“That’s Myrony” (My + Irony)

Alysha Myronuk
Podcast “That’s Myrony” (My + Irony)

Can you recall having an event in your life that was so absolutely mind-blowing it made you realize Had you not taken THAT drive at THAT exact time or gone to THAT restaurant at THAT exact moment, the conversation you had, or the person you bumped into, or the situation that just happened, would have never taken place? “That’s Myrony”! (My + Irony); another word for signs & synchronicities that Alysha has created & hopes to have people one day share their Myronies in addition to their selfies on social media!! So if you like this concept then please join the movement by sharing your crazy synchronicities & add #thatsmyrony ! Alysha has discovered how Myronies are the pieces to the giant “puzzle” we call life and says, “The key is to pay attention to “what, how, and why,” they show up in our lives”! After becoming aware of these “Spiritual Breadcrumbs”, or the dots which connect our lives, Alysha created this podcast to teach others how to become aware of their own personal Myronies and put them to use in an effort to change the direction of their lives. By listening to her guests share their Myronic stories, you’ll learn how to catch even the slightest Myronies, which can have an enormous impact and change the trajectory of your life! If you like what you hear, please subscribe & also leave a review for “That’s Myrony” on Apple Podcasts! It only takes a few minutes and it makes a HUGE difference in helping others find this podcast! To leave a review, simply head to the purple Podcasts app on your iPhone, find “That’s Myrony”, scroll down to leave a 5 star rating and click “write a review.” Thanks so much in advance & you can also check out www.ThatsMyrony.com to find out more!

  1. How Julie Ann Was Divinely Guided to Create the House of Influence and How She Continually Influences Others Through Retreats, Book Publishing and now TEDx Puerto Vallarta!!


    How Julie Ann Was Divinely Guided to Create the House of Influence and How She Continually Influences Others Through Retreats, Book Publishing and now TEDx Puerto Vallarta!!

    Alysha is so excited to finally hear Julie Ann’s incredible story of how she created The House of Influence also known as Casa de Influencia in Puerto Vallarta after receiving guidance from the other side from her soulmate love who passed almost 2 years ago. In this episode you are going to hear such a heartbreaking but soul touching story of how Julie was truly divinely guided to buy and renovate this Mexican apartment building to create a beautiful retreat center in the heart of Old Town where she now influences others through retreats that include book writing, TEDx Training and her latest venture of bringing the first English Speaking TEDx in Mexico to Puerto Vallarta this coming May!! Since Julie obviously has a very big mission in life, Alysha asked the Founder of SHARING, Dr. Theodis Gamet (which stands for Sending Hope And Rebuilding Into National Goals) to join her with Julie and then later he shares how SHARING can help bring in passive income to help support Julie’s vision and everyone else’s that walks through Casa de Influencia’s doors :)     About the Guest: (bio, personal links, resource links) Julie Ann is the Founder of Influence Publishing Inc and the owner of the House of Influence retreat center in Puerto Vallarta and a TEDx Speaker. In the last ten years she has published over 300 authors and specializes in multiple author compilation books. She claims to be the worlds only Dyslexic book publisher and her TEDx Talk on “The Gift of Dyslexia” has had over 100,000 views. She has been featured on British and Canadian TV, The Daily Mail, International Radio and Podcasts and conducted many inspirational speeches. She has won many awards including The Golden Gavel Speech contest, International Toastmasters, Woman of Worth Success and Soul and Unlimited Woman of Creativity.  She is the Best-Selling author of “Around the World in Seven Years – A Life Changing Journey”. She is a member of the New York Circumnavigators club as the slowest circumnavigator, travelling from the UK to South Africa, Tanzania, Dar es Salem, Zanzibar, Kenya, Seychelles, Maldives, Chagos (crossing the Indian Ocean by sailboat), Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Canada, the Baja of Mexico, and the Sea of Cortez, flying the final leg from Mexico City back to the UK. She is a resident of Puerto Vallarta and the owner of the House of Influence retreat center where she hosts collaborative book retreats, TEDx training retreats and other health and wellness retreats. She is a dual citizen of the UK and Canada. To Connect with Julie please visit www.houseofinfluence.mx  About the Guest Co-Host: Dr Theodis Gamet’s background spans includes expertise in such areas as communications, marketing, business and finance. A veteran of both Gulf Wars, Dr Gamet served as a Marine specializing in Logistics and Communications. Dr Gamet also received his doctorate in Ministry and Divinity. His commitment to serving all people culminated in the creation of his nonprofit, SHARING, a 508 (c)(1)(a) spiritual and humanitarian organization. SHARING provides free education in financial literacy, business creation, technology, health, and humanitarianism. To connect with Dr. Gamet please visit www.GodGoesWithYou.com About the Host: Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower!   Alysha’s strong spiritual connection...

