IN-CJ Podcast

International Network for Criminal Justice
IN-CJ Podcast Podcast

The International Network for Criminal Justice is for people engaged in international development work in Criminal Justice. It aims to use media platforms to build new networks. We are exploring how ideas and connections flow from people when they meet and exchange ideas, experiences and concerns, by working and thinking together and collaborating. IN-CJ believes in starting conversations about Criminal Justice and International Development. The network begins the discussion and circles of interest develop. The potential for unexpected connections, surprising opportunities – non-linear bursts of activity are made possible through our interactions.

  1. 4 JUN

    IN-CJ Webinar - International Standards for Use of AI in Criminal Justice

    As technology continues to influence various aspects of our lives, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the criminal justice system has become a topic of significant interest and discussion.  webinar, chaired by Vivian Geiran, adjunct assistant professor at Trinity College Dublin, explored this important subject. Hosted by the International Network for Criminal Justice (INCJ), the event featured experts discussing the development of international standards for AI use in criminal justice, particularly within prison and probation systems. Vivian Geiran opened the webinar by highlighting the importance of AI in the criminal justice system and the need for proper regulation to ensure its responsible use and rebuild public trust. Pia Puolakka, a senior specialist and team leader in the Finnish Prison and Probation Service, was the main speaker. Pia, who has a background as a forensic psychologist and psychotherapist, discussed her involvement in developing AI applications for offender management. She shared insights from her work on the Council of Europe’s standards for AI in corrections, focusing on balancing innovation with ethical considerations. Download Pia’s Slides: INCJ-webinar-AI-Slides-001-2024-06-05 Matt Rowland, former Chief Administrative Officer of the United States Court Service and now a consultant on IT projects, including AI in corrections, provided an American perspective. Matt talked about the current state of AI regulation in the U.S. and efforts to create a consistent regulatory framework. Steven Van De Steene, an IT systems consultant with experience in digital strategies for corrections, offered a European viewpoint. Steven emphasised the importance of regulatory frameworks and the challenges different jurisdictions face in adopting AI technologies responsibly. Development of International Standards The webinar focused on the development of international standards for AI use in criminal justice. Pia discussed the progress made by the Council of Europe in creating the first legally binding treaty on AI. This treaty adopts a risk-based approach to AI design, development, and deployment, aiming to ensure AI applications respect human rights and are used ethically. Pia then explained the ethical and organisational guidelines proposed for prison and probation services. The recommendations focus on maintaining human dignity, preventing biases, ensuring transparency, and preserving human oversight in AI applications. These principles emphasise that AI should assist, not replace, human decision-making in corrections. The webinar then highlighted several practical applications of AI in corrections, such as natural language processing, facial recognition, predictive models for behaviour, and virtual reality for rehabilitation. These technologies offer benefits including improved risk assessment, enhanced security, and better offender management. The panellists discussed the risks and challenges of integrating AI into criminal justice, including potential biases in AI systems, data protection and privacy issues, and the need for regular monitoring and evaluation of AI applications. Ensuring AI literacy among staff and offenders is also crucial to effectively use the technology. Matt’s insights from the U.S. and Steven’s from a European perspective,

