Digital Hospitality

Shawn P. Walchef
Digital Hospitality Podcast

Digital Hospitality is an interview podcast series that explores the ways successful people have harnessed the power of the Internet and social media. The show is hosted by Cali BBQ Media Founder Shawn P. Walchef.

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    How 86 Repairs is Revolutionizing Repairs and Maintenance with Daniel Estrada

    Daniel Estrada, co-founder and CEO of 86 Repairs, embarked on his entrepreneurial journey driven by the frustrations restaurant operators face when managing repairs and maintenance (R&M). Alongside his co-founder Joe Gallagher, who worked in the food equipment industry, Estrada recognized a common pain point across the industry: R&M was a chaotic and time-consuming challenge for operators.  86 Repairs, whose name famous hospitality slang, is a tech-powered platform tailored for the restaurant industry, streamlining repair and maintenance management. The solution offers on-demand repair coordination, preventative maintenance, and round-the-clock support, helping restaurants gain control over their facilities. By leveraging data-driven insights, 86 Repairs enables operators to reduce R&M costs and minimize the time their teams spend dealing with equipment issues, allowing them to focus on what matters most—running their business. "He came to me one day, and we were just kicking around ideas," Daniel recalls. "He said, ‘there's something here.’ I don't know what kind of business we can build, but there's a problem here and a pain point that's worth digging into."  After months of speaking with operators, the same frustration echoed back: R&M was a headache. This led to the founding of 86 Repairs, a company designed to streamline and simplify R&M for restaurants. They've come a long way since the vision for the company was outlined on sticky notes spread across Daniel Estrada's kitchen table. One of the most powerful elements of 86 Repairs lies in its use of data. By centralizing R&M operations, the company collects and analyzes valuable data to provide better insights and actionable recommendations. This data-driven approach allows 86 Repairs to assess service quotes, recommend when equipment should be replaced, and assist in capital planning—offering far more value than traditional solutions that often prioritize vendor relationships over operational efficiency. "Part of the value that we've always seen in 86 is because we're putting ourselves in the center of the R&M process with our customers," Estrada explains. "We collect a tremendous amount of data that has a tremendous amount of value in the industry.”  From cost forecasting to helping finance teams manage accruals more effectively, 86 Repairs helps operators make informed, strategic decisions about their business using a plethora of collected data. Estrada encourages restaurant operators to take a closer look at their current R&M processes, even if they seem to be running smoothly. By reassessing workflows and training staff more proactively, operators often uncover hidden inefficiencies and significant cost savings. While partnering with 86 Repairs is an option, Daniel emphasizes that the real value comes from evaluating and optimizing existing processes.  "Even if you think things are going well in R&M, there's a lot of hidden cost and pain in this process that operators don't always see," Estrada says. "The conclusion may not be signing up with 86 Repairs...but the value that comes out of that process might be here's a way I can tighten up my workflow, or train my team more effectively, or get more proactive. There's a lot of money on the table from that." Under Estrada’s leadership, 86 Repairs continues to transform how restaurants handle repairs and maintenance, offering a smarter, more streamlined approach that allows operators to focus on what matters most: running their business. Visit to learn more and sign up for a demo. Cali BBQ Media Digital Hospitality is an interview-based video podcast hosted by business owner Shawn P. Walchef (@shawnpwalchef) and produced by his Cali BBQ Media company. The weekly digital series explores the ways successful businesses and entrepreneurs have merged old and new with innovative digital strategies that harness the power of the Internet

