Go To Grow - with Melissa MacGowan

Melissa MacGowan
Podcast Go To Grow - with Melissa MacGowan

Where you go, you grow. Energy | Time | Focus | People | Money... Melissa MacGowan chats with real people to explore the messy and diverse ways we grow from failing, healing, leading, living, changing and everything in between. Feel alive and join the grow tribe.

  1. 10/10/2021

    81: Sharing her mental health story, empowering herself and others - with Naomi Fryers

    Story telling is a powerful way to reduce stigma and raise awareness around mental health. Naomi Fryers had a breakdown and was removed from her home by police and taken to a mental health ward. In her words, she hit rock bottom and over time embraced her story, growing through adversity to tell her own story with an empowering ending. Naomi Fryers is a writer, mental health survivor and advocate and TEDX Speaker. Today on mental health awareness day I am chuffed to share this very real chat about what she has learnt about growth and using her voice to advocate for others, particularly women in the system. She is passionate about giving young people the microphone empowering them to tell their stories. Naomi is authentic, courageous and awesome. Her hardest times have given her strength, resilience and compassion which we can all read about in her book ‘A Very Long Way’. As you continue your growth, please check out her book is about her experience living and thriving with a mental illness. Please note that this episode touches on mental health challenges and trauma as well as suicide. It is a very real and solution orientated conversation however elements could be triggering for those who have experienced mental health challenges. Please access support if you are experiencing challenges. On World Mental Health Day (October 10, 2021) writer, Naomi Fryers will release her debut novel, A Very Long Way. A hopeful non-fiction narrative that provides a rare but relatable insight into the lived experience of an ordinary Australian with significant mental health struggles. Almost forty-five percent of our population will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime and research shows that there is a deficiency in the quality of care provided to them. A Very Long Way explores these inequalities and disparities to reveal Naomi's tenacious journey towards recovery, during which she learned many key life lessons. One of the main ones being, the importance of embracing natural self-expression as a means of rediscovering an innate sense of self. A Very Long Way uses her real-life example of overcoming, as a basis of proof that surviving can translate into future thriving, for those determined to commit to healing. Her thoughtful writings have graced the pages of many celebrated publications including The Huffington Post and Elephant Journal. Naomi has also worked in a professional capacity in both not for profit and government organisations, advocating for progressive and systemic changes to the mental health sector. Fifty percent of sales generated from A Very Long Way will go directly towards Black Dog Institute. A not for profit organisation dedicated to creating mental health education programs to help raise awareness, create real world solutions and help prevent suicide Resources: Naomi Fryers: www.naomifryers.com ORDER Book: A Very Long Way - www.kmdbooks.com/product-page/a-very-long-way Black Dog Institute: www.blackdoginstitute.org.au We hope you enjoyed the episode Visit the Go to Grow Website here: www.gotogrow.com.au  Send us an email with any thoughts, questions or ideas to stewart@gotogrow.com.au or melissa@gotogrow.com.au Thanks so much for choosing growth and being part of the tribe. The best way you can support our weekly diverse messy real growth exploration is to share the growth love - share an episode with your team, your boss, your family or friends. screen shot one and post it and of course a rate/review would be growth-tastic. thanks so much and see you next week. Cheers, Melissa

  2. 29/09/2021

    80: Outsource stuff, insource joy - with Eliza Ludwig

    What would you pay not to do? That is what Eliza Ludwig (Money Coach) and I chat about today. Her ideas cross the transactional tasks stuff and the transformational changes we can make if we challenge why we do what we do.  For example healthy nutrition is important to you but you are grabbing takeout food a few times a week and wishing you could afford a house cleaner. A clear sign it is time to check in with your values to decide what you could pay not to do in an aligned way. If you find yourself thinking “I can’t afford it”, “I don’t have time” or “I am not good with numbers” and you are ready for increased joy in your life then this episode is for you.  Some key points: You can pay to outsource almost anything  Insourcing joy is all up to you  Your values and your skill levels can guide decisions Money is often the perceived barrier Time freedom is often the reward  Eliza Ludwig - LinkedIN: www.linkedin.com/in/elizaludwig/ The Flow Society: www.theflowsociety.com.au Related Episodes: 71: Ditch the budget & grow your money mindset - Heidi Rumohr https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/71-ditch-the-budget-grow-your-money-mindset-heidi-rumohr/id1517210258?i=1000527182770 ********************************************************************* We hope you enjoyed the episode Visit the Go to Grow Website here: www.gotogrow.com.au  Send us an email with any thoughts, questions or ideas to stewart@gotogrow.com.au or melissa@gotogrow.com.au Thanks so much for choosing growth and being part of the tribe. The best way you can support our weekly diverse messy real growth exploration is to share the growth love - share an episode with your team, your boss, your family or friends. screen shot one and post it and of course a rate/review would be growth-tastic. thanks so much and see you next week. Cheers, Melissa

  3. 08/09/2021

    79: Curiosity & confidence beat being 'good' at school - with Paul Hallam

    Episode Notes: How do you want to be remembered as a leader? What impact do you aspire to have on people, business and communities? Enjoy this open wide ranging discussion with multi-passionate leader and entrepreneur, Paul Hallam who shares lessons and reflections on transition, growth, leadership impact, mental health, failing, self mastery, work hacks and navigating this great soup of work and life. Our chat supports leaders at all stage reconnect with the fire within, remembering why you wanted to be a leader in the first place. It serves as a reminder to take care of you right now. You cannot give to others what don't have and people are seeking inspiration, guidance and direction right. Consider taking this opportunity to check in with your leadership impact and what you would like it to be.  Whilst unplanned, this chat is a great fit with R U OK Day here in Australia. R U OK was started by someone impacted by suicide. R U OK Day builds motivation and skills to encourages people to stay meaningfully connected and have simple conversations that can help others through difficult times in their lives. So are you really ok?  Resources: Paul Hallam @ LInkedIN: www.linkedin.com/in/paulmhallam/ www.ruok.org.au www.beyondblue.org.au www.opiahwines.com.au www.sixdegreesexecutive.com.au We hope you enjoyed the episode Visit the Go to Grow Website here: www.gotogrow.com.au  Send us an email with any thoughts, questions or ideas to stewart@gotogrow.com.au or melissa@gotogrow.com.au Thanks so much for choosing growth and being part of the tribe. The best way you can support our weekly diverse messy real growth exploration is to share the growth love - share an episode with your team, your boss, your family or friends. screen shot one and post it and of course a rate/review would be growth-tastic. thanks so much and see you next week. Cheers, Melissa

