Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast

Robert Thibodeau
Kingdom Cross  Roads Podcast Podcast

Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews Christian guests that range from pastors and ministers to Christian authors; Christian musicians and singers to Christian businessmen and businesswomen who are running impactful businesses while maintaining the Christian morals and values. Each podcast is approximately 28 minutes in length and can also be hears on the online Christian radio station, Evangelism Radio, from 2pm-230pm ET Monday-Friday. This is an interview based podcast that will often dig deep into the beliefs of the guest being interviewed. We recently published our 1000th Episode (in under four years) and have been ranked by "Listen Notes" (the "Nielsen Ratings" of Podcasts) in the TOP 1/2% of ALL podcasts worldwide (2.7million +)! So your interviews will be heard!

  1. 11 HR AGO

    3 Mistakes That Sabotage Company Culture – Wayne Mullins

    3 Mistakes That Sabotage Company Culture Wayne Mullins Have you ever wondered why some companies seem to effortlessly reach their goals while others struggle - despite having all the right tools? The answer often lies in one of the most overlooked aspects of business success—company culture. It’s the invisible force that guides every decision and action, but too often, the culture we envision doesn’t match the reality we live every day.  To help us unravel this mystery and learn how you can shape and transform your company or business culture to align with your vision, I’m excited to be joined by Wayne Mullins, the founder of Ugly Mug Marketing. Wayne’s expertise goes far beyond just creating a nice website. He and his team focus on helping you achieve the results YOU want through effective marketing, social media, events, SEO, and more.   Wayne Mullins and his team are “results oriented” in everything they do!  This why they believe “Ugly Mug Marketing” can help you build the business of your dreams, too. Amen!  Wayne is also the author of the book, “Full Circle Marketing,” as well. Amen!   If you’re ready to learn how to bridge the gap between where your company culture is and where it needs to be, this conversation is one you can’t afford to miss!  With that being said, help me welcome back to the program, Wayne Mullins!  Wayne, it is a blessing to have you back with us today!  For those that may have missed our prior interview, I believe it was episode 1528 – if you did miss that, go back and listen… Wayne was dropping several value bombs there that will definitely help you in your SEO battle. Amen!... But Wayne, for those that may have missed that, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Wayne Mullins?”  Last time, we did an overview of what you do and how you can help businesses and entrepreneurs…  Today, I wanted to focus on one of the most important aspects of running a successful business – and that is company culture.  I’ve worked for companies where I dreaded going to work. I’ve also worked for organizations where I actually looked forward to going to work because I loved the job, the people and believed in the mission.  How important is company culture in the success of a business?  What exactly makes up a successful company culture?  You list “3 Mistakes that Sabotage Your Company Culture.”  Can you go over those three common mistakes for us?  What makes a company culture toxic?  If you are the business owner, and based on what you just shared, as an owner, how can we begin to make a successful culture change?  Is this something that needs to be done gradually? So no big changes – or is it better to just dive right in?  What about someone who works at one of these companies? How should they approach the boss or department head about implementing changes?  Wayne, this is so interesting. Do you go over any of this information in your book, “Full Circle Marketing?”  How can you help business owners in making a positive change in company culture?  Tell us about your book a little bit…  How can someone order a copy of your book, a...