  2. 29 MAY

    IN-CJ Podcast 053 – Just Psychology Workplace Resilience

    This episode of the IN-CJ podcast focuses on important justice issues, specifically discussing the topics of resilience and staff retention within the prison service.  Professor Jo Clarke, Gustav Tallving from EuroPris and Iva Prskalo from Croatia, share their perspectives and experiences. They discuss challenges faced by many staff members working in prisons across Europe, such as organised crime, overcrowding, violence, mental health disorders, recruitment difficulties, and the need for a holistic approach to staff well-being and retention. The conversation also explores the benefits of diverse recruitment strategies and the importance of supporting staff through various means to improve job satisfaction and retention. The conversation was facilitated by John Scott. Jo Clarke from the UK, with extensive experience in the prison service and academia, focused on the impact of prison work on staff well-being. She stressed the importance of a holistic approach to staff well-being from recruitment to retirement. Jo critiqued the traditional approach of recruiting in the image of the existing workforce and highlighted the need to understand the values and motivations of younger generations (Gen Z). She emphasised recruiting the person to the role rather than fitting people into predefined roles. Jo supported the idea of a unified state employment strategy to facilitate movement between different public sector roles, and mentioned the challenges of geographical constraints and the need for more flexible employment practices. She also highlighted the need for radical changes to make public service jobs more humane and compassionate, criticising political reluctance to implement necessary changes due to short-term electoral concerns. Clarke emphasised the importance of treating prison work as a privileged and valuable profession, despite its challenges. Gustav Tallving of EuroPris highlighted several critical issues facing European prisons, including the increasing influence of organised crime, overcrowding, escalating violence among prisoners and against staff, and significant mental health disorders often linked with substance abuse. He emphasised the need for a holistic approach to these challenges, stressing the importance of leadership in addressing work satisfaction and retention. Gustav also suggested a unified employer strategy within the state to facilitate easier movement between different public sector jobs, aiming to enhance job satisfaction and retention. Iva Prskalo from Croatia provided context on the Croatian prison and probation system, noting its small size and unique regional challenges. She discussed the historical attractiveness of prison jobs in Croatia due to better conditions and job security, but highlighted current difficulties in finding applicants, which raises concerns about the quality of recruitment. Iva emphasised the importance of positive public relations and presenting a realistic image of the prison system. She advocated for understanding and leveraging the strengths of younger generations, and suggested reconsidering age limits for recruitment to include older, experienced individuals. Additionally, Iva highlighted the potential benefits of job shadowing and the need for a more fluid and responsive system to maintain motivation and prevent attrition.

  3. 28 MAY

    IN-CJ Podcast - The Psychology of Digital Tools in a Correctional Setting

    Digital transformation is gradually extending its reach into the criminal justice system. This development, and its implications for a humanely managed approach to criminal justice practices, is the focus of this episode of the “Just Psychology” series of podcasts, from the International Network on Criminal Justice. This episode featured a discussion between John Scott, the podcast’s chair, and two experienced psychologists: Pia Puolakka from Finland’s Prison and Probation Service, and Professor Joanna Clarke from the UK. Their conversation explored the use of digital tools in prisons and probation settings, examining both the benefits and challenges of this modern approach. Pia Puolakka is a forensic psychologist and psychotherapist with the Finnish Prison and Probation Service since 2012. Her work includes managing Finland’s “smart prison” project, which integrates digital services into the daily lives of inmates. She leads a team focused on rehabilitative, digital, and security services. Joanna Clarke has over three decades of experience in the UK’s prison system, focusing on the psychological wellbeing of prison staff and inmates. She began her career in the 1990s and has since moved from direct therapeutic work to academia and consultancy. Joanna founded Petros, a not-for-profit organisation that helps organisations create environments where people can thrive, particularly in high-stress sectors like criminal justice. Pia Puolakka provided an overview of Finland’s approach to integrating digital tools within its prison system. Finland’s model emphasises the principle of normality, making prison conditions as like everyday life as possible. This includes offering digital services that inmates can use to access healthcare, educational resources, and social services. Such access aids rehabilitation and helps inmates maintain connections with the outside world, facilitating smoother reintegration after release. One of Finland’s innovations is the implementation of “smart prisons.” These facilities provide each inmate with a personal cell device equipped with software for managing daily affairs and maintaining communication with external services. This supports the “import model,” bringing normal societal services into the prison environment, thus promoting equality and normality for inmates. Jo Clarke highlighted the potential of digital tools in modernising rehabilitation efforts. She discussed the use of virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) in preparing inmates for life beyond prison. VR can simulate real-world scenarios, allowing prisoners to practice new skills in a controlled environment. This method helps inmates adjust their behaviour and reduces the anxiety associated with re-entering society. Jo also noted the benefits of these technologies for staff. VR and AI can be used to train prison staff, providing them with realistic previews of challenging situations. This preparation enhances their resilience and overall wellbeing by equipping them with the skills needed to manage high-stress environments effectively. Both speakers acknowledged the challenges of digitalising the criminal justice system. Pia pointed out the risk of reduced human interaction due to increased digital self-sufficiency among inmates. However, she suggested that this can be mitigated by using digital tools to complement, rather than replace, face-to-face interactions. This balanced approach ensures that the therapeutic relationship between staff and inmates remains intact. Jo raised the issue of the psychological impact of digitalisation,

  4. 22 MAY

    IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024: Women and Criminal Justice - Georgia's Collaborative Approach

