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    Hi, everyone. And welcome back to 酒馆. Hi, 安澜.
    Hi, lulu. Hi, everyone.
    So what are we going to talk about today?  
    Well, next month I'm going on my holidays. So let's talk about travel.
    Hang on a minute, you're talking about us going to Europe. 
    That's not really a holiday. That's like a work trip. You will get some days off. 
    Anyway it's going to be traveling, so even if we are going to be working some of the time, I'm sure we'll get some time off, well, hopefully, or I wanna get overtime.
    You're traveling with a workaholic. We’ll see. We'll see about that. But we're more excited to show you guys around places that we go to.  
    Yes, we're gonna be showing you around Germany and Poland in our live streams.
    If we can get the signal.
    If we can get the signals, yes.
    Otherwise we're gonna shoot videos and do other things and hopefully continue to live stream in some way.
    In some way or another.
    So I thought maybe today we can talk about traveling.
    Big topic and I know this is a topic that both of us have a lot to say about.
    I absolutely love traveling, traveling for me is, I know it's meant to be a luxury but really I love traveling so much, even if I don't have much money, I would still want to spend that money on traveling.
     So other people spend it on bread, you will spend it on traveling.
    Yes, and hopefully I will get bread when I'm traveling.
    That's a dream, isn't it?
    In this whole discussion, I think it will be like a few episodes of discussion and this will cover pretty much all aspects of traveling from the desire to travel, to transport, to packing, to things we do in the destination and then also like accommodation, things to watch out for, so on and so forth. So if you're a keen traveler, you're in for treat.
    Well, I would say let's start with the desire to travel.
    Well, the desire to travel. I've heard of this expression, which is really funny. It's having itchy feet.
    英文里如果直接把它翻译成中文就是脚痒痒. You sure that's not like a foot fungus issue.
    No, it's not, having itchy feet means it's the desire that you really want to travel so you would say to people I'm really getting itchy feet, I really want to go on holiday or I really want to go traveling.
    I suppose put in that context, everyone would know that you want to move.
    You basically want to get out of your routine and travel and see more of the world, I've also heard of a word wonderlust which is supposed to be German, right?
    Yeah, it's wonder means sort of walk around and lust is desire, so essentially is the desire to walk around. For example, if you're in a new place that desired that you want to go and explore everything that is a form of wonder lust. 

    • 13 min


    +小助手VX 【luluxjg2】领取全文稿哦~~

    Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the segment called It Means What?
    Hi, 安澜。 
    欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】这个板块. So in this segment, we're going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. So 安澜, what is the word for today?
    Not so much a word but a phrase.
    Okay. 是短语
    Spill the beans.
    Spill the beans, it sounds familiar, spill是倒出来, 然后beans是豆子. Yeah. Is it something about secrets?
    It is, if you say you spill the beans, that means you accidentally tell a secret or you intentionally tell a secret.
    Oh, to spill the beans. I think we talked about something similar, was it “let the cat out of the bag”, 把猫放出口袋也是accidentally reveal a secret.
    But this can be intentionally or accidentally.
    Spill the beans. So I can say he accidentally spilled the beans,  but I can also say 安澜spill the beans, tell me the secret. Yes,  but why beans?
    It actually comes from ancient Greek voting practices.
    So we go back to ancient Greeks again. Yes.
    When they were voting, if they wanted to say yes, they would use a white stone or a bean to mean “yes” and a black one for “no”.
    所以没有用纸写字的时候, 古希腊就是这样子来投票的.
    一个白色的豆子或者石头, 小石块就是Yes.  And black one means no.
    When they collected all of the beans or the stones, then they will count them and they'll make a decision.
    I suppose they just put it in some sort of container. Nobody can see what they put in.
    Exactly, if someone spills the beans that literally means they accidentally or intentionally knock it over. So the secret results of the election are revealed before they intended them to be revealed.
    I see, that's why spill the beans is to reveal the results that should have been kept a secret at that point.
    There's quite a few expressions that come from this type of voting practice.
    For example, you might have heard the expression black ball.
    Oh, I've heard of that expression to black ball someone就是要“黑球”某个人. I think that means to keep someone outside like to reject someone.
    Yes, because the black bean or black stone was meant no. So it means no, that means that they don't want that person to join their club or join their society.
    To blackball someone simply means I voted “no”, like I say no to you exactly to exclude you.
    Actually 安澜, have you ever heard of the new expression “spill the tea” which is all over the internet?
    I've heard that so many times, so many times.
    最近这几年在社交媒体上火了一个词叫spill the tea, tea就是喝的茶. It's not exactly the same, but “spill the tea” means shared a gossip especially like scandal. 就是赶快爆料有什么大瓜, 惊天大瓜.
    If I say to 安澜, do you know anything about those two? Are they dating? Are they cheating on their spouses? and like spill the tea.
     I'm useless at gossip. I never know anything. 