    39 min
  2. 16 SEPT

    The Power of Just Starting with Jeremy Julian of The Restaurant Tech Guys

    Jeremy Julian, founder of Restaurant Tech Guys Podcast, shared his insights on the Digital Hospitality podcast with Shawn Walchef.  With years of experience helping restaurants embrace technology and improve operations, Julian offered simple but powerful advice for those looking to break into content creation and adapt to an ever-changing digital landscape.  “Just start." he says. Reflecting on his own journey, he emphasizes that it’s easier than ever to create content, thanks to modern tools and platforms. He encourages aspiring podcasters and creators to overcome their fear of imperfection.  “It doesn’t need to be perfect," he says, “Getting over the cringeworthiness of your own voice is probably the biggest thing... but you won’t know your cadence or format until you start.”  Even with his podcast and position as CRO at Custom Business Solution , or CBS Northstar, a hospitality technology platform, digital hospitality goes beyond technology for Julian. It’s also about meeting guests where they are and ensuring they have a seamless, memorable experience no matter how they choose to interact with your brand.  “Every business is in the hospitality business,” Julian points out, stressing that businesses today must provide value to customers across digital channels. “No longer are there days where people don't have some level of influence. So you've got to meet your guests where they are.” Meaning, businesses need to cater to the varying needs of guests, from the busy soccer mom looking for convenience to the couple on a date night expecting a special experience. He believes companies must not only meet but exceed these expectations to remain relevant and competitive.  "If you're not going to serve that guest how they want to interact, you're not going to be relevant." says Julian. As the restaurant industry becomes more digital, Julian urges owners to "adopt and adapt."  He highlights the growing consumer demand for personalized, efficient service driven by tech giants like Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. Julian emphasizes the importance of using data to make informed decisions, enhancing both operations and customer experience.  “Consumers are expecting more from you,” he explains, noting that modern tools now provide an abundance of data that can help restaurant owners make smarter, data-driven decisions.  “If you’re not using that data to validate decisions or make better ones, you’re failing.” Cali BBQ Media Digital Hospitality is an interview-based video podcast hosted by business owner Shawn P. Walchef (@shawnpwalchef) and produced by his Cali BBQ Media company sponsored by Marqii (@getmarqii) The weekly digital series explores the ways successful businesses and entrepreneurs have merged old and new with innovative digital strategies that harness the power of the Internet and social media. Shawn is the founder of Cali BBQ Media and creator of the Restaurant Influencers podcast on Entrepreneur Media.➤ Restaurant Influencers —➤ Business Coaching —➤ Cali BBQ Content —

    37 min
  3. 9 SEPT

    Elevating Guest Experience with Maddie Nixon of Luna Grill and Simon Weaver of unPLUG Dining

    The partnership between Luna Grill and unPLUG Dining has become a benchmark in the restaurant industry, illustrating how technology can elevate guest experiences and drive business growth. By leveraging unPLUG's innovative solutions, Luna Grill successfully transformed its first-party digital experience, driving customer loyalty and operational efficiency. The journey of Luna Grill’s collaboration with unPLUG began with a vision to create a seamless, personalized experience for its guests.  “Loyalty is huge for us.” says Luna Grill Senior Digital Marketing Manager Maddie Nixon, recognizing the importance of loyalty. “Once people try it, they love it, and it becomes really easy for them to ingrain it into their lifestyle beyond just even ordering for the individual.”  Luna Grill aimed to deepen guest engagement by using technology that not only enhanced the ordering experience but also reflected the brand’s high standards. unPLUG’s platform helped streamline operations, allowing Luna Grill to offer a digital experience as top-tier as their in-restaurant service. Through this partnership, Luna Grill is able to guide customer behavior and foster loyalty by offering personalized, data-driven interactions. “We really like to drive habits, and we really like to engage with people beyond just that singular visit.” Nixon explains.  Tailored Solutions for Complex Challenges unPLUG recognized an opportunity to address common challenges faced by operators, such as implementing and managing technology effectively. Luna Grill’s needs called for more than an “off-the-shelf” solution. With the guidance and tenacity from Nixon, unPLUG collaborated with Luna Grill’s marketing, IT, and operations teams to develop a feature set that was both flexible and comprehensive, allowing them to hit the market with something truly unique. From optimizing guest loyalty to simplifying payments and integrating seamlessly into existing tech stacks, the partnership was built on weekly feedback and constant evolution. Simon Weaver, Chief of Staff at unPLUG Dining noted, “We got out of the mode of solving negative problems and into the mode of solving positive problems.”  A key component of the Luna Grill partnership with unPLUG was leveraging data to optimize marketing strategies. Luna Grill increased its SMS subscribers and enhanced loyalty participation through unPLUG’s integrations with Punchh Loyalty and Attentive text marketing. By using data insights, Luna Grill was able to refine its approach to engagement, exploring new ways to interact with guests beyond just digital orders. The combination of real-time insights and deep customer engagement allowed Luna Grill to not only drive repeat business but also elevate the entire guest experience. “It really felt like we needed to assess what we were going to do to take our growth to the next level. What are the levers that we want to pull to make sure that we can grow? We can be poised for growth location wise, we can drive volume. How do we need to adjust operationally, whether it's through technology or through menu innovation, to make sure we can get to the next level. And I think that's where technology felt like the right fit for our consumer, who is also ever changing and always incorporating more and more technology into their life.” Nixon pointed out. “Our guests are changing, they’re growing, they’re getting smarter. We want them to come back and keep enjoying the food.”  Looking Ahead: Innovation and Expansion The collaboration between Luna Grill and unPLUG doesn’t stop at current success. Future plans include scaling operations with new restaurant openings and implementing advanced AI-driven features such as menu recommendations and 1-click ordering. The launch of a brand-new web ordering portal further underscores Luna Grill’s commitment to innovation. As Luna Grill continues to evolve, unPLUG will remain a key