  4. 31/08/2021

    78: Managing & healing energy, acclimatizing to impermanence and being less 'other focused' by setting boundaries - with Jessica Keats

    Episode Notes 10 years ago if someone said to me that they were off to see their Energy Healer, I would have probably judged them as a bit strange out of lack of awareness and experience. Energy? Healing? I was deeply into acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and personal development but energy healing sounded a step too far. Now I am now that person. My energy healer is in my growth collective. Enjoy this soulful, reflective and growthful chat I had with Energy Healer, secret weapon and fellow SheEO activator, Jessica Keats. We all have healing to do when it is safe and the time is right. This chat will nourish and recharge your spiritual energy: Energy is how you feel and react Energy promotes or depletes wellbeing Tune in to when you need recovery afterwards Embracing impermanence helps acclimatize to new directions We are all experiencing 'energetic' and 'in real life' changes now Self-sacrifice becomes a lifestyle Protect energy & empower others by holding boundaries https://www.jessicakeats.com/flow https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicakeats/ We hope you enjoyed the episode Visit the Go to Grow Website here: www.gotogrow.com.au  Send us an email with any thoughts, questions or ideas to stewart@gotogrow.com.au or melissa@gotogrow.com.au Thanks so much for choosing growth and being part of the tribe. The best way you can support our weekly diverse messy real growth exploration is to share the growth love - share an episode with your team, your boss, your family or friends. screen shot one and post it and of course a rate/review would be growth-tastic. thanks so much and see you next week. Cheers, Melissa

  5. 16/08/2021

    76: Productivity Shame Reframe - with Kristin Swanson

    Episode Notes Today we chat about productivity for the now.  Key takeaways include: Shame is your cue to shift something up - start with your energy  Getting clear on what is most important is half the battle - know your priorities Managing yourself & health must be high in the priority mix Your brain is bias to the negative so consciously move your attention to what have done  Avoid the "all or nothing" monster instead aiming for 'the messy middle' aiming for progress not perfection Progress is taking one next step not eating the whole elephant  There is magic in consistent daily small action and it adds up  Set aside 15 minutes in the morning before you dive into your day to complete something important and get a positive halo over your day  Yes you can 'find' 15 minutes! 'Out' yourself on productivity shame and tell someone else to reduce the grip of your story “The story I am telling myself right now is….”  You've got this - stay curious and compassionate.  Kristin Swanson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ks-consulting/ We hope you enjoyed the episode Visit the Go to Grow Website here: www.gotogrow.com.au  Send us an email with any thoughts, questions or ideas to stewart@gotogrow.com.au or melissa@gotogrow.com.au Thanks so much for choosing growth and being part of the tribe. The best way you can support our weekly diverse messy real growth exploration is to share the growth love - share an episode with your team, your boss, your family or friends. screen shot one and post it and of course a rate/review would be growth-tastic. thanks so much and see you next week. Cheers, Melissa

  6. 29/07/2021

    74: - From Survival to Success on your terms - with Jo Stone

    Episode Notes: What is not working for you right now? Getting unstuck starts with clarifying what is not working in your life and how that is showing up. Tired? Overwhelmed? Busy? Always busy. Rather than pushing on, we challenge you to acknowledge it and build your 'courage muscle' by gaining support to figure out what you do want.  Today we chat with coach Jo Stone. Jo is the founder of Blissful Breadwinner. Like me, she is passionate about supporting ambitious women create balance between career and family, without stepping back or burning out.  Jo shares the big brave decisions and changes she has made to prioritise herself and her personal development. She chose health, freedom and aliveness instead of a big house and the security of a corporate leadership role.  We challenge you to take your development into your own hands and question the conditioning that other's needs are more important than yours. Your growth starts with you but doesn't end with you. Become a growth seeker rather than crawling out of a crisis. Ask for help and receive it.   Jo Stone - Blissful Breadwinner: https://www.blissfulbreadwinner.com/ Relevant Episodes Ep 5: Navigating Breast Cancer - Kristen Swanson - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/5-navigating-breast-cancer-with-kristin-swanson/id1517210258?i=1000483020735 Ep 16: Burnout: A Story of recognising, recovering and changing - Clea Wallage - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/16-burnout-story-recognising-recovering-changing-clea/id1517210258?i=1000487710880 We hope you enjoyed the episode Visit the Go to Grow Website here: www.gotogrow.com.au  Send us an email with any thoughts, questions or ideas to stewart@gotogrow.com.au or melissa@gotogrow.com.au Thanks so much for choosing growth and being part of the tribe. The best way you can support our weekly diverse messy real growth exploration is to share the growth love - share an episode with your team, your boss, your family or friends. screen shot one and post it and of course a rate/review would be growth-tastic. thanks so much and see you next week. Cheers, Melissa



Where you go, you grow. Energy | Time | Focus | People | Money... Melissa MacGowan chats with real people to explore the messy and diverse ways we grow from failing, healing, leading, living, changing and everything in between. Feel alive and join the grow tribe.

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