Eros Money Power

Amber Renée
Eros Money Power

I'm Amber Renée, sex & money mentor on a mission to help you become the most wealthy, well f****d & well paid woman you're meant to be. I want you to take your erotic and financial power into your own hands...and that's what this podcast offers you. Whether I'm talking about sex, money, rituals, wealth, business, leadership, spirituality, motherhood or relationships...the red thread through all of it is THE EROTIC. I want to help you access YOUR power from within by using pleasure, erotic rituals & nervous system regulation techniques to shift from feeling stressed to relaxed, turned on & powerful around money & sex. When a woman is connected to her full power in money & sex, she shows up differently in her life & the world around her. Your erotic body holds the secrets to your unique pathway to not only deeper pleasure & more fulfilling sex, but a turned on, orgasmic, fulfilling life that satisfies the fuck out of you & a bank account that makes you feel relaxed, secure & free. Ready for MORE money & LESS stress? Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity & FINALLY feel sexy, safe & relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES. Get my FREE 2-hour money class MORE MONEY LESS STRESS... I'm SO excited for you to have this masterclass in your hands. It's the same method I've used for nearly a decade that took me from $0 to 6-figures — & now I'm using it to scale to 7-figures! Clients have used it to hit $20k months, make 6-figures after YEARS of trying & sustain multiple 6-figures or more! And now it gets to be yours! Follow me on Instagram: TikTok:

  1. 19 DE FEV.

    Real talk about money, decentering men, having high standards, jealous pick-me's & women who want MORE with Lauren Joyce

    In this real talk conversation with my friend & colleague Lauren Joyce, we discuss a range of topics like... pop culture moments problems with polarity content being witches & priestesses working with Lilith & Mary Magdalene marriage, motherhood & money staying regulated during these intense political times navigating jealous pick-me women decentering men while centering pleasure & the goddess financial contraction in the coaching industry holding our power no matter what & having the AUDACITY to want more We laugh, joke, get kinky, but also discuss raw & real topics from the perspective of two women who believe in ALL women being free, turned on & powerful. We joke about Lotus Lingham, the make believe Tantric man we both thankfully escaped moving to Bali with, me having a "fuck up" jar for my partner to drop money in when he misbehaves & stuff we can't stand that's taught in the polarity world or coaching industry that keeps women trapped. Find & connect with Lauren Joyce: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: Are you ready to get out of survival mode with money? Make more money while feeling relaxed, secure, safe, powerful, wealthy & sexy from within? Ready to eliminate money stress, shift out of scarcity & break free from money patterns so you can be the woman with money you’ve been secretly desiring to be? Get my FREE 2-hour class MORE MONEY LESS STRESS: Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity and FINALLY feel sexy, safe and relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES. It’s a class for women that features the nervous system, pleasure & sexy, somatic practices as a pathway to financial freedom, empowerment & independence. Let's get social, sexy: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: YouTube:

  2. 7 DE FEV.

    It's safe for you to want money & to be wealthy

    It’s safe for YOU to want money & be wealthy (yes, even in this “eat the rich” era). Your desire for $48 shampoo or weekly massages or a house cleaner or a luxe vacation is NOT the problem. Being a millionaire is NOT the problem. Getting out of survival mode & having more than enough or building wealth is NOT the problem. It’s the corrupt 1% of billionaires who are HOARDING massive wealth while stripping everyone who’s a minority of their human rights, refusing to solve world problems like hunger or housing & doing everything they can to keep the money within the 1%. It’s the people who are denying money, power, freedom & wealth to everyone else while keeping it all to themselves. If you secretly long to be wealthy and rich (internally AND externally), but now you’re scared to own or admit that… Because you’re afraid of being shamed, judged or canceled, I’m here to remind you that your desire for money and wealth is holy. We need MORE money in the hands of MORE women (and all humans, but I work with women specifically). We need more women holding more of the wealth in the world. We already know — backed up by evidence & stats — that women do more for themselves AND their communities with their money. Remember this: If this money isn’t flowing into YOUR hands…it’s going into someone else’s. I don’t mean that in a scarcity way of there’s not enough to go around or if you take some, then others won’t have any or vice versa…  No, what I mean is that if more women don’t stand up & claim their inherent wealth & more money… the money will likely flow into the hands of someone who won’t use that money in ways that serve the greater good. Are you ready to get out of survival mode with money? Make more money while feeling relaxed, secure, safe, powerful, wealthy & sexy from within? Ready to eliminate money stress, shift out of scarcity & break free from money patterns so you can be the woman with money you’ve been secretly desiring to be? Get my FREE 2-hour class MORE MONEY LESS STRESS: Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity and FINALLY feel sexy, safe and relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES. It’s a class for women that features the nervous system, pleasure & sexy, somatic practices as a pathway to financial freedom, empowerment & independence. Let's get social, sexy: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: YouTube:

  3. 5 DE FEV.

    The path of the red feminine & dark you feel the call?

    I'm starting a new series on the Eros Money Power podcast called... Red Temple Transmissions This will differ (yet also be the same?) as my regularly scheduled weekly podcast episodes. Usually my weekly podcast episodes (along with my weekly YouTube videos) give you a taste of something I'm selling WHILE serving you, but they typically involve more strategy and planning around a launch or offer going on at the time. The Red Temple Tranmissions are like a sexy sermon straight from my soul and eros (as is every podcast), but it's another form of serving you AND expressing my soul. There are certain topics, themes, transmissions my soul and eros have been CRAVING to share and speak on, but I haven't had a place. So I'm making one. Right here on the podcast. There's no schedule for this series. That's the point. I get to record them whenever I feel the urge. This first episode in the Red Temple Transmissions series is about the two pathways and versions of the feminine I'm walking, living and in deep service and devotion to in this lifetime... The Red Feminine and the Dark Feminine. Want to know how I describe and experience them...separate and together? And how you can too? Listen on blog: FREE RESOURCES: Get my FREE 2-hour class MORE MONEY LESS STRESS: Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity and FINALLY feel sexy, safe and relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES. Activate your dark feminine energy in only 15-minutes a day with my FREE ritual: Let's get social, sexy: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: YouTube:

  4. 4 DE FEV.

    The world needs you to be wealthy, well fucked & well paid NOW more than ever

    Even though I’ve felt some anxiety creeping in with the political landscape lately. And felt resistance that makes me want to crawl back under the covers and hide, binge The Girlfriend Experience all day or doom scroll TikTok for hours. Even though a part of me feels hopeless about what's happening in my country right now...what's been happening in other countries too… I know that my form of activism helps women experience three core values my brand and business stands for: EROS FREEDOM POWER Eros = a fully alive woman, vitality, life-force, turn on, desire, magnetism Freedom = choice, options, wildness, self ownership and expression, you get to be, do, have, experience whatever the fuck you want Power = internal, personal, sovereign, regulated sense of ownership over oneself, commanding, connected to who the fuck you are on the deepest level The patriarchy is designed to keep a woman disconnected from all of this, because it means you can be domesticated, oppressed and controlled just like they want you to be. But when a woman breaks free and connects to her turn on and power? Has her own money, property and wealth? Knows her worth from within? She is a force of fucking nature. The pathways we use to get there in my work? Sex, pleasure, kink, the erotic, money and wealth, business, sales, leadership, witchcraft and dark feminine rituals. No matter what I'm talking about, offering, teaching... No matter how surface level or "frivolous" it seems... IT'S ESSENTIAL WORK FOR WOMEN TO DO.  All of these defy the Patriarchy and restore a woman to her inherent state of eros, power and freedom. This work is urgent, necessary, a priority. Not emergency you need to be freaking out...but like a knowing that as a woman, you need to be well resourced, regulated, as relaxed, grounded and connected to your power as possible. When you're regulated, relaxed and well resourced your capacity to hold the sensations of life AND take aligned-for-you actions increases. You have the capacity to show up differently than you do when you're dysregulated, frozen, stuck, freaking out. This is what we need to be grounded in right now so we can unite from a place of feeling connected, resourced, empowered from within. Like you actually have a role to do. Like you can take one small action. Whether it's towards activism, your desire for more money, a dream job, your art, etc. You confidently make the YouTube video. Or write the edgy post. Send the email setting a boundary with a client. Put out the offer you want to sell out with eager paying clients. It's 1000x easier when it's fueled with eros energy. No matter where you live, I know you can always benefit from more... Erotic practice, Nervous system regulation, pleasure and feeling connected to your power, aliveness, magnetism, sense of freedom and resourcefulness. The world needs you. It's true. You really do matter. You really are that fucking powerful. The world also needs you to be your most wealthy, well f****d and well paid self, because that's when you can make the biggest, deepest difference. In your own life, your home, your lineage, your community, with your own clients/work/art/business/movement and activism.  Listen to this week's Eros Money Power podcast episode for why this is so damn more than ever.  Listen on blog: FREE RESOURCES: Get my FREE 2-hour class MORE MONEY LESS STRESS: Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity and FINALLY feel sexy, safe and relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES. Activate your dark feminine energy in only 15-minutes a day with my FREE ritual: Let's get social, sexy: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: YouTube:

  5. 29 DE JAN.

    How to attract buyers who are ready to whip out their wallet RIGHT NOW

    Imagine effortlessly attracting the right people who are OBSESSED with your work and LOVE to buy from you. Again and again. No matter what you sell. While also repelling the wrong people (so you don't waste time dealing with pain in the ass clients).  Yes, this is a good thing and I tell you why in this week's podcast episode.  Instead of this... — “What can I say that will make them value this enough to pay for it?” — Spending HOURS overcoming objections in the DM’s or on sales calls only to have them not sign up or be a pain in the ass client — Getting people who need to know all your credentials or want you to guarantee or promise results — Sales feeling like they slowly trickle in over days and anxiously refreshing your email every 30 seconds — Feeling like you have to do all the heavy lifting yourself or show up live to get one sale Imagine... — Knowing exactly HOW to speak to people who are 100% all in and excited to whip out their wallet this second — Naturally addressing any common questions “ready to buy now dream clients” might have WITHOUT needing to convince or persuade them — Speaking from a place of inner authority and attract clients who don’t NEED you, but WANT you And they want you soooo bad they’ll pay anything! — Watching your phone screen fill up with PayPal notifications and DM’s saying “take my money, bitch!” or “I’m in!” even while you’re binge watching Outlander on Netflix In this episode of the Eros Money Power podcast I share exactly what to do to attract high-quality buyers and clients who are ready to invest or buy right now. We talk about what makes someone ready to buy or not, the energetic and strategic ways to shorten the amount of time it takes for someone to find you and buy from you and how to make more sales in a way that feels pleasurable! Ready for the next step? My 7-week digital sales course "Take my money!" is $300 off through Midnight EST on Friday Jan 31.  “Take my money!” Use compelling copy, HOT content & automated sales strategies that have dream clients flooding your DM’s saying “take my money!” followed by one sale notification after another Get more details or snatch it up here! Listen on blog:   FREE RESOURCES: Get my FREE 2-hour class MORE MONEY LESS STRESS:   Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity and FINALLY feel sexy, safe and relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES. Activate your dark feminine energy in 15-minutes with my FREE ritual: Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram: TikTok: Threads:

  6. 25 DE JAN.

