521 episodes

Join expert voices from Barbell Logic and others from the world of strength for resources to help you get strong for life. Get coaching options and more educational content at barbell-logic.com.

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    • Health & Fitness

Join expert voices from Barbell Logic and others from the world of strength for resources to help you get strong for life. Get coaching options and more educational content at barbell-logic.com.

    Extreme Gratitude - Coaching Success

    Extreme Gratitude - Coaching Success

    Matt shares extreme gratitude for his team, family, church, and more and invites you to do the same for you life.
    Extreme Gratitude
    Matt goes through and thanks many of the people that have helped bring him and Barbell Logic to the point it is today.
    Having just submitted the book to Forbes, about to go on vacation, and halfway through the year, Matt takes time to thank the people who matter to him.
    He recommends doing this if you have not. We want to appreciate the pursuit, not the outcome, and taking time to be thankful is a great way to enjoy the pursuit.
    Opportunities have arisen that, whether you call it luck, fortune, fate, or grace, you did not deserve in any real way. You found friends and colleagues, co-workers and jobs that you did not expect but mattered.
    Take time to be grateful. Have extreme gratitude.

    This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.
    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).
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    • 28 min
    Questions for Niki - Beast Over Burden

    Questions for Niki - Beast Over Burden

    We have questions for Niki Sims (and she has answers)! Learn more about Niki, her thoughts on training and life, and her goals.
    Questions for Niki Sims: Training, Success, & Motivation Andrew asks Niki an assortment of questions.
    What is a particularly memorable success story from one of your clients?
    A story that stands out (and there are more, but this one jump into her head) is a daughter of a client who started to lift. Her family lifts, and so she started to lift.
    Niki could tell something was off, but her client was not talkative. Finally, the client told Niki her back was hurting.
    Niki change the training and let her know training should not hurt or be something you don't look forward to.
    Now, she loves training, she is into it, and you can see the different in her videos.
    How do you stay motivated to train consistently and what advice do you give to those struggling with motivation to train? 
    For Niki, this has become the favorite part of her day. She has tailored the time and space to what she wants. She has removed things she does not want.
    If a lift is painful, she takes it out. She has her own home gym she loves. This time is a time without work (except work against gravity).
    You should make this as fun and enjoyable and comfortable as you can - this includes the exercises you are doing but also the space, music, and more.
    Questions for Niki Sims: Goals, Mentors, & the Future Niki and Andrew continue.
    What are your personal fitness goals and how are you working toward them? 
    Niki is working on her chin-ups, both 1RM and AMRAP.
    Besides this, she wants to consistently train four days a week with fun training sessions to get more meat on her body. Additionally, she learning how to eat to support this.
    Who are some of your mentors in the fitness industry? 
    Matt Reynolds has helped, but especially when it comes to learning about the business side of the industry.
    Niki las learned much from Andrew Jackson on how to organize work to be more effective and efficient.
    Gillian Ward, Niki's coach, has been a huge mentor, from whom Niki has learned a ton.
    Lastly, Niki loved to see how Dan Campbell of the Detroit Lions infused passion into the everyday work of the team.
    Where do you see the industry heading in the next 5-10 years?
    Gyms will get better and better, especially in terms of equipment.
    AI programming will mean less manual input but more data. You will be able to go into a gym with your program and not have to enter anything manually. You will know exactly what is available in the gym in your App.
    These are questions for Niki Sims.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/

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    • 24 min
    How to Write a Book - Coaching Success

    How to Write a Book - Coaching Success

    Learn how to write a book: tips and tricks, developing ideas, motivation, pitfalls, and more. Matt talks to Nick Soleyn, coach and Editor-in-Chief at Barbell Logic.
    How to Write a Book: Tips & Tricks for the Process
    Matt has been writing a book for Forbes with Nick as the editor. This process has worked especially well, as it has allowed Matt to do what he does best: verbally process ideas and tell stories.
    Nick has been able to use his strength, of writing and editing to ensure not just correctness of grammar, syntax, and language but clarity of thought.
    As a lawyer, he is good at identifying issues, organizing thoughts, and finding gaps in thoughts.
    Matt and Nick worked on an ugly but extremely functional outline. It is not pretty, but it has enough detail to actually help describe what will be written.
    Matt then records what he wants a chapter to be verbally. He might also share some old podcasts that also describe the issue.
    Nick was able to get the transcript from the audio using this service. AI has made transcriptions inexpensive, quick, and easy.
    How to Write a Book: Developing an Idea
    Not everyone should write a book, but likely some people who should never do.
    Matt had burning ideas that he had been developing for years and decades, and the opportunity arose and he seized it.
    Before this, remember, he had been writing articles, recording podcasts, and discussing things on YouTube for years if not decades.
    Start getting your idea out there. Talk about it, write about it, share it with people. Get feedback. Don't expect to go from idea to book.
    Some ideas should just be a podcast or article. Some ideas are books.
    Similar to how Matt would recommend starting a business, don't go from nothing to book, but start organically developing the idea. You may eventually publish or self-publish a book.
    Nick recommends this needing to be important to you and your values divorced from its success. You have to want to get this idea out there and see the benefit in developing the idea.
    Learn more about how to write a book.