    54 min
  4. 3 SEPT

    Empower Accounting Firms and Restaurant Owners with Xavier Vega of ChouxBox

    Xavier Vega, CEO of ChouxBox and host of the Overseasoned Podcast, is a dynamic figure in the restaurant and tech industries, with a story that’s as gritty as it is inspiring. ChouxBox, pronounced "shoebox," was born out of Vega's firsthand experience with the exhausting demands of restaurant management. The idea for ChouxBox emerged from his deep frustration with the manual entry of invoices—a mundane task that many chefs dread after long shifts.  Reflecting on his time in the industry, Vega recounts, "My least favorite part of my day was after being on my feet all f****** day... then we'd always have to type in a bunch of stuff into an excel spreadsheet, and that was your cost. I f****** hated that."  The name itself is a nod to the culinary world's affinity for French-inspired dishes, blending his love for food with the practical need for a better back-office solution. Vega’s podcast, Overseasoned, co-hosted with his friend Tony, offers a raw and unfiltered look at the restaurant business from the perspective of those who have lived through its highs and lows. The title reflects the hosts' feelings of disillusionment with an industry they once loved but grew increasingly jaded by.  "Well, it has to do more with just how my soul feels... I've just gotten to the point where it's like, why try to be who I'm not?" Vega shares, highlighting the emotional toll that the restaurant world can take on those who dedicate their lives to it.  Through their podcast, Vega and Tony aim to empower restaurant owners and accounting firms by providing them with best-in-class back-office services and technology. Vega’s transition from the restaurant floor to the tech world wasn’t typical. He didn’t have a background in business or technology, but his practical knowledge and drive quickly earned him a place in the industry.  "As soon as I left the floor, I was no longer a restaurant guy.” he reflects. “I didn't go to college or traditionally study any of the tech stuff. And everybody was just like, Who are you?"  Despite these challenges, Vega has successfully bridged the gap between his restaurant roots and the tech industry, carving out a niche for himself as a leader who understands both the pressures of running a kitchen and the potential of technology to transform it.Xavier Vega’s journey from bustling kitchens to the forefront of restaurant tech is a testament to his resilience and innovation. Whether through ChouxBox, Over Easy Office, or Overseasoned, he continues to make an impact, driving change and inspiring others to follow their true passions—even if it means breaking away from the norm. Cali BBQ Media Sponsors:Marqii: Digital Hospitality is an interview-based video podcast hosted by business owner Shawn P. Walchef (@shawnpwalchef) and produced by his Cali BBQ Media company sponsored by Marqii (@getmarqii) The weekly digital series explores the ways successful businesses and entrepreneurs have merged old and new with innovative digital strategies that harness the power of the Internet and social media. Shawn is the founder of Cali BBQ Media and creator of the Restaurant Influencers podcast on Entrepreneur Media.➤ Restaurant Influencers —➤ Business Coaching —➤ Cali BBQ Content —