    36 min
  2. 1 DAY AGO

    How it All Ends – Richard Ruhling

    How it All Ends Richard Ruhling If you have been listening to us for awhile now, you know we are living in the “last of the last days.” Everything is lining up just the way Jesus said it would. Only a complete fool would deny that…and there are plenty of them out there. Amen!  God is about to release Jesus to come back to the earth!  Amen!  If we compare this to foot race, Jesus is about to cross the finish line!  What does this mean to us?  Well, for those that are born again – we get to celebrate WITH HIM. Amen!  For those that are not born again – when I was growing up, there was a TV show called, “Wide World of Sports” and they had a slogan, “The thrill of victory” (that’s what we will be celebrating with Jesus) and then they would continue, “and the agony of defeat.”  For the majority of the world… when Jesus crosses the finish line – that is what they will be experiencing… “the agony” of defeat. Not just a temporary agony until “the next race.” No. This is the “last race” for all time… and if they are not crossing the line WITH JESUS – the “agony of defeat” they will experience will be – forever.  Our guest today is our longtime friend, Dr. Richard Ruhling. He has been on numerous times discussing end-time scenarios. He is the author of several great books which we have interviewed him on before. Books such as “Wake Up America,” “America is Gone,” “The Bridegroom Cometh” and others. He has authored “How it All Ends,” which we will be discussing today.  Help me welcome back, Dr. Richard Ruhling!  Dr. Ruhling, it is a blessing to have you back with us today!  When we share about the “soon return of Jesus” and the end-time scenarios and then compare all of that with what we see happening around us, many people just scoff at it. They will say things like, “It’s always been that way” or “That’s just a coincidence…” You shared that Einstein once said, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” I believe that is a great way of looking at it today… don’t you agree?  What are your thoughts on what is happening in the Middle East, especially in regards to Iran threatening retaliation against Israel?  Dr. Ruhling shares similarities between “the ram caught in the bush” and “George Bush” and also what will happen “at the LAST Trump” and that, if Trump wins this election, it is his “last term” – and how all that relates to what the Bible says will happen in the last days.  Dr. Ruhling, this has been so interesting. I love it when you always come on and catch us up on things like this. How can someone get in touch with you if they have any questions – and  how can they obtain a copy of your book, “How it All Ends?”  I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.  Folks, as we said in the beginning… and as Dr. Ruhling has shared, it is close… the “soon return of Jesus” is closer now than it has ever been…   Only a fool would say otherwise…and we know there are many naysayers around who are foolish enough to deny it.    Which is why it is so important for YOU to take action before that day comes!  It will be a Glorious day for some… but not for everyone.  If your loved ones, coworkers, friends, neighbors – if they are not born again – this could be one of the last opportunities you will ever...

    27 min
  3. 1 DAY AGO

    IBUYSTL – Bobby Kough

    IBUYSTL Bobby Kough Sometimes, things will happen in life that causes us to have to pack up and move… I know…in my 12 years in the military, our family moved 13 times… between training assignments and deployments, etc. In what is now over 46 years of marriage, my wife and have moved 19 times. So we know what it is like when you need to sell a home, quickly and easily – or as easily and as quickly as possible – and move…Amen.  For some others, it could be having to sell a home after their parents pass on…for others, it could be through a divorce, etc.  The point being, when you need to sell, in some circumstance, it is not feasible to do repairs, set up the staging of the house – allowing strangers to come walking through (and realtors wanting you OUT of the house before they bring these strangers through), etc.  But, that is the “traditional” route that a lot of people think they have to take… Not anymore…our guest today is Robert Kough, who will be offering you an alternate solution…  Originally from Rancho Cucamonga, California, Robert Kough now resides in the St. Louis, MO area. He is a 2015 graduate of the US Army Military Academy at West Point and played as a defensive lineman with the Black Knights… with 79 career tackles… Praise God!  He served as an Engineer Officer for five years.  After military service, he moved into a passion that he had been holding onto for his last year or so he was in the Army – Real Estate.   The Lord had him connect with a fellow West Point graduate, Jimmy Vreeland and together, they have built a hugely successful company, IBuySTL (or St. Louis). Together, they have grown this company to one of the major players in the St. Louis housing market.   IBuySTL provides options to sellers outside of the traditional way of selling a home, where the seller completes repairs prior to selling.   Working with IBuySTL, they will purchase your house “as-is” and offer creative solutions to alleviate many of the stressors that often come with selling a home.  So far, they have built a turnkey portfolio of more than 800 houses!  IBuySTL has been recognized as one of the top buyers of houses in St. Louis and the surrounding areas. Amen!  Help me welcome to the program, Bobby Kough!  Bobby, it is a blessing to have you with us today, brother!  First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Bobby Kough?”  Were you a believer before going to West Point?  From what I understand, you lost your father while at West Point, correct? Was that in your Plebe year?  What were the ramifications of that loss for you at West Point?  Did they give you family leave time or did you have to withdraw… I’m just curious as to how that worked out…  You returned and had a massive success on the football field.  I live in the Baltimore / Annapolis area of Maryland and, naturally, everything here is “Go Navy.”  I’m in the minority when I shout out “GO ARMY!”  In fact, my son-in-law is a Navy Academy graduate and was a Marine Corps officer… but, I let my Cavalry Officer time shine through…I’ve got Cav yard signs, etc…just to rub it in…  Share with us one of the most memorable moments you experienced on the football field…  When did you realize you wanted to leave the military and begin your civilian career?  Why real estate? What motivated you go down this path?  How did you meet up with Jimmy Vreeland?  Share with us how you are able to help homeowners looking to sell their homes in the St. Louis area?  Your company is an “investment company” and not a real...

