8 Minute Mastermind

Brad Hart
8 Minute Mastermind Podcast

8 Minute Mastermind with Brad Hart

  1. 20/12/2019

    You need someone to hold you accountable

    Marina is a doctor of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. She opened her office in Encinitas four months ago. She's grateful for the transformation it's given her. She's making enough to cover her costs, and her clients are referring even more clients.   01:42 Challenge: I still don't feel solid, stable, secure. I would like to create safety, but I know it takes time. I need to trust the process. I tend to be harsh on myself.  02:52 Brad: The feeling doesn't go away, there will always be swings, but you will get better at dealing with it. Life is inherently unstable, it's about your ability to cope with that.  03:15 Question: What does security and safety look like for you?  03:20 Marina: I want to be booked a month in advance. At this moment, people come, but it's unstable.  03:42 Question: What can you do to ensure you have more bookings?  03:51 Marina: I just realized that I need help. I've been feeling alone in this process. I'm doing it all myself. I don't have any support, and I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my creative vision.  04:18 Marina: I recognize that I cannot have a business coach because I have a lot of resistance to that. But I need help. So I'm trying to find the right solution, for me. 04:46 Marina: I need someone to keep me in check, to give me homework to do. 04:48 Brad: You said you're resisting getting a business coach, and you want to hire somebody from the Phillipines to market your local businesses. Can you walk us through some of these decisions?  05:05 Marina: All my marketing can be done from anywhere. 05:05 Brad: Theoretically. It doesn't mean people are good at it. It just means it's cheaper. 05:09 Question: What's the resistance around hiring a business coach?  05:12 Marina: It's ego. That I know better. 05:18 You gotta laugh at that, because we all do it, right? 05:23 Marina: I just know that I'm going to be resistant the whole time. So I do need a different approach.  05:29 I would challenge you on that.  05:32 Question: How long has this been an issue? 05:34 Marina: Since I was a child.  05:38 Question: How long have you not had a booked calendar?  05:42 Marina: I just opened in February, so it's been on and off for four months.  05:48 Brad: I just want to acknowledge that you were so scared to even make the investment originally. Now you're at a different level. You can pay your rent. But you want more. So why not double or triple down what you're already doing, then from that space of clarity - my intuition is that when you get to that place you'll find something wrong, too, but, for now, while you're here in this place, to get to that place double or triple down on your investment and energy. What you're doing seems to be working. 06:43 Marina: I'm considering taking a business loan, so I can go the next level in my marketing. But I don't have a clear vision on what that looks like. 06:50 Brad: Are you profitable right now? 06:52 Marina: I'm covering my costs and personal costs. I'm not saving anything. 07:08 Brad: So you're breaking even. How many business owners took years to get to break-even, let alone profitable? I know did. I burnt cash like crazy at first, because I didn't know what the hell I was doing. So, congratulations!  07:45 I heard something about you wanting to book people out a month in advance. Are you doing anything to make that happen now?    07:52 Marina: Yes, I sell packages. I recently increased my prices again. And it's been good, people still buy it.  08:02 But what about telling people to book a month in advance? Like, I'm booked out for the next month; start there. The first restaurant I opened in Napa, we told people we were fully booked for the first two weeks we were open. We were not fully booked. But it built a want and need to get in there. Then we couldn't even handle the demand.  08:28 Brad: Yeah, create scarcity. 08:29 It might take a month or so to build that momentum

    11 min
  2. 19/12/2019

    You are worth it: holding yourself back is doing a disservice to your audience.