    This discussion addresses the unique challenges faced by women in the criminal justice system. Moderated by Sherri Bloodworth the Operations Support Director with the Department of Community Supervision in Georgia. She was joined by Melanie Scarborough, Pamela Wiggins, Renace Nead, and April Ross, representing various Georgia state agencies, including the Georgia Department of Community Supervision, the Georgia Department of Corrections, and the Georgia Commission on Family Violence. The panellists discussed the distinct challenges women face within the criminal justice system, highlighting the need for gender-responsive approaches. Many facilities, originally designed for men, fail to meet the specific needs of women, emphasizing the need for dedicated spaces that ensure privacy and proper hygiene. Effective re-entry programs were identified as crucial, focusing on family reunification, mental health, substance abuse treatment, and educational opportunities to help women transition back into society. The discussion underscored the high rates of trauma, domestic violence, and substance abuse among incarcerated women, calling for trauma-informed care and education on healthy relationships to break cycles of violence. Various supportive initiatives were highlighted, such as hygiene cabinets and post-partum units, which provide essential support and maintain dignity for women in custody. Educational and vocational training, like welding certifications, were also discussed as important for improving employment prospects and self-sufficiency for women upon release. Systemic changes were deemed necessary, including legislative support, adequate funding for gender-specific programs, and enhanced community partnerships to create a more effective support system. Looking to the future, the panellists discussed plans to expand programs, including introducing doula services for pregnant offenders and continuing to focus on trauma-informed care and peer support.

    48 min
  5. 22 MAY

    IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024 - Exploring Peer Support in Criminal Justice

    As part of the IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024 series, we are pleased to present a thoughtful discussion by Dr Jiri Mertl, a researcher and lecturer at Charles University in Prague and the University of Ostrava. Mertl’s work focuses on the role of peer support in the rehabilitation and recovery of women involved in the criminal justice system. Jiri Mertl highlights the importance of peer support within the criminal justice system, particularly for women who have experienced incarceration. Based on his research with Czech NGOs, Mertl examines the unique challenges these women face, such as the prevalence of drug abuse as a coping mechanism for trauma and the impact of domestic violence. Mertl’s research includes interviews with incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women in the Czech Republic, exploring their interactions with public institutions and NGOs. His findings underscore the need for gender-responsive and trauma-informed approaches to rehabilitation, acknowledging that many women’s pathways into criminality are linked to relational trauma and social inequalities. Central to Mertl’s discussion is the concept of peer support. He explains that peer support, grounded in authenticity and the ethics of care, is a valuable tool for rehabilitation. By sharing lived experiences, peer support helps in mutual recovery, resilience building, and personal development. This approach benefits both the individuals receiving support and the peers providing it. Mertl discusses several cultural and structural barriers to effective peer support in the Czech Republic, including insufficient funding, lack of legislative support, and the absence of formal peer support programs in prisons. He emphasizes the need for systemic changes to address these issues, advocating for better funding and legislative recognition to enhance the sustainability and effectiveness of peer support initiatives. Looking ahead, Mertl calls for ongoing research and practical application of peer support in criminal justice. Addressing the current gaps and challenges could significantly improve rehabilitation outcomes for women in the criminal justice system. His discussion highlights the importance of supportive, inclusive approaches tailored to the needs of marginalized populations. We invite you to listen to Jiri Mertl’s full discussion to explore his insights further. Contributions like Mertl’s are crucial in shaping more effective and compassionate criminal justice systems. Stay updated on future discussions and events by visiting the IN-CJ website and following us on Twitter.

    58 min
  6. 22 MAY

    IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024 - Insights from the 'Inside Mum' Project

    In this discussion, Rachel Wood, a PhD researcher at the Open University, discusses her innovative project, “Inside Mum.” This presentation, part of the Newsdesk 2024 by the International Network for Criminal Justice (IN-CJ), explores the use of service and co-design in developing parenting education programmes for women who have experienced the criminal justice system. The conversation provides a comprehensive overview of Rachel’s research, its motivations, and its initial findings. Rachel’s project aims to address the unique needs of incarcerated mothers, a group often overlooked in prison design and rehabilitation programmes. Drawing on a range of theoretical frameworks, including attachment theory and trauma-informed care, Rachel outlines the current gaps in knowledge and practice. She emphasises the importance of gender-responsive and trauma-informed approaches, recognising that many women in prison have histories of relational trauma that significantly impact their pathways into and out of offending. The discussion highlights several key concerns: * Designing for a Marginalised Group: With women constituting only 4% of the prison population, their specific needs, particularly as mothers, are frequently neglected. The project seeks to create effective, inclusive programmes that support the unique challenges faced by incarcerated mothers. * Co-Design and Participatory Methods: Rachel emphasises the value of involving those with lived experience in the design of services, ensuring that the programmes developed are both effective and acceptable to the women they aim to support. * Research Gaps and Future Directions: The initial scoping review reveals a significant lack of comprehensive research on service co-design for this population. Rachel identifies the need for further primary research and proposes a sequential mixed methods approach to fill these gaps. * Impact on Policy and Practice: By highlighting the gaps and potential solutions, Rachel’s research aims to inform future policy and practice, promoting more equitable and effective support systems for women in the criminal justice system. This engaging discussion not only sheds light on the challenges faced by incarcerated mothers but also underscores the importance of innovative, participatory research in creating supportive and rehabilitative environments. For more details on the “Inside Mum” project and to stay updated on its progress, visit the IN-CJ website or follow the network on Twitter.

