Dr. Chonta T. A. Haynes
Heart 2 Heart Truth Podcast

Transformative Biblical Truth for abundant living with Dr. Chonta Haynes. Featured Guests, Tough Questions and Lessons... Come on in and take a seat as we discuss from books to the Good Book and everything in between. Helping you put feet to your faith so you can walk victoriously.

  1. Crown Adjusting Affirmations for Kingdom Wisdom

    3 DAYS AGO

    Crown Adjusting Affirmations for Kingdom Wisdom

    Welcome to this transformative episode with Dr. Chonta Haynes. In today's session, Dr. Haynes shares powerful affirmations for Kingdom wisdom, guiding listeners through the practical application of godly wisdom in the face of life's challenges. Drawing from James 3:13 and 3:17, she offers biblical insight into how wisdom can transform decision-making and lead to personal and professional success. Show Notes:Episode Highlights: [0:00] – Introduction and Scripture ReferenceDr. Chonta Haynes opens the episode by discussing the importance of wisdom, referencing James 3:13, which encourages us to live wisely with humility, and James 3:17, which outlines the qualities of heavenly wisdom. [0:33] – The Qualities of Heavenly WisdomDr. Haynes expands on how wisdom from God is pure, peace-loving, considerate, full of mercy, and leads to good fruit in our lives. [1:02] – Life Challenges and the Need for WisdomDr. Haynes identifies key life challenges such as divorce, career transition, grief, and empty nesting. She emphasizes the power of godly wisdom to help us face these situations with resilience and discernment. [1:31] – Crown-Adjusting Affirmations for WisdomDr. Haynes leads listeners through a series of affirmations to align their hearts and minds with Kingdom wisdom, covering topics like discernment, humility, and integrity. Affirmation Highlights: "I listen attentively and add to my learning." "I am honest in all areas and prosper." "I do not reject godly wisdom." [5:00] – Biblical Examples of WisdomDr. Haynes shares stories of Solomon’s discernment in difficult situations and Joseph’s resilience through family betrayal, emphasizing how applying wisdom changes outcomes for the better. [6:04] – Invitation for Vision Breakthrough Strategy SessionDr. Haynes offers an opportunity for listeners to book a Vision Breakthrough Strategy session to help them receive personalized guidance for their next steps in life. Visit ChontaHaynes.com/vision to schedule. [7:05] – Closing Prayer for Wisdom and GuidanceA heartfelt prayer, asking for godly wisdom, peace, and integrity as listeners navigate their personal and professional journeys.   Resources & Links: Book a one-on-one Vision Breakthrough Strategy Call: ChontaHaynes.com/vision Subscribe to Dr. Chonta Haynes’ YouTube channel: Chonta Haynes Dr. Chonta Haynes shares a transformative and faith-filled message on the power of godly wisdom in navigating life’s challenges. She emphasizes the importance of seeking heavenly wisdom, aligning our decisions with God’s guidance, and living with integrity. Through personal affirmations and Biblical insight, Dr. Haynes reminds us that by trusting in God's wisdom and walking in His truth, we can overcome obstacles with resilience and experience lasting success in every area of our lives.    Connect with Dr. Chonta Haynes: Website: chontahaynes.com YouTube: Chonta Haynes Facebook: Chonta Haynes Linktree: ChontaHaynes