    20 min
  4. 4 DAYS AGO

    When Hope Comes – Donna Aust

    When Hope Comes Donna Aust One of my favorite things to do is study some of the characters of the Bible. You can learn so much by just taking the time to study… and the contemplate…actually pause and try to put yourself in the position of who you are reading about.  What would your reactions be? What would you have said in a particular situation? How would you have reacted to people sharing the Gospel with YOU in Biblical times.  I’ve researched and preached on many characters in the Bible by doing just that. Those are some of my most requested sermons as well.    I said all that to lay the ground work for what you are going to be hearing from our guest today.  Donna Aust is the founder of Donna Aust Ministries and she is also the author of a great book, “When Hope Comes – Discovering God’s Character and Our True Identity Through the Book of Ruth.”  In this book, you will meet Ruth. You will experience the tragedy and hard choices they had to make. You will be with them as they go through some the darkest times imaginable, personally and for the nation of Israel as well. But, you will also see how God uses this “non-Jewish” woman in a unique way… to usher in the birth of our Savior… Jesus. Amen!  I can’t wait… help me welcome to the program, Donna Aust!  Donna, it is a blessing to have you with us today. I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to today’s interview.  Before we get started though, the first question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Donna Aust?”  Let me ask you, WHY did you write this book about Ruth?  What was it about Ruth’s story that resonated with you the most?  Ruth was a Moabite, historically, they were enemies of Israel. But times were hard and Naomi and her husband and sons decided to be like Jacob and go where the food was… in this case, Moab. But tragedy struck and the men died.  This seems like it should be the end of the story… but this young woman decided that SHE would live as an Israelite – in Israel. Forsaking her past and staying with her mother-in-law.  God used that Faith to usher in the birth of Jesus.  But, some people say she acted improperly by going to the threshing floor and making an intimate advance on Boaz (even though she was following Naomi’s instructions). Basically, she was ASKING Boaz to fulfill the Jewish tradition of being a “kinsman-redeemer.” How did you cover this in your book?  Another thing I would like to bring out is the two different kinds of attitudes we see demonstrated. Naomi is bitter, “Don’t call me Naomi, call me Mara because the Lord has made my life bitter” in Ruth 1:20-21… compared to the faith of Ruth who acted in unwavering loyalty and faithfulness to Naomi’s instructions.    Did you highlight these two differences in your book?  Like I said in the beginning, I like to look at things, not from the perspective of “the spiritual acts” that I’m reading – but how “I WOULD HAVE” reacted without the foreknowledge that we have by reading about what happened.  For example, when Paul was stoned to death and left on the side of the road… he was dead. Which means he was in the presence of Jesus.  But, his disciples were praying, releasing their Faith to raise him from the dead.  I imagined myself there… in the presence of Jesus – enjoying Heaven… and...

    26 min
  5. 13 SEPT

    Breaking Up with the Enemy – Mike Manuel Part 2

    Breaking Up with the Enemy Mike Manuel Part 2Are you ready to break free from the unseen chains holding you back? Today, we going to dive into the power of deliverance – setting people free from the grip of the devil and his fallen angels. Whether it's freeing non-believers from possession or helping believers overcome demonic oppression, Pastor Mike Manuel is the expert in this area…and he is going to share with us the truth about these types of spiritual battles. Learn how deception can impact your life and discover how to reclaim your peace, hope, and joy.   Pastor Mike Manuel is an ordained pastor with the Assemblies of God. He is a published author, an international speaker and a deliverance minister serving the Lord Jesus. Amen!  He has helped hundreds of people to be transformed emotionally, physically and spiritually by the Supernatural Power of the Living God. Amen!  Pastor Mike is the author of two books, “Torn: Embracing the New Covenant in an Old Covenant World” and his latest book, “Breaking Up with the Enemy: How to Defeat the Devil’s Deceit and Reclaim Peace, Hope and Joy.”  Help me welcome to the program, Pastor Mike Manuel.  This is part two to a great onversation with Pastor Mike Manuel! I think one of the problems is that many believers think they can just recite one or two scripture verses and they are like some “magic incantations” that make the devil run away.  But Jesus clearly says the Word has to be in your heart. “Out of the ABUNDANCE of the heart, the mouth speaks.” That does not mean “memorized in your head.” But an abundance in your heart…am I correct in that assumption?  Let’s shift to your book, “Breaking Up with the Enemy.”  Why did you write this book and why publish now?   In your book, “Breaking Up with the Enemy,” you actually go through some practical steps that will help people “close the doors” to the areas they have possibly left open for the devil to wreak havoc in their lives.   Can you give us a few more examples from your book?  How can someone order a copy of your book? Is it on Amazon?  You not only do services at churches, you also will hold events in hotel conference rooms and special events, etc. correct?    If you could summarize it for us, what is the number one thing you would like your readers to take away from reading this book?  Is there anything you’d like to share with our listeners today that we have not already covered?  Pastor Mike, this has been so interesting. I could talk to you about this for hours. Praise God for you and your anointing in this ministry.   If someone has a question or would like more information, or they would like to have you on an interview like this - how can the get in touch with you?  I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.  Folks, this type of Spiritual warfare is not for the faint of heart…but believers need to be the “front line troops” in handling anything that pops its ugly head up in your area of operations. Amen!  There are times in the military where the front line troops are encountering something that requires the Special Ops people to come in and handle. That is where Pastor Mike Manuel and his Deliverance Ministry comes...

