Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

James W Ford
Podcast Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

War is bad, life can be to that is why this here to put a smile on your face & give you an edge. Viewer discretion advised. Bad jokes, memes & veterans occasionally giving back.

  1. 21/09/2020

    EP14 Last Fresh Start: Ideologies, Mindset, Depression & Recovery

    I hate to break it to you. You probably know someone currently or know someone that had some type of depression. I had secondary depression. I had to take a break from doing Podcasts after witnessing a horrific event on my street back in May 2020. I realized then I needed to do something to straighten myself. I'm now finishing up this masters degree and applying for my Phd. The secondary depression was nothing special. It was not isolated to anything I experienced being in the military. Truth be told this could have happened to anyone. I wanted to know what I was dealing with. I went to a psychologist and got an eval. Turns out I have a combined presentation ADHD she labeled it as high functioning combined presentation ADHD. Means I pay too much attention and trying to be like normal turds runs my emotions dry. Aren't we all a little crazy? In this last episode of my first season I come clean to show that its okay and we all deal with crap. Its not about the crap, its about our response to the crap. After my diagnosis I got put on Vyvanse and an ancient philosophy to autocorrect myself. Stoicism philosophy.  “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will. ” - Epictetus "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl “How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?” – Epictetus “The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts.” – Marcus Aurelius "We suffer more in imagination than in reality." - Seneca Infusing Stoic therapy with Socratic questioning of oneself is a very powerful tool, employed with cognitive distancing and stoic function analysis, stoicism will seem almost super human.

  2. 16/04/2020

    A Warrior From Within

    Listen about Covid19 experience and the grit from one of our own US Army Veteran Yvette. The mental health aspect of this on all spectrums and every side is surprising me every day and it is something I can totally relate to. Yvette and I agree that much of the mental health aspect from Covid19/Sars-Cov2 are very similar to PTSD. If you need help during this time Yvette shows us how it’s not a bad thing to speak up and if you know someone that needs help during this time, you shouldn't be afraid to say something. Yvette is an incredible person sharing her experience with Covid19 as one of the first people back in March to get it. When we started learning about it and will continue to learn about it. She is a warrior going to the gates of hell and knocking on the door like many others are right now. She tells about the loneliness and how it got to her during the treatment and how there are two sides to covid19/Sars-Cov2 the mental and the invisible physical. She has a lot of grit and she is open about the struggles that she deals with day in and day out and how this changed her life. True warriors sometimes must go down and knock on the gates of hell, sometimes by themselves, but it is better with do that with other people. It is much easier to knock on the gates of hell with someone else. Sometimes you must do that alone to show how much of a bad ass you are to the rest of the world it’s not fun. Yvette did it and now she has the rest of us to go to the gates of hell with her. A true friend and warrior will be there no matter what and you shouldn't get upset if someone says you might need help. Often the people that are saying you might need help are being a friend. Sometimes are the best friend you could ever ask for because they see something you may not and are trying to help. Don't be afraid to get help and don't be afraid to mention to someone if they are struggling to get help. These times are hard, harder on some people than others and life is hard in general.



War is bad, life can be to that is why this here to put a smile on your face & give you an edge. Viewer discretion advised. Bad jokes, memes & veterans occasionally giving back.

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