  2. “Myrony On the Move” with Hay House Author/Co-Founder of Mindvalley, Kristina Mӓnd-Lakhiani and About “Becoming Flawesome” Like Her New Just Released Book


    “Myrony On the Move” with Hay House Author/Co-Founder of Mindvalley, Kristina Mӓnd-Lakhiani and About “Becoming Flawesome” Like Her New Just Released Book

    This is the first “Myrony On the Move” and Alysha is honored to kick it off with Hay House Author and Co-Founder of Mindvalley, Kristina Mӓnd-Lakhiani. In this new series, episodes are 22 minutes or less so guests can tell a specific myronic story or something special that needs to be shared like in this one, where we talk about Kristina’s new book “Becoming Flawesome”!! What Alysha loves about this new series is she knows not everyone wants to listen to an hour-long podcast so for those that want something more on the go this series is perfect for you!! So, to have Kristina be part of this series first episode is AWESOME or maybe it’s more like FLAWESOME!! :)   Links to find out more about “Becoming Flawesome” Book page (order the book & get 3 bonuses) here>>> https://spi021.isrefer.com/go/23bf-preorder/mindvalley/interviews   Free chapter (download Free Chapter from the book) here>>> https://spi021.isrefer.com/go/chapter/mindvalley/interviews Quiz here>>> https://spi021.isrefer.com/go/23bf-quiz/mindvalley/interviews Masterclass here>>> https://spi021.isrefer.com/go/23bf-masterclass/mindvalley/interviews About the Guest: (bio, personal links, resource links) Kristina Mand-Lakhiani is an international speaker, entrepreneur, artist, philanthropist, and mother of 2 kids. As a co-founder of Mindvalley, a leading publisher in the personal growth industry, Kristina dedicated the last 20 years of her career to personal transformation learning from teachers like Michael Beckwith, Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, and many more. She started her career in a government office in her native Estonia and, by her mid-20s, achieved a level of success mostly known to male politicians at the end of their careers. It was shortly after that Kristina and her then-husband Vishen founded Mindvalley. From a small meditation business operating out of the couple’s apartment in New York, the company quickly grew into a global educational organization offering top training for peak human performance to hundreds of thousands of students all around the world.  Kristina believes life is too important to be taken seriously and makes sure to bring fun into every one of her roles: as a teacher, mother, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and world traveller. Kristina helps her students to virtually hack happiness by taking them through her unique framework - “Hacking happiness” - a unique framework of balancing your life, taking in every moment, and paying close attention to the small daily...

  3. “Behind the Mic” with fellow Podcaster, Dan McPherson of “Dreams Are Real” and hear how he wants to impact 1M Women and Creatives achieve their dreams as a Calm and Clarity Coach


    “Behind the Mic” with fellow Podcaster, Dan McPherson of “Dreams Are Real” and hear how he wants to impact 1M Women and Creatives achieve their dreams as a Calm and Clarity Coach