    Ben is a health and nutrition coach for entrepreneurs and thought-leaders. He's grateful for his health. He's celebrating setting up a live talk at Eve.    01:07 Challenge: I don't know if I should charge people for the talk or not. 01:20 Question: What are the pros and cons for not charging, and the pros and for charging? 01:27 Ben: Pros for not charging: I'd feel less pressure. I'm new to the community, so it would be a good way to share with people what I'm all about.  01:45 Question: What's your overhead? 01:47 Ben: $350. 01:51 Question: Could you get a few clients out of this? 01:52 Yeah. 01:59 Brad: You'd get more people to come it it's free. But the people who are more likely to come to a paid event are more likely to be willing to spend.  02:09 Brad: What if you did a free one and then a follow-up paid one, once you get all the kinks worked out?  02:14 Ben: Definitely. 02:25 Question: You said you felt like there was no pressure if you do it for free, but more pressure if you do it for paid. Is that really true? 02:30 Ben: I feel it. I think a lot of that comes from my past experience working as a chef, and working at a level that I felt on the fence of whether I had my job or not. Getting paid as a celebrity chef was insane  03:05 Question: Is that value of what you'll deliver, if they pay you or not?  03:06 Ben: No.  03:18 Question: Are you going to have a follow-up offer? 03:25 Ben: After? Yes.  03:40 Stacy: Recently I made the decision to do Circus for Entrepreneurs for free. Or refundable. Because I wanted to get comfortable with a new process for myself. But I found that there was not less pressure. I still wanted to deliver the value. 04:12 Stacy: But if you feel like there will be less pressure, and you can promote another offer, that could be a good way to do it.  04:17 Ben: There's something deeper in there for me, around pay and money. I'm also looking at being new to an area, and it seeming aggressive.  04:38 For me, a transformation happens when a transaction occurs. When people invest in themselves they expect transformation. But when they go to a free event, a lot of times there is already a feeling that it won't be valuable.  05:08 I think it's the worthiness, the belief that people want to pay for what you have to offer.  05:22 Question: How are you getting them to the event?  05:24 Ben: Online marketing and Eve. 05:32 So it's really about you bridging the belief that people want to pay. 05:41 Ben: There's another part of me that knows that what I'm going to bring is super high-value. 05:46 Do you think they're really going to receive it if they're there for free?  06:00 Like attracts like. Free events are huge red flags for me, unless I know the person. 06:30 It's more energetic than anything. You just need to believe in it.  06:43 If you really want to do it for free, then at least get something out of it. Get a boat-load of customer research out of it.  06:58 Ben: I'll get a ton of content out of it - there will be people filming it, I'll get more people on my email list, etc.    07:25 Question: You can deliver a transformation in that free event? 07:28 Ben: Oh, yeah. 07:32 Have everyone write their story for you. Then you'll have even more content and customer research.  07:57 Ben: How do I get that content from them? I'm imagining they'll be writing that in a journal, that I wouldn't receive. 08:06 In order to come to this event you have to fill out this survey. Or, at the event, here's 30 minutes and the worksheets.  08:14 Brad: You can use carbon copies.  08:33 There are ways to get the worksheets, don't get too overwhelmed by that.  08:37 Brad: I say charge.  08:39 What's the worst thing that could happen, if you bomb?  08:45 Question: How much are you thinking of charging? 08:48 Ben: Maybe like $30? 08:49 Stop! That's nothing. Just charge.  08:55 You're worth it. They're worth i