    24 min
  6. 12 SEPT

    Breaking Up with the Enemy – Mike Manuel Part 1

    Breaking Up with the Enemy Mike Manuel Part 1Are you ready to break free from the unseen chains holding you back? Today, we going to dive into the power of deliverance – setting people free from the grip of the devil and his fallen angels. Whether it's freeing non-believers from possession or helping believers overcome demonic oppression, Pastor Mike Manuel is the expert in this area…and he is going to share with us the truth about these types of spiritual battles. Learn how deception can impact your life and discover how to reclaim your peace, hope, and joy.   Pastor Mike Manuel is an ordained pastor with the Assemblies of God. He is a published author, an international speaker and a deliverance minister serving the Lord Jesus. Amen!  He has helped hundreds of people to be transformed emotionally, physically and spiritually by the Supernatural Power of the Living God. Amen!  Pastor Mike is the author of two books, “Torn: Embracing the New Covenant in an Old Covenant World” and his latest book, “Breaking Up with the Enemy: How to Defeat the Devil’s Deceit and Reclaim Peace, Hope and Joy.”  Help me welcome to the program, Pastor Mike Manuel.  Pastor Mike, it is a blessing to finally have you on the program, brother! I’ve been looking forward to our conversation today!  First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Pastor Mike Manuel?”  How did you get started in this deliverance ministry?  What was that first discussion with the Holy Spirit like when He planted this into your heart?  Let me ask you… if the devil was defeated (and he was) by Jesus on the Cross – why are Christians still having to deal with him today?  Sometimes, I know believers will unknowingly allow evil into their life.  Whether watching something on TV or at the movies that allows evil to enter their mind and take up residence.  Can you give us some examples of things Christians do that gets then unwittingly entangled within the devil’s snare…  CONTACT INFORMATION: Website:  Book:  “Breaking Up with the Enemy: How to Defeat the Devil’s Deceit and Reclaim Peace, Hope and Joy” – on Amazon  Book:  “Torn: Embracing the New Covenant in an Old Covenant World” – on Amazon

    29 min
  7. 10 SEPT

    What Did Jesus Say? – Terry Christian

    What Did Jesus Say? Terry Christian Born with a stuttering problem in a dysfunctional family, Terry Christian was ridiculed and mocked for most of his young life…  At the age of 23, he had a near death experience and was told in a dream that, one day, he would be a teacher for Jesus… but, just like Mose, he questioned “how” because of his stuttering problem…  Soon after, he was hired by the Dale Carnegie Organization and trained in sales and public speaking. It was here, he met someone who taught him how to visually read… so he was soon devouring as many books as he could find – mainly on the subject of personal growth. Amen!  At the age of 30, he became a motivational speaker and an executive trainer. He would go on to give more than 2500 presentations across America and Canada.  Terry Christian has since retired as the Holy Spirit redirected his life. He is now in the missions ministry, his ministry is called, “Foundations for Life,” and he based in Jamaica. He is also the author of a very special, unique book, titled, “What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master.” This book uses ONLY the spoken words of Jesus… commonly referred to as the “red letters” of the Bible. No commentary. No extra explanations… he just allows Jesus to do the talking. Amen!  One more thing… he walks the walk as well as talks the talk. Back in 2010, he was diagnosed with bladder cancer and given only a few years to live. He created his own “healing sabbatical” and, after fasting and praying for 21 days and walking on the beach in Jamaica, he returned to the doctor and was declared cancer free! Glory to God! And he remains cancer free to this day. Amen!  Having said all that, I have been looking forward to today’s interview – as Terry has some special information that you will want to hear…this is something that may not be for everyone… but I can almost guarantee – “somebody out there somewhere” listening to us right now is going to resonate with what he will be sharing. Amen!    So grab a pen and paper… and help me welcome back to the program, our good friend and brother, Terry Christian. Terry, it is so good to have you come back on and I’m looking forward to what you will be sharing in a little bit… amen!  First, let’s start with the first question I always start with… other than the brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Terry Christian?”  Your book, “What Did Jesus Say,” can you share a little bit more than what I shared in the opening…   It is only available on your website right now, correct?  That brings us to the point of today’s interview… you are embarking on an ambitious – but very doable and very beneficial marketing plan. It is similar to a “Go Fund Me” project – but one that BLESSES every person who supports it… It is called Marketing Fund: 2024… can you share with us about this program…how it works…how it will bless all that get involved?  This is not one of those pyramid schemes…but it is going to be used to “Get the Word Out” about your book and bless those that help you to be a blessing through the book sales, correct?  Give us the time frame outline again…  Terry, this sounds so interesting… as I said in our private conversations – which is why I wanted to get you on the program so you could share all about it in detail with our listeners. If someone has a question (which...

