
MotoPG Australia
Podcast MotoPG

There have never been three more sophisticated, informed, or serious MotoGP commentators than those screaming bastards on Italian TV. Or those stuttering Pom pumpernickels who keep saying “penultimate” because its fancier than “second-last”. They’re pretty good at this MotoGP commentary stuff. And there’s a few Spanish commentators who are the top of their game. We’re not them.

  1. 10 DE SET.

    Moto PG 139: Like Emu Meat Through The Colon of a Cattle Dog

    They said we'd never make it and to be fair, that seemed a reasonable analysis at the time. But five years to the day and 138 episodes since the Greatest Motorcycling Podcast in the Universe was launched and we're still here in all our glory. Is the show infantile? Yes. Is it puerile? Yes. Is it so laced with profanity that the 'C' word often makes an appearance before the intro music even starts? Also yes. Moto PG is all of those things but more importantly than any of them is that it's popular, and that's thanks to you, the listeners. We don't know why you listen and we don't really care. To be honest, we're just here for the money. So go join our Patreon Pit Crew then come back and press 'Play' and enjoy the madness. IMPORTANT ANOUNCEMENT None of this would be possible without our magnificent sponsors. They support us, so it’s only good manners you should support them. Visit their websites, try and buy their products, sign up for their newsletters, and tell them WE SENT YOU. And we would be really pleased if you bought Borrie’s books. They’re a great read, they make great gifts, and it helps him to feed his family. If he can feed his family he tends not to rob people. All four of his masterpieces are here… • MONGREL BOOTS • MADE IN GERMANY • SC-PROJECT • Harley Davidson • BMW MOTORRAD • TROOPER LU • Compass Expeditions ​ NOISEGUARD SAVIC MOTORCYCLES CF MOTO AMX SUPERSTORES • Grey Gums Cafe • Simon Crafar's Riders For Dogs Facebook Page

  2. 3 DE SET.

    Moto PG 138: Don't Rimini a Nun...

    Few Moto GP podcasts tackle the real issues like the three intrepid hosts of The Greatest Motorcycling Podcast In The Universe. Sure, they're issues unrelated to Moto GP racing but that doesn't mean they're not real issues. Episode 138 is a fabulous example. Not only did it spawn the episode title (yes, somebody actually said this on the show) but includes Freido dialling in from Europe, Borrie reciting his poem, Rossi's instructions and a deeply philosophical edition of The Captain's letter. It's good stuff. Or at least, it's the sort of stuff you miscreants seem to enjoy. So go join the Patreon Pit Crew if you haven't already then press play on this week's offering. It's literally the least you could do. IMPORTANT ANOUNCEMENT None of this would be possible without our magnificent sponsors. They support us, so it’s only good manners you should support them. Visit their websites, try and buy their products, sign up for their newsletters, and tell them WE SENT YOU. And we would be really pleased if you bought Borrie’s books. They’re a great read, they make great gifts, and it helps him to feed his family. If he can feed his family he tends not to rob people. All four of his masterpieces are here… • MONGREL BOOTS • MADE IN GERMANY • SC-PROJECT • Harley Davidson • BMW MOTORRAD • TROOPER LU • Compass Expeditions ​ NOISEGUARD SAVIC MOTORCYCLES CF MOTO AMX SUPERSTORES • Grey Gums Cafe • Simon Crafar's Riders For Dogs Facebook Page

  3. 20 DE AGO.

    Moto PG 137: 'He Seized The Stripper By The Pigtails...'

    'Rich Germany' delivered the most boring race of the year but just because the riders let you down doesnt mean the Greatest Motorcycling Podcast In The Universe will. Siftng through the smouldering ashes of the dumpster fire that was the weekend, our three dashing podcasters offer up analysis (a stretch), stupidity (standard), profanity (mandatory) and the usual peurile nonsense that you've come to know and love. Borrie's Poem (an outstanding 'Ode to Grid Girls'), Rossi's Instructions, Freido's Horoscope, The Captain's's all in here waiting for you to press play. You can do that by cashing in on our altruism (look it up) OR you could do what's right (and profitable) and sign up for our Patreon Pit Crew. So go and do that now then come back and enjoy. You can thank us later. IMPORTANT ANOUNCEMENT None of this would be possible without our magnificent sponsors. They support us, so it’s only good manners you should support them. Visit their websites, try and buy their products, sign up for their newsletters, and tell them WE SENT YOU. And we would be really pleased if you bought Borrie’s books. They’re a great read, they make great gifts, and it helps him to feed his family. If he can feed his family he tends not to rob people. All four of his masterpieces are here… CF MOTO • AMX SUPERSTORES • MONGREL BOOTS • MADE IN GERMANY • SC-PROJECT • Harley Davidson • BMW MOTORRAD • TROOPER LU • Compass Expeditions ​ NOISEGUARD SAVIC MOTORCYCLES • Grey Gums Cafe • Simon Crafar's Riders For Dogs Facebook Page

  4. 4 DE JUN.

    Moto PG 131: The Exorcism

    It might be the greatest 'We told You So' of all time. Nobody could have predicted Jorge Martin moving to Aprilia and Marc Marquez joining Ducati unless they were possessed. But Tug did. And so it was that Boris and Freido fired up the Gregorian chanting and performed an exorcism, right there in the studio, to drive out the spirits that have taken over Tug's brain. It didn't work, of course, but it was good fun regardless and is just one reason that Moto PG is the greatest motorcycling podcast in the universe. Throw in Borrie's poem, the Captain's Letter, Rossi's instructions and the usual banter and its can't miss stuff. Again. So what are you waiting for? Throw us some money then press 'play' and feel your life improve immediately. IMPORTANT ANOUNCEMENT None of this would be possible without our magnificent sponsors. They support us, so it’s only good manners you should support them. Visit their websites, try and buy their products, sign up for their newsletters, and tell them WE SENT YOU. And we would be really pleased if you bought Borrie’s books. They’re a great read, they make great gifts, and it helps him to feed his family. If he can feed his family he tends not to rob people. All four of his masterpieces are here… SAVIC MOTORCYCLES CF MOTO AMX SUPERSTORES MONGREL BOOTS MADE IN GERMANY SC-PROJECT Harley Davidson BMW MOTORRAD NOISEGUARD TROOPER LU Compass Expeditions Grey Gums Cafe Simon Crafar's Riders For Dogs Facebook Page



There have never been three more sophisticated, informed, or serious MotoGP commentators than those screaming bastards on Italian TV. Or those stuttering Pom pumpernickels who keep saying “penultimate” because its fancier than “second-last”. They’re pretty good at this MotoGP commentary stuff. And there’s a few Spanish commentators who are the top of their game. We’re not them.

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