6 Figure Creative

Brian Hood
Podcast 6 Figure Creative

6 Figure Creative is a podcast that helps freelance creatives earn more money by doing what they love. If you’re trying to avoid the never-ending grind of a 9–5, or just want to earn more money doing what you do best (creating), 6 Figure Creative is your new favorite show! Join host Brian Hood and his guests as they explore topics such as mental health, finances, sales, marketing, time management, the digital nomad lifestyle, and more.

  1. 10 DE SET.

    Mastering The Art Of Self-Promotion | The Lead Generation Series

    Raise your hand if you suck at self-promotion... 🙋🏻‍♂️ 🙋🏼 🙋🏿‍♂️ 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ (←that's probably you.) Sadly, self-promotion is where most freelancers hit a wall. It's one thing to create an amazing service or irresistible lead magnet, but it's entirely another to promote it effectively. If your calendar isn't booked solid with projects from ideal clients, then you likely suck at self-promotion. (just being real with you 🤷🏻‍♂️) For those naysayers who think, "self-promotion!? You shouldn't have to self-promote if you're good at what you do!", I urge you to kill that thought with the fire of a thousand suns. That's a self-imposed limitation. If promotion is a "normal thing" across every other industry, why should freelancers be the exception? At its core, lead generation isn't about making lead magnets or revamping your freelance services. It's about mastering the art of self-promotion. So, whether you're a seasoned freelancer or a newbie, we're about to dive into the nitty-gritty of self-promotion. We need to make sure your service (or lead magnets) doesn't go to waste. By the end of it, you'll be armed with the tools to make your freelance business self-sustaining. In this episode you’ll discover: Why your lead magnets aren't working The six types of traffic The "core four" types of marketing Brian uses Using earned media to grow relationships Why only 3% of your audience is ready to purchase from you right now How hackers make money with stolen ad accounts Demand creation vs. demand harvesting Harnessing referrals and word-of-mouth marketing Using a referral circle to help fellow freelancers How to get a plan for your lead generation efforts For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/327

  2. 3 DE SET.

    The 4 Types of Lead Magnets That Actually Work | The Lead Generation Series

    Let’s dive into a crucial piece of the freelancer's marketing toolkit: The Lead Magnet. Imagine your lead magnet as an introductory handshake in the online world. It's your first impression, and we all know how vital that is. Your lead magnet isn’t merely a "hello"... it’s an "I understand your problems and I know how to help." Every lead is a person looking for a solution, and your lead magnet is the first step in proving that YOU are that solution. What we’re crafting isn’t just a freebie or a basic tool. Your lead magnet is proof that you don’t just talk the talk but you walk the walk. It demonstrates up front that you bring real value to the table. And no, a lead magnet isn’t just another PDF or ebook – it can be, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a tool, a resource, or a guide. It might even be a paid service or workshop. The shape of a lead magnet is flexible, but its purpose is rigid: to provide immense, undeniable value. This isn’t about merely generating leads or adding names to an email list. It’s about connecting with a person, and proving that you have the solution they’ve been hunting for. Ready to create something amazing? Let’s dive into this... In this episode you’ll discover: The power of paid lead magnets Solving problems for your leads People who have more time than money, vs more money than time Using your services to bring in new clients Why taking a loss in the short term can be a benefit in the long term Using information as a lead magnet The questions to ask when offering a free consultation The four main ways to fully solve the problem your leads are facing For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/326

  3. 27 DE AGO.

    The Secret to Consistent Clients | The Lead Generation Series

    Listen, I've heard it a hundred times, and I bet you have, too... "If you're good enough, you can just wait for clients to come to you." They say. "Word of mouth is all you need." They say. But here's the deal: sitting on your hands and hoping for that magical email notification of a new client isn't a strategy—it's a death trap. Let me paint a picture... You're a talented freelancer. You've had some good months, even great ones. But then there's that one sobering month. The inquiries dry up, the referrals dwindle, and your inbox is eerily silent. Panic sets in. That, my friend, is the terrifying "word-of-mouth death trap". There's a common myth in the freelance world. Some folks will have you believe that the only way to thrive is through word of mouth. But here’s the truth bomb: Anyone saying "word-of-mouth is best" is unqualified to give you that advice. They are just coasting along nicely with it, having never tasted the desperation of the dry season. Many still end up taking on gigs they aren’t passionate about, just to keep the lights on. And sure, referrals are fabulous. If you're great at what you do, you'll 100% get them. But if you're banking solely on word of mouth to keep your calendar booked with clients, then you're setting yourself up for a rocky ride. So, what's the antidote to this feast or famine nightmare? Two words: Lead Generation. Here's the breakdown: Leads become inquiries. Inquiries become clients. And when you have a consistent influx of leads every month, you've got a buffer against those terrifying dry spells. Suddenly, your business isn't about hoping for clients—it's about choosing them. In the coming series, we'll dive deep into the nuts and bolts of lead generation, tailored specifically for freelancers. Because here's the truth: understanding and mastering lead generation is like handing yourself the keys to consistency. Ready to escape the word-of-mouth death trap? Click here to start the Lead Generation Series. In this episode you’ll discover: Why Brian has had a horrible week thanks to Meta Different methods of lead generation, and how your business type changes your lead acquisition The importance of a solid lead magnet Keys to a valuable lead magnet What to do if you're struggling Understanding what your clients need Using the Three-Tier-Outcome Map Diagnosing problems to add value to leads For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/325


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6 Figure Creative is a podcast that helps freelance creatives earn more money by doing what they love. If you’re trying to avoid the never-ending grind of a 9–5, or just want to earn more money doing what you do best (creating), 6 Figure Creative is your new favorite show! Join host Brian Hood and his guests as they explore topics such as mental health, finances, sales, marketing, time management, the digital nomad lifestyle, and more.

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