The Necessity of Obedience and Faith - Signs of the Times 1887 December 15

Podcast Abiding Truth

But God’s thoughts are not as our thoughts, nor His ways as our ways.  When there was no eye to pity, no arm to save, His eye pitied, and His  arm brought salvation. Looking down upon the sinner, He cried, “Deliver  him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.” [Job 33:24.]  The only begotten Son of God became our Mediator, our substitute and  surety. He took all our sins, all our failure, and pledged Himself as  King of kings to satisfy every claim of the law on our account. He would  make an atonement for us, and through the plan of redemption give us  another trial, that through obedience and faith we might come under the rule of the King of Righteousness. {Lt48-1893.30}

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