


  1. 8 FEB


    为你读英语美文·第512期 主播:雲昊 录制地点:西安 小时候我喜欢和蓓蒂一起爬屋顶,瓦片温热,眼里是半个卢湾区,蓓蒂是我的邻居,喜欢弹钢琴,当时只有4岁,那样的午后是我对童年永远的记忆,时光如水,把人和事带来又一并带走,这些年被带走的又何止蓓蒂一个。 大暑之后必要大寒。一定记住,这是规律。 After the period of Great Heat comes the inevitable Great Cold. Bear this in mind as an inviolable law. 外行看门面,内行看后门。 Outsiders judge by appearances, insiders by what lies behind the scenes. 你以为吃的是龙虾,实际上吃的是机会,一只龙虾就是一个机会。不是在应酬,就是在求人。 What you perceive as indulging in lobster is, in reality, partaking of opportunity; each lobster represents a chance. It's not merely socializing but often seeking favors. 凡事,总要留一手。 In all things, always keep a backup plan. 纽约的帝国大厦晓得吧?从底下跑到屋顶,要一个钟头,从屋顶跳下来,只要八点八秒,这就是股票。想从股票上赚钱,先学会输。 Know the Empire State Building in New York? It takes an hour to run up from the bottom to the top, yet only 8.8 seconds to fall from the roof – such is the nature of stocks. To make money from stocks, first learn to lose. 上海人做生意,讲究派头、噱头、苗头。 Shanghainese in business value style, novelty, and promising signs. 一个男人应该有多少个钱包?三只。第一只就是你实际有多少钱。第二只就是你的信用,人家钱包里的钞票你可以调动多少。第三只就是人家认为你有多少钱。 How many wallets should a man have? Three. The first contains your actual wealth. The second represents your credit, the amount of cash in others' wallets that you can mobilize. The third signifies the perception of your wealth by others. 只有看到未来,才会有未来。 Only by envisioning the future can one create a future. 首饰跟男人一样,将就不如不要。 Jewelry, much like men, is better avoided altogether than settled for less. 男女之事,源自天地时利,差一分一厘,就是空门。 The intricacies between men and women derive from favorable time and place; any slight deviation leads to emptiness. 市场永远是对的,错的只有自己。冲得太快,逃得太慢,肯定是要吃瘪。头顶在肩膀上,脚长在自己身上,只要保护好自己,机会永远比风险大。 The market is always right; the fault lies with oneself. Charging ahead too fast or retreating too slow guarantees setbacks. With one's head on one's shoulders and feet firmly planted, safeguarding oneself ensures opportunities will always outweigh risks. 做生意不是比谁赚得多,要看谁活得长,不要想着一步登天,要一步一个脚印,稳扎稳打。 Business is not about who makes the most money, but who lasts the longest. Avoid the temptation of instant success; take steady steps, firm and methodical. 做生意,首先要学会两个字:不响。不知道的,说不清楚的,没想好、没规划的,为难自己、为难别人的,都不响。做事情要留有余地,对吧。 In business, master this word first: restraint. Do not speak on matters you're unsure of, unclear about, unplanned, or those that put undue strain on yourself or others. Always leave room for maneuvering. 外贸就是借人家的鸡,生你自己的蛋,不过人家凭什么要把鸡借给你,帮你生蛋呢? Foreign trade is akin to borrowing someone else's hen to lay your eggs, but why would they lend it to you in the first place? 现在讲究市场经济,搞市场就相信市场,是一块钱吃一杯茶,还是十块钱吃一杯茶,是人家的事情。不相信市场就像我们一样,太太平平过日子。 In today's market economy, trust the market if you engage with it;

