
Marquita Pike
UniquelyMixed Podcast

Welcome, Thank you for stopping by. Here on Uniquely Mixed we will be talking politics and conspiracies. I was able to have an eye opening experience that changed the way I think forever. Everything I thought to be true turned out being wrong! Straight up LIES! I HAVE TO TELL THE WORLD! What was it that made me see the world different? I am here to tell you. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/uniquelymixed/support


  1. 23/09/2022

    Russiagate-Dots connecting

    Welcome back to Uniquely Mixed where we talk politics and conspiracies. Last episode we had BREAKING NEWS on Russiagate. If you are not sure what Russiagate is, it is the story that was told by the DNC and spread by the fake news media that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. With new evidence coming out slowly SOME are NOW learning it was ALL A SET UP PAID FOR BY THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN. LET'S GET INTO THE DETAILS...... We have one FBI agent Kevin Clinesmith that plead guilty and was arrested in the summer of 2020. He only received probation for lying/altering an FBI email in 2017 that was needed to get a wiretap to spy on one of Trumps foreign-policy advisers-Carter page.  Why did he get a tap on the hand for lying on an FBI APPLICATION? NEXT... With the new indictment, we now have a lawyer named Michael Sussman. Sussman worked for the DNC and the law firm Perkins Coie. Perkins Coie was the law firm that was hired by the Clinton campaign. What did Sussman get indicted for? He informed the FBI of a "TIP" on Trump and Russia but forgot to mention he was a paid democrat that was billing the Clintons for his time! So now we have FBI lying on emails, lawyers being hired by the Clintons and with more court papers coming out we have also learned the Perkins Coie law firm hired Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS is where the Christopher Steele Dossier came from. The Christopher Steele Dossier was the lie they needed to get the warrant for Carter Page.  The FBI knew the Dossier was fabricated, since they first spoke with him in Jan 2017, BUT THEY KEPT PUSHING THE LIE! Ruining lives, all to get her in the Whitehouse! Conspiracy says so they can continue to ruin our country as they have been planning for years, since the bushes, prob. since the titanic. That is another episode. back to this government tragedy! The court papers show meetings between Michael Sussman, Marc Elias (worked at the law firm-Perkins Coie), A Fusion Gps personnel and Christopher Steele of Orbis (He Co-owned a private intelligence company in London). They all met on July 29th, 2016. If we look on google and see when Crossfire Hurricane was opened, we will see that... For Full podcast with pictures- Click here Breaking news: The judge for this case Christopher Cooper has said he knew Sussman from working for the DOJ back in the 90's. The judge's wife is also the representative to the former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who was part of crossfire hurricane.  Will Durham or any side ask him to Recusal?  It is Sep 14, 2022, and John Durham has found more evidence of their corruption.  Igor Danchenko was allegedly spying for the Russian government. He has been indicted  [The FBI had previously targeted Danchenko, Christopher Steele’s primary source, as a possible Russian agent. But after discovering Danchenko’s identity as Steele’s Sub-Source No. 1, rather than investigate whether Danchenko had been feeding Steele Russian disinformation, the FBI paid Danchenko as a CHS] The federalist DID YOU GET ALL THAT? ARE YOU FOLLOWING ALONG? DO YOU SEE THE CORRUPTION YET? With all their indictments and the people who are getting indicted are getting jail time, how can you not believe they have lied to us and made all this up? Look at the evidence!  I will be back with more on the next episode. Thank you for listening  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/uniquelymixed/support

