Zaiba’s Confidence & Networking Skills Lead to New Career

Podcast Letz Create - Career Success Stories

Zaiba found herself at a critical point in her life after living in the US for 10 years. Coming back to Australia was a big transition in her personal and professional life and her overseas credentials were not recognised in Australia. Zaiba set her mind on forging a new career path and the Jump Start Your Career Program ticked all the boxes to begin this journey.

The four week online program enabled Zaiba to gain clarity on her career direction and provided her the tools needed to achieve a new dream career.

Things she learnt during the course of the Program included:

A skills stocktake Self reflection Updating her resume How to write a cover letter Learning how to apply for jobs Interview skills The importance of networking. 

If you are ready to make a career change learn the proven tools and techniques you need to achieve your career success. Book a Career Chat with Marina to learn more about Jump Start Your Career Program, click here.

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