Shalom World - Voyage (Book of Revelation & Genesis)

Shalom World - Voyage (Book of Revelation & Genesis)

A Journey through the Book of Revelation Why did St. John write the Book of Revelation at a time when Christians were being persecuted? What was the important message he had for the church? Why is it important for us to know what St. John had to say? Welcome to the opportunity to learn about the Book of Revelation; the last book of the Bible.Renowned Scripture scholar, Frances Hogan, explains it all. Join us, from Monday-Friday, and discover the mysteries hidden in the Book of Revelation on Shalom World’s ‘Voyage’.With references to historical time periods and prophecies from various texts in the Bible, Frances Hogan, expounds on this book of consolation and comfort to those being persecuted.The Book of Revelation tells us of the Great Ending and the even greater Beginning.

  1. Ep 01 - A Bit of Heaven on Earth


    Ep 01 - A Bit of Heaven on Earth

    The Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, lays down the foundation for all the other books in the Bible. The word Genesis comes from Bereshit which means “in the beginning”. Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan explains how we can find the beginning of everything in this book. We have the beginnings of sin and temptation, the separation of light and darkness, a revelation of God’s mercy and justice, the first prophesy of the entire Bible… Everything came into being by God’s divine will alone. In bringing something from absolutely nothing, the sovereign power of God is illustrated for the first time; He creates all beings and also preserves them. Discover the beauty of God’s creation and His wisdom in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis and learn about the beginning of God’s people. God created, the Spirit hovered, God spoke and creation came into being - the very first hint of the Holy Trinity; one God, one will. At the end of this text, the stamp of perfection reveals the author: “Let there be…” is given 10 times, “Everything is good…” is given 7 times, and “Heaven” is also given 7 times. Bible References: Gen. 3:15 - The promise of a SaviorIs. 45:18 - God who created the heavens and earthGen. 1:1 - God created the heavensGen. 1:2 - Darkness, void, and chaos1 John 1:5 - God is light1 Tim. 6:16 - God lives in unapproachable lightRev. 12 - Satan and his angels thrown out of heavenJohn 3:19 - Men have chosen darkness over lightIs. 14:12-15 - Alluding to the fall of LuciferEzk. 28:11-28 - Fall of LuciferGen. 1:3 - Day 1 to Day 6; first restoration of the earth to bring order out of chaosGen.1:3,6,9,11,14,15,20,24,26,30 - “Let there be…”; the 10 commandments of creationPs. 90:5, 2 Pt. 3:8 - With the Lord, a thousand years is like a single dayPs. 36:9 - “Lord, in Your light, we see light”Ps. 119:130 - “As Your word unfolds, it gives light”Gen. 1:6 - Dividing watersPs. 19:1-4 - The Books of the Heavens Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan takes you through the origin story of God’s people shown to us in the Book of Genesis. Here is an opportunity to explore the early history of God’s people. With historical and Scriptural references, each session will open your eyes to the mystery of God’s creation.  Frances Hogan: Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:

  2. Ep 02 - The Face of God


    Ep 02 - The Face of God

    We continue to look at the days of creation from Chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis with Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan. On the 6th day, God created man in His own image; we see that Adam is the “crown of creation” and he is made like God, in the image of God. He is created in innocence, grace, and the fullness of union with God. He appoints Adam as the lord of the earth and gives Adam dominion over the rest of creation. The 7 days of creation represent the 7 ages of man, the 7 stages of history… Man’s attempt to run the human race without God fails every single time! Day 1 in human history is the age of innocence; this is the short time between the creation of Adam in Chapter 1 and the fall and expulsion of Adam from paradise in Chapter 3. Day 2 is the age of conscience when man was expelled from the earth and day 3 is the age of human government when he was scattered across the earth. On day 4, we have the age of promise when man was in spiritual and temporal hell, day 5 brings the age of the law where Jesus dealt with sin on Calvary, and day 6 is the day of redemption when the earth is purified. Finally, on day 7 is the Sabbath - the Lord’s day - the age of God’s kingdom on earth. The Bible begins with creation and ends with eternity. Adam points to Jesus in many ways throughout the Book of Genesis; through the way God has allowed history to shape up, we can learn a lot about the last Adam, Jesus, from the first Adam. Adam passed on guilt and shame to his children but Jesus passed on His holiness and redemption. Bible References: Gen. 1:26-28 - Made in God’s imageGen. 1:29-30 - Man and animals are given plants for foodPs. 8:1-9 - Magnificence of God’s creation and the nothingness of manJohn 1: 7 days of the new creationRev. 20 - Final judgment of the human race1 Cor. 15:45 - First Adam became a living soul and the last Adam became a life-giving SpiritCol. 1:15-20 - Supremacy of ChristLuke 38 - Jesus is the son of Adam and of GodEp. 5:31-32 - Jesus as the husband of the ChurchPs. 22:27-31 - Children of JesusCol. 1:18 - Head of the ChurchRev. 19:16 - King of kings and Lord of lords1 Cor. 15:47 - The first man was of the earth and the second was from heavenIs. 61:10 - Joy in ResurrectionGen. 2:1-3 - God made everything for man, rested on the 7th day, and sanctified it Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan takes you through the origin story of God’s people shown to us in the Book of Genesis. Here is an opportunity to explore the early history of God’s people. With historical and Scriptural references, each session will open your eyes to the mystery of God’s creation.  Frances Hogan: Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:

  3. Ep 03 - Eve, the Mother of All the Living


    Ep 03 - Eve, the Mother of All the Living

    The journey of creation continues with Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan from Chapter 2 of the Book of Genesis. In this chapter, we get to see the image of God, the Abba, in terms of a potter working with clay. God doesn’t want to be a faraway source; He wants to be working with us. The Potter makes us in His image and His likeness. Man is then placed in the Garden of Eden, a King’s garden. Obedience to the will of God is a vital part of happiness on earth.  In Scripture, we are introduced to 3 gardens: Garden of Eden - sin entered into this perfect environment, the human race fell and it brought expulsion from paradiseGarden of Gethsemane - God works with the human race to restore paradise to us; Jesus fought sin, death, and hell for us and made atonement for sinEaster Garden - Jesus triumphed over sin, death, and hell so that the human race can begin all over again The final stage in the creation of the human race is the creation of the woman. While the earth flourished with various species, God alone could provide Adam with a comparable mate, a person who was also made in the image of God. Adam is put into a deep sleep and from him, God creates a woman; this woman is meant to be a companion, his lover, and the mother of all his children. She was to be the mother of the human race. God created them with a plan, equal in dignity and honor with different roles in life; they are equally responsible for keeping in union with God and for taking of the paradise given to them. Bible References: Gen. 2:7 - God formed man off of the dust of the groundJohn 9 - Jesus worked with clay to heal the blind manJer. 18:3-4 - Potter remakes the vessel into something betterIs. 29:15-16 - Voe to those who hide from the LordRom. 9:20 - Surely a potter can do what he likes with the clayGen. 1:27 - Made in the image of GodGen. 2:8-10 - The Garden of EdenGen. 2:15 - God placed man in the garden to tend to the gardenGen. 2:16 - Freely eat from the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evilProv. 8:31 - God delights to be with the children of menJohn 14:31 - Jesus loves the Father and wants the world to know itGen. 2:18-20 - A comparable mate for allGen. 2:21 - Creation of womanMatt. 19 - Question of MarriageGen. 2:24 - Man should leave the past to cleave to the futureGen. 2:25 - Nakedness and shame Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan takes you through the origin story of God’s people shown to us in the Book of Genesis. Here is an opportunity to explore the early history of God’s people. With historical and Scriptural references, each session will open your eyes to the mystery of God’s creation.  Frances Hogan: Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:

  4. Ep 04 - The Enemy of the Human Race


    Ep 04 - The Enemy of the Human Race

    Two trees in the Garden of Eden are mentioned in Chapter 2 of the Book of Genesis, one the Tree of Life and the other the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan explains how we are introduced to choice and free will. We are also told that the Tree of Knowledge is an apple tree; this is a representation of human sexuality because it is the most fruitful tree. The Tree of Life appears throughout the Bible, from Genesis to the Book of Revelation. There is a stark comparison between the first Adam who chose the Tree of Knowledge and the last Adam, Jesus, who chose the Tree of Life. Because Jesus agreed to make atonement for the sins of Adam and his descendants, the Cross became the Tree of Life. Though the tree that Adam and Eve chose was planted by God and was not evil, it was human hands that corrupted it. In Chapter 3, we see the mystery of the enemy of the human race; because God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, satan intervened and enticed them to eat it. Satan is trying to prevent as many of the children of Adam as possible from feeding from the Word of God. The ignorance of evil is led Eve to dialogue with the serpent without understanding its disinformation and malintent. We see the first reaction of God to sin here; He cannot and will not tolerate sin. The problem is not whether an environment is good or evil, but it’s us, our choices, and our free will. It’s our response to God’s will and love. Love binds us to God and love binds us to our neighbor. Bible References: Ps. 145:17 - God only acts out of love1 John 4:7 - God is loveSong of Songs 2:5 - Apple tree represents human sexualityGen. 1:28 - Called to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and conquer itDuet. 21:23 - Cursed be any man who hangs on a treeGal. 3:13 - Jesus became a curse for us to remove the curse that was on the human raceMatt. 27:35 - The tree of the Cross was made by human beingsGen. 3:6 - The tree in the Garden of Eden was pleasant to look atIs. 53:2 - The tree of the Cross was without beautyPs. 34:8 - Taste and see how good the Lord isJohn 6:54 - Those who eat and drink the flesh and blood of God have eternal lifeRev. 22:2 - Saints are trees of lifeGen. 3:1-5 - The dialogue with the serpentGen. 3:6-8 - They ate the fruit and they hid from GodJohn 8:44 - The devil is a deceiverHab. 1:13 - The Lord’s eyes are too pure to look upon sinMatt. 22:37-40 - The greatest commandment Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan takes you through the origin story of God’s people shown to us in the Book of Genesis. Here is an opportunity to explore the early history of God’s people. With historical and Scriptural references, each session will open your eyes to the mystery of God’s creation.  Frances Hogan: Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:

  5. Ep 05 - Consequence of Disobedience


    Ep 05 - Consequence of Disobedience

    As we continue in our reflections on Chapter 3 of the Book of Genesis, Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan wants to give us an analysis of what is said to us. The detailed dialogue between and the serpent reveals to us that it is easy to sin; we are to look at it, analyze it and not repeat it. This is the lesson that carries us through the entire Bible. Eve who has never experienced evil does not understand the intent of the serpent. At this point, she begins to dialogue with it instead of asking the Lord what is going on; we won’t sin if we pray to God and ask Him for help.  She listened to the tempter, heed its voice, and did not listen for the voice of God. She allowed satan to challenge God’s word and even added to what God had said. The consequence of changing God’s word is that morality goes down to the pits and we begin to destroy each other. God’s holy will was disobeyed, God’s holy word was rejected and God’s holy way, the Tree of Life, was deserted. Adam, the lord of the earth, did not question Eve and partook in her decision; this is how sin entered the world. God has given us free will and also holds us accountable for those decisions. Sin removes the garment of grace and leaves us naked without Divine life. The age of innocence is over and the age of conscience is born.  Bible References: Gen. 3:1 - A presence that was cunning and seemed wiseGen. 3:4 - The first sign that Eve was in dangerGen. 3:5 - False information from the serpentJohn 8:44 - The serpent has been a murderer and liar from the beginning; he never speaks the truthGen. 3:6 - Contemplating the Tree of Knowledge for intellectual improvementProv. 30:6 - Do not add or subtract God’s wordsRom. 5:12 - Sin entered the world by one manGen. 3:7-10 - Consequences of the fallGen. 3:11-13 - Shame was born in them and the blame beginsMark 5 - Clothed the demoniac in graceRev. 6:16 - Make sure you are not found without clothes1 John 4:7 - God is loveProv. 8:31 - God delights to be with the children of menLuke 15 - Parable of the Prodigal Son, Parable of the Lost Sheep, Parable of the Lost CoinRom. 3:11 - St. Paul quotes Ps. 14; Nobody seeks God, God seeks usGen. 3.14 - Judgment comes to paradiseGen. 3:15 - Enmity between the serpent and the womanGen. 3:16 - Pain in conception for the womanGen.3:17-18 - Men will experience the hardship doing the work of life Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan takes you through the origin story of God’s people shown to us in the Book of Genesis. Here is an opportunity to explore the early history of God’s people. With historical and Scriptural references, each session will open your eyes to the mystery of God’s creation.  Frances Hogan: Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:

  6. Ep 06 - The Decision of the Woman


    Ep 06 - The Decision of the Woman

    We continue to explore the dialogue between God and Adam and Eve, who are now sinners, as written in Chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation. Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan explains the judgment of God given to Adam and Eve. Neither Adam nor Eve said sorry to God; neither confessed the fact that they had disobeyed His will, therefore, neither of them repent. As a result of the fall, God has to pronounce judgment; He pronounces it based on the measure of their role and task. There are 3 great women who had to fight the evil one in the Scriptures: Israel - Wife of YahwehMary - Mother of Jesus, spouse of the Holy SpiritThe Church - Bride of the Lamb History revolves around the decision of the woman. With Adam, we see a dereliction of duty and refusal to take responsibility. All of creation does what God wants except the man; so, the man can’t rule it. When the human race rebels against God, the earth rebels against us. The remainder of Chapter 3 tells us that God has to remove them from paradise because they are no longer in union with God. God protects the tree of life so that man and woman who are not in union with God can no longer eat from it. This tree of life is restored by Jesus on the Calvary. In Chapter 4 we take a look at the story of Cain and Abel - the children of a fallen race.  Bible References: Rev. 20 - Satan is consigned to the lake of sulfurRev. 19 - The glorious womanGen. 3:15 - Offspring of the woman will bruise the serpentRev. 12:17 - Satan will fight the woman and the seed of the womanGen. 3:19 - Return to the ground from which Adam was takenGen. 5:5 - Adam lived for 930 yearsGen. 3:20-24 - God drove the man out and Rev. 22 - Become trees of lifeIs. 59:2 - Inequities put a separation between you and GodZech. 13:7 - Sword that will strike the shepherdRev. 2:7 - Invited to eat from the tree of lifeRev. 22:2 - Saints become trees of lifeGen. 4:1 - Child from GodGen. 4:2 - Abel was the keeper of sheep and Cain, the tiller of the groundIs. 1:2 - Reared sons who rebelledJohn 8:44 - Jesus’ dialogue with the Pharisees1 John 3:9 - No one who is born of God will continue to sin1 Pt. 2:23 - Born again of the imperishable seeMark 1:40-45 - First miraculous healing of leprosyMatt. 13:24 - Tares among the wheat Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan takes you through the origin story of God’s people shown to us in the Book of Genesis. Here is an opportunity to explore the early history of God’s people. With historical and Scriptural references, each session will open your eyes to the mystery of God’s creation.  Frances Hogan: Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:

  7. Ep 07 - Spiritual Warfare has Begun


    Ep 07 - Spiritual Warfare has Begun

    Throughout the Bible, we see two kinds of children - one “good” and the other “bad”. Chapter 4 of the Book of Genesis gives us the story of Cain and Abel. Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan explains what led Cain to sin against God and his brother and the consequences that followed. Abel’s sacrifice is accepted because, without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. This does not mean that God rejects Cain; He goes out of His way to seek the sinner to try and help Cain.  From the beginning, God warns His children about temptation, the importance of self-mastery, and spiritual warfare. God wants to alert Cain about the temptation that’s within and he must master negative feelings like anger, fury, envy, and desire for revenge; if not, satan has won over you.  You are given free will and may make a choice but you have to take the consequences of the choice. After the desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin. Once sin is grown, it gives birth to death. When Adam sinned, the ground was cursed; when Cain sinned, he was cursed. The judgment of Cain came swift and terrible. There is a cycle of evil just like there’s a cycle of love. Forgiveness releases evil from the earth. Bible References: Gen. 4:3 - Cain’s offering of the fruitGen. 4:4 - Abel’s offering of the first-born of the flockGen. 4:5-7 - They must conquer themselvesHeb. 9:22 - Without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sinHeb. 11:4 - A better offeringGen. 15 - Abraham’s offering; a sign of acceptance with fireLev. 9 - Moses and Aaron’s offering accepted with fire1 Kings 18 - Elijah’s offering accepted with fire Rom. 9:14 - God chooses whom He choosesJer. 16:17-18 - Nothing is hidden from the LordPs. 139 - God reads us like an open book1 Pt. 5:8-9 - The enemy prowls aroundJer. 17:9-10 - About the human heartMatt. 5:5 - Meek ones will rule the earthJas. 1:15 - Person falling into sinGen. 4:7-9 - Cain kills Abel and lies about itGen. 4:11 - Cain is cursedJohn 8:44 - Satan is a liar and murdererGen. 4:12 - Cain will be a fugitive Is. 57:20-21 - Wicked cannot restGen. 4:13-15 - Cain doesn’t accept the punishmentHeb. 12:14 - Without holiness, no one will see GodIs. 59:2 - Sin separates us from GodGen. 4:24 - Avenging CainMatt.18:22 - Refuting LamechDuet. 30:15-20 - Two ways of lifePs. 1 - Way of the wicked and justProv. 8:32-38 - Choose the Lord’s wayMatt. 7:13-14 - Narrow way or the broad waySir. 15:11-20 - Commentary on Gen. 3 and 4 Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan takes you through the origin story of God’s people shown to us in the Book of Genesis. Here is an opportunity to explore the early history of God’s people. With historical and Scriptural references, each session will open your eyes to the mystery of God’s creation.  Frances Hogan: Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:

  8. Ep 08 - The Wickedness and Judgment of Man


    Ep 08 - The Wickedness and Judgment of Man

    People and events in the early books of the Bible can often point to people and events in the New Testament and very frequently to Jesus. Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan gives us a few points of comparison between Abel and Jesus as she presents Chapter 4 of the Book of Genesis. In Chapter 5, we see the span of time between Adam and Noah. Frances Hogan refers to the Ancient Book of Jasher and the Ancient Book of Jubilees while providing us insight into the life of those in the Old Testament.  Enoch, the seventh in line from Adam, walked in spiritual union with God for a full solar year. He is the first person to go back to God without going through death. God wants the human race to use their free will to choose to go back to God. There is an ancient book of Enoch that reveals the secrets and teachings of Enoch - the teacher of righteousness. Methuselah, son of Enoch, lived the longest life known to man and died in the year of the flood. Between Chapter 6 and Chapter 10, we deal with the terrible chastisement that had to come to the earth. Noah was the 10th and the last of the pre-flood patriarchs and he found grace with the Lord. Bible References: Gen. 3:15 - Foreshadowing the coming of ChristJohn 10, Heb. 10 - Jesus, the Good ShepherdJohn 15:25 - Jesus was hated without causeMatt. 27 - Jesus handed over out of envyActs 2:23 - Jesus died a violent deathHeb. 11:4 - Offered sacrifice by faithEp. 5:2 - Fragrant sacrifice1 Pt. 1:19 - Jesus, Lamb of GodJohn 17, Heb. 10:5-9 - Jesus’ offeringHeb. 10:12 - God accepted the sacrificeHeb. 11:4 - Abel’s offeringHeb. 12.24 - Jesus’ offeringPs. 90:5 - 70 to 80 years of lifeGen. 1:26-27 - Adam was made in the likeness of GodSir. 44:16 - Enoch, a model for generations to comeHeb. 11:5 - Enoch did not experience deathGen. 6:3 - Lifespan is cut shortGen. 6:4-5 - Wickedness on the earthGen. 6:6-7- Evicted from the planetGen. 6:8-9 - Noah found graceGen.3:15 - A Savior would be sent to a seed of AdamRev. 12:9 - Satan was hurled downRev.12:13 - Fallen angels pursued the woman Irish Scripture Scholar Frances Hogan takes you through the origin story of God’s people shown to us in the Book of Genesis. Here is an opportunity to explore the early history of God’s people. With historical and Scriptural references, each session will open your eyes to the mystery of God’s creation.  Frances Hogan: Shalom World: Support us: Instagram:



A Journey through the Book of Revelation Why did St. John write the Book of Revelation at a time when Christians were being persecuted? What was the important message he had for the church? Why is it important for us to know what St. John had to say? Welcome to the opportunity to learn about the Book of Revelation; the last book of the Bible.Renowned Scripture scholar, Frances Hogan, explains it all. Join us, from Monday-Friday, and discover the mysteries hidden in the Book of Revelation on Shalom World’s ‘Voyage’.With references to historical time periods and prophecies from various texts in the Bible, Frances Hogan, expounds on this book of consolation and comfort to those being persecuted.The Book of Revelation tells us of the Great Ending and the even greater Beginning.

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