    How my clients get results EVERY SINGLE TIME

    6 things that get my clients results EVERY SINGLE TIME🔥This is a repurposed IG live from 1/24/25. This is what I’ve been personally & professionally doing for 10+ years now to get results & I guide my clients in doing the same If you’ve ever wondered exactly what working with me is like (like wtf do we actually do?!) watch the whole thing! This right here is the work my clients & I do together in 1:1 or that I lead my students through step-by-step in my digital courses Listen for a full breakdown of the 6 things, deeper explanation of each, personal & client result examples & MORE🫦 I’m not guaranteeing a specific result happening in a set amount of time, but if you apply these 6 things you WILL get results❤️‍🔥 1. Using one-time rituals & every day rituals to practice becoming the version of yourself you want to be & connecting to the divine, magical, creative side of yourself Ritual connects you to your POWER & when you take practical action from this energy? It’s like skipping ahead 10 spaces in a board game💃🏻 2. Interrupting frustrating patterns where they originate — in the nervous system It’s not enough to simply think better thoughts, work on your mindset or be more high vibe You’ll continue to repeat & recreate what’s most familiar to your nervous system, because it’s safe & comfortable You need to change at the level of your nervous system by creating safety & familiarity with what you want 3. Pleasure creates safety with change, erotic energy is creative energy you can direct into your desires & k*nk allows you to dominate your doubt & fears 4. Slowly becoming the version of yourself that has those tangible results & feels a certain way (wealthy, peaceful, turned on, etc.) over time. Not just anchoring the external results into your mindset, but embodying it in your nervous system. Allowing the internal to inform the external & match each other. 5. Transmute fear, doubt, scarcity, jealousy, stress, comparison into power, lightness & creative energy using erotic energy to shift your state of consciousness 6. We celebrate both the internal & external, but what’s happening outside of you doesn’t determine your worth, wealth or happiness — the results are YOU, how you feel & who you’ve become Everything else is the cherry on top! 🍒 Want me all to yourself as your private mentor for 6 months? If so, I have ONE 6-month 1:1 spot open & the January BONUS (1 extra month of telegram!) expires end of month⏰ You get: 💋60-minute desire & intention setting call to kick off 💋3 x 60-minute rituals or sessions per month 💋Daily Telegram support (M-F) 💋Access to my programs & courses 💋60-minute closing ritual to reflect, celebrate & wrap up 💋BONUS: 90-minute erotic rebirth ritual to release the remaining layers & rebirth into who you’re meant to be ​Cost: $3,000/month or $17,500 PIF 🥵PIF bonus: $500 savings AND 1 extra month together (3 x 60-min sessions & Telegram)​ ❤️‍🔥JANUARY ONLY BONUS: 1 extra month of Telegram only coaching if you sign up this month. ​ This means you can get 7 or 8 months of working with me for the price of 6 months! Know this spot is YOURS (even if it’s stretchy)? Your next step is to DM me on Instagram @theamberrenee for a no-pressure chat about the spot!🐈‍⬛🥀🍷 We can even hop on a quick call. Don’t wait — now is the time. Send me a message you minx!🫦 Ready to begin your journey to expanding your capacity to receive more money with eros, pleasure and sensuality? Get my FREE 2-hour class MORE MONEY LESS STRESS: Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity and FINALLY feel sexy, safe and relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES. Activate your dark feminine energy in 15-minutes with my FREE ritual: Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram: TikTok: Threads:

  7. 14 DE JAN.

    My top dark feminine practices I've used over 10 years for real results

    These are the EXACT practices I've used over the past 10 years to embody my dark feminine energy, power and magnetism. I've also taught them to 1700+ women in my courses, classes, coaching and rituals.  These practices personally took me from… —sexually repressed, filled with shame and shut down —broke and stuck in a job I hated —struggling with bladder incontinence (before I even had my daughter) —trapped in a relationship with a man who just wanted me to be a good wife and mother one day —emotionally numb —DEEPLY terrified to own my power as a woman, lover and witch To experiencing real results and long-lasting transformation like this… —I’ve made half a million dollars in my online business in a decade —My podcast Eros Money Power has over 117k downloads since 2020 —I grew a YouTube channel to 38k subscribers before YouTube deleted it in 2020 —I’ve grown my TikTok by over 1000 new followers in the last few weeks —I’ve reached 1 million views & over 1,200 new followers on Threads in the last 90 days —I advocated for the home birth I wanted in 2018 and had an ecstatic water birth at home —I regularly have hot sex (with myself and my partner of 9 years) that keeps getting better and an array of orgasms that blow my damn mind —I advocated for my vaginal health TWICE by saying no to doctors who said nothing was wrong or to take a fancy UTI pill forever & naturally healed from bladder incontinence, numbness & pain during sex —I speak up more often than not when I want something or when I need to set a boundary …and so much more! It’s not just about the external. The internal is where it all starts. I feel free, alive, turned on, sultry, fulfilled, well fucked, wealthy, witchy. I thank the dark feminine goddess every day that she intervened and seduced me onto the path of my unapologetic freedom, power and eros. Now I'm going to teach you my TOP dark feminine energy practices for FREE in today's podcast episode of Eros Money Power. Activate your dark feminine energy in 15-minutes with my FREE ritual: Listen on the blog: YouTube video: How to Embody Your Dark Feminine Energy Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram: TikTok: Threads:

  8. 24/12/2024

    Signs Lilith is calling you to work with her

    Have you been frequently experiencing the same signs, symbols and synchronicities lately that make you wonder if Lilith is reaching out to you? Does Lilith keep popping up even if you've never really heard of her before? Or maybe you know a little...but you've never dared go there. Maybe you're seeing snakes, owls, certain videos of Lilith popping up on your TikTok feed and you're hungry to know who this woman is and what she wants with you. Maybe a seductive, dark, mysterious woman has visited you in your dreams with powerful messages for you. Maybe you're feeling pulled to shadow work and the unconscious, working with your erotic energy, sexual healing and empowerment, wanting equality for women (and all) or feeling pure feminine rage coming up. Maybe you've seen a lot of posts and videos talking about working with Lilith, the dark feminine awakening or feminist conversations around women, sexuality and empowerment. Maybe you're longing for sexual and financial liberation, independence and empowerment. All of these? Are signs Lilith is calling you to work with her. Right the fuck now. Intrigued and want to know more? Let's dive into this episode of Eros Money Power all about signs, symbolism and mythology of Lilith and how to know if she's reaching out to you. Listen on the blog: Did this episode give you chills? Make you cry? Land in your gut like a lightning bolt of truth? Did the signs stir something deep inside like a sleepy serpent? Turn you on or arouse something deep, dark & erotic inside... Then, Lilith is calling to you. Initiating you. She's been waiting and she's ready for you. My brand new 2-part class & ritual Invoking Lilith is for you! Reclaim your erotic feminine power. Take control of your body, life & sexuality. Experience unapologetic freedom & shameless expression in your daily life. Rewrite your story by invoking the first woman & original bad bitch: Lilith. Sign up here: Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram: TikTok: Threads:



I'm Amber Renée, sex & money mentor on a mission to help you become the most wealthy, well f****d & well paid woman you're meant to be. I want you to take your erotic and financial power into your own hands...and that's what this podcast offers you. Whether I'm talking about sex, money, rituals, wealth, business, leadership, spirituality, motherhood or relationships...the red thread through all of it is THE EROTIC. I want to help you access YOUR power from within by using pleasure, erotic rituals & nervous system regulation techniques to shift from feeling stressed to relaxed, turned on & powerful around money & sex. When a woman is connected to her full power in money & sex, she shows up differently in her life & the world around her. Your erotic body holds the secrets to your unique pathway to not only deeper pleasure & more fulfilling sex, but a turned on, orgasmic, fulfilling life that satisfies the fuck out of you & a bank account that makes you feel relaxed, secure & free. Ready for MORE money & LESS stress? Learn my EXACT 3-step pleasure-based process to eliminate money stress, break free from scarcity & FINALLY feel sexy, safe & relaxed with money WITHIN MINUTES. Get my FREE 2-hour money class MORE MONEY LESS STRESS... I'm SO excited for you to have this masterclass in your hands. It's the same method I've used for nearly a decade that took me from $0 to 6-figures — & now I'm using it to scale to 7-figures! Clients have used it to hit $20k months, make 6-figures after YEARS of trying & sustain multiple 6-figures or more! And now it gets to be yours! Follow me on Instagram: TikTok:

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