    19 min
  7. 22 MAY

    IN-CJ Newsdesk 2024 - Women in Forensic Science

    This discussion examines the role of women in forensic science. Featuring Dr Emma Johnston and Leisa Nichols-Drew, both senior lecturers at De Montfort University, who shared their experiences and insights into this vital field. Emma and Leisa began by recounting their unique career paths. Emma detailed her background in biology and forensic science, including her work with LGC Forensics and her significant research projects in Guatemala and Europe. Leisa shared her journey from studying biomedicine to working with the Forensic Science Service and her focus on training police and conducting research on knife crime. The discussion highlighted the noteworthy representation of women in forensic science, a field where women are more prevalent compared to other STEM areas. Emma and Leisa explored possible reasons for this trend, such as the profession’s alignment with helping roles and the impact of having strong female role models. Despite the progress, they acknowledged ongoing challenges, including gender pay gaps and the under-representation of women in leadership roles. They emphasised the importance of supportive environments and role models in encouraging more women to pursue and advance in forensic science careers. Emma and Leisa also addressed the rewarding aspects of their work, from solving complex cases to contributing positively to the criminal justice system. They shared personal stories illustrating the real-world impact of forensic science, such as Emma’s involvement in identifying missing persons in Guatemala and Leisa’s work on knife crime prevention. In discussing educational opportunities, they dispelled the myth that forensic science lacks job prospects. They highlighted how the skills developed in this field, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication, are transferable to various career paths. The conversation concluded with reflections on the supportive ethos within the forensic science community and the ongoing efforts to promote gender equality and professional development in the field. For those interested in learning more about the experiences of women in forensic science and the broader implications for the criminal justice system, the full podcast is available on the IN-CJ website. Stay updated on future discussions and events by following IN-CJ on Twitter. This discussion is part of the Newsdesk 2024 event series, aimed at fostering dialogue and sharing knowledge on critical issues in international criminal justice.

    27 min
  8. 22 MAY

    IN-CJ Newsdesk: Women in Criminal Justice - Addressing Unique Challenges and Advancing Gender-Responsive Practices

    In this discussion, Sara Ciucci , Roz Morrison and Julie Eden-Barnard discuss the important topic of women in the criminal justice system. This conversation, part of the Newsdesk 2024 initiative by the International Network for Criminal Justice (IN-CJ), features Sara moderating a panel with Roz and Julie, both senior lecturers at De Montfort University. The discussion focuses on the distinct experiences and challenges faced by women within the criminal justice system, both as offenders and as professionals. Roz and Julie draw on their backgrounds in probation and academia to highlight the differences between male and female experiences in this field. They emphasise the need for a gender-responsive and trauma-informed approach, acknowledging that women’s pathways into and out of offending are often influenced by relational trauma and other gender-specific factors. One main concern is the ongoing gap in implementing research findings to create more supportive environments for women. The panellists discuss the benefits of female-only programmes, which provide safe spaces for relational repair and mutual support among women. Additionally, the conversation addresses the barriers women face in advancing their careers within criminal justice organisations. Morrison and Eden-Barnard note that systemic changes are needed to accommodate women’s familial and caregiving responsibilities, which often hinder their professional progression. The discussion concludes with a call for all criminal justice professionals to be aware of and respond to gender-specific issues. By fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment, the system can better meet the needs of women, both those involved in the criminal justice process and those working within it. This dialogue highlights the current state of women in criminal justice and underscores the importance of continued research and practical application of gender-responsive practices to create a more equitable system.