    5 min
  2. Russia-Hoax update


    Russia-Hoax update

    Hey, welcome back to Uniquely mixed where we talk politics and conspiracies. On todays episode I wanted to catch up on the Russian probe that happened back during the 2020 election and talk a little about some of our federal agencies. If you have been paying attention, you would have noticed a few of our federal  government agencies like the FBI, CIA and the Justice Department, have been in the spot light for corruption, fraud, lying, spying, censoring and even covering up for the  ELITES. I have been keeping track of the Russia hoax  since I found out about it. I have even made a few videos to connect the dots. We know Durham since early 2019 has been involved in this case. Barr assigned him to find answers to the origin of the Trump Russian collusion. It seems that is exactly what he has been doing these past couple of years, in secret. We have not had any leaks and people are getting indicted. Great sign that Durham is doing this thing! They took this investigation all the way back to before Trump was even an official candidate in the 2016 Presidential election. They have even been to the Uk, Russia and Australia for answers. What they have, has led them to what we know so far. On Aug. 19, 2020, a year-and-a-half into the Durham probe, FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleaded guilty to a single count of making a false statement stemming from his role overseeing the Carter Page FISA process. Clinesmith not only altered the email about Page’s status, but also falsely claimed that Christopher Steele’s source—whose stories formed the foundation of the FISA warrant—was based in Russia when he was actually based in Washington. FULL STORY After all this all he got was PROBATION?!? When you have friends in the DNC I guess. What were the democrats so scared of that they had to plot a hoax? Trump winning again is my guess. And their many years of planning to take over kind of got ruined when Trump took office. They had to find their way back in to power. Cheating was the only way they knew how to do it. Now we have the lawyer of the DNC who worked for the Clintons being charged with lying to the FBI. Michael Sussmann is accused of lying about the "capacity in which he was providing" allegations involving Trump Org. and a Russian bank. Prosecutors allege that he presented himself as a regular citizen and not as a paid Democratic-linked operative.-STORY BY What does that mean? It means we are at the start OF a very interesting movie. We have two people caught for lying so far, We have FBI director James Comey, Lisa page a federal prosecutor,  his deputy Andrew McCabe, Special Agent Peter Strzok, CIA director John Brennan and Gina Haspel, we have everyone that was involved in the Horowitz report of the crossfire hurricane case as a FORMER EMPLOYEE. They lied, got caught, and people still trust them and believe their lies! WILD!! To read the rest CLICK HERE --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/uniquelymixed/support

    5 min
  3. Fraud and corruption! Connect the dots!


    Fraud and corruption! Connect the dots!

    The ELITES are at it again!! and if you do not know who the elites are, they are the people who were able to take the PRESDIENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN OFF OF SOCIAL MEDIA! Who has more power then the USA president?! but back to the other corruption.... Have you seen the video where votes just vanished out of thin air for the republican candidate in the recall election in Cali? This is not the first time it has happened either on live tv!  How can anyone say anything other then, they are cheating?! Let me slow down for a minute and give some back story.....Let's go back to when mail in ballots started: Mail in ballots-Excuses required-Absentee ballots, they were created for soldiers and others that were away for war and it is said because Abraham Lincoln wanted make sure he received his votes from the soldiers. They were also supervised by the clerks or state officials.  In 1978, California became the first state to allow voters to apply for an absentee ballot without having to provide an excuse. That is when we should have known they were up to something.  They scream no fraud in the 2020 election, but screamed it for  4 years after the 2016 election. It is okay for the Democrats to do but not the Republicans. Idk about you but when I see people that make rules and or say things that they either do not follow or end up being a hypocrite, Ya lost me from there on out! And that is what the democratic party has done since the beginning of time! Save that for another podcast! SO-When we have mail in ballots that do not need an excuse or have anyone to verify they voted, republicans walking in to vote to find out they already voted? You have to think something is a little fishy.   How does a State with the highest inflation, streets filled with homeless people, and the city literally on fire get re-elected but the people that are struggling? I think not  And with democrats having their so called fact checkers there to clean up the mess, they simply say it was a human error. But why does it only happen to republicans??  let me paint a clean picture of what I see and if you are watching a different movie, you are welcome to drop a line and lets chat.... We have a 2020 election where there are videos of ballots being burned, ballots being paid for, ballots being shredded, ballots with dead people on them, ballots with wrong addresses on them and even ballots where there is not a building in the location of the address. We also have videos of votes vanishing on live tv on election night! THOSE ARE RED FLAGS! THAT IS CHEATING! what else do you call that? Look at relationships with Trump before he decided to run, everyone from rappers to politicians loved him. Once they knew he was running and knew he knew all their secrets, the script changed! With their Tel-a-vision programming they were able to program into the minds of all that watched that TRUMP was bad!  If you allowed the elites to program your brain I am here to help you un-program it!  Because when I found out the party that built the kkk- EVERYTHING CHANGED FOR ME! They been lying to black people since the beginning of time. But NO MORE! When we have people in the same position for 40+ years and have nothing to show for those years RED FLAG! When someone puts the blame of everything on one man that has never been in politics- RED FLAG! 4 YEARS IN OFFICE AND NO WARS,  peace around the world. They tried to impeach him twice? But the Clintons- what haven't they done!? The bushes were 9/11, Obama Afghanistan, Biden Afghanistan 13 american soldiers blood on his hands on top of the 200+ people that died. Where are their impeachments? Next episode we will talk more on their  I truly do not understand how people do not see the corruption! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/uniquelymixed/support

