Get Your Skills On: Game Dev

Get Your Skills On
Get Your Skills On: Game Dev Podcast

The Get Your Skills On Game Dev podcast is about three simple things: 1. Using up precious entropy to speed up the inexorable march of time towards the end of the universe. 2. Making a public domain videogame. 3. Keeping up the façade of stability while making friends along the way. Join Thor (your host) and Tim (probably insane) while we try to stay on subject in this exciting and totally original podcast.


  1. 06/09/2020

    GYSO Game Dev Part 8 - Sleep

    Hi and welcome to the GYSO Game Dev podcast! Where I, the anonymous editor, continually forgets that I have to make shownotes! So here's to not doing double the amount of work for some lame text that accompanies a podcast no one cares to quality-control the correctness of it's shownotes. 42:30 Tim wants to do things 43:30 Editors note: I have been trying to mark the transitions while recording, but it's still a work in progress 44:22 So I don't know what section we're in now, because I jumped to a marker, but it seems to be *very* far away from a section marker 46:00 We might be in the What Went Wrong section, but maybe we're still in What Went Right 46:45 It's Thor editing, by the way 47:00 This entire episode is, practically, about Tim's new sleep schedule 47:50 But includes some more abstract thoughts on doing the things you want to do in a stress-free manner 48:30 Again, focused on how freeing it is for us to work in solitude, before the rest of the world wakes up 49:00 Editor here, I've developed the editing template for the podcast a little, and I think the podcast sounds a little better and fuller. Slightly overcompressed still, but better. 50:10 Send me some feedback on what you think about it 50:30 I don't really feel bad about some of the amateur cracks and pops, one of the things that defines GYSO is the unmitigated raw nature of it. 52:10 Here, actually, some interesting conversation happened on the merit of copying other people's strategies bit-by-bit, just because and I think you should listen to this bit specifically if you only listen to one thing in this part - or is it episode? 53:00 What Happens Next? 55:30 I feel inspired to create instruments. Not in the podcast, but right now. 56:00 This slow burn of me creating my Linux musician setup is already at it's end 57:0 I have all the tools I need, and I feel like creating soundscapes 58:00 My week has been pretty good to me, if very much over-social for my personal need 59:00 But Tim is talking about being content right around here 1:00:00 And I relate a lot right now. I've been doing *better* 1:01:00 But now I want more.  1:01:30 Tim is saying some pretty nice things right here. Actually, throughout most of this podcast. I expect this level of clarity from him will continue for a few more podcast episodes before some weird vagely-related setback 1:06:45 Reading back, I really do wonder who knows me better: Me, or Tim. Because what I just wrote about doing better and wanting more is triggering the Tim-coined term of "immediately escalating my interests" 1:08:40 A couple months back, I had a deep realization that I talk about my deepest self-motivations too lightly.  1:10:40 You see, I'm an intensely self-aware person, and so it's pretty easy for me to talk about the stuff I *really* care about and the things I *really* want to do 1:12:00 But then, having said those things out loud, they stop being fun things that develop me, my personality, and my self-worth in the background, and start being something I have to be accountable for 1:14:20 In that way, this podcast is really dangerous for me in that way 1:26:00 Those were Thor's final comments. Editor's note: I skipped. If you want to know what we talked about, you can listen to the podcast. Link to the git repo:

    1h 27m
  2. 23/08/2020

    GYSO Game Dev Part 7 - y

    Follow along while Thor (your host) and Tim (your fellow bomb ass bitch) pretend to develop a public domain videogame while trying to find something interesting to talk about. This podcast is actually just a coverup for the coverup of the assination of King William IV. The first coverup was to cover up that it was an assination, and now we're covering up the coverup. It's like a blanket fort in here. If you can read this message than just play along and await further orders. You'll feel right at home while we fumble through a podcast supposedly about developing videogames! Have fun and enjoy! :D All the timestamps below are wrong because I did bad stuff in editing, enjoy. 00:00 Introduction 00:00 You know, I'm tired of this shit 03:45 I'm listening to this at 2.5 times speed just to get it over with 04:20 I'm having the worst of days. 04:40 It actually started nice. I read a little, felt open and aware and riddled out my bitterness a bit 06:00 I can't hear anything what we're saying. I hope I can figure out when the transitions are. 07:00 I'm not editing this. I'm applying my presets, and then I'm done. 07:30 Maybe I'll export the podcast at 2.5x speed just because I don't want anyone to hear it 09:00 My audio driver is broken. I only get audio out of my left ear. 10:00 Chipmunks us are probably talking about me buying a pressure cooker 02:35 Hey I paused the podcast using the space button and it put me back at the beginning of the podcast because my tools aren't configured properly. How hard is it to understand a pause button? 14:00 I seriously don't know where I'm supposed to put the transisiton and I can't be arsed, I'm just placing something around here 19:20 I skipped. 19:30 basically, I've moved this weekend to dorms 20:00 and I'm a little on edge 20:30 Dealing with people and new impressions and people is hard for me 21:20 We're singing 21:45 So I've procrastinated editing this until literally the last minute. Usually the podcast is scheudled to upload 40 minutes earlier than my current time. 23:30 But it's fine, we're still in legal range of upload 24:00 Just kind of bitter 27:00 I'm not doing any noise reduction to this, probably 27:40 Actually I will, this sounds terrible 36:45 What went Wrong 56:0 Tim has had a fan going or something for the last eternity 1:02:45 I'll just place the next section marker here, I don't care. Save me from this hell. 1:15:00 Also I'm just cutting it here I just want to eat something and go outside, people are playing music, and playing music badly in my dorm. Save me and also fix my audio so I can listen with both my ears. Link to the git repo:

    1h 14m
  3. 09/08/2020

    GYSO Game Dev Part 6 - Filler 2

    Hi and welcome to the GYSO Game Dev podcast! If you were paying attention, I forgot to add in the "introduction" voice thing at the very beginning of last episode. This time around, I'm equipped with a little script to hopefully make it a bit easier for me to continually write interesting shownotes! 00:00 Introduction 00:20 Banter 02:40 Temporal issues 06:00 The Open Book 09:00 Thor's life story of moving a lot recently 11:20 Intense desire to escalate your interests 11:50 emacs quickurl is old 18:00 Thor's emacs config is imperfect 20:00 The inital emacs rant ends 21:35 Then he continues... 22:45 What Went Right? 23:15 That one episode of that one particular show 24:35 Thor continues talking about emacs, peripherally 25:35 Tim has been sitting in amazement, yet still keeps on the subject of emacs 26:40 I think they have switched subjects here... Something about working at Apple's Segway department 30:35 What Tim Made 32:10 One last thing about Thor's emacs config 33:20 And they're back on track on again 37:20 There was some more emacs meta-comments around here 38:05 Back on track 40:00 Take it seriously if you dare 42:00 What Went Wrong? 43:10 A note on the last GYSO Drawing post 43:50 Tim's creative impulses 44:30 Don't change the subject... don't change the subject... 45:07 Oops, he did it again 45:25 Thank you! 46:30 Everything is wrong 46:35 Nose whistles 47:40 Thor occasionally feels empowered 50:40 He did release an album that one time 51:35 The problem with having a Swedish artist name that is multiple words long, and incomprehensible to English-only speakers, is that you can't really just say what your name is. So here's a link: 52:00 Trying to pronounce Swedish for like a minute straight 54:00 Rundown of what i en identitetskris is meant to be, and what it has turned into 57:00 Tim is going to the bathroom 59:00 Tim is back 59:35 Somehow, Thor sneaked in some more emacs in here 1:02:02 Yeah, there's that emacs config again 1:04:55 What Happens Next? 1:06:00 Tim starts talking about something he cares about 1:10:30 I'm skipping a lot in this section, because this is boring 1:23:20 Thank you for listening! Link to the git repo:

    1h 24m
  4. 26/07/2020

    GYSO Game Dev Part 5 - Filler 1

    Hi and welcome to the GYSO Game Dev Podcast! Follow Thor and Tim as they develop a public domain video game and feel bad about the entire process. These shownotes are shortened to fit character limits with our distributor. Please view all of it at our main page. 26:57 Thor realizes he has forgotten to take shownotes, and that it's one of his apparent obligations in editing this crap. What's been talked about? I don't really care, complaining about software, crippling perfectionism, how no one cares about the podcast, and probably some other trite nagging. 27:20 Editing this podcast, I've started listening back at 1 2.5x speed, and I'm really only doing it because I need to figure out where the transitions are. We're in What Went Right, by the way. 29:15 Godot as a name is confusing because there are two ways to say the name 30:00 Anyways, it's pretty convenient to listen through that fast, and I'm imagining any listener doing the same thing, because it's really hard 31:15 Object Oriented Programming is bad because it just is 31:45 ... because it's really hard to go back to listening to normal human speaking voices if you've gotten used to speaking at speeds of like 1.25 or 1.5 or 1.6. It really doesn't take that long, it's efficient, and normal speech sounds annoyingly slow when you are forced to go back. 34:20 Going forward, I'm going to try to add markers on my machine as we're recording, so that I can just tab through the markers wherever we place our transitions, because I stopped editing out our long pauses and trying to mute out when one is speaking over the other in, like, part 2. 38:30 I just don't care enough to edit through that stuff. Actually, if I could set up a system of automation, I might 41:08 Our old project, Not Rogelands 41:50 I might use that automatic system, but the problem is *going back in time* when you notice that something should be edited. How far do you need to go, what do you want to do then? 43:03 Even if you reduce your edit actions to a very limited set, maybe. 48:00 What Went Wrong? 48:40 okay I lost my train of though. 49:30 Yeah, so even if you have mute/unmute as binary states, that's not going to sound the best. You're going to want to add crossfades to mute. 50:56 We talk about Anki, the SRS program for a long while here 51:35 It's just not an option, you're going to get unnatural clicks and pops and stops. Believe it or not, but you're going to notice a hard mute on one of our channels. 54:52 This is the first episode where I've applied actual noise reduction to my (Thor) voice, the electrical noise was a bit too much. In other episodes, I have thought it added that slight background noise that tells the listener that the audio file is working, without being overbearing. But something about my compression in this new setup, as I've been discussing the past parts, seems to bring that forth a bit too much. 58:00 Oh and Reaper is super unintuitive for editing long-form content like this. I have to stop using the spacebar for play/pause to using the enter key, because Reaper doesn't actually use play/pause stock. It's more "start from marked position on the timeline" and "stop playing audio and reset the position of the playhead to the marked position on the timeline". Good for editing, and listening back to repeated sections. 1:01:30 Computer specs 1:33:36 I skipped like 8 minutes because these endings are always a drag. We don't get better at this in the coming episode. 1:35:00 Goodbye Link to the git repo:

    1h 36m
  5. 28/06/2020

    GYSO Game Dev Part 3 - Angular Progress

    Welcome to GYSO therapy!  00:00 Introduction 00:25 Usually… 04:55 We’re on a different curriculum now 05:10 A bug on Thor’s system 06:45 Live on air: It’s John and John-John 07:40 Thor is looking for a patch 09:20 Out of juice 10:00 Set me free of these temporal chains 13:30 Old Yeller 14:19 Tim made a custom text object 15:40 Gimp me, daddy 19:00 I’ve got that ass (file) 21:30 It lives! 22:30 What went right? 23:20 I would listen to a podcast like this. Truly. I can not, despite being a part fo the creation, recording, editing and publishing, understand that I am lucky enough to be a part of a project as freeing as GYSO is. Hearing myself back through headphones is always so weird because I hear how uncomfortable and self-marginalizing many of my social aspects are, but I’m simultaneously jealous that I was a part of these moments as they happened.  23:30 Tim’s first week 24:50 What went wrong? 25:30 Thor, what went wrong? 28:30 For research, we played Terraria. 31:18 A few years back… 35:50 ”You need therapy”, shit like that 37:45 Do we do what we want to do? 41:25 Belongs in a museum 43:30 What did Tim do the second week?  47:30 GYSO coming to you on stilts! 52:00 Are we qualified to say who’s normal or not? 54:30 Thor would like to mirror that you are more normal than you think 56:00 What happens next? 56:50 Is anyone following along with this? 58:30 I remember being thirteen… 63:15 So, you’re going to try being more positive… 72:00 Any final words, Tim?

    1h 14m


The Get Your Skills On Game Dev podcast is about three simple things: 1. Using up precious entropy to speed up the inexorable march of time towards the end of the universe. 2. Making a public domain videogame. 3. Keeping up the façade of stability while making friends along the way. Join Thor (your host) and Tim (probably insane) while we try to stay on subject in this exciting and totally original podcast.

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