    Alysha is so excited to have her new series Myrony “Behind the Mic” where she brings back past podcast guests so to have her dear friend and fellow Podcaster, Dan McPherson be her second in this series is such a treat because they haven’t recorded anything together since 2020!! Alysha felt Dan’s incredible interview from Ep. 24 really needed to be shared again but with a twist so after Alysha became the incredible nonprofit, SHARING’s first Brand Ambassador, she also has SHARING as a guest co-host and this time, the Founder, Dr. Theodis Gamet of SHARING (which stands for Sending Hope And Rebuilding Into National Goals) joins her with Dan to hear Dan’s incredible past episode and what’s happened in the past almost 3 years in his life and wow what is shared is just chock full with myronies!! One of this biggest changes is how Dan has moved into being a Calm and Clarity Coach which Alysha cannot agree more is the best title for him!! So what is that exactly? Well check out this episode to find out and also check out Dan’s incredible Podcast “Dreams Are Real” :) Alysha now has her weekly workshop, “Myrony Money with SHARING” every Wednesday at 12pm PST and the Zoom Link is www.shareconomy.info.  You can also join a live SHARING overview event with Dr. Gamet and his wife and Managing Director, Dr. Amy, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm PST on the same Zoom Link www.shareconomy.info to learn how to make multiple passive income streams as a SHARING Advocate/Ambassador also.    About the Guest: (bio, personal links, resource links) Dan McPherson is a Calm and Clarity Coach, Professional Speaker and Podcast Host, World-Class Trainer, and the CEO of Leaders must Lead. He’s on a mission to help Creatives and Entrepreneurs build profit and believe Dream ARE Real. With 25+ years in corporate roles responsible for up to 2k people and more than $150M in revenue, Dan is a recognized expert in leadership, sales and business strategy. To connect with Dan McPherson and also hear his podcast “Dreams Are Real” check out www.linktr.ee/LeadersMustLead About the Guest Co-Host: Dr Theodis Gamet’s background spans includes expertise in such areas as communications, marketing, business and finance. A veteran of both Gulf Wars, Dr Gamet served as a Marine specializing in Logistics and Communications. Dr Gamet also received his doctorate in Ministry and Divinity. His commitment to serving all people culminated in the creation of his nonprofit, SHARING, a 508 (c)(1)(a) spiritual and humanitarian organization. SHARING provides free education in financial literacy, business creation, technology, health, and humanitarianism. To connect with Dr. Gamet please visit www.GodGoesWithYou.com About the Host: Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower!   Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”. She now shares her new concept hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast.  To learn more about “That’s Myrony” Podcast or to follow on Social Media: Website: a...

  4. Myrony Musings with Saylor Cooper and how he is bringing “Hope Without Sight” as a Podcaster, Writer and Speaker


    Myrony Musings with Saylor Cooper and how he is bringing “Hope Without Sight” as a Podcaster, Writer and Speaker

    As you will hear, Alysha met Saylor Cooper thanks to a last-minute invite to Puerto Vallarta for a podcasting retreat was how they met in November 2022. Alysha knew Saylor was meant to share his amazing and also quite divinely myronic story through both her compilation book “Got Myrony? Life is Good Book 1” coming out next year and podcast. However, this episode is also extremely special because this is the first “Myrony Musings” since Alysha became the incredible nonprofit, SHARING’s first Brand Ambassador. So, in the series “Myrony Musings” she also has SHARING as a guest co-host and this time, the Founder, Dr. Theodis Gamet of SHARING (which stands for Sending Hope And Rebuilding Into National Goals) joins her with Saylor and wow do they have a lot of myronies they all share together!! They also explain to Saylor how to make passive income with the help of SHARING to help fulfill his God-given purpose of bringing hope and bliss to the world as a motivational speaker/author which Alysha and Theodis both agreed Saylor is meant to be one of the next SHARING Brand Ambassadors as another platform for Saylor to share his message and can’t wait for that to come to fruition!! Alysha now has her weekly workshop, “Myrony Money with SHARING” every Wednesday at 12pm PST and the Zoom Link is www.shareconomy.info.  You can also join a live SHARING overview event with Dr. Gamet and his wife and Managing Director, Dr. Amy, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm PST on the same Zoom Link www.shareconomy.info to learn how to make multiple passive income streams as a SHARING Advocate/Ambassador also.    About the Guest: (bio, personal links, resource links) Saylor Cooper is an accomplished author and a true inspiration. Despite facing the challenges of living with a disability, Saylor has fearlessly pursued his dreams and emerged as a beacon of motivation for others. His journey in entrepreneurship, alongside his trusted ally Tyler, has propelled him to extraordinary heights. At the core of Saylor's mission lies an unwavering belief in the power of hard work and determination. As the creator and host of Real Variety Radio, Saylor has established a remarkable internet radio station that offers a diverse range of programming spanning every genre of music and shows.  Additionally, he has taken the helm of the Hope Without Sight Podcast, where he engages in thought-provoking interviews with individuals who have triumphed over adversity, becoming a source of inspiration to people around the globe. Saylor's ambitions extend far beyond his current accomplishments. He actively seeks opportunities to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and share their remarkable journeys at renowned networking events like Podapolooza and Speakers Playhouse. Through collaboration with speaking coaches, he is honing his skills to grace different stages and deliver his empowering message to diverse audiences. Above all, Saylor's ultimate goal is simple yet profound: he strives to demonstrate to individuals facing challenges that anything is possible when dreams are fueled by unwavering dedication and hard work. With Saylor blazing a trail of possibility, the potential for each and every one of us is boundless. Join Saylor Cooper on this remarkable journey of empowerment and achievement, and discover that the power to transform lives resides within us all. To connect with Saylor and learn more about his inspiring work, please visit his E-business card here: https://ovou.me/livefasetiyacehe About the Guest Co-Host: Dr Theodis Gamet’s background spans includes expertise in such areas as...

