Women's Empowerment School

Sylvia Becker-Hill | Empowerment Wizard, Love Warrior & EVElution Catalyst
Women's Empowerment School Podcast

Sylvia Becker-Hill’s "Women's Empowerment School Podcast" is about dismantling the patriarchy and giving professional women what they need to let go of the Super-Woman-Syndrome, step into their leadership by simply being women, and be successful AND fulfilled in all areas of their EVElutionary life without sacrifice. While showing men how to shed their patriarchal wounds, redefine masculinity and become part of the MANlution Movement!

  1. Access to Truth in Times of Lies - EP051


    Access to Truth in Times of Lies - EP051

    Spend just a few minutes scrolling social media or watching the news and you’ll be bombarded with multiple competing ideas, all advertised as truth. But how do you know if something is true or not? What if you don’t need anyone else to tell you what’s true? What if you have, inside yourself, a lie detector you can activate at any given moment? Today on Women’s Empowerment School, Sylvia is walking us through an exercise for accessing truth in times of lies. She explains why we must get out of fear in order to connect with our inner lie detector, describing how to shift from a state of stress and high-alert to one of groundedness and safety. Sylvia goes on to discuss how our access to truth is not in the intellectual mind but in the body, helping us distinguish how it feels when we focus on something that is true versus an obvious lie. Listen in for insight into why people are more vulnerable to manipulation right now and learn how to activate your own access to truth when presented with contradictory theories. Topics Covered The relationship between fear and the motivation to lie Why we must get out of fear in order to access the truth How to shift from a state of stress and high-alert to one of groundedness and safety How our access to truth is not in the intellectual mind but in the body Sylvia’s exercise for accessing your inner lie detector Close your eyes, breathe and take your attention inward Open your eyes and observe what’s in front of you Look to the right, left, behind you, up and down Focus on something you know is true and distinguish how it feels in your body Focus on something that is obviously not true and feel how your body changes Explore contradictory ideas and ask your body which one is true Why it’s crucial to train yourself to be with uncomfortable feelings Why we’re more vulnerable to manipulation in times of fear Connect with Sylvia Sylvia’s Art + Coaching Website Becker-Hill Women’s Empowerment School WES on Facebook WES Podcast Show Notes Sylvia on Instagram Sylvia on LinkedIn Subscribe to WES on iTunes Subscribe to WES on Google Play Subscribe to WES on Stitcher Email sylvia@becker-hill.com Resources 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women by Sylvia Becker-Hill  Previous Episodes of the WES Podcast  Join Sylvia’s Women Rising Community here: www.becker-hill.com/community

    26 min
  2. The Power of Unconditional Love - EP050


    The Power of Unconditional Love - EP050

    We are in a season of growing conflict, dissonance and even hatred among people. And faced with someone we disagree with, it’s easy to get dragged into a sea of negative emotions—where unconditional love feels entirely out of reach. But what if we DO have the power to choose love, regardless of the circumstances? Today on Women’s Empowerment School, Sylvia is sharing the twelfth chapter of her book, 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women, ‘The Power of Unconditional Love.’ She weighs in on the patriarchal love-falls-from-the-sky paradigm of love, explaining how it takes the power out of our hands and portrays love as a kind of virus we catch in the right moment. Sylvia then invites us to consider a radically different paradigm, reframing love as a conscious, creative act we CHOOSE and challenging us to love the person in front of us regardless of how we think they make us feel. Listen in for insight around the self-image you must cultivate in order to lead from love and learn how to leverage unconditional love to reap results that feel like magic! Topics Covered  What inspired the creation of Sylvia’s book, 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women The idea that each of us embodies love, peace and freedom at our essence The expectation that we must do what we love to achieve true happiness The love-falls-from-the-sky paradigm that paints love as a virus we catch in the right moment   Sylvia’s invitation to reframe love as a conscious, creative act we CHOOSE How to love the person in front of you independent of how you think they make you feel The self-image that gives us the ability to love and lead from love Why widening the gap between external input and our reactions is a prerequisite to unconditional love How leading with unconditional love reaps results that feel like MAGIC Connect with Sylvia Sylvia’s Art + Coaching Website Becker-Hill Women’s Empowerment School WES on Facebook WES Podcast Show Notes Sylvia on Instagram Sylvia on LinkedIn Subscribe to WES on iTunes Subscribe to WES on Google Play Subscribe to WES on Stitcher Email sylvia@becker-hill.com Resources 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women by Sylvia Becker-Hill  Previous Episodes of the WES Podcast  Join Sylvia’s Women Rising Community here: www.becker-hill.com/community