    9 min
  2. Crown Adjusting Affirmations to Boost Success for Executives

    10 SEPT

    Crown Adjusting Affirmations to Boost Success for Executives

    Welcome to this transformative episode with Dr. Chonta Haynes. In today's session, Dr. Haynes dives into the power of affirmations for executives, revealing how daily positive declarations can boost decision-making, reduce stress, and improve job performance by 25%. Designed for leaders who want to align their professional success with their faith, Dr. Haynes shares "Crown-Adjusting Affirmations" that will empower you to lead with confidence, overcome self-doubt, and operate at peak performance. Show Notes:Episode Highlights:Introduction – [00:00:01] Dr. Chonta Haynes introduces the importance of daily affirmations for executives.   The Power of Daily Affirmations – [00:00:06] Executives practicing daily affirmations experience up to 50% better decision-making and stress management, leading to a 25% increase in overall job performance.   Challenges Leaders Face – [00:00:19] Discussion on common challenges for executives, including stress, decision-making pressure, and self-doubt.   Crown-Adjusting Affirmations for Executives – [00:00:48] Introduction to powerful affirmations designed to boost mindset, confidence, and leadership success.   Declaring Business Success – [00:01:34] Affirmations focused on God’s plan for success in life, business, and leadership.   Affirmations for Uncommon Favor & Divine Strategies – [00:02:18] Dr. Haynes emphasizes receiving divine downloads and strategies for moving forward in business.   Servant Leadership & Gratitude – [00:03:00] Affirmations on servant leadership, serving others, and the rewards of humility in leadership.   Overcoming Obstacles with God’s Strength – [00:03:40] Affirmations declaring that no obstacle is too big and that God provides strategies to succeed.   Focused Leadership & Making a Difference – [00:04:02] Affirmations focusing on staying relevant, finding solutions, and leading with purpose.   A Table Prepared for You – [00:04:24] Affirmation about stepping into divine favor and leading those called to follow.   Conclusion: The Power of Affirmations – [00:04:47] Dr. Haynes wraps up the affirmations and reflects on how they serve as a guide for executives seeking success.   Book a Vision Strategy Call – [00:05:05] Call to action: Dr. Haynes invites listeners to schedule a one-on-one strategy session to integrate faith into their daily professional routine.   Prayer for Divine Alignment & Leadership Success – [00:05:36] A heartfelt prayer for peace, alignment, and leadership in business and personal life.   Final Thoughts & Encouragement – [00:07:00] Dr. Haynes closes with encouragement to subscribe, like, and share, and to remember that a mindset aligned with faith unlocks true potential. Resources & Links: Book a one-on-one Vision Breakthrough Strategy Call: ChontaHaynes.com/vision Dr. Chonta Haynes empowers executives and leaders with transformative affirmations designed to enhance their decision-making, confidence, and stress management. She emphasizes the importance of aligning our professional success with faith, reminding us that with God’s guidance and divine strategies, we can overcome challenges, lead with purpose, and operate at peak performance. Through daily affirmations and a servant leadership mindset, Dr. Haynes shows how we can unlock our full potential, stand in divine alignment, and walk in success both in business and in life.    Connect with Dr. Chonta Haynes: Website: chontahaynes.com YouTube: Chonta Haynes Facebook: Chonta Haynes Linktree: ChontaHaynes

    8 min
  3. Crown Adjusting Christian Leadership Affirmations for Success

    3 SEPT

    Crown Adjusting Christian Leadership Affirmations for Success

    Welcome to this transformative episode with Dr. Chonta Haynes. In today's session, Dr. Haynes dives deep into the unique challenges faced by Christian leaders in the corporate world. Drawing from a powerful quote by A.W. Tozer, she explores the inward and outward pressures that shape true leadership. Through a series of carefully crafted Christian leadership affirmations, Dr. Haynes empowers listeners to navigate the ethical dilemmas and secular pressures they may encounter in their professional environments. Show Notes:Episode Highlights: [0:00 - 0:00:13] Opening Quote: Dr. Chonta Haynes begins with a profound quote from A.W. Tozer, emphasizing the role of the Holy Spirit and external pressures in shaping true leadership. [0:00:14 - 0:02:00] Affirmations for Christian Leaders: Dive into powerful affirmations crafted to help you excel as a Christian leader in the corporate world. Topics covered include: Upholding integrity in decision-making Practicing servant leadership Integrating faith into your professional life Building resilience and maintaining a strong moral compass [0:02:01 - 0:03:36] Empowering Christian Executives: This segment is designed for leaders at all levels who aspire to harmonize their faith with their professional excellence. [0:03:37 - 0:05:26] Vision Breakthrough Strategy Session: Dr. Haynes offers a free session to help you develop a personalized leadership blueprint for advancing in your career. [0:05:27 - 0:07:02] Closing Prayer: Dr. Haynes closes with a powerful prayer, asking for God's guidance, wisdom, and strength in your leadership journey. Dr. Chonta Haynes delivers an empowering and faith-filled message on thriving as a Christian leader in the corporate world. She highlights the importance of integrating faith, integrity, and servant leadership into our professional lives. By aligning our actions with biblical principles and embracing our unique calling, Dr. Haynes reminds us that we can navigate the challenges of leadership with confidence, resilience, and a strong moral compass, ultimately leading with purpose and authenticity in every situation. Connect with Dr. Chonta Haynes: Website: chontahaynes.com YouTube: Chonta Haynes Facebook: Chonta Haynes

