Levantine Arabic, made easier

Carol Haidar
Levantine Arabic, made easier Podcast

Welcome to my Levantine Arabic, made easier podcast (music) I’m your host Carol Haidar founder of Nasma of NY. In this series you're gonna hear true bilingual stories from across the globe. Stories shared by my students, friends, and myself. Stories of love, travel, food, culture, family secrets, politics, and destination unknown. This Arabic podcast is for intermediate level learners but if you get lost don’t worry we will be checking in throughout the story.

  1. 07/07/2021

    Episode 44: Learn Levantine Arabic with Hiba

    If you look up Youtube channels to learn Levantine Arabic, you will stumble upon a very popular and known channel named Learn Lebanese Arabic with Heba with 17k+ subscribers. If you've learnt something about the suburbs of Beirut, then the credit goes to Hiba for showing it to you through her Youtube channel.  Make sure to check out top 20 vocabulary picks below!  Link to channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo0hq6VEXDE-tvA7AtiH4Qg    Link to site:  https://www.lebanese-arabic.com/   Join our Conversational Classes:  https://nasmaofny.com/adult-group-conversation-class/ Join our Levantine Masterclass: https://nasmaofny.com/online-course-membership/ Get the eBook: https://nasmaofny.com/adult-textbooks/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/levantinearabic_bynasmaofny/ Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3xodgJWwMeRCE59ZNNCTQ?view_as=subscriber Vocabulary:  1. Dali3ah / ضليعة: Expert/ thorough  2. Ajaneb / اجانب: Foreigners  3. 7ajeh / حاجة: Need  4. Mo7eet / محيط: Ocean but in this context it means surrounding  5. Bi2ah / بيئة: Environment  6. Mo7asaleh / محصلة: Result or guide  7. Awal / أول: First 8. Ebde3 / إبداع: Creativity  9. Majel / مجال: Field  10. Tawasol / تواصل: Communication  11. Staw7et / ستوحات: Inspired  12. Ejtime3 / إجتماع: Meeting  13. Masra7 / مسرح: Theater  14. 3ared / عرض: Show or discount  15. Deefo / ضيفه: Add to it  16. Kha-shbeh / خشبة: Wood or stage  17. Byinshere7 / بينشرح: Opens up  18. Bawred / بورد: Cool down  19. Fokhar / فخار: Poultry 20. Fakher / فخر: Proud

    15 min
  2. 29/06/2021

    Episode 43: AUB Cats

    Cats have made the AUB campus their home for more than 30 years. As families fled the country during the war, many left their pets behind. AUB became the go-to-dump spot for abandoning cats. Since then, the population has grown and become a day-to-day reality for AUB students. AUB cats are loved and treated with care by everyone on campus. SETA was founded in September 2019, and club president Lynn Wahab my guest today in this episode, is keen to foster partnerships not only to transform the AUB cats' feeding schedule, but to influence every aspect of their wellbeing.  You will find the fill script with translation on our website. https://nasmaofny.com/podcasts/ Social Media Links SETA (student club) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seta_aub/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AUB.SETA/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/setaaub AUB Cats (volunteers from all the community - including students and staff) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aubcats/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AUBcats/ Donation Links GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-pledge-for-bliss-street-cats For local donations: at AUB Main Gate, donations can be dropped in an envelope labeled ‘SETA’ in the neighborhood initiative box Join our Conversational Classes:  https://nasmaofny.com/adult-group-conversation-class/ Join our Levantine Masterclass: https://nasmaofny.com/online-course-membership/ Get the eBook: https://nasmaofny.com/adult-textbooks/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/levantinearabic_bynasmaofny/ Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3xodgJWwMeRCE59ZNNCTQ?view_as=subscriber

