Above All Love (Archive)

David Holdsworth
Podcast Above All Love (Archive)

This is the archive for https://podpoint.com/above-all-love

  1. 3 DE SET.

    The Light: A Devotional

    "The light shines in the dark, and the dark cannot put out the light." (John 1:5 Easy English Bible) In the cross reference and notes of the Easy English Bible it says "The Word (Jesus Christ) is like light. He shows us what is true. The dark means the power of God's enemy, Satan. Satan tries to hide what is true. God's light shines in the dark places and Satan cannot stop that light. Jesus said that he himself was the light of the world." It suggests two other verses: [1] John 8:12 - "Jesus spoke to the people again. He said, ‘I am the light of the world. a. Those people who become my disciples will never walk in the dark. No, they will have the light that gives life.’" (a. Jesus said that he was the light of the world. The Jews lit a special light in the temple during the Festival of Tabernacles.) [2] John 9:5 - "While I am still here in the world, I am the world's light.’" In history and in our own lifetimes there has been both light and darkness. It can seem at times that the world is in such a huge dark mess that all hope is lost. However, tyrants and corrupt leaders come and go, arms dealers are defeated by time and death, empires that oppress crumble like ruined buildings that were built on sand, the war machinery rumbles and blusters for a season but after the proverbial floods the doves come out. All is vanity and all is loss unless the light shines. Gladly He always has and always will shine! In the blitz it was said if you light the smallest light in the pitch black it can be seen miles above and the enemy can see the target below. But, the light of Christ is more powerful than the temple light and the sun combined. It is a bold light. It says to the great darkness, the enemy, "Behold, you are defeated for the light has come!" This light nourishes those who bathe in its glory. This light brings life! My little boy brought a sunflower home from nursery on Mothers Day. It is thriving on the kitchen window. It opens its petals to brother sun and receives the light. In much the same way we must open ourselves up to receiving His light. In turn as we follow Him we must be little lights in this world, spreading the good news. This may be by words in season and out of season and it may also be by peacemaking, love and good deeds. Rest assured His light never goes out!

  2. 20 DE AGO.

    Take Heart: A Catechism

    Take Heart A Catechism By David Holdsworth Authors Note: There are many good Catechisms available. But, somewhere along the line Christians in many parts of the church at large seem to have lost this age old practice of simple instruction in the format of questions and answers. In no way is this little contribution meant to take away from good Catechisms already written, but rather to be a compliment to them. This is a simple way for me to share the good news with others. It is my hope that you the reader or listener may find biblical help from the simplicity of the good news. I have included biblical proofs as standard so you may go and examine the scriptures (and indeed your heart) for yourself. Pax et Bonum. (1) Q. What comfort may be found for the believer? A. A heart that need not have trouble or fear. One that can rely on God in troubled times and that can glorify His name. Proofs. John 14:27, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 50:15 (2) Q. What message does scriptures give to those still under the weight of sin? A. Come. Come lay your burden down. Come find rest and be sustained by the Lord. Proofs. Matthew 11:28, Psalm 55:22 (3) Q. What is the significance of the reoccurring shepherd analogy in scriptures? A. The Lord, God is the shepherd. He is our maker and all His people are the sheep of His pasture. But, all we the sheep went astray turning each to our own ways. The shepherd rescues His sheep by taking the iniquity of us all. Proofs. Psalm 23:1, Psalm 100:3, Isaiah 53:6 (4) Q. What does the scriptures say concerning the Son? A. God loved the world so much he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Those that do not believe the Son do not yet have life. Proofs: John 3:16, John 3:36 (5) Q. Who has sinned against God? A. None can truthfully say they by nature have a pure Heart or are pure from all sin. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Proofs: Proverbs 20:9, Romans 3:23 Q. If we are all sinful then what hope have we? A. God commends His love to us in that despite our sins Christ died for us. He took all our sins in his own body on the cross and three days after defeated death by rising again. Jesus is the resurrection and the life if we believe in Him we have everlasting life. Proofs: Romans 5:8, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 Corinthians 15:3,4, John 11:25 (7) Q. How should I respond to this act of sacrificial love? A. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your Heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the Heart one believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Proofs: Romans 10:9,10 (8) Q. What must be done with the burden of my sins? A. In confessing our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive all our sins. Proofs: 1 John 1:9 (9) Q. Is there a special sinners prayer I need to say? A. There is a few prayers used by some Christians as sinners prayers, prayers of decision or prayers for salvation. These are evangelistic tools and not salvation itself. A person who says such a prayer is not necessarily saved. Though might be in some circumstances according to the will of God. A person may also find salvation with no knowledge of such a prayer. However, scripture does provide a collection of prayers that may suit a seekers condition at the point of desiring forgiveness and salvation in Christ (see Proofs). Good advice is to simply call on Him to be merciful to you a sinner. Recognise in the moment the troubling of your Heart and seek Him to deliver you. Ask for forgiveness...

  3. Never Again is Now, Never Again Includes All Peoples

    3 DE FEV.

    Never Again is Now, Never Again Includes All Peoples

    Some grave news from  The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and The Quakers: Not that I want to be alarmist, but the UK is at "watch" level on Genocide Watch...  Targeted Groups:     Gypsies, Roma and Travellers,     Refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants,     Muslims and Jewish people, and      Trans people "Since 2010, the U.K. has become increasingly hostile to minorities, with the government and far-right parties demonizing refugees, immigrants, and the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) community. GRT people face high levels of normalized racism and discrimination. The government has now passed a law that not only cracks down on protests but also criminalizes aspects of many GRT people's nomadic identity and way of life. Additionally, the government has made multiple attacks on the rights and safety of refugees, including by signing a deal with Rwanda to offshore asylum processes for refugees considered "illegal." In the 2010s, the policy to create a "hostile environment" for "illegal" immigration caused damage for many people originally from the Caribbean in the Windrush Scandal. The U.K. has also seen high levels of transphobia in the media and political discourses, making life less safe for trans people. Meanwhile, Northern Ireland's peace process and recovery from "The Troubles" has been threatened by the U.K.'s exit from the European Union." - Genocide Watch  We also know off hand plenty of almost and already genocidal situations across the globe. Let us truly remember the horrors of past and present. Let us as a species repent of our darkness and evil! The Prince of Peace and God of love be with us as we dream and carve out better futures. Lord fogive us for complicity or failure in these matters. Lead us in thy way, light our paths, guide us to freedom. Amen.



This is the archive for https://podpoint.com/above-all-love

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