  5. “Myrony Money in Motion” with SHARING


    “Myrony Money in Motion” with SHARING

    As you will hear, this episode was actually recorded on 5/10/23 which was the first “Myrony Money in Motion” since Alysha became SHARING’s first Brand Ambassador but it was also the 8th anniversary of when Alysha had her divine experience which you will also hear how the Founder of SHARING, Dr. Theodis Gamet and his wife and Managing Director, Dr. Amy McKenzie also had profound experiences directed by God that sound similar to what Alysha shares in her workshop. Alysha wanted to include this episode because it continues the conversation from the past two episodes of how Alysha and her dear friend and guest from last week, Jacqueline Lafitte myronically met to later become Ambassadors for SHARING (which stands for Sending Hope And Rebuilding Into National Goals). Alysha now has her weekly workshop now known as “Myrony Money with SHARING” every Wednesday at 12pm PST and the Zoom Link is www.shareconomy.info.  You can also join a live SHARING overview event with Dr. Gamet and Dr. Amy, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm PST on the same Zoom Link www.shareconomy.info.    About the Guests: (bio, personal links, resource links) Dr Theodis Gamet’s background spans includes expertise in such areas as communications, marketing, business and finance. A veteran of both Gulf Wars, Dr Gamet served as a Marine specializing in Logistics and Communications. Dr Gamet also received his doctorate in Ministry and Divinity. His commitment to serving all people culminated in the creation of his nonprofit, SHARING, a 508 (c)(1)(a) spiritual and humanitarian organization. SHARING provides free education in financial literacy, business creation, technology, health, and humanitarianism.   To connect with Dr. Gamet please visit www.GodGoesWithYou.com Dr. Amy McKenzie, SHARING’s Managing Director, brings 40+ years of her professional experience in the entertainment industry to provide hope and education through the art of storytelling. Dr. Amy who received her doctorate for her humanitarian work, is also an expert in holistic healing modalities and natural nutrition solutions. One of her major responsibilities as Managing Director is providing the content within the Health Pillar for SHARING. Individuals and/or organizations greatly benefit from the creation of her “Alternative Health Tool Kit”.   To connect with Dr. Amy please visit www.SomeonesWaitingForYou.com About the Host: Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower!   Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”. She now shares her new concept hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast.  To learn more about “That’s Myrony” Podcast or to follow on Social Media: Website: www.ThatsMyrony.com https://linktr.ee/alyshamyronuk Thanks for listening! Thanks so much for listening to this podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media...