    14 min
  2. 31 JAN

    I Still Matter《我依然重要》·John

    为你读英语美文 · 第511期 主播:John 录制地点:纽约 John McAuley是严喆本科时的外教,曾在2015年为我们带来过第69期节目《The Daffodil Principle水仙花法则》,第120期《回顾2015》,2016年第144期《毕业赠言》,2018年《我为什么而活》。John曾在联合国总部工作,后来分别在非洲,日本,大连,台湾,香港工作和生活过,现在回到了家乡纽约。 从大连到上海,再到德国,这十多年来,严喆从本科读到博士,如今以访问学者的身份往返于中国和德国,也一直和John保持着亦师亦友的联系。当严喆读到I Still Matter 这首诗的时候,曾研究养老课题的他十分触动,我们终将老去,但我们将以什么样的心态面对衰老? John今年72岁,有着丰富的人生阅历,邀请他读这首诗再合适不过。严喆在德国沟通,John在美国朗读,永清在中国后期。跨越三个大洲,三个不同的时区,有了这期节目。 做完后期,John听完节目后,发来信息: Thank you for reconnecting again, Yongqing and Yanzhe.  I greatly enjoy my occasional collaboration with you.  You chose a very poignant poem for your latest broadcast, and I believe it will touch the hearts of many.  May the good effects of the work you do return to you a thousand times over!  Your connected, but unmet friend, John McA. I Still Matter  《我依然重要》 作者:Patricia A Fleming  I'm still here  我还在这里 My looks are nothing special, My face reveals my age, My body shows some wear and tear, And my energy's not the same. 我的长相并无特别之处、 我的容颜暴露了我的年龄、 我的身体有些磨损 精力不济 Too often my memory fails me, And I lose things all the time. One minute I know what I plan to do, And the next it may just slip my mind. 我的记忆经常出错 我总是丢三落四 前一分钟我还知道要做什么 下一秒就可能忘得一干二净。 I try hard to avoid my mirror. There are things I would rather not see, And even those times when I just catch a glimpse, I can no longer recognize me. 我努力避免照镜子 有些事情我不想看到 即使我只是瞥了一眼 我已经认不出自己了 The things I used to do with ease Can now cause aches and pains, And the quality of the things I do Will never be quite the same. 我过去轻而易举地做的事情 现在也会引起疼痛、 我做事情的质量 永远不会再像从前一样。 I always compare my older self To those younger versions of me, And I know I'm wasting too much time Missing who I used to be. 我总是拿年老的自己 与年轻时的自己相比 我知道我浪费了太多时间 怀念曾经的自己 But the thing that really makes me sad Is despite what people see, Underneath my tattered, worn out shell, I'm still the same old me. 但真正让我难过的是 尽管人们看到 在我破烂不堪的外表下 我还是原来的我 My heart can still feel endless love, And at times it still can ache. My heart can fill with so much joy, And then it can suddenly break. 我的心依然能感受到无尽的爱 有时也会心痛 我的心可以充满欢乐 然后突然破碎 My soul can still feel sympathy And longs for forgiveness and peace, And there are times its light shines boldly through, And times when it longs for release. 我的灵魂仍能感到同情 渴望宽恕与和平 有时它的光芒也会肆意闪耀 也有渴望释放的时候。 It's true, maybe now that I'm older, Feeling lonely may be status quo, But it also has made me more willing To forgive and let past conflicts go. 这是真的,也许现在我老了、 感到孤独可能是现状、 但这也让我更愿意 原谅和放下过去的冲突。 So maybe to some I look ugly and old, A person who barely exists. I'm still quite aware of the beauty inside, And my value should not be dismissed. 也许在某些人看来,我又老又丑、