    14 min
  3. 18/12/2019

    But first, you’ve got to get angry: working through tough emotions

    Stacy has two businesses; an online gardening business and adventures for entrepreneurs. She's grateful for the certainty and support she gets from the group.   01:39 She has an amazing opportunity to be more resourceful. But as she dives deeper into that she keeps going under.  01:50 She's in a familiar situation; cash flow is taking a dip; she has a bunch of projects that she needs to focus on to bring in revenue. But she's feeling uncertainty.  02:01 Challenge: I want to go deeper.  02:15 Stacy: When I'm aligned and feel grateful, things show up.  02:26 Stacy: But there's a story around being called an ungrateful wretch. 02:38 Stacy: Sometimes when I hear the word grateful, manipulation and obligation comes up. When I find myself in uncertain places, these words start showing.  03:12 Stacy: There's some truth to the "ungrateful wretch" name. When I was a child, the love I was shown wasn't given in the way I wanted it, so I was unappreciative.  03:36 Challenge: I'm trying to understand, for myself, the heart of it all. I've been journaling. Forgiveness might be at the core - of myself and my family.  04:12 Stacy: I believe this is the work that will help me in these moments, when things are uncertain, to feel more connected to myself, and the universe.  04:46 Suggestion: So what you said is true, but you can have two simultaneous truths.  04:54 Question: For the forgiveness thing, are you familiar with Hoʻoponopono?  05:05 Suggestion: It's super important, when you do it, you're always doing it to the aspect of you that created the distortion. A lot of times we think we need to forgive other people - that's fine - but you're creating your version of them. You're creating the story, and you're perpetuating the story. To get to the root of it is to really - you're dissolving the whole thought platform.  05:36 Suggestion: When you're saying, "I'm sorry, please forgive me," you're saying it to the aspect of you that created that experience for you.  05:44 Question: But what is it that you want more than anything from feeling? You want to sit in the uncertainty. What is it that you really want?  05:58 Stacy: Certainty doesn't feel safe for some reason. 05:58 Challenge: Why? 06:07 Stacy: When I am grateful, or when I am sharing love, that was used against me in my family. So when I am certain, when I am sharing, it can be turned against me. I know that's just a story. 06:28 But it doesn't take away the effect. 06:28 Brad: It was real for you. 06:35 Question: Are there times in your life when you felt like you were able to fully and freely love, and you weren't being turned on? 06:42 Stacy: Yes.  06:45 And you felt safe doing it, and you've been able to create that experience for yourself.  06:51 So now that you have new stories that have come out of that old story, then you don't have to live the old story anymore. It's just about trusting in yourself rather than trusting in other people. When you trust in yourself, it's irrelevant whether they reflect the love back to you or not.  07:05 You're a lover because you're a lover, not because of what anyone else needs to give back to you.  07:14 How many of us have had that experience when we felt like we were turned on. We gave someone love and then it bit us back pretty badly. 07:25 The gift is learning that it doesn't matter; it still feels better to love than to withhold love.  07:44 Let's dive into the manipulation. You said if you're grateful and love loving then the universe will yield back to you. Can you share more on that? 07:53 Stacy: A lot of the time when I was called an ungrateful wretch growing up, it was because somebody I didn't even know gave me something. Then I was obligated to give something back, and sometimes things I didn't want to give. So sometimes when a gift is given it feels like there are strings attached, or an obligation to do something.  08:24 Stacy: In my family, it fee

    19 min
  4. 17/12/2019

    Fighting fear and stepping into your calling

    Charity is a middle and high school teacher. She thinks it's time to pursue entrepreneurship. She's celebrating a family reunion for the first time in six years.    01:40 Challenge: I know I'm interested in being an entrepreneur, but I have no idea what I want to do.  02:00 Opportunities have presented themselves, that sound great. But I have reservations. I think I'm still stuck in my teacher mindset. 02:18 Question: Why can't you be a teacher? Why can't you do that as an entrepreneur? 02:26 Charity: I still want to teach, regardless of what I do. 02:29 Question: What do you love to teach?  02:37 Psychology. 02:42 Suggestion: So that's like information; you could sell that all day long!  02:48 Question: What format do you want to teach to? Courses? Online? Events? 02:55 Charity: I'd like to do it in-person.  03:03 Suggestion: You have a great presence about you. You'd easily sell tickets.  03:12 Suggestion: You look like an expert. You're eloquent - your energy, the way you carry yourself.  03:17 Question: What's the fear? 03:20 Charity: I don't know where to start. I've had some opportunities come up in network marketing and trading. My question is, do I go after something that I know works?  03:48 Brad: Both of those have a steep learning curve, and a lot of risk. Trading especially.  04:02 Suggestion: It's funny that you're asking if you should go after something that "works" after you just said that teaching works. Being a teacher is in your bones. It's about shifting that to a different format.  04:31 Question: If you could have it all your way, what would that look like? 04:38 Charity: I love the age group that I teach, but I'd be teaching lots of different things related to psychology, with young adults or adults. Mostly young adults, college age.  04:58 Question: Is there a specific reason why you like teaching young adults about psychology? 05:05 Charity: I want them to know themselves. I didn't when I was that age. I've learned a lot, so I want to give that back. 05:15 Question: What results will they get from knowing themselves at that age?  05:22 Charity: Not going after things that they're told to do. Looking at the world differently. Being confident. 05:36 So you want to create a generation of critical thinkers who living lives that create for themselves, as opposed to fitting into a mould? That's pretty powerful! 05:47 Brad: Are you worried that you won't make enough money?  05:53 Charity: Yeah. 05:54 Brad: The self-education industry, which is essentially what you're talking about, is $355 million a day industry that's poised to triple in the next five years, to $1 billion a day? That's 1,000 $1 million a day! 06:13 Question: What's your bare minimum that you would want to make? That would make it okay to leave your job? 06:24 Charity: I've thought about this a lot. $250,000. I don't know why. That's what makes sense to me.  06:43 This is a beautiful vision. I know motivational speakers that travel to high schools around the world, and they get paid big bucks, because the school has the money. They change 1,000s of lives at a time, in person. And they get an exciting life. I also know people who are deep in with small groups.  07:48 It can look a lot of different ways. 07:55 Or it could be online, teaching homeschoolers or other teachers.  08:06 Question: What other fears do you have? If you hold on to the vision, it will pull you to it. It's the fears that you have that are blocking you. 08:22 Charity: I guess just believing that I'm worth that. I'm so stuck in my path, that I know and is comfortable, that it's hard to look outside that, and believe that I can do it.  08:50 So before you learn how to ride a bike it was unknown. It was probably scary. But as you do it, it becomes second nature. It's the same for every big decision we make. There's always a learning curve. We all struggle with worthiness.  09:50 There's a