  6. Myrony “Behind the Mic” with SHARING and Jacqueline Lafitte


    Myrony “Behind the Mic” with SHARING and Jacqueline Lafitte

    This is Alysha’s first Myrony “Behind the Mic” where she basically has a “listening party” with Alysha’s featured guest, Jacqueline Lafitte along with her guest co-hosts, the Founder of SHARING, Dr. Theodis Gamet and his wife and Managing Director, Dr. Amy McKenzie. The episode they all listened to together before recording their thoughts on what they heard is thanks to Alysha’s friend, Shanna Vavra of “Sense of Soul” Podcast. Shanna released this special episode on 5/22/23 so Alysha and Jacqueline could share their unbelievable story of how they met and why Alysha asked Shanna for the biggest favor to release it on that specific date. This episode, known as “SHARING and Shocking the Sh*t out of Shanna” is included so please enjoy the incredible divine myronies that explains not only how Jacqueline and Alysha met but also the many myronic adventures they have had together since 2018 that led them to now both be Ambassadors for SHARING (which stands for Sending Hope And Rebuilding Into National Goals). So, if you would like to learn more about SHARING, you can find out more through Jacqueline’s site at www.getwatering.com You can also join a live SHARING overview event with Dr. Gamet and Dr. Amy, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm PST on the Zoom Link www.shareconomy.info.    About the Guests: Jacqueline Lafitte, Fifth Grade Teacher at Cherryland Elementary School in Hayward, CA has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Educators for her achievements and exceptional leadership. Through STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Math) project-based learning, she is dedicated to inspiring students to solve real-world, tangible problems, while developing social-emotional health. Jacqueline attributes her success to God‘s divine design. She is a spiritual being with faith and trust in God’s promises and received a vision to bring clean water to those in prayer in Summer of 2019. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was recognized in the 2020 Marquis Who’s Who Extended Biographies. During the Spring of 2022, she collaborated with STEM4Real, a nonprofit organization, to create a culturally responsive and engaging lesson to develop empathy for students across the globe without access to clean water in Cameroon, Africa. The success of this project resulted in recognition as the 2022 CASE Science Teacher of the Year Award for Upper Elementary by the California Association of Science Educators (CASE). Her work with STEM4Real has also been published in CASE’s monthly newsletter, Classroom News. To connect with Jacqueline you can email her at jlafitte@husd.k12.ca.us Dr Theodis Gamet’s background spans includes expertise in such areas as communications, marketing, business and finance. A veteran of both Gulf Wars, Dr Gamet served as a Marine specializing in Logistics and Communications. Dr Gamet also received his doctorate in Ministry and Divinity. His commitment to serving all people culminated in the creation of his nonprofit, SHARING, a 508 (c)(1)(a) spiritual and humanitarian organization. SHARING provides free education in financial literacy, business creation, technology, health, and humanitarianism. To connect with Dr. Gamet please visit www.GodGoesWithYou.com Dr. Amy McKenzie, SHARING’s Managing Director, brings 40+ years of her professional experience in the entertainment industry to provide hope and education through the art of storytelling. Dr. Amy who received her doctorate for her humanitarian work, is also an expert in holistic healing modalities and natural nutrition solutions. One of her major...

  7. 22/04/2023

    Happy 8th Myronic Anniversary!!

    Alysha shares how this episode is being released as a time stamp for another myronic anniversary where she realized after recording its actually the 8th anniversary since it was 4/22/15 when myrony was first brought into existence. She also shares why she had to take a break from podcasting since last summer, what has happened in the past 9 months from when she last recorded and how it led her to now work as an Ambassador for her friends’ incredible nonprofit SHARING (which stands for Sending Hope And Rebuilding Into National Goals). So, if you would like to learn more about SHARING, you can find out more at www.prosperclub.com/?sharing=myrony . You can also join a live overview event Tues. and Thurs. at 5pm PST or Sat. at 10am PST at www.shareconomy.info . To find out more about Julie Ann’s amazing retreat space in Puerto Vallarta check out https://www.influencepublishing.com/casa-de-influencia/?mibextid=tejx2t The other part to this special anniversary release, Alysha wanted to include a separate episode she did with her friend, Shanna of “Sense of Soul” Podcast, for Shanna’s private Patreon series last summer. So if you would like to hear the other episodes from Shanna’s amazing private series by becoming a Patreon member below is her info and how to join :) Visit Sense of Soul at http://www.mysenseofsoul.com Do you want Ad Free episodes? Join our Sense of Soul Patreon, our community of seekers and lightworkers. Also receive 50% off of Shanna’s Soul Immersion experience as a Patreon member, monthly Sacred circles, Shanna mini series, Sense of Soul merch and more. https://www.patreon.com/senseofsoul Follow Sense of Soul Podcast on Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/SenseofSoulSOS About the Host: Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower!   Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”. She now shares her new concept hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast.  To learn more about “That’s Myrony” Podcast or to follow on Social Media: Website: www.ThatsMyrony.com https://linktr.ee/alyshamyronuk Thanks for listening! Thanks so much for listening to this podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page. Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a comment in the section below! Subscribe to the podcast If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on Apple...