    6 min
  3. 26 JAN

    The Daffodil Principle《水仙花法则》· John

    为你读英语美文 · 往期回顾 | 第69期 主播:严喆,John 录制地点:柏林,2015年2月 John McAuley是严喆在大连读本科时的外教。2015年,严喆前往柏林留学,当时定居香港的John到柏林游玩,在严喆的邀请下,John录制了这期节目The Daffodil Principle。这篇文章,是大学时,John推荐给严喆的。 9年过去了,随着生活阅历的的增加,再次读起这篇文章,对“水仙花法则“有了更深的感触: Learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time—often just one baby step at a time—and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world. 那就是,懂得向我们的目标迈进,只求一步一个脚印——懂通常一次就一小步——懂得去热爱正在做的事,懂得利用时间的积累。当我们把时间的碎片叠加,再加上每天的一点努力,我们会发现我们也能成就辉煌。我们也能改变这个世界。 9年过去了,John 72岁,回到了纽约。他将再一次做客“为你读英语美文”,为我们带来美文,就在下期,敬请期待哦。 The Daffodil Principle 《水仙花法则》 Several times my daughter had telephoned me to say, "Dad, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over. "I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. 好几次了,我女儿打电话来说: “爸爸,你务必得在那些水仙花凋谢之前来看看它们。”我是想去,可从拉古娜到箭头湖要开两个小时的车。 "I will come next Tuesday, "I promised, a little reluctantly, after her third call. “那我下周二去吧。”在她第三次打来电话时,我极不情愿地答应道。 Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and so I reluctantly drove there. 到了那个周二,清晨很冷又下着雨,不过既然答应了, 我还是开车去了。 When I finally walked into Carolyn's house, I was welcomed by the joyful sounds of happy children. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren. 等我终于到了卡罗琳家,拥抱问候过我的外孙们,说: "Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in the clouds and fog, there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch! " “卡罗琳,别想那水仙了!天阴又有雾,路都看不清。这世上除了你和这些孩子,没有什么能让我为想去看他们再开一步车了!” My daughter smiled calmly and said, "We drive in this all the time, dad." 女儿平静地笑着说:“爸爸,我们一直都在这种天气里开车 的呀!” "Well, you won’t get me back on the road until it clears, and then I’m heading for home! "I told her. “那反正你甭想让我再开车上路了,除非天晴了,然后我就直接开车回家!”我重申道。 "But first we're going to see the daffodils. It's just a few blocks," Carolyn said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this." “但首先我们要去看水仙花。就几个街区而已,”卡罗琳说。“我来开。我已经习惯了。” "Carolyn," I said, "please turn around." “卡罗琳,”说,“请你掉头回去。” "It’s all right, dad, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience." “没事的,爸爸,我保证。如果你错过了这次经历,你永远不会原谅自己的。” After about 20 minutes, we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand-lettered sign that read, Daffodil Garden. 大概过了 20分钟,我们转到了一条碎石小路上,我看到一个小教堂。在教堂的稍远一侧,我看见一个手写的牌子,上面写着:“水仙花园”。 We got out of the car and

    9 min
  4. 圣诞特辑 | little tree · 严喆


    圣诞特辑 | little tree · 严喆

    为你读英语美文 · 第510期 主播:严喆 同行的朋友你好,我是严喆,在这个年末的冬日像你问好。又是一年,正在收听节目的你这一年过的都好吗? 不论你这一年收获满满抑或是仍有遗憾,我都希望你可以调整好心情去迎接新的一年,新的可能性和探索新的目的地。 每年的冬天都是一个和圣诞有关的季节,在今年的圣诞特辑里,我想和大家分享一首圣诞主题的诗。这首诗叫做little tree,作者是美国著名诗人e.e. cummings。短小的诗句里透露出浓郁的圣诞气氛,让读者也能感受到隔着文字的那一份独属于圣诞的欣喜和愉悦。 在这里我也祝愿正在收听节目的你圣诞快乐,新年快乐!在寒冷的冬日也能找到一份舒适的温暖 。 little tree 《小树》 作者:e.e. cummings little tree little silent Christmas tree you are so little you are more like a flower 小树 沉默的小圣诞树 你是如此渺小 你更像一朵花 who found you in the green forest and were you very sorry to come away? see          i will comfort you because you smell so sweetly 谁在绿色森林中发现了你 你很遗憾离开吗? 看,我会安慰你的 因为你的气味如此甜美 i will kiss your cool bark and hug you safe and tight just as your mother would, only don’t be afraid 我会亲吻你清凉的树皮 紧紧拥抱你 就像你妈妈一样 只是不要害怕 look           the spangles that sleep all the year in a dark box dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine, the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads, 看看那些 终年沉睡在黑暗的盒子里 梦想着被拿出来闪耀、 金色和红色的小球,蓬松的丝线、 put up your little arms and i’ll give them all to you to hold. every finger shall have its ring and there won’t be a single place dark or unhappy 举起你的小手 我就把它们都给你拿着。 每个手指都有戒指 没有一个地方是黑暗或不快乐的 then when you’re quite dressed you’ll stand in the window for everyone to see and how they’ll stare! oh but you’ll be very proud 当你穿戴整齐 你会站在橱窗里让所有人看到 他们会目不转睛 哦,但你会非常自豪 and my little sister and i will take hands and looking up at our beautiful tree we’ll dance and sing “Noel Noel” 我和妹妹手牵手 仰望我们美丽的树 我们会边跳边唱 "诺埃尔 诺埃尔" 备注 Noel: a word for ‘Christmas’ used especially in songs or on cards 圣诞节(尤用于歌曲和贺卡), 例:Joyful Noel 快乐的圣诞节 作者介绍 爱德华·埃斯特林·卡明斯(Edward Estlin Cummings)(1894-1962年),美国诗人。他的诗作大都没有标点和大写字母。他也经常将自己的名字写“e.e.cummings”。他还擅长创造不同寻常的排字效果和词语组合,经常使用俚语和爵士乐的韵律。 卡明斯出生在马萨诸塞州的坎布里奇。1915年毕业于哈佛大学,之后参加一战,加入法国的一支救护队。他被无端指责有通敌叛国之嫌,有几个月被法国政府关进集中营。这次经历为他日后创作小说《巨大的房间》(The Enormous Room)(1922年)提供了素材。 诚寻访谈对象: 美文的听众你们好,我是严喆,在高校做访问学者,正在进行一项生育保险制度/政策的学术研究,主要目的是想了解女性在生育过程中遇到的问题及获得的支持。现征询符合如下特征的受访人。访谈时长为0.5-1个小时。非常感谢您的关注! 1. 如果您正在备孕/怀孕/已生产(小孩最好3周岁以内) 2. 如果您是上述女性的配偶或伴侣 3. 如果您认识的家人朋友当中包含了上述人群 4. 如果您对女性生育相关问题有任何想要表述的观点 若您符合上述任意类别,请通过微信Heidingsfeld与我取得联系。

