Pantry Moths A Jasper Georgia Homeowner Kitchen Pest Problem

Podcast Faith Pest Control North Georgia Podcast

Welcome again to the Faith Pest Control podcast. Hi, I’m Mike Stewart, your host and we’re here today with pest expert Fred Talley of Faith Pest Control, Faith Pest Control services all the fine folks in Jasper, Georgia, Blue Ridge, Georgia Ellijay, Georgia and pretty much anywhere in the North Georgia mountains. If you have a pest problem, Fred Talley is the man to take care of those problems. And now here’s Fred Talley

So pantry moths are actually pretty common household pests. They are small, flying insects that they will infest or can end or contaminate what we referred to as stored products. In the pest control industry we refer to it as stored products. But it’s stuff like grains cereal, flour, beans, nuts, other dry foods. They’re also known as grain moss or Indian meal moths because they commonly infest pattern Indian corn or corn meal in America. pantry moss are are attracted to food sources which they eat and and they lay their eggs in that food source. Small worms or larva emerge and feed on these food sources after they hatch. From the eggs and they make the food and inedible pantry moss can cause a nuisance in your home. They can be difficult to get rid of once they infest the food in your pantry. pantry monitors are six legged with antenna and wings. They are grayish brown Moss with copper or reddish colored markings on their outer wings. The bodies are about a half inch long and oval shaped and adult pantry moss wingspan from the tip of one wing. To the tip the other wing can be between five eighths and three quarters of an inch. Like I said earlier pantry Paul’s pantry mouths feed on dry dry foods stored in your pantry like cereal grains flour, beans, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, spices, chocolate candy, dry pet and bird food and powdered milk. A pantry moss lifecycle lasts from 27 to 305 days. So basically a month to what’s at 10 months. A female pantry moth may lay about 400 Eggs after mating. The stages of the pantry most life will include the egg, their eggs or have a lack of grayish white color and they’re very small, three tenths to five tenths of a millimeter. They will be they can lay the females can lay eggs singularly or in clusters but they will lay them directly on the food source. The hen eggs will hatch dependent on environmental conditions in three to eight days. The larvae are an off white colored they’re about a half inch long. Dependent on the food source the eggs are laid in. They may appear pink, brown, or greenish is once they hatch, they’ll disperse and infest the food stores. The larvae will develop in about six to eight weeks. The larvae will form a silky cocoon in order to change or metamorphosis metamorphose into a pupa the pupa are pale brown quarter inch up to about three eighths of an inch long. The larva move away from the infested food source to become pupa they may even climb other sails in your pantry in misdirect you as you’re trying to look for an infestation. This stage the pupa stage lasts from seven to 20 days, again dependent on environmental conditions. Adults will emerge from the cocoons and flutter around the room they’re attracted to lie and may move to other rooms in the house which is why you mistake may mistake them for clothing. Moth adults or do not feed on the food source they emerge emerge from they begin mating and lay eggs three days after emergence. So the larva is what is feeding on the food source the the grain or cereal, whatever. There are two I guess you’d call them mostly common pantry POS pantry moths and onesie Indian meal moth and it is actually the most common pantry moth these Moszer As small as a grain of Cook dry, so by about a half inch long they have brown wings with a tan stripe and copper colored tips on the wings. Pretty common to see them at the junction of the wall and ceiling or in cracks and crevices. And Gomes grain moth is the next most common. They’re about three eighths of an inch long, kind of y

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