    14 min
  3. #1 Leadership Skill: Creativity - EP049


    #1 Leadership Skill: Creativity - EP049

    We are living in a volatile, uncertain and ambiguous world. Change is the norm and it happens fast. So, what skills do leaders need to conquer the unknown and find solutions to complex problems in such a chaotic environment? Academic research points to creativity as the most important leadership skill for our time. Today on Women’s Empowerment School, Sylvia shares her seven perspectives on creativity, explaining why it’s considered to be the #1 leadership skill for the 21st century and challenging us to reflect on how creativity was seen in our families growing up. Sylvia introduces us to the idea of creativity as a Divine spark, describing how it helps us heal, teaches us about ourselves, and challenges us to step outside our comfort zone. Listen in for insight on creativity’s limitless forms and learn how to leverage creativity to let your unique voice be heard. Topics Covered Sylvia’s seven perspectives on creativity Creativity is the #1 leadership skill for the 21st century Creativity is our birthright In our moments of creativity, we are like our Creator The forms of creativity are limitless Creativity heals us and educates us about ourselves, our values, passions, interests and skills Creativity challenges us to grow outside our comfort zone, learn new skills and step into the unknown Creativity is your way to express who you are, let your unique voice be heard and show why you matter Journal Prompts Do you agree that creativity the #1 leadership skill for our times? Why or why not? Do you see creativity as your birthright? Do you consider yourself to be a creative person? How do you define creativity? How was creativity seen in your family while you were growing up? What were your favorite ways of being creative as a child? How does the idea of creativity as a Divine spark resonate with you? How does that connection with the Creator make you feel about creativity and yourself? Do you agree that the forms of creativity are limitless? Where in your life can you see yourself as being creative? What do you consider to be creative actions? Why? What actions do you not consider to be part of your self-expression as a creative human being? How does the idea that creativity heals us resonate with you? What might creativity teach us about ourselves, our values, passions, interests and skills? How do you feel about the idea of expanding your comfort zone as a creative act? Why is it important for leaders to grow outside our comfort zones with clear intention? How can you leverage creativity to express who you are and let your unique voice be heard? Connect with Sylvia Sylvia’s Art + Coaching Website Becker-Hill Women’s Empowerment School WES on Facebook WES Podcast Show Notes Sylvia on Instagram Sylvia on LinkedIn Subscribe to WES on iTunes Subscribe to WES on Google Play Subscribe to WES on Stitcher Email sylvia@becker-hill.com Resources IBM Study on Leadership and Creativity The Wisdom of Menopause: Creating Physical and Emotional Health During the Change by Christiane Northrup, MD 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women by Sylvia Becker-Hill Join Sylvia’s Women Rising Community here: www.becker-hill.com/community.

    14 min
  4. 5 Brain Keys for Completing Projects - EP048


    5 Brain Keys for Completing Projects - EP048

    How do you want to feel while you’re working on a project? Do you want to struggle through and end up exhausted and unfulfilled? Or would you rather experience joy, flow and a level of energy and efficiency that’s through the roof? What if following five simple principles of neuroscience could make the process more rewarding and drastically increase your chances of finishing the project at hand? Today on Women’s Empowerment School, Sylvia shares the five brain keys for completing projects. She explains the importance of safety, describing how our subconscious mind sabotages a project when we don’t release our fears first and get clear on exactly what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. Sylvia weighs in on motivation, discussing why we’re more likely to keep pursuing a project that aligns with our values—even when it gets hard. Listen in for insight on finding the ‘divine spark’ in your work and learn how to stay connected with yourself and the people for whom you are creating. Topics Covered Sylvia’s five brain-based keys for completing projects Safety Clarity Motivation Inspiration Connection How to identify and release the fears we have around a project The relationship between grit and how a project aligns with our values Why projects need to be bigger than ourselves Maintaining a connection with the people for whom we are creating Building inner alignment first and pursuing outer action second Connect with Sylvia Becker-Hill Women’s Empowerment School WES on Facebook Women Rising Facebook Group WES Podcast Show Notes Sylvia on Instagram Sylvia on LinkedIn Subscribe to WES on iTunes Subscribe to WES on Google Play Subscribe to WES on Stitcher Resources The Sedona Method Emotional Freedom Technique Intentional Creativity 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women by Sylvia Becker-Hill Join Sylvia’s Women Rising Community here: www.becker-hill.com/community.