    4 min
  5. Remember | 放慢脚步,记住身边的万物生灵 · 严喆


    Remember | 放慢脚步,记住身边的万物生灵 · 严喆

    为你读英语美文 · 第509期 主播:严喆 同行的朋友你好,我是严喆。好久好久不见,正在收听节目的你最近都还好吗? 今天的节目里我想和大家分享一首诗 Remember 是由美国本土女诗人,音乐家,剧作家Joy Harjo创作的。Joy通过这首诗阐释了人和万物生灵亲密无间的关系,语言清新易懂,蕴意却深长。想跟大家分享这首诗的初衷也是因为观察到身边的朋友每天都非常忙碌,为了生活而奔波,为了家庭而奋斗,为了自己的理想努力坚持。我想我们能做的就是彼此打气,在这个纷闹喧嚣的世界里找到自己内心的那一方净土,但在这个过程中我们也不要忘了要慢下来,停下来,去听一听鸟鸣,闻一闻花香,摸一摸大树。接下来请在听节目的你试着停下忙碌的脚步,静心下来,我读给你听。 Remember 《记得》 作者:Joy Harjo,翻译:严喆 Remember the sky that you were born under, 请记住你出生的苍穹 know each of the star’s stories. 了解每颗星星的故事 Remember the moon, know who she is. 请记住那明月,知道她是谁 Remember the sun’s birth at dawn, that is the strongest point of time.  请记住那日出,它是时间的起点 Remember sundown and the giving away to night. 请记住余晖和夜晚的登场 Remember your birth, how your mother struggled to give you form and breath. 请记住你的母亲如何奋力给予你生命和呼吸 You are evidence of her life, and her mother’s, and hers. 你是她生命的延续,也是她母亲的 Remember your father. He is your life, also. 请记住你的父亲,他也是你生命的一部分 Remember the earth whose skin you are: red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earthbrown earth, we are earth. 请记住构成你肌肤的土地:红的,黑的,黄的,白的,棕色的,我们与它融为一体 Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their tribes, their families, their histories, too.  请记住那些植物,大树,动物,它们也都有自己的族群,家人,和历史 Talk to them, listen to them. They are alive poems. 去跟它们说话吧!听听它们有什么要说的,它们就是活着的诗歌 Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the origin of this universe. 请记住那风,记住她的声音,因为她知道宇宙的起源 Remember you are all people and all people are you. 请记住你中有我,我中有你 Remember you are this universe and this universe is you. 请记住你就是这宇宙,这宇宙就是你 Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you. 请记住万物都在移动,在成长,也包括你 Remember language comes from this. 请记住语言就来源于此 Remember the dance language is, that life is.请记住舞动的语言就是生活本真 Remember. 请记住 诚寻访谈对象: 美文的听众你们好,我是严喆,在高校做访问学者,正在进行一项生育保险制度/政策的学术研究,主要目的是想了解女性在生育过程中遇到的问题及获得的支持。现征询符合如下特征的受访人。访谈时长为0.5-1个小时。非常感谢您的关注! 1. 如果您正在备孕/怀孕/已生产(小孩最好3周岁以内) 2. 如果您是上述女性的配偶或伴侣 3. 如果您认识的家人朋友当中包含了上述人群 4. 如果您对女性生育相关问题有任何想要表述的观点 若您符合上述任意类别,请通过微信Heidingsfeld与我取得联系。 ▎主播介绍 严喆:博士,访问学者 ▎背景音乐 轩东 – 碎银几两 広橋真紀子 - 愛を感じて 后期制作:永清 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。