    6 min
  4. The bank visit that changed everything and Larry Elder


    The bank visit that changed everything and Larry Elder

    Welcome to Uniquely Mixed where we talk politics and conspiracies. Written: 9/14/21 Before I get into all that fun stuff, I wanted to share something with you all. I have been scared to start my podcast. I have started and stopped added and deleted and just been debating for months now on if I should and how should I go about it. I have been nervous thinking of what kind of backlash I would receive because just from me posting on social media I have been called the craziest of names from people I have known since I was in 6th grade. But something happened to me today that helped me get rid of all that fear and GO FOR IT! SO here goes everything! No more fear! THE BANK VISIT THAT CHANGED MY LIFE: Walking into that bank and having a random conversation with the people in line made me feel so much joy. I was chatting with people who cared to know what is going on in the world, with people who know the truth and not just headlines with no details. I felt confident in what I was saying and it made me realize, I want to do this all day long! The ability to speak on something I have been doing a lot of research and study on felt great! I have been doing a lot of reading and watching so I am able to help myself and the people I care about know the truth of what is really going on. I pray I can reach a few people and help them see the truth of what has been goin on right in front of our eyes.  Being black and being a republican is not the most famous thing to be right now and I am okay with that. The reason I am okay with that is because I do my own research. Headlines get my attention, but what matters is the details and if there is anything to back up what I believe to be truth. An anonymous source or someone who has had to retract their statements or so called journalist who only write for the left side of things is a RED FLAG for me. When you see articles that bash the right for one thing but allow the people they cheer for to do it and say nothing of it, should be a RED FLAG to us all. One sided news is not how you should come up with your conclusion. I have realized the people we have entrusted to care of our rights and wellbeing are not good people! They are hypocrites at the highest level. You pay attention you will soon realize it to. To understand the entire picture you HAVE to see/hear both sides of the story. As painful as it is I have to listen to what they all say so I can compare evidence and facts. TODAYS politic and conspiracy topic is coming from the RECALL ELECTION happening in California. Have you heard about it? Seems a lot of people from Cali are wanting this recall of Gavin Newsom. California has their first ever black man  Larry Elder running for governor and instead of backing him like they say they do when it comes to black people, they are trying to cancel him! why? Because that is what people from the left do.. they do not support black people unless it helps them  make billions of dollars! Hints blm and none of that money going back into the community. Larry does not give in to their oppressed image. He thinks for himself and is not falling in line like the slaves they think we are. They were so big on black power and black lives matter but now the first black man running for governor gets ambushed by a group of people and even one lady with a gorilla mask throwing eggs at him, yelling profanity and even attempts to hit him. All those so called leftist who cared about black people, ignored this entire incident. For people to not see the hypocrisy is baffling to me.  If a democrat was getting eggs thrown at them by a white lady in a gorilla mask this would have been all over the news! That is all I am going to say on this for now. I will be back later on with more discussion. Thank you for listening and if you would like to join in on the chat, do not hesitate to join in. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/uniquelymixed/support

    4 min


Welcome, Thank you for stopping by. Here on Uniquely Mixed we will be talking politics and conspiracies. I was able to have an eye opening experience that changed the way I think forever. Everything I thought to be true turned out being wrong! Straight up LIES! I HAVE TO TELL THE WORLD! What was it that made me see the world different? I am here to tell you. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/uniquelymixed/support

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