    12 min
  3. 21/06/2021

    Episode 42: Dar El-Yoga

    Paola Atallah, worked in large companies for a couple of years until  she started feeling tensions and pain in her body. But very quickly yoga became a genuine lifestyle. What struck me about Paola's website and her social media platforms was her determination to use and speak ONLY in Arabic. This is very rare in today's world.  Watch Paola's reel with different yoga positions in Arabic:  https://www.instagram.com/reel/CQYYNSbjN9t/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Website: https://darelyoga.com/en/ Join our Conversational Classes:  https://nasmaofny.com/adult-group-conversation-class/ Join our Levantine Masterclass: https://nasmaofny.com/online-course-membership/ Get our Textbooks: https://nasmaofny.com/adult-textbooks/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/levantinearabic_bynasmaofny/ Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3xodgJWwMeRCE59ZNNCTQ?view_as=subscriber 20 Vocabulary picks:  1. Aghlab / أغلب: Most 2. Ma Khaso / ما خاصه: Not related  3. Di2et nafes / دقة نفس: Shortness of breathe  4. Wad3iyet / وضعيات: Positions  5. Waja3 b el-jesim / وجع بالجسم: Body pains  6. Manasah / منصة: Platform  7. Ymerso / يمارسو: They practice  8. Yshterko / يشتركو: They participate  9. Jeze2 / جزء: Part  10. Ta3dilet / تعديلات: Adjustments  11. As3ar Minkhefdah / أسعار منخفضة: Discounted-low prices 12. Gherbeh / غربة: Expatriation  13. Asemeh el-wad3iyet / أسامي الوضعيات: Position names 14. Emkenyeh / امكانية: Possibility  15. Ytab2oha / يطبقها: To put it together  16. Na2es / نقص: Shortage  17. 7ayalah shi / حيلة شي: Anything  18. Thaqafte / ثقافتي: My culture  19. Tarjamah / ترجمة: Translation  20. Shar3iyeh / شرعية: Legal or official    Music by: Stay Young by Nick Petrov

    15 min
  4. 15/06/2021

    Episode 41: Dolola

    Can you believe that there are no children's songbooks in Arabic? Lara and Maria, two Lebanese moms living in France created a product that did not exist. Lebanese Songbooks for kids. Follow Dolola publications on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/dolola.publishing/ Order Arabic sound books for kids: https://www.dololapublishing.com   Join our Conversational Classes:  https://nasmaofny.com/adult-group-conversation-class/ Join our Levantine Masterclass: https://nasmaofny.com/online-course-membership/ Get our Textbooks: https://nasmaofny.com/adult-textbooks/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/levantinearabic_bynasmaofny/ Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3xodgJWwMeRCE59ZNNCTQ?view_as=subscriber 20 Vocabulary picks:  1. Shrikte / شريكاتي: My partner  2. Dirasetna el-3olyah / دراستنا العلية: Graduate School 3. Nekhla2 / نخلق: To be born but in this context to create  4. M7awatin / محاوطين: Surrounded  5. Aghane / أغاني: Songs 6. Bitghane / بتغني: To sing  7. Ebnon / إبنن: Their son 8. Binton / بنتن: Their daughter  9. Walad / ولد: Kid  10. Yesta3mel / يستعمل: To use  11. Mateen / متين: Strong  12. Ydayen / يضاين: Lasts  13. Bizeto / بيزتو: He throws it  14. Bye32od 3le / بيقعد عليه: Sits on it 15. Byemshe 3le / بيمشي عليه: Walks on it  16. Khaza2eto / خذقذه: Ripped it  17. Alet mose2iyeh shar2eyeh / قالات موسيقية شرقية: Oriental instruments  18. Ma2to3ah / مقطوعة: Clip  19. 3id Miled/ عيد ميلاد: Birthday but also Christmas  20. Msana3 / مصنع: Made in  Music by: Stay Young by Nick Petrov