    20 min
  5. 16/12/2019

    You need to clean up your rats’ nest

    Kit Volcano runs The Little Volcano with his wife, Rosy. They train coaches. Their business has been compared to running a mystery school and a sacred funhouse of mirrors. He's celebrating completing his first talk. He opened for Kyle Seaspin. And he nailed it.   04:11 Challenge: We only have one entry-point to working with our business. So it can only grow as big as our challenges can be. So we don't know how to get more people into the events, which is the thing I really love doing.  05:19 Question: Who comes to your events? 05:24 The people who do the week-long challenge.  05:32 Question: What is your current funnel?  05:35 Every single person in the challenge comes from a referral when we teach our coaches how to do enrollment.  05:53 Rosy: Or it's people who've seen us on stage.  05:57 Question: Why don't you do paid advertising? 06:00 I paid a guy once, he was totally optimistic at first, then he came back and said we have too much of a culty vibe and it'll never work. No results, then he bailed.  06:33 Question: Who's ever hired a shitty service provider? Who's still been successful despite hiring a shitty service provider?  06:40 Brad: You who else is is culty? Every other major successful brand on the planet. 06:59 Suggestion: So that guy's an idiot. Go hire somebody else.  07:16 Kit: We've been through 3 marketers. There's no trust there anymore.  07:20 Rosy: We hired someone to fix our website. It was a bust. We hired someone to transform our campaign; he just transferred all of our contacts and then ghosted.  07:33 Question: Are you getting referrals from trusted second paties? 07:36 Yes.  07:56 Question: Are you not spending enough for the right people? Let's nail down the problem. You're either not investing enough to get the right people or the leadership or communication is mismatched.  08:15 It's probably both. 08:28 Suggestion: You've got to be about to suss out someone's value. I've seen talented people way undervalued and terrible people way overvalued. You need to learn how to structure deals so that you won't get hurt if they produce nothing. Walk the deal toward having everybody win.  10:10 Suggestion: But these relationships take time to build. Give them a month or two to see how they do, then start giving them more. Make sure you're getting what you're paying for. Think of "if this, then that."  10:35 Suggestion: Be slow to hire and quick to fire.  10:48 Suggestion: You've also got to be reasonably competent with all of the tools; clickfunnels, Bitly, spreadsheets, etc. I get nervous if I don't understand a process. If there's an emergency, I need to know what to do.  11:33 Suggestion: Have them make videos of themselves doing what they're doing, so you can learn it, too. And make that contingent upon them getting paid.  12:15 Suggestion: Being an emotional buyer ends up fucking everybody.  12:52 Suggestion: Ads are just science; use the scientific method. 13:14 Suggestion: Spend enough money to teach Facebook to send you the leads that you want. This will probably be more than you think you need to spend. They're called conversion events, and you need to send at least 50 in order for Facebook to learn.    14:24 Suggestion: Split-test your pages and copy. The ads, the images, everything. You don't know what will work, so you need a lot of options. You get closer and closer with every iteration.  15:28 Suggestion: When you're advertising for a location-dependent event, it's the trickiest ad. Try having an opt-in. Try 3-month lead-ups.  17:19 Suggestion: Is extremely difficult and expensive to get somebody to commit to showing up to a thing in person. It's extremely easy to get somebody's email, by offering them some free virtual value. If you're targeting within 50 miles and getting an email, you know that you can continue to market to them consistently, without having to pay again. You have the ability to get them to co

