The Year of the Ox: Significance and Symbolism in This Year's Chinese Zodiac

Podcast MandarinPod

The Lunar New Year (中国新年) or the Spring Festival (春节) is coming up. 2021 is the year of the Ox, starting on February 12th. The Ox is both the second animal in the Chinese zodiac and a highly regarded animal in Chinese culture. It’s often associated with positive virtues, such as being hardworking, honest, and reliable. In this episode, you will hear some Chinese legends and customs of the Ox passed down for generations. We will also share words, phrases, and Chinese idioms that have ox (牛) in them, and many of these words have some interesting stories behind them. Now, let’s find out why the ox has played such an important role in Chinese culture.

Chinese: 中国的农历新年(春节)即将到来。 2021年是牛年,农历新年会在2月12日开始。牛既是在十二生肖中的排行第二的动物,又是中国文化中备受推崇的动物。牛的性格常常与良好的美德相关联,例如勤奋,诚实和可靠。在这一集中,您会听到一些关于牛的中国传说和习俗从。我们还将分享一些带有牛字的单词,词组和汉语成语,其中许多单词背后都有一些有趣的故事。如果你对为什么牛在中国文化中发挥如此重要的作用感兴趣,一定不要错过这期播客内容!

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