    • 6 min



    Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜.
    Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone.
    Can I propose a topic today?
    Don't worry, it's nothing weird.
    Are you sure?
    I'm pretty sure. Okay.  
    Lately also on Chinese social media, you see a lot of articles about your Princess of Wales, Kate, because there was a lot of gossip and discussion about how she is recovering from cancer and she hasn't really had any public appearance.
    She finally appeared for the first time in months at a very important ceremony apparently called... was it something color? 
    The Trooping of the Color.
    The Trooping of the Color, troop as in army, military? Yeah. 中文里我看到过有很多不一样的翻译版本, 有人把它翻译成什么彩旗飘扬, 彩旗游行, 或者只要按这个意思说是皇家阅兵式.
    Yes, it's a very unique ceremony. I don't think it happens in many countries. I'm not sure if anyone does know, please correct me.
    It's very ceremonial. It is.
    The Troop of the Color marks the official birthday of the British sovereign.
    So like the British King or Queen, 这个皇室的要不是国王, 要不是女王的official birthday, 官方生日.
    So that's not their real birthday?
    The King or Queen has two birthdays, their real one and their official birthday in June.
    Why in June, for any special reasons? 
    Mainly because of the weather.
     I can understand. 我们之前聊英国的天气的时候, 就说特别是伦敦, 基本上你唯一能保证天气比较好, 也就是6月后半段7月前半段这个时候.
    So no matter what the weather is like, the ceremony still goes ahead.
    So the last Trooping of the Colour last week was actually done in pouring rain. It was really really heavy rain in London but they still carry on the ceremony. They just get wet.
    Even in June? Even in June.
    So no matter what their real birthdays or when their real birthdays are or were, they always had the same official birthday? 
    It's normally a Saturday in June.
    So it’s not a set date? 
    It’s not a set date.  I see.
    It looks like a pretty traditional historical ceremony. It is.
    It dates back to the 18th century. So the color or colors refer to the regiments’ flag.
    Regiments, what does that mean?
    A regiment is a unit of soldiers.
    Like, for example, infantry? 
    Yeah, so you have an infantry regiment, you have...
    Navy maybe?
    Navy, you can't, navy doesn't really have regiments because you have a ship.
    Ok. 这是不是有点兵团那个概念? It is. 什么团步兵团这样.
    So everybody has it’s own name. For example, the regiments that take part in Trooping of the Color are the King's own personal regiments.
    He's guards.  
    I'm getting really confused. So not your military force? 
    Okay, this is why it gets a bit confusing.
    You said the King's own military force. 