    11 min
  5. 08/06/2021

    Episode 40: Tiny Polly

    In the US One out of every five students report being bullied. Students who experience bullying are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of school. Students who experienced bullying or cyberbullying are nearly 2 times more likely to attempt suicide.  Jinan recently published a book for kids called “Tiny Polly”. The story of a brave bullied chicken who just wants acceptance. Her mission is to bring awareness to bullying and educate kids about acceptance. Buy "Tiny Polly" https://www.amazon.com/Tiny-Polly-story-brave-chicken/dp/9953054177  Join our Conversational Classes:  https://nasmaofny.com/adult-group-conversation-class/ Join our Levantine Masterclass: https://nasmaofny.com/online-course-membership/ Get the eBook: https://nasmaofny.com/adult-textbooks/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/levantinearabic_bynasmaofny/ Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3xodgJWwMeRCE59ZNNCTQ?view_as=subscriber 20 Vocabulary picks:  1. Enta2alet / انتقلت: Moved (locations) 2. Tarjem / ترجم: Translate  3. Tfare2na / تفرقنا: Differentiates us 4. Shakel / شكل: Looks or appearances  5. Byet3atah / بيتعطى: Interacts  6. Tanamor / تنمر: Bullying  7. Shakhes / شخص: Person 8. Lon teneh / لون ثاني: Different color  9. Taw3iyeh / توعية: Awareness  10. Ta2siro / تأثيره: Its effects  11. Bidor osto / بدور قصته: The story revolves around or about  12. Djejeh / دجاجة: Chicken  13. Kaleb / كلب: Dog  14. Sahar el-layleh / سهر الليالي: Long sleepless nights  15. Nes / ناس: People 16. Rje3tilo / رجعتله: Returned to him 'it' 17. Akhad w 3ata / أخد و عطى: Give and take- back and fourth 18. Rafesh / رفش: Shovel  19. Ada2 el-tafasil/ أدق التفاصيل: Tiniest details  20. Ta3ate / تعاطي: Treatment  Music by: Stay Young by Nick Petrov

    14 min
  6. 25/05/2021

    Episode 38: River of Truth

    Alia Bazzi is the founder of Manifest Design Inc. is a Michigan-based company that was founded in 2012. As a Muslim Arab-American, Alia's aim is to help create a strong bond between children and Imam Al-Hussain (pbuh), the same way they look at superheroes as inspiration. Make sure to check out our Top 20 Vocabulary picks from this episode below.  Check out Alia's work below:  https://manifestde.com/pages/about-us https://www.instagram.com/riveroftruthcup/ https://www.instagram.com/manifestdesign/ Join our Conversational Classes:  https://nasmaofny.com/adult-group-conversation-class/ Join our Levantine Masterclass: https://nasmaofny.com/online-course-membership/ Get the eBook: https://nasmaofny.com/adult-textbooks/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/levantinearabic_bynasmaofny/ Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3xodgJWwMeRCE59ZNNCTQ?view_as=subscriber Music by: Stay Young by Nick Petrov https://freesound.org/people/SoundFlakes/sounds/413732/ https://freesound.org/people/Migfus20/sounds/559835/ Vocabulary: 1. Kawanet/ كونت: I formed 2. Rasa-khet/ رسخت: Firmed or established  3. Thaqafeh/ ثقافة: Culture 4. Fatrah Mo3ayaneh/ فترة معينة: Specific time  5. Jeel/ جيل: Generation  6. Bi2ah/ بيئة: Environment  7. Nekhtere3/ نخترع: Invent  8. Yistaqteb- Ykhazen- Yestaw3eb/ يستقطب - يخزن - يستوعب: Absorb or understand  9. Nasharet/ نشرت: Published or posted  10. Mojtama3/ مجتمع: Society  11. Ghaleteh el-asesiyeh/ غلطتي الأساسية: Main-major mistake  12. No2tet ta7awol/ نقطت تحول: Turning point  13. Zaghtotah/ زغتوتة: Small or young comes from sghireh 14. Kitmen/ كتمان: Keeping something silent or secretive  15. Bidaweh/ بضوي: Lights up 16. Shaghfeh/ شغفي: My passion  17. 3adeleh/ عدالة: Justice  18. Mostad3af/ مستضعف: Weakened 19. Qa2ed/ قائد: Leader 20. Adiyeh Inseniyeh/ قضية إنسانية: A humanitarian issue

    18 min


Welcome to my Levantine Arabic, made easier podcast (music) I’m your host Carol Haidar founder of Nasma of NY. In this series you're gonna hear true bilingual stories from across the globe. Stories shared by my students, friends, and myself. Stories of love, travel, food, culture, family secrets, politics, and destination unknown. This Arabic podcast is for intermediate level learners but if you get lost don’t worry we will be checking in throughout the story.

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