    5 min
  6. 08/11/2023

    我有一只黑狗,它名叫抑郁 · 罗斌

    为你读英语美文 · 第508期 主播:罗斌 各位为你读英语美文的听众朋友大家好,好久不见,我是罗斌,在深圳向你问好。时隔一年,再次做起电台节目,跟大家聊聊天,读读文章,仿佛又一次进入了一个乌托邦世界,不知道电台那头的你这一年过得如何 ? 今天和大家分享的话题或许会有些沉重,但可能大多数人,或者身边人,都经历过,或者正在经历着,它就是【抑郁症depression】,根据世界卫生组织统计,全球约10亿人正在遭受精神障碍困扰,中国精神卫生调查显示,我国抑郁症患者人数为9500万,这并不是一个小数字。 在第77期节目《走出抑郁 Out of Shadows》中主播Benny也曾经做过一起关于抑郁症的节目,并分享了自己如何走出抑郁的故事,今天的节目里,我想继续为大家分享的一篇文章,是出自马修·约翰斯通Matthew Johnstone的治愈绘本作品I Have A Black Dog, 《我有一只黑狗》,而这只黑狗就是抑郁症。马修.约翰斯通曾是一名抑郁症患者,他用极其触动人心的洞察力和细腻柔软的笔触,让世人了解到与一只“黑狗”作伴是什么感觉,描绘了他如何与“黑狗”搏斗、向“黑狗”屈服到与“黑狗”和解、驾驭“黑狗”的心路历程。绘本一经出版便大受欢迎,引发了读者深度共鸣。 今天,我把它分享给你,希望能够带给你些许力量和启发,去面对这只黑狗。 I Have A Black Dog 《我有一只黑狗》 作者 Matthew Johnstone 翻译:中国日报双语新闻 I had a black dog. His name was Depression. Whenever the black dog made an appearance, I felt empty and life just seemed to slow down. He could surprise me with the visit for no reason or occasion. The back dog could make me look and feel older than my years. 我有一条黑狗,它名叫抑郁。黑狗一来,我就会感到空虚,生活百无聊赖。它会无缘无故突然造访,让我看起来,感觉起来,都像个老人。 When the rest of the world seemed to be enjoying life, I could only see it through the black dog. Activities that usually brought me pleasure suddenly ceased to. He liked to ruin my appetite. He chewed up my memory and my ability to concentrate. Doing anything or going anywhere with black dog required super human strength. 其他人在享受生活时,而我却只能和黑狗相伴,那些曾带给我快乐的事也提不起我的兴趣。它让我丧失食欲,蚕食我的记忆力,让我无法集中精神。拖着这条黑狗,我就什么事都不想做,哪里也不想去。 At social occasions, he would sniff out what confidence I had and chase it away. My biggest fear was being found out; I worried that people judge me. Because of the shame and stigma of the black dog, I was constantly worried about being found out. 社交场合里,它会驱走我残存的自信我最害怕的是被人知道,担心别人说三道四,黑狗带来的羞愧和耻辱,让我时刻担心会被发现。 So I invested a vast amount of energy into covering him up. Keeping up an emotional life is exhausting! Black dog could make me think and say negative things. He could make me irritable and difficult to be around. He would take my love and bury my intimacy.  因此我竭力掩盖,掩藏情绪的生活,让人精疲力竭黑狗让我消极地思考和言谈,它让我喜怒无常,难以相处,它夺走了我的爱,埋藏了温情。 He loved nothing more than to wake me up with highly reparative negative thinking. He also liked to remind me how exhausted I was going to be the next day. 它最爱在半夜把我唤醒,心中只有那些消极地念头,它还提醒着我将会面对对么心力交瘁的一天。 Having a black dog in your life isn’t so much about feeling a bit down, sad or blue...at its worst it’s about being devoid of feeling altogether.