    • 12 min


    +小助手VX 【luluxjg2】获取全文稿哦~~

    Welcome back to geek time advanced. How are you doing lulu?
    Hi Brad. I'm doing fine. So are we gonna talk about aliens and pyramids? 
    Exactly. We talk about aliens a lot on the podcast and aliens are very interesting. And whenever there's some idea, whenever we have an idea that we don't really understand, we can easily just go to aliens.
    It's so convenient, isn't it? Aliens did it. Although when I was growing up, obviously learning about pyramids, all of these great ancient architectures, we generally attribute it to the wisdom of ancient people. However, there's another way to look at it.
    There are people out there who truly believe in the whole theory of aliens have something to do or had something to do with pyramids.
    Mhm. Exactly.
    One of the theories posits that aliens either helped people create the pyramids or forced them to create the pyramids, so they could use them as landing sites for their spacecraft.
    I'm sorry, that is a bit silly. If they want to use it as a landing pad, why would they just use the ground? Why would they use the pointing stuff that is like the most... I think that is the most uncomfortable way to park your spaceship on top of the Egyptian pyramid.
    What we can kind of get into it a little bit later with some of Tesla’s thoughts, but the shape might have been on purpose right? There might be a reason for the shape and so we'll come back to that a little bit later.
    But a lot of people think that they might have been built by the aliens to be landing pads for their spaceships.
    Yeah, but you said they either helped or forced humans. I have something to say about that. I mean, logically, why would they help humans build that? For what reason, to what end? If they forced humans, what kind of power that they could tower over human? And if they had that level of power, why wouldn't they have just taken over earth? See, this would be my logic.
    There's a few theories. I think we might have talked about panspermia, but in the past, there's this idea that the aliens actually put us here. They put the humans on earth and helped us in our evolution to become to the point where we're at today. So they can use us as workers in the future.
    Oh, my god! Are we just a giant ant farm for the aliens?
    That's what some people believe. So the aliens it takes a long time to travel through the universe. So every time they come to earth, thousands of years might pass. And so people kind of forget that the fact that there are aliens out there; or if they do, they don't really believe because they haven't seen them in generations. And so it is a possibility.
    That is just a sad possibility. That reminds me of one of the episodes in Rick and Morty, like the Miniverse. So you realize your entire universe is just someone's car factory.
    Hahaha. That's possible.
    They sort of like make you work, brainwash you to work, so that by working it, by paddling something, you get so called money and live and salary.
    But in fact, you're just slaving away for whoever created your universe. You're just slaving away so that their car has battery.
    That could be, I think it's a lot less likely, but that with the pyramids and that we actually have some sort of, I wouldn't say it's evidence, because people could have easily made the pyramids. There's videos of a man who shows possible engineering techniques that people could have used. I mean he shows how he could move a rock a huge rock by himself, just using a few simple tools made of wood and rope.
    I'm very human centric.
    So I still rather believe it was our ancestors, common human ancestors, that had the great wisdom, to move things, to make things, beyond we think, are their technological limitations and barriers.
    Yeah. I don't know if we've talked about Atlantis before but...
    Oh, we should, in the future. We haven't, but we should.

    • 14 min


    加小助手VX luluxjg2领取全文稿~
    1) Ride shotgun (sit in the seat next to the driver)
    a. This comes from the Wild West where the person who sat next to the driver carried a shotgun.
    b. This was so he could shoot anyone trying to rob the coach.

    Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the segment called It Means What?  
    Now that's new. Hi, 安澜.
    Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone.
    欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】. So in this segment, we're going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. 安澜, actually, can I propose the word or the phrase for today?
    Yeah, why not?
    Because I always ask you what do we have for today? There's one thing and I'm sure a lot of our audience would share my confusion, which is, you know that a lot of times you watch like especially American TV show, you have these kids or really immature adults when they jump into the seat next to the driver they would say “I call shotgun”. 不知道大家在美剧里面有没有看过, 我不知道英国人会不会这么说.
     We understand it, but we don't say anything.
    It’s an American thing. 对, 看美剧的时候, 就有很多小朋友或者那种心智不太成熟的成年人, 他们会跳到副驾的位置, 然后就说 I call shotgun, 你看到底下的字幕翻译一般都是说 “我抢了副驾的位置, 我抢了”。
    I always wondered sitting next to the driver, what does that have to do with shotgun which is a weapon.
    Yes. Ride shotgun or sit up front is sitting in the seat next to the driver.  It actually comes from the Wild West.
    The Wild West, is it like the all of those western movies? Exactly.
     When you had cowboys and America was expanding west. 
    就是美国西部那种西部片, 也是like you draw your gun and shoot at each other, cowboys, that sort of thing.
    The whole idea that it was a lawless environment. There are not many people, there was lots of fights, cowboys, bandits.
    So back then apparently the person who sat next to the driver in a stagecoach carried a shotgun.
    Hang on, what is the stagecoach?
    A stagecoach is a horse carriage, but it's almost like public transport, so it goes a set route. It's normally covered and it is used for post and also for carrying passengers.
    It's kind of like the horse drawn version of a bus.
    Just the smaller version of it.
    Mini bus.  A horse drawn version of minibus. Exactly.
    So it's called a stagecoach because it used to travel different stages of the journey.
    So the person who sat next to the driver carried a shotgun. So he could shoot anyone who tried to rob the coach.
    So it’s kind of like a bodyguard.
    Almost like a bodyguard, because also there were attacks from bandits. They were also attacks from wild animals.
    If we believe in any of these Wild West movies, it's really like you said, it was a lawless place.
    Everyone was shooting each other really wild. So that's why they say ride shotgun because the person who sat next to the driver had to carry a shotgun to protect the driver.
    You know what this reminds me of, when we were doing China Story, the course, you remember when we were talking about swordsman, talking about Chinese martial arts, say these kung fu masters, they would become like armed escorts.
    Yeah, it's the same idea.
    Exactly the same idea有点.
    And then they have this shotgun and they were just protecting the coach. 

    • 7 min


    Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来极客时间. Hi, Brad.
    Hi Lulu.
    So what are we going to talk about today?
    Have you ever seen the pyramids?
    The pyramids金字塔吗?  I haven't really been to Egypt. I always wanted to go.
    Pyramids aren't only in Egypt. They're all over the world. Have you been to like Mexico, maybe?
    Yeah. In that case, I have seen pyramids actually. Thanks for reminding me. I've seen pyramids in Mexico.
    Yeah, a lot of times when mentioned the pyramids, people think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, but there have been pyramids all over the world, which makes people really think that there is something else going on here. There's pyramids in Sudan, Mexico, Italy, Peru, not just Africa, but in like South America as well, which is a whole another world away.
    But they're all slightly different. I mean, obviously we're more probably, our audience are more familiar with the pyramids in Egypt, which is pointy at the top, but like the pyramids in South America, in Central America, like Mexico. I went to Teotihuacán and the pyramids there at the top is not pointy, is like a flat type.
    There's... the general shape is fairly similar, but some of the aspects of the pyramids are different. It could be based on their beliefs and what they use the pyramids for, but they're all different sizes, but they all generally have the same general shape.
    If you think about it, it is a mysterious thing, isn't it? If many different ancient civilizations across continents are building or were building more or less the same sort of thing. What's that about?
    Yeah. It's not only just that they're very similar in shape, some of the designs, some of the decorations that they put on the pyramids are very similar. Some of the faces, some of the other additions they've made to pyramids were very similar even from Africa to South America.
    So let's dive a little bit deeper into the topic of pyramids. First of all, when were they built, Egyptian ones were built like 5,000 years ago?
    Yeah, so according to most historians, the pyramids were built about 5,000 years ago, ancient Egypt only really emerged about 6,000 years ago. Some of the other pyramids were built about 2,000 years ago.
    Recently, there has been some other pyramids found such as GÖBEKLI TEPE, which is found in Turkey.
    这个叫什么哥贝克利石阵,就在土耳其发掘. That was in the 19th, right? It was discovered very very recently compared with the other things.
    Right. Yeah.
    So people have known about the great pyramids for a long time yet they're easily seen. GÖBEKLI TEPE was partially underground. And so a lot of people didn't even see it. It looks like it was covered up. But a lot of the things they found around the site are about 12,000 years old.
    So like if those things are on top of the pyramid, and so that means the pyramid must be older than that. 

    • 11 min

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