    27 min
  5. 26 AUG

    Revolutionizing Hospitality Hiring with Alice Cheng of Culinary Agents

    Alice Cheng’s, CEO and Founder of Culinary Agents journey is one of belief, perseverance, and a relentless focus on adding value. Over the past twelve years, Culinary Agents has grown into a trusted platform, boasting nearly 2,000,000 members. As she puts it, she is a true “mailroom story” having worked her way from a mailroom worker to the CEO of her very own company.  Cheng attributes this success to the relationships they’ve built  and the values they uphold, including an initial, inspiring meeting with Chef Daniel Boulud which led to him becoming an early believer and client. "Our story now is really, we've built our business relationship by relationship, earning the trust and really listening and proving ourselves," Cheng shared with host Shawn Walchef of Cali BBQ Media. “And so the story now is, what else? And we challenge ourselves as far as continuing to be innovative and thinking of what's next is what else can we offer? What else do we do more? What's missing? How can we provide better information and give people access to all the amazing data that we have that's proprietary and how do we make it digestible?” In an exciting reveal, Cheng announced the launch of Culinary Agents’ new Freemium model. This model allows companies to post jobs for free, offering access to a comprehensive suite of hiring tools.  "It's our Freemium model where you can post jobs for free, and you can post all the jobs you want for free," Cheng explained. “That also gives you access to our AI generated matching for recruiting purposes. So, you get this whole full suite of tools if you choose to advertise, but you have a whole suite of free hiring tools, including free job posts, if you just need to have a record of it, if you need to store it for compliance, and you just need a place to keep everything in one area and manage with your team; the hiring process.” Throughout her twelve years at the helm of Culinary Agents, Cheng has witnessed the dramatic shifts in marketing, media, and audience reach. She emphasized the importance of embracing these changes and leveraging new opportunities in digital spaces. Whether it’s managing social media handles or developing a content strategy, she encourages businesses to start where they can and grow from there, tapping into different audiences and making the most of today’s technology. "Admittedly, I think it's something that business owners have to do all the time. You have to pick and choose based upon your bandwidth," Cheng noted. “That's the beauty, I think, of embracing some of this technology today. You also get to tap into different audiences.” Through Culinary Agents, Alice Cheng continues to empower hospitality professionals and businesses, helping them thrive in an ever-changing landscape. Cali BBQ Media Digital Hospitality is an interview-based video podcast hosted by business owner Shawn P. Walchef (@shawnpwalchef) and produced by his Cali BBQ Media company sponsored by Marqii (@getmarqii) The weekly digital series explores the ways successful businesses and entrepreneurs have merged old and new with innovative digital strategies that harness the power of the Internet and social media. Shawn is the founder of Cali BBQ Media and creator of the Restaurant Influencers podcast on Entrepreneur Media.➤ Restaurant Influencers —➤ Business Coaching —➤ Cali BBQ Content —

    41 min
  6. 23 AUG

    Rising Tide LinkedIn Live Room: The Big Ask

    In business, asking for help is important. Though that is universally understood, it is difficult to execute on doing so. In a recent Rising Tide LinkedIn Live Room, stories were shared relating to the “big ask”. The times and experiences that each has had with taking the leap to ask for help, advice, mentorship, or to share ideas from a person or source that would initially seem too large to provide either.  Listen to the replay of the latest room where the participants discussed “the big ask” and follow Cali BBQ Media to keep up with the latest and join the rooms to tell your story and have your voice heard Every Wednesday and Friday at 10am PDT, Shawn Walchef hosts the Rising Tide live room on LinkedIn. Leading voices in hospitality, and otherwise, from near and far join to discuss all things business and much more.  Key Quotes “Just start asking. You can't get the no's until you start asking. And you can't get the yeses until you've gotten a lot of no's.” -Troy Hooper “Whenever we're making these big asks, the most important thing that we can do is highlight the value of what we're bringing to the table." -Kyle Pflueger “Every day we make it, we'll make it the best we can.” -Richard Liverman “Everywhere you go, everyone you talk to, the rest of your life, the most important person in the room is everyone but you.” -Eric Ferrell “The answer is no if you don't ask. So you've already accepted no by not asking.” -Mercedes Montijo

    1h 28m


Digital Hospitality is an interview podcast series that explores the ways successful people have harnessed the power of the Internet and social media. The show is hosted by Cali BBQ Media Founder Shawn P. Walchef.

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