    9 min
  7. 《漫长的季节》· 雲昊


    《漫长的季节》· 雲昊

    为你读英语美文 · 第507期 主播:雲昊 The Endless 《漫长的》 作者:班宇,翻译:ChatGPT 3.5 Snap your fingers, he said, Let's make a resonating snap, distant things will shatter, the people before us are still unaware. 打个响指吧,他说 我们打个共鸣的响指 遥远的事物将被震碎 面前的人们此时尚不知情 Whistle, I said, You, whistle a slanted tune like iron, then a needle, the magnetic arc brushes the green glass. 吹个口哨吧,我说 你来吹个斜斜的口哨 像一块铁然后是一枚针 磁极的弧线拂过绿玻璃 Have a sip of water, and glance at the river, calm in its tranquility, turbulent in its storm, we miss a step, a tiny tear drops on the stone, it won’t dry up for a long time. 喝一杯水吧,也看一看河 在平静时平静,不平静时 我们就错过了一层台阶 一小颗眼泪滴在石头上 很长时间也不会干涸 The whole season encases it in amber, flowing in chunks, specific radiance, behind it, distant things reside. 整个季节将它结成了琥珀 块状的流淌,具体的光芒 在它身后是些遥远的事物 世间小人物的命运,在《漫长的季节》中浮浮沉沉。他们没有什么人生大事要实现,也不是要做什么成功之路的主角,只不过在悲哀的磅秤上大家拥有同样的分量。唯一公平的是,不管失去至亲还是被霸凌、被侵害,当秋日爽朗的天空有一片明媚的阳光出现,它会照耀所有人,为他们带来片刻抚慰,仿佛某一刻美好会凝固为永恒。时代的琥珀里,最珍贵最动人的部分,是真情与道义的坚守,是历尽千帆、问心无愧后的“往前看,别回头”。 ▎背景音乐 丁可《忧郁的天空下》 姜育恒《再回首》 ▎主播介绍 雲昊:博士后,大学教师 后期制作:雲昊 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是:“为你读英语美文”。

    6 min
  8. 26/10/2023

    叶芝《一个爱尔兰飞行员预见他的死亡》· Susie

    为你读英语美文 · 第506期  主播:Susie 大家好,我是Susie,欢迎收听为你读英语美文。 这些天来,各类战争新闻、消息报导不断,让人扼腕叹息的同时,也深深感到这个世界并不太平,战争其实离我们并没有那么遥远。对普通人来说,战争永远是残酷的,那是一种长久的伤痛,这种伤痛会跨越时间、空间,甚至跨越世代。 今天想要和大家分享的,是来自叶芝的一首诗——《一个爱尔兰飞行员预见他的死亡》。这首诗的主角是罗伯特·格雷戈里(Robert Gregory, 1881-1918),叶芝写了四首关于他的诗,其中三首是挽歌。格雷戈里是叶芝一位密友的独子,他战死于第一次世界大战。在战争中,他所驾驶的飞机不幸被“友军的炮火”击落。 这首诗设定在格雷戈里去世前的那个时刻,诗人以大胆的姿态附身于格雷戈里,试图借由飞行员的独白,解释他能够预见危险、却依然这么做的缘由。死神也许随时会降临,年轻的飞行员别无选择,尽管害怕,尽管留恋,他们也不得不假装坦然接受死亡、抱着活着回来的信念赴死而战。 An Irish Airman Foresees His Death 《一个爱尔兰飞行员预见他的死亡》 作者: W.B Yeats I know that I shall meet my fate  Somewhere among the clouds above;  我清楚我将邂逅宿命 在某个云深高处; Those that I fight I do not hate,  Those that I guard I do not love;  我与交战者并无怨恨, 对所捍卫者亦无爱恋; My county is Kiltartan Cross,  My countrymen Kiltartan's poor,  我的故乡在基尔塔坦, 那里的穷人是我的同胞, No likely end could bring them loss  Or leave them happier than before.  输赢于他们并无损减, 也不会使他们生活更好。 Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,  Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,  我不为律法、不为职责而战, 也不为领袖和欢呼的民众, A lonely impulse of delight  Drove to this tumult in the clouds;  独有的一念兴起 驱我卷入这喧嚣的云雾; I balanced all, brought all to mind,  The years to come seemed waste of breath,  我回想一切,在心中权衡, 将来的岁月似毫无意义, A waste of breath the years behind  In balance with this life, this death. 毫无意义的是身后经年, 在这生死瞬间 二者轻重同一。 战争是一面镜子,它能够让我们更好地认识和平的可贵。我们应该庆幸,我们身处于一个相对和平、稳定的社会,更应该感恩和珍惜我们现在所拥有的一切,认真去对待每一天,好好地生活。 今天的节目就到这里,感谢聆听,我们下期再见。 ▎背景音乐 电影《太极旗飘扬》BGM ▎主播介绍 Susie: 毕业于美国杜兰大学,现居杭州,从事审计工作 文案:Susie, 后期制作:永清 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。

    6 min



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