Beyond The Balance Sheet Podcast

Diana Clark & Arden O'Connor
Beyond The Balance Sheet Podcast Podcast

Advisors to high net worth families are increasingly serving a multitude of roles and need to have better developed, holistic skill sets. Technical expertise in finance, law or business operations may be why a family initially engages you, however, it may not be sufficient to create long-term value for clients. Trusted advisors develop emotionally intimate relationships with clients, and provide valuable resources to help families solve some of their biggest challenges. Join Arden and Diana in an interactive podcast discussing some of the most pressing issues around physical health, emotional health and family dynamics. Arden and Diana will invite a series of guests to the show who will cover topics ranging from managing client resistance, to addressing dementia with an aging CEO. The podcast will provide informative content and practical tools to help advisors to wealthy families better serve their clients.

  1. Revisited - Ketamine Infusion Therapy: Expert Dr. Craig Heacock Discusses Safe Protocols & Risks

    24 JAN

    Revisited - Ketamine Infusion Therapy: Expert Dr. Craig Heacock Discusses Safe Protocols & Risks

    In this revisited episode of Beyond the Balance Sheet, Dr. Craig Heacock joins us. He is an adolescent and adult psychiatrist and addiction specialist in Colorado and the host and co-producer of the podcast Back from the Abyss: Psychiatry in Stories. First, Dr. Heacock gives us a brief history of ketamine from the last fifty years as an FDA-approved drug. We talk about how ketamine became a go-to treatment for resistant depression and bipolar disorder. Tune in as Dr. Heacock reveals how a state-of-the-art assessment delivery and follow-up for ketamine would look like.   IN THIS EPISODE:   [02:00] Ketamine: a brief history of the past fifty years.   [05:00] How would a state-of-the-art assessment delivery and follow-up for ketamine look like?   [09:00] Who is running the ketamine clinics if there’s a shortage of psychiatrists?   [11:55] How money and profit drive some of this ketamine delivery.  [16:09] Dr. Heacock’s experience with individuals who abuse ketamine.   KEY TAKEAWAYS:   Ketamine is a go-to treatment for resistant depression and bipolar disorder. A state-of-the-art ketamine therapy involves a true psychiatric evaluation to see if there are other things that should be happening first. Ketamine does not replace medications; it augments them and helps them work better. Most people that are receiving ketamine treatments are very middle class. LINKS MENTIONED:   Podcast: Back from the Abyss: Psychiatry in Stories   Facebook   Instagram   LinkedIn BIO: Dr. Craig Heacock is an adolescent and adult psychiatrist and addiction specialist in Colorado and the host and co-producer of the podcast Back from the Abyss: Psychiatry in Stories. He was a co-therapist in the Phase 3 trial of MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD and has particular interest in the use of ketamine and other psychedelics to treat severe mood disorders and PTSD. He is a graduate of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and did his psychiatry training at Brown University.

    25 min
  2. Revisited - Advocating for Aging Parents With Sam van Kalkeren

    17 JAN

    Revisited - Advocating for Aging Parents With Sam van Kalkeren

    In this revisited episode, we are joined by OPG’s Director of Aging Services, Sam van Kalkeren. Sam discusses how to help a loved one faced with a dementia diagnosis. He gives excellent information on how to communicate with a loved one to ensure their voice is heard as they navigate this difficult path. Sam talks about the benefits of having a care partner and what type of support they can offer the family. It is vital to have a care partner if the ailing family member lives out of state. We touch on what happens when someone with a dementia diagnosis gets a psychiatric admission and give excellent tips on keeping the loved one safe. This episode contains great information to help your aging parent handle cognitive decline.    IN THIS EPISODE [2:20] How does a child support a parent facing cognitive decline?  [5:20] What are the benefits of having a care partner?  [8:52] What is the best way to communicate with someone with  dementia?  [10:40] What does Sam recommend to children when they first hear