    24 min
  8. 9 SEPT

    Accountability in Your Daily Life - Robert Hunt

    Accountability In Your Daily Life Robert Hunt  Today, we are going to be talking about “Accountability,” especially in the life of a believer who is operating in a secular work environment. That could be in a corporate job or self-employed. You could be the CEO of a major corporation or an “online entrepreneur. Accountability will make sure you “get the job done.” Amen.  My guest today is here to help us understand exactly that! Amen!  Robert Hunt is business owner and forum leader and Executive Coach of the “Renaissance Executive Forum Dallas (or REF DFW). He has been in Marketing and Sales most of his career,but in 2013, he decided to transition his focus into helpingbusiness owners and CEO’s by taking part in monthly “peer to peer to peer” advisory groups for CEOs and business owners. As a Christian, he wants to live his life following Christ, help others and have fun along the way. Amen! He is also the author of the book, “Nobody Cares Until You Do.” Help me welcome to the program, Robert J. Hunt! Robert, thank you for taking the time to join us today! First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Robert J. Hunt?” I notice one of the first things you share is “Nobody can hold anybody accountable.” As an accountability coach, can you explain what it is you mean by that statement? Managing a business is hard. There are so many external factors that someone has no control over (i.e. “the economy”) – but then, there are things that they DO have control over…  Do you find that a lot of people, especially in business, try to “shift the blame instead of accepting the blame” when it comes to problems that arise in their business? What about owners who want to be “micro-managers?” Those who want to delegate tasks, but then want to be involved in every detail of the assigned tasks?  When someone comes to you for help or to join your group, do you find that a lot of them are just “overloaded” and stressed out – seeking some sort of help? You share that “living out your Faith is great for your mental health.” Share how that is true… As a Christian CEO, how should we balance “grace with accountability” in the area of discipline and possibly having to let someone go (i.e. terminate their employment)? You have a list of the “Top Five Things Great CEO’s Do.” Can you share that list with us? - Always learning - Make decisions - Own the decision (accountability) - Intentional to invest in their teams - Drive results What about sharing our Faith in the workplace. Obviously, there IS work to do… but how do you recommend leaders should do this? Tell us about your book, “Nobody Cares Until You Do.” Can you tell us about your coaching / accountability organization? Robert, this has been so fascinating. If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question, etc., how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you? I take it your book, “Nobody Cares Until You Do,” is on Amazon? I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below. Folks, accountability means more than “being accountable” for our actions. It means being accountable to God. Being accountable to our co-workers. Being accountable to our spouse and family. But, as you have heard, being more accountable for ourselves. Amen!  For more

    27 min


Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews Christian guests that range from pastors and ministers to Christian authors; Christian musicians and singers to Christian businessmen and businesswomen who are running impactful businesses while maintaining the Christian morals and values. Each podcast is approximately 28 minutes in length and can also be hears on the online Christian radio station, Evangelism Radio, from 2pm-230pm ET Monday-Friday. This is an interview based podcast that will often dig deep into the beliefs of the guest being interviewed. We recently published our 1000th Episode (in under four years) and have been ranked by "Listen Notes" (the "Nielsen Ratings" of Podcasts) in the TOP 1/2% of ALL podcasts worldwide (2.7million +)! So your interviews will be heard!

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