    29 min
  5. Be Strong, Stand Up & Stand Out – with Pattie Grimm - EP047


    Be Strong, Stand Up & Stand Out – with Pattie Grimm - EP047

    We are in the midst of a perfect storm for change. And the world needs diverse leadership to guide us through this messy transition to healing. So, what can we do, as women, to lead in an authentic, engaging way that honors our vision? How can we learn to be strong, stand up and stand out in a time when our voices are needed more than ever? Pattie Grimm is the President and CEO of Advantage Training, a firm that specializes in organizational effectiveness, leadership and team development. Pattie has 25-plus years of experience in organizational development and change management (including 15 years in leadership at Microsoft), making her a sought-after speaker and empowerment expert for women, leaders and teams. She is also the author of Quiet Women Never Changed History: Be Strong, Stand Up & Stand Out. Today, Pattie joins Sylvia to discuss her mission to empower women and girls to be the best we can be in any endeavor we choose. She walks us through the key themes in her book, explaining how playing to our strengths facilitates peak performance and why it’s crucial to develop our own personal leadership vision. Listen in for Pattie’s insight on demonstrating confidence (without crossing the line to aggression) and learn how YOU can be strong, stand up, stand out—and kick some glass! Topics Covered Pattie’s mission to empower women and girls to be the best we can be How giving up on her own needs led Pattie to adrenal failure, anxiety and depression Pattie’s research on the top characteristics of men vs. women leaders Examples of women demonstrating strong leadership during a crisis How playing to our strengths facilitates peak performance Pattie’s 4 Birds personality assessment Owl—indirect, people-focused Peacock—direct, people-focused Eagle—direct, task-focused Dove—indirect, people-focused Creating your own personal leadership vision + using it to guide your decisions How to stand out by being visible, valuable and vocal Pattie’s advice around stating INTENT before CONTENT Getting past the myth of doing-it-all and making yourself #1 on your to-do list The top two mistakes women make as they move up the career ladder Isolating ourselves Compete rather than collaborate Connect with Pattie Get Pattie’s book, Quiet Women Never Changed History: Be Strong, Stand Up & Stand Out—Let’s Go Kick Some Glass, for $10 (including free S&H and $200 in free bonuses) at womenkickingglass.com/book or reach her via email at pattiegrimm@live.com. Connect with Sylvia Becker-Hill Women’s Empowerment School WES on Facebook WES Podcast Show Notes Sylvia on Instagram Subscribe to WES on iTunes Subscribe to WES on Google Play Resources World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2020 Equal Rights Amendment Ratification Map The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Join Sylvia Becker-Hill, 26 leadership experts and authors with professional leaders from around the world for the free Juicy Life Leader online conference: juicylifeleader.com

    52 min
  6. The Power of Your Intuition - EP046


    The Power of Your Intuition - EP046

    Feeling overwhelmed in your thoughts lately? When there are too many voices shouting at you the antidote is to power yourself and strengthen your intuition. So, how can we find our inner voice? And what do we do with it when we find it? Sylvia shows you the way with this reading of “The Power of Your Intuition” from her book, 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women. With social media exploding and the news media full of contentious content, this chapter comes at a crucial time.  Centered on training your inner guidance system so you can protect yourself from outside influences, these insights will allow you to become an independent leader in your own life. Sylvia believes a happy leader is a good leader and she invites you to learn to live your life to the fullest at the Juicy Life Leader Conference. This free, online conference of twenty-six top experts in the fields of leadership, relationship, health and spiritualty, and purpose will be happening until July 26th. Start your exploration and conversation to become your authentic version of a juicy life leader at juicylifeleader.com Topics Covered Power statement: “I am a clean channel for divine guidance. I receive, trust, and act.” How using repetition increases knowledge retention Why women have stopped listening to their own intuition How we let authority figures impact the paths we choose without realizing their influence What happens when we stop listening to others and start listening to ourselves How we can allow our wisdom to come through and communicate with our inner voice Ways to differentiate your true voice from the constant chatter that surrounds you Your true voice calms you down Your true voice encourages you and is optimistic Your true voice strengthens you Your true voice speaks highly of you and empowers you Your true voice speaks gently and is patient Your true voice is compassionate Your true voice is sometimes metaphorical or mystical Your true voice always makes you feel better when you hear it Accepting your intuition without letting ego lead the way to grow your power and confidence How the quality of the questions you ask affect the answers you receive Connect with Sylvia Becker-Hill Women’s Empowerment School WES on Facebook Women Rising Facebook Group WES Podcast Show Notes Sylvia on Instagram Sylvia on LinkedIn Subscribe to WES on iTunes Subscribe to WES on Google Play Subscribe to WES on Stitcher Resources www.juicylifeleaders.com 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women by Sylvia Becker-Hill Join Sylvia Becker-Hill, 26 leadership experts and authors with professional leaders from around the world for the free Juicy Life Leader online conference: www.juicylifeleader.com

    22 min
  7. Dissection of the Coronavirus – with Neimologist Sharón Lynn Wyeth - EP045