    29 min
  6. 13/12/2019

    Scaling 101: Don’t skip too many steps all at once

    Rosy Volcano is a transformational coach and a new mom. She and her partner Kit incorporate yoga, shamanic training, and body work into a coaching training course. She is celebrating her baby boy, and another big launch coming up. Their challenge is figuring out how to scale their business without losing the intimacy, or making it feel watered down. They want to pass the current program over to on of their current coaches, and create a new, more advanced course. How do they multiply themselves?    03:58 Question: What are you responsible for with these protegees of yours? Are you giving them leads, or teaching them how to market and sell for themselves?  04:08 Rosy: We teach them how to market and sell for themselves, and the actual techniques of coaching. 04:12 So they're self-sustaining business owners after they graduate? 04:16 Rosy: Yes. 04:21 Question: You have like 5 or 6 of those people running this for you after?  04:22 Kit: Those people are the ones that work for us, and what we're responsible for them is they provide some leads, and we provide some leads. It's kind of a co-creative situation. 04:39 Rosy: When we do a launch, we have so much demand we couldn't handle it all. So the overflow goes to them, as well. 04:42 Question: So if you 10X the number of people you're working with right now, overnight, what would break first? What would be over capacity? 04:53 Rosy: Kit and I still lead group coaching calls for everyone. We wear so many hats, and I have a 3-month old. I feel that our time would - it would be too much.  05:14 Question: Can somebody else do those things, or a capacity of those things, that you do now that are currently finite? 05:23 Rosy: Yes. We're creating the role of coaching director for one of our employees.  05:31 Question: What else would break? Or what else could be automated, eliminated?  05:42 Kit: We don't have enough coaches right, who are working for us. Their loads would be overdone, too.  05:58 Brad: It feels like the model is self-limiting. Maybe rethink your model. How could we serve 2,500 people with the same amount of energy and time, or even less energy and time, that we currently serve 250? I like the hybrid evergreen model. I borrowed it from a mentor of mine, Sam Evans. Your next level of iteration is deciding what type of business you want to be, and how to deliver that value in a more automated, streamlined way.  07:03 Suggestion: What are your non-negotiatbles? Jeff Locker is great at this, he writes down his non-negotiables. You wouldn't believe how little he does for his business. And you wouldn't believe how much his audience appreciates him for not doing much. The community agrees to his non-negotiables. So figure out why you want to replace yourselves, and what your non-negotiables are what's important to you. 08:05 Rosy: We are too available for the people at that level. It's one of our main challenges. We spend time personally replying to messages. But then the next round of people comes in.  08:37 Brad: There's no reason why you can't hire a community manager or something at that level. You can still provide the same level of service. Now that the revenue is there to hire people. start investing in things that take time off your plate. Ultimately, the things that got you here are not going to get you there. Uplevel your thinking. 09:14 Suggestion: This business is your baby. At first you nurture the baby, but after a while you don't always need to be there, coddling it. Let the nanny come in sometimes. Let go of some control.  10:24 Question: What levels of engagement do you currently have with your clients?  10:47 Rosy: We have a Mastermind, the leadership program,  10:53 Kit: We have this coaching training program, and we have scaled ourselves out of the one-to-one, then we jumped a little too far into a high level Mastermind-thing that was triple what our coaching program was. We didn't get too many s

