The Cursed Fig Tree

Podcast Harden Not Your Heart

Have you ever wondered why Christ cursed the fig tree.  It had fruit according to the Joseph Smith Translation but it was all green.  There was no mature fruit. In his allegory of the vineyard, Isaiah calls the wild fruit that results be’ushim—fruit that decays before it comes to maturation (Isaiah 5:2, 4). He also tells the current wife of Christ to shout for joy.  Why because she is ruined with only a small remnant left (Isa 1:9) but the desolate wife is returning and she will be a great nation. (Isa 54)

1“Shout for joy, O barren woman,

who bears no children;

break forth in song and cry aloud,

you who have never travailed;

because more are the children of the desolate woman

than of her who has a husband,”a

says the LORD.

2“Enlarge the site of your tent,

stretch out the curtains of your dwellings,

do not hold back.

Lengthen your ropes

and drive your stakes in deep.b

3For you will spread out to the right and left;

your descendants will dispossess the nations

and inhabit the desolate cities.

We are warned to return to Christ, forsake our false traditions before it is too late.  We have a work to do as Ephraim.  In Egypt a place of gathering must be prepared for our brethren the lost 10 tribes who are returning.

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