    Dissection of the Coronavirus – with Neimologist Sharón Lynn Wyeth - EP045

    What’s in a name? According to Sharón Lynn Wyeth, our name gives us our contract with the divine in this lifetime. So, what can we learn about our purpose and personality based on the letter combinations in our name? And can we leverage an understanding of neimology to make sense of our experience with the coronavirus? Sharón is the creator of Neimology Science, the study of the placement of letters in a name. In 15 years of research and three years of testing in more than 70 countries, she has evaluated thousands of names and developed an expertise in uncovering an individual’s strengths, challenges and life purpose. Sharón is also the Founder and CEO of Know the Name, the host of Know the Name, Know the Genius in You and the bestselling author of Know the Name, Know the Person; Know the Name, Know the Spirit; and Know the Name, Know How to Connect. Today, Sharón joins Sylvia to explain how she developed an expertise in names and created the science of neimology. She describes how our purpose is written in our birthname, how we choose our own name (and impress it on the person who names us) and how our last name influences who we attract into our lives. Listen in for Sharón’s analysis of the letter combinations in the name ‘coronavirus’ and learn how to apply this understanding to foster security within yourself and deeper connections with others. Topics Covered How Sharón developed an expertise in names + created the science of neimology What differentiates neimology from numerology How our name reveals our contract with the universe in this lifetime How we choose our own name (and impress it on the person who names us) Why the name we go by changes the way we achieve our purpose, not the purpose itself Accepting ALL aspects of a person by using their full birth name Why we attract a different group of people when we change our last name How pronunciation does and does not impact our neimology Sharón’s analysis of the letter combinations in the name ‘coronavirus’ Begins with controlling combination Takes from us what we don’t want to give (i.e.: freedom) Provides great opportunity for growth Eventual shift from fear to love Offers clear vision, truth revealed Affects us all permanently How security within ourselves + our connection to Source is the only security there is Connect with Sharón Know the Name Know the Name, Know the Genius in You Radio Show Connect with Sylvia Becker-Hill Women’s Empowerment School WES on Facebook Women Rising Facebook Group WES Podcast Show Notes Sylvia on Instagram Sylvia on LinkedIn Subscribe to WES on iTunes Subscribe to WES on Google Play Subscribe to WES on Stitcher Resources Know the Name, Know the Person: How a Name Can Predict Thoughts, Feelings and Actions by Sharón Lynn Wyeth Know the Name, Know the Spirit: Discover Your Contract with God in Your Name by Sharón Lynn Wyeth Know the Name, Know How to Connect: How a Name Can Predict Communication Styles by Sharón Lynn Wyeth 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women by Sylvia Becker-Hill Join Sylvia’s Women Rising Community here: www.becker-hill.com/community.

    35 min
  8. Leadership During Crises: Self-Empowerment During C-19 Crisis Part 3 - EP044


    Leadership During Crises: Self-Empowerment During C-19 Crisis Part 3 - EP044

    How are you showing up during the COVID-19 crisis? Are you simply reacting to your thoughts and feelings as they come up? Or are you acting with intention? The world needs you and your leadership, now more than ever. Will you rise to the occasion? Today on Women’s Empowerment School, Sylvia walks us through the three critical aspects of leading through a crisis—presence, intentionality and service. She discusses our tendency to regress or retreat in difficult times, challenging us to examine the way we are showing up right now and ask ourselves if our actions align with our sense of integrity. Sylvia describes the collective grief and loss of freedom we are all experiencing but reminds us that true leadership requires conscious intention and a commitment to our goals—no matter the circumstances. Listen in to understand why service to others is a crucial facet of leading in a crisis and learn what YOU can do to identify and share your much-needed gifts with the world. Topics Covered The three critical aspects of leadership through a crisis Presence Intentionality Service Our tendency to regress or retreat in challenging times The WAVES analogy for relating to our thoughts and emotions Aligning the way we show up with our values, goals and sense of integrity The collective grief and loss of freedom caused by the Coronavirus pandemic Why service to others is a critical facet of leadership Using ‘maybe’ as a tool to mine wisdom from our unconscious mind Sylvia’s journal questions for leading through crises How are you showing up right now? How much of that is an automatic reaction? How much is deliberate or conscious? What do you want? How do you want to show up as a leader right now? Where do you want to go next? What are your goals? What gift can you share with the world? Connect with Sylvia Becker-Hill Women’s Empowerment School WES on Facebook Women Rising Facebook Group WES Podcast Show Notes Sylvia on Instagram Sylvia on LinkedIn Subscribe to WES on iTunes Subscribe to WES on Google Play Subscribe to WES on Stitcher Resources 12 Leadership Powers for Successful Women by Sylvia Becker-Hill Join Sylvia’s Women Rising Community here: www.becker-hill.com/community.

    16 min


Sylvia Becker-Hill’s "Women's Empowerment School Podcast" is about dismantling the patriarchy and giving professional women what they need to let go of the Super-Woman-Syndrome, step into their leadership by simply being women, and be successful AND fulfilled in all areas of their EVElutionary life without sacrifice. While showing men how to shed their patriarchal wounds, redefine masculinity and become part of the MANlution Movement!

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