    23 min
  7. 12/12/2019

    Networking with networkers: leverage your affiliates

    Stacy has two businesses: a digital online gardening business which helps people around the world grow herbs and vegetables; and life changing adventures for entrepreneurs. She's grateful for her beta on Circus of Entrepreneurs and the help from this group. It was an extraordinary experience.    01:49 Challenge: We have our big garden summit coming up this year for the garden business. This year we want 100,000 sign-ups. That will change lives, and the revenue from that will mean the business can be done for the year, so I can focus on the circus. What I need to get there: I have a lot of affiliates already, but want to ramp up the affiliate-wheel now. The event is in July. We have a great line and theme. And we knew if we hit our targets, we're golden. We're looking for more affiliates in health and wellness, gardening, podcasts, influencers in those fields to connect with. So, names, or what questions do you ask yourselves when you're finding the influencers that you're looking for?  03:10 Question: Your event is in July. You're looking for ways to get the information out there, or to connect with people who are able to support that event? 03:29 Yeah, any avenues. It's an online event. Could be anywhere in the world. So it could be influencers, podcasts, blogs, whoever has the most pull. 03:41 Question: Have you done your Dream 100 list?  03:43 I think we have a Dream 30 right now.  03:47 Question: Of those 30, how many have you contacted? 03:48 All 30. 03:52 Question: How many affiliates do you normally get? 03:56 We have about 600 affiliates, but we have 20 that are solid. 04:01 Question: How many sign-ups do you normally get?  04:03 In the past it's been much lower. We have all new affiliates. From our affiliates, we got 15,000 last year.  04:26 Question: What if you might already be at 100K signups, and you're questioning yourself? 04:31 That's a possibility. 04:38 Question: How many total leads do you need to be able to mail to, to get 100K based on your current conversion? 04:47 Page conversion is usually 67%. I think we worked it out; if I have 9 affiliates who have 250,000 people, then we reach 100,000. 05:09 Question: So the affiliates you're already after, what are you asking them? 05:20 No no, my question was what questions do you ask yourself when you're looking for your Dream 100? 05:28 Suggestion: Who are the biggest people in the space? The easiest way find that is to ask all the affiliate managers that have run big launches, who their top performers were. Even if they're not in your niche.  06:13 I save the leaderboard from all the launches and then I reach out to those folks with a 10% commission to the affiliate who connects us to a second affiliate. 06:19 That's standard. But are you reaching outside the garden space, as well?  06:23 Health and wellness. 06:25 Suggestion: Think about entrepreneurship, too. 06:30 Suggestion: Who here doesn't want superfood? That already resonates with me. Most people have some interest in improving their health.  06:46 Suggestion: This is an offer that might be surprising well out of your lists, because you've never pitched it before.  06:54 Question: Have you considered reaching out to mom influencers? The mom-bloggers? They're big.  07:02 I'm trying with Wellness Mama.  07:18 Question: So back to, what are you asking them, how are you approaching them? What is the strategy. 07:24 We try to find somebody in common and we get an introduction. If not, then we talk about the mission and how it supports their mission. Then the financials, how they benefit.  07:49 Suggestion: That seems like the golden nugget for you. Find a connection. Find a way to enhance your approach. Who already has an amazing ability to get affiliates?  08:29 I found the reverse, I'm trying to find this.  08:35 Suggestion: There's value in figuring out what they're doing; what they're saying and how they're saying it.  08

    12 min
  8. 11/12/2019

    Finding your name and asking for help

    Sharleen is an intuitive strategist. She just had one of the most synchronous weekends of her entire life, with her good friend Courtney.   01:23 Challenge: I'm creating my Facebook group and I'm struggling with the name. My marketing guy says it needs to be about intuition, that's my focus. He says it's about improving intuition. But improving points to the fact that it needs help, that it needs to be fixed. So I don't like that word. Expand your intuition is okay. But I don't quite have it yet. 01:47 Question: Who's it for? Who's the avatar? 01:55 Spiritually-driven entrepreneurs.  02:02 Brad: So why not like Intuition for Entrepreneurs? 02:02 That's what he said. 02:17 Brad: It works, it hits; people are looking for that keyword. You don't want a super long title.  02:25 Are people really searching for intuition for entrepreneurs, though? 02:28 Brad: Or how about The Intuitive Entrepreneur?  02:43 That's true, I can always change it later. But I want it to feel good. You just helped me make it feel good. So that works. 02:51 Secondary challenge: So I'm a healer, and I've done amazing healings, but I'm not able to heal myself. I have a bone growth, and I can only get it to 23% improvement. So I know I need surgery, and I'm asking for support. If anyone wants to help walk my dogs, I'd appreciate it. I can't be up doing anything for days.  04:00 Question: Are you open to having a house guest who could wait on your hand and foot, and also walk your dogs? 04:01 I am. It's hard, but I am.   Three Key Points: It’s okay to ask for help. Ask for help. Using keywords in your name is okay. People are looking for keywords. You don’t want a long name.

    5 min


8 Minute Mastermind with Brad Hart

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