    8 min
  4. Crown Adjusting Affirmations to Embrace Spiritual Renewal

    26 AUG

    Crown Adjusting Affirmations to Embrace Spiritual Renewal

    Welcome to this transformative episode with Dr. Chonta Haynes. In today's session, Dr. Haynes shares an empowering session of Crown Adjusting Affirmations designed to prepare you for spiritual warfare. She dives deep into the importance of embracing spiritual renewal to maintain resilience in the face of life's challenges. She shares powerful affirmations that will help you renew your spirit daily, strengthen your faith, and move forward with confidence, even when life tries to knock you down. Dr. Haynes also emphasizes the significance of trusting in God's plan and offers practical guidance on how to infuse your personal and professional life with divine wisdom and purpose. Show Notes: Episode Highlights: [00:01] - Introduction: The necessity of adapting to change and the role of spiritual renewal in maintaining resilience. [00:18] - The advantage believers have: Renewing our spirit and staying connected to God. [00:30] - Affirmations to embrace spiritual renewal: Crown-adjusting affirmations to keep you grounded. [00:55] - The "palm tree anointing": Bending without breaking and trusting in God's ultimate plan. [01:21] - Genesis 50:20: Turning what was meant for evil into good. [02:06] - Powerful affirmations for spiritual growth: Daily renewal, forgiveness, resilience, and divine direction. [06:07] - The role of the Holy Spirit in our lives: Empowering both personal and professional endeavors. [07:01] - Infusing God into your business: The importance of divine guidance in professional decisions. [07:27] - Special Offer: Book a Vision Breakthrough session with Dr. Haynes for personalized guidance. [09:03] - Prayer: A prayer for spiritual renewal, divine direction, and success in all areas of life. [10:00] - Closing Thoughts: Walking victoriously with renewed strength and faith.   Dr. Chonta Haynes shares an empowering and spiritually renewing message on the importance of resilience and spiritual renewal. She highlights how renewing our spirit daily, trusting in God's plan, and standing firm in faith can help us navigate life's challenges with grace. With powerful affirmations rooted in God's promises, Dr. Haynes reminds us that we are uniquely equipped to bend without breaking, fortified by God's Word, and guided by divine wisdom, enabling us to move forward confidently and victoriously in every area of our lives.

    11 min
  5. Decision Day! The Keys to Make Your Life & Business Profitable with Rodney Payne