    This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.
    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).
    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/

    Connect with the hosts
    Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show
    Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email podcast@barbell-logic.com

    • 43 min
    Gauging Nutrition Progress - Beast Over Burden

    Gauging Nutrition Progress - Beast Over Burden

    Gauging nutrition progress can be hard, as weight & waist may fluctuate or not change quickly (or as quickly as we'd like). Learn how to better gauge progress on nutrition.
    Niki and Andrew discuss how you can better gauge nutrition progress and advance in the realm of nutrition.
    Gauging Nutrition Progress: Subjective Feelings Tracking nutrition progress can be frustrating. The amount of work that goes into changing behaviors, even in a relatively short few day period, with no or little measurable change to metrics such as weight or waist, can cause people to quit.
    What can become important, not just in these first few days but in general to become someone who builds some mastery in the realm of self-control and nutrition, is observing the feelings associated with feeling bad and feeling good.
    How do you feel during training? Do you feel depleted, bloated, or energetic? Are you full, satisfied, or hungry? What do these actually feel like (e.g. how do you feel after eating an appropriately portioned healthy meal versus overeating versus undereating).
    Observing these sensations and associating them with behaviors that connect to certain outcomes can help you see that you are on the right track or need to make adjustments.
    Some of these feelings are longer-term feelings (e.g. tight pants, the seat belt test) others you can experience soon after a meal or after a day or a couple days of behavior changes.
    Really, what you are learning to do is trust in the process by knowing the sensations that come from behaviors that will lead you toward your goals.
    Gauging Nutrition Progress: Objective, Quantifiable Behaviors Beyond this growing self-awareness, tracking behaviors that will lead you to your goals can be helpful. For example, tracking glasses of water, servings or grams of protein, servings or grams of fiber can help you track habits that will lead you toward your goal and, importantly, that you can control.
    This helps provide a quantifiable metric that comes before the weight, waist, and appearance progress and is much easier to observe than the subjective feelings.
    Gauging nutrition progress can be hard. Learn how to observe your subjective feelings associated with moving toward or away from your goals and create quantifiable metrics with healthy behaviors so you can better track your progress.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/

    Connect with the hosts
    Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show
    Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email podcast@barbell-logic.com

    • 25 min
    Transition to TurnKey Coach with Anthony Diehl - Coaching Success

    Transition to TurnKey Coach with Anthony Diehl - Coaching Success

    The transition to TurnKey Coach means better efficiency for more time, so you can get more clients or spend more time doing other things besides coaching. Learn about this very recent experience from Anthony Diehl. https://www.instagram.com/meatheadprofessor/?hl=en
    Transition to TurnKey Coach: In-Person to Online
    Anthony Diehl is a highly successful coach, who provides both strength & conditioning coaching as well as nutrition coaching for clients.
    As with most coaches, he began fully in-person and began to experiment with online coaching. Online coaching, however, comes with many frustrations and inefficiencies if done poorly.
    2020 and the Covid lockdowns, however, forced him to take all his coaching online.
    He developed systems and improved his efficiencies, but still realized a limit of about 90 clients that he could not go beyond.
    Transition to TurnKey Coach: Software Transition
    Anthony recently transitioned to TKC. Despite the big change, and the fear and resistance change brings, he hammered out his programming and accomplished the transfer in two days.
    Initially, for both him and his clients, it was a little weird to relearn the process, but the App itself is extremely intuitive and very quickly he was saving two hours of work a day.
    Two hours of work a day, gone!
    Transition to TurnKey Coach: More Time, More Clients, More Money
    What could you do with two more hours a day? Well, now Anthony plans to take on more clients, which means more money. As Matt and Anthony discuss, he could also consider taking on more clients under his name and hire some coaches.
    Of course, if he were fine with his current income, he could have pursued a different side hustle or spent more time with him family.
    The point is, TKC frees you up to do more that is important to you. This could be acquiring more clients, working on your business, working on a different business, working on your hobbies, or doing something else that is important to you.
    Learn about the transition to TurnKey Coach from someone who went through it recently.
    This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.
    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).
    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/

    Connect with the hosts
    Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show
    Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email podcast@barbell-logic.com

    • 36 min
    Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs - Beast Over Burden

    Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs - Beast Over Burden

    It's time to conquer your limiting beliefs to finally achieve that goal you've had for years or decades.
    Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs: What is Possible One of the biggest limiting beliefs is failing to understand what is possible, especially over a longer period of time.
    People tend to overestimate how much change they can make in a short period of time but underestimate how much they can change over months and years.
    The short change bias is why so many diets fail and why many media outlets develop the "8 weeks to abs" and similar things.
    Seeing "normal" people perform things you think is impossible, though, is powerful. Watching people who don't look like Ronnie Coleman or Ed Coan deadlift 500 or bench press 315 makes a big impact.
    How did they achieve these goals? Through consistent training over years.
    Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs: Feeling Stuck We love what Barbell Logic offers because Barbell Logic coaches help clients get unstuck. Barbell Logic clients tend to fall into this general boat: ready to change, ready to work to change, ready to pay some money to change, but unsure of what to do.
    Getting unstuck is possible. Achieving a physique or strength level you thought impossible is likely possible. It won't happen in eight weeks. It might happen in eight years. See what happens with consistent training over months and years. Experience strength with Barbell Logic.
    Conquer your limiting beliefs and crush your goals.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/

    Connect with the hosts
    Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show
    Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email podcast@barbell-logic.com

    • 28 min

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