  8. Overcoming the Mindset of 'Just Surviving' with Tammy Ward


    Overcoming the Mindset of 'Just Surviving' with Tammy Ward

    My guest this week, Tammy Ward shares her myronies about how she went from being a ballet dancer/teacher to then become a police officer only because she was told she would never pass the test. Tammy did not like being told she couldn’t do something so she simply proved she could and eventually ended up as Sergeant in her 25-year career. Tammy said her strengths to help control situations mentally and not physically ended up being her greatest gift which one unbelievable story she shares is how that helped her as she tells her story about an arrest that was not going well and includes the Hells Angels, so wait until you hear what happened!! Later after much tragic loss, Tammy finally left the police department and started her TLW Yoga Studio in 2016 where she likes to incorporate in some of her yoga sessions to also focus on mental wellness and trauma which Tammy likes to describe herself as not a survivor of her circumstances because that means she was once a victim and prefers to say she is thriving. She also connects to her spiritual side with her gifts of intuitiveness, reading people but also her unique connection to animals that literally makes her sound like a modern-day Snow White!!    So, if you want to shift your life from surviving to thriving you definitely want to connect with Tammy but not until after first listening to this incredible episode :)           About the Guest: Tammy Ward has been a Police Officer for 25 years achieving the rank of Sergeant. She has worked in a variety of roles specializing in Domestic Violence and Community Relations. She has been involved in dance and fitness since the age of 3, giving up teaching dance to become a Police Officer.  Currently, Tammy owns TLW Yoga Studio returning to her true passion for movement and expression. She has seen and experienced the good and bad sides of Policing and being a woman in a traditionally male-dominated role. Following a tragic event at work and the deaths of fellow officers she took time to heal and created a safe space. This space became a yoga studio that opened in January 2016 with Tammy offering one class a week and has grown to 8 classes a week and leading yoga and wellness retreats around the world.  In February 2020, Tammy retired from Policing and is focusing on the next chapter. This still includes helping others. Now she is enjoying the life of being a Yogi and Motivational Speaker. Sharing yoga, wellness, and her story. She says it has been a long and sometimes difficult path to where she is, and she is not done yet. www.tlwyoga.ca www.tammywardspeaks.com About the Host: Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower!  Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”. She now shares her new concept hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast along with her spiritual coaching business “My Myrony Mentoring” where she uses her psychic gift of “knowing” also known as claircognizance to help her clients through Intuitive “Soul Sessions” with her unique one of a kind modality, “The Myrony Method: A Key to Unlock Your Soul’s



Can you recall having an event in your life that was so absolutely mind-blowing it made you realize Had you not taken THAT drive at THAT exact time or gone to THAT restaurant at THAT exact moment, the conversation you had, or the person you bumped into, or the situation that just happened, would have never taken place? “That’s Myrony”! (My + Irony); another word for signs & synchronicities that Alysha has created & hopes to have people one day share their Myronies in addition to their selfies on social media!! So if you like this concept then please join the movement by sharing your crazy synchronicities & add #thatsmyrony ! Alysha has discovered how Myronies are the pieces to the giant “puzzle” we call life and says, “The key is to pay attention to “what, how, and why,” they show up in our lives”! After becoming aware of these “Spiritual Breadcrumbs”, or the dots which connect our lives, Alysha created this podcast to teach others how to become aware of their own personal Myronies and put them to use in an effort to change the direction of their lives. By listening to her guests share their Myronic stories, you’ll learn how to catch even the slightest Myronies, which can have an enormous impact and change the trajectory of your life! If you like what you hear, please subscribe & also leave a review for “That’s Myrony” on Apple Podcasts! It only takes a few minutes and it makes a HUGE difference in helping others find this podcast! To leave a review, simply head to the purple Podcasts app on your iPhone, find “That’s Myrony”, scroll down to leave a 5 star rating and click “write a review.” Thanks so much in advance & you can also check out www.ThatsMyrony.com to find out more!

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