    26 min
  9. 7 MAY

    IN-CJ Podcast: Serious Mental Health – International Challenges for Criminal Justice

    The IN-CJ Webinar ‘Serious Mental Health – International Challenges for Criminal Justice’ held on 7th May 2024, covered the challenges related to mental illness in the criminal justice system across multiple countries. Dr Coral Sirdifield of the University of Lincoln School of Health and Social Care, facilitated the discussion, which explored the need for interdisciplinary collaboration between various agencies, and the importance of involving individuals with lived experiences in co-designing support systems. The discussion explored the challenges related to mental illness in the criminal justice system, and how they are manifest across multiple countries, the need for interdisciplinary collaboration between different support agencies, and the importance of involving individuals with lived experiences in co-designing support systems. International Challenges in Criminal Justice and Mental Health Tonya Van Deinse, a research associate professor at the University of North Carolina, gave an overview presentation on serious mental illness and challenges for the criminal justice system internationally.  Tonya, with her background in mental health treatment, discussed the high rates of serious mental illnesses among people who generally interwact with the criminal justice system, and the need for system-level interventions. She emphasised the complexity of the issue, including cultural, sociopolitical, and legal contexts. Tonya also touched on the different ways mental disorders are diagnosed and the need to consider severity and chronicity. She highlighted the disproportionate contact of people with mental illnesses with the criminal justice system and stressed the importance of addressing system-level challenges related to mental health. She outlined the topics for the upcoming discussion, including the nature of serious mental illness, the needs of people with serious mental illnesses, and the challenges faced by justice systems. Tonya discussed the challenges faced by individuals with serious mental illnesses in the criminal legal system, emphasising the need for a multi-level approach to interventions addressing various contextual factors. She suggested utilising a sequential intercept model to promote collaboration across different systems and highlighted the importance of addressing the needs of individuals with mental illnesses before they come into contact with the criminal justice system. Tonya also underscored the necessity of organisational capacity, including screening, assessment, and follow-up processes, as well as the training of corrections officers and community supervision officers. She emphasised the need for a balance between public safety and the provision of treatment for individuals with mental illnesses. Panel Views After Tonya presented her work, the panel, consisting of Coral, Charlie and Shelley discussed the implications of Tonya’s concerns. Shelley, who is based in Victoria, Australia and has experience in forensic mental health, shared her views on issues that resonated with Tonya’s presentation. These included shared complexity in dealing with the nexus between serious mental illness and criminal justice, stigma, issues of intersectionality, significant overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in detention, workforce challenges, and privatisation. Charlie from the UK expressed his interest in learning more about community correctional services in Australia. Charlie went on to discuss the results of a survey on probation services across Europe, with a focus on mental health policies and suicide rates. He noted that many European countries did not record suicide rates in community probation services, despite high rates. He emphasised the need for comprehensive mental health training for probation ...

    1h 30m
  10. 29 APR

    IN-CJ Podcast 050 - Digital Rehabilitation in Prisons

    In this episode of  the IN-CJ podcast, John Scott explores the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) report, Digital Rehabilitation in Prisons, that examines the integration of digital technologies in prison rehabilitation processes. The episode features a panel of authors and developers of the report, who share their insights and experiences from the project. The “Digital Rehabilitation in Prisons” report was authored by Victoria Knight and Stuart Ross, who served as consultants for the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). Their work was expertly guided and edited by Mana Yamamoto, Matthew Burnett-Stuart, and Alice Roberti, ensuring a comprehensive and nuanced exploration of digital technologies in the context of prison rehabilitation. These contributors played pivotal roles in shaping the research and bringing valuable insights to the study. The discussion covers the origins and motivations behind the report, aiming to use digital solutions to support the rehabilitation of prisoners. The panelists explain the structure of the report and discuss its key sections, which include ethical considerations, implementation challenges, and the potential impacts of digital technologies on prisoners’ rehabilitation. John explores who the report targets, including policymakers, prison administrators, and criminal justice professionals, and hears about specific recommendations for good practices in digital rehabilitation. The episode also touches on the future directions the project may take, based on the findings and feedback from initial implementations. This conversation is valuable for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, justice, and rehabilitation, providing a clear overview of how digital tools can support prisoner rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

    53 min


The International Network for Criminal Justice is for people engaged in international development work in Criminal Justice. It aims to use media platforms to build new networks. We are exploring how ideas and connections flow from people when they meet and exchange ideas, experiences and concerns, by working and thinking together and collaborating. IN-CJ believes in starting conversations about Criminal Justice and International Development. The network begins the discussion and circles of interest develop. The potential for unexpected connections, surprising opportunities – non-linear bursts of activity are made possible through our interactions.

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