    23 AUG

    Decision Day! The Keys to Make Your Life & Business Profitable with Rodney Payne

    In this episode of Heart-2-Heart Truth, Dr. Chonta Haynes welcomes Rodney Payne, a renowned executive coach and leader with over 25 years of experience in helping individuals and businesses make critical decisions. Rodney shares valuable insights into the decision-making process, particularly focusing on how to handle both personal and professional choices effectively. Rodney emphasizes the importance of having a structured approach to decision-making, highlighting the need to separate emotion from the process and establish guiding principles. He outlines a simple three-step system: qualification, quantification, and execution. By qualifying decisions, quantifying their impact, and executing based on a well-defined process, individuals can navigate their choices more effectively. The conversation also delves into how to handle decision-making in both personal relationships and business settings, stressing the importance of having a pre-defined system to avoid emotional pitfalls and improve decision outcomes. Our guest dives deep into the art of decision-making, offering valuable insights on how to assess and implement decisions effectively. The discussion revolves around practical steps to make informed choices, the importance of self-investment, and aligning decisions with core values. The conversation highlights the need to quantify the costs and benefits of decisions, mitigate apprehension, and ensure accountability. The guest shares personal experiences and emphasizes the significance of fulfilling one’s purpose while making impactful decisions. Show Notes: 0:00:00 - 0:00:24: Introduction to the topic of critical decision-making and today's guest, Rodney Payne. 0:00:24 - 0:01:00: Dr. Chonta Haynes introduces Rodney Payne, highlighting his extensive experience in coaching executives and helping leaders. 0:01:00 - 0:01:16: Rodney introduces himself, sharing his background, family, and passion for helping people reach their full potential. 0:01:16 - 0:04:00: Discussion on what constitutes a critical decision and why it's essential to address these decisions with a structured approach. 0:04:00 - 0:05:32: Rodney explains the importance of having a decision-making process in place to avoid emotional and reactive decisions. 0:05:32 - 0:07:28: Insights on making decisions in relationships, including the need for pre-established principles to guide choices. 0:07:28 - 0:08:50: Application of decision-making systems to business scenarios, emphasizing the importance of aligning decisions with personal and professional values. 0:08:50 - 0:11:43: Rodney outlines his three-step decision-making system: qualification, quantification, and execution. He explains how to apply these steps to both personal and business decisions. 0:11:43 - 0:14:03: Discussion on practical applications in business, including how to handle financial decisions and avoid common pitfalls. 0:14:03 - 0:15:14: Rodney emphasizes the importance of understanding one's strengths and weaknesses and investing in areas of expertise to improve decision-making and business outcomes. 0:17:13 - Self-Investment and Honesty Importance of investing in oneself and not going it alone. Recognizing the value of professional guidance. 0:17:42 - Assessing and Quantifying Decisions How to evaluate the costs and benefits of decisions. The significance of understanding the impact on time, money, and personal values. 0:18:28 - Fulfillment Over Compromise Balancing professional and personal life while maintaining core values. Emphasizing fulfillment as a key measure of success. 0:19:05 - Awareness vs. Arrogance Understanding one's capabilities and recognizing the source of these abilities. Making informed decisions based on self-awareness and humility. 0:19:23 - Practical Steps for Decision-Making Steps to qualify and articulate decisions. The analogy of cleaning a house before delegating tasks. Aligning decisions with core values. 0:20:37 - Mitigating Apprehen

    36 min
  6. Crown Adjusting Affirmations to Harness an Excellent Spirit

    20 AUG

    Crown Adjusting Affirmations to Harness an Excellent Spirit

    Welcome to this transformative episode with Dr. Chonta Haynes. In today's session, Dr. Haynes shares an empowering session of Crown Adjusting Affirmations designed to prepare you for spiritual warfare. She emphasizes that you were not created to be average; instead, God has endowed you with unique gifts and an excellent spirit. Dr. Haynes guides listeners through a series of affirmations designed to rekindle and affirm their God-given excellence, drawing inspiration from biblical figures such as Daniel, Joseph, Joshua, and Caleb. Tune in to discover how to harness your divine potential, live with integrity, and overcome life's challenges with faith and resilience. Show Notes: Episode Highlights:   Introduction (0:00): Dr. Chonta Haynes welcomes listeners and introduces the theme of combating mediocrity through affirmations. Affirmations for Excellence (0:16): Dr. Haynes discusses the importance of recognizing your unique gifts and potential, and how affirmations can help renew and invigorate your spirit. Biblical Inspiration (1:01): Learn from the examples of Daniel, Joseph, Joshua, and Caleb, and how their stories can guide you to operate with an excellent spirit and integrity. Personal Empowerment (3:01): Affirmations to boost your motivation, trust in God's plan, and embrace your role as an overcomer. Call to Action (5:10): Dr. Haynes invites listeners to book a one-on-one strategy call for personalized spiritual mentorship and growth. Visit ChontaHaynes.com/vision for more details. Closing Prayer (6:05): A heartfelt prayer to reinforce the commitment to live out God’s plan with integrity and excellence. Final Thoughts (8:23): Dr. Haynes encourages listeners to subscribe to the podcast, comment, and hit the notification bell for more empowering content.     Dr. Chonta Haynes delivers an inspiring and motivating message on transcending mediocrity and embracing your God-given excellence. She highlights the significance of recognizing and harnessing the unique gifts and divine potential within each of us. Through affirmations and biblical insights, Dr. Haynes encourages us to rise above life's challenges with integrity and faith, drawing strength from the examples of biblical figures who exemplified an excellent spirit. She reminds us that we are not average, but rather uniquely equipped by God to bless others and achieve greatness in every aspect of our lives.

    9 min
  7. Crown Adjusting Affirmations to Overcome Challenges with Faith and Resilience

    12 AUG

    Crown Adjusting Affirmations to Overcome Challenges with Faith and Resilience

    Welcome to this transformative episode with Dr. Chonta Haynes. In today's session, Dr. Haynes shares an empowering session of Crown Adjusting Affirmations designed to prepare you for spiritual warfare. Life can be overwhelming, but with a foundation rooted in the Word of God, you can overcome any obstacle. Dr. Haynes guides listeners through a series of affirmations based on Scripture that are designed to renew your mind, strengthen your spirit, and empower you to move forward victoriously. Show Notes: Episode Highlights: [00:00] - Introduction Dr. Chonta Haynes introduces the episode, acknowledging the challenges of life and the importance of faith and resilience. [01:00] - Crown Adjusting Affirmations Dr. Haynes begins with affirmations rooted in Scripture, emphasizing the need for faith as a foundation to overcome life’s obstacles. [02:00] - Overcoming Challenges with Faith Affirmations include: [02:10] Isaiah 54:17 - "There is no scheme or plan that will stop me from doing all God has for me." [02:40] Romans 12:2 - "My mind is renewed; I think like God thinks about circumstances I face." [03:10] Proverbs 24:14 - "I trust God who is my refuge; I do not despair but hold on to hope." [03:40] Lamentations 3:23 - "Each day is filled with new mercies and grace that abounds." [05:00] - Special Offer Dr. Haynes offers a free download of her book "Sister to Sister" and explains how it provides daily devotions to support your faith journey. Download here. [06:00] - Encouragement & Community Dr. Haynes invites listeners to grow in faith together, encouraging a supportive community of believers. [07:00] - Closing Prayer Dr. Haynes leads a heartfelt prayer, asking God to guide and strengthen listeners as they face life's challenges. Dr. Chonta Haynes shares an inspiring message on overcoming life’s challenges with faith and resilience. She highlights the power of Crown Adjusting Affirmations, rooted in Scripture, to renew our minds, strengthen our spirits, and align our lives with God's promises. By embracing these affirmations and standing firm in faith, Dr. Haynes reminds us that we can triumph over any obstacle and walk confidently in the purpose God has for us.

    9 min
  8. Crown Adjusting Affirmations & Bible Verses for Daily Motivation

    6 AUG

    Crown Adjusting Affirmations & Bible Verses for Daily Motivation

    Welcome to this transformative episode with Dr. Chonta Haynes. In today's session, Dr. Haynes shares an empowering session of Crown Adjusting Affirmations designed to prepare you for spiritual warfare. She shares 24 powerful Bible affirmations designed to guide and uplift you throughout the day. These affirmations, rooted in scripture, offer daily motivation, peace, and strength. Dr. Haynes emphasizes the importance of internalizing and acting on God's promises to transform your daily life and walk victoriously in your faith. Tune in to discover how these affirmations can help you start, sustain, and end your day with purpose and positivity. Show Notes: Episode Highlights: (0:00 - 1:00) Introduction: Welcome and introduction to the benefits of Bible affirmations. Overview of how affirmations can bring joy, peace, and health. (1:00 - 6:00) Bible Affirmations and Verses: Dr. Chonta Haynes shares 24 Bible affirmations, each backed by scripture: Matthew 19:26 - "All things are possible to me, I believe." Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Deuteronomy 31:6 - "God will never leave me nor forsake me. I am strong and courageous." Romans 15:13 - "The God of all hope comforts me and fills me with joy and peace." And many more... (6:00 - 7:00) Personal Encouragement : Dr. Haynes encourages listeners to meditate on these affirmations daily. Information on booking a personal strategy call to align with God's plan. (7:00 - 9:00) Prayer and Final Thoughts: Dr. Haynes leads a powerful prayer to seal the affirmations and invite God's blessings. Encouragement to listen to affirmations that resonate with your current needs and future aspirations.   Dr. Chonta Haynes delivers an inspiring and transformative message on harnessing the power of Bible affirmations for daily motivation. She emphasizes the importance of internalizing and acting on God's promises to bring joy, peace, and strength into every moment of our lives. By aligning our thoughts and actions with these affirmations, we can start, sustain, and end our days with purpose and positivity, walking victoriously in our faith.

    10 min


Transformative Biblical Truth for abundant living with Dr. Chonta Haynes. Featured Guests, Tough Questions and Lessons... Come on in and take a seat as we discuss from books to the Good Book and everything in between. Helping you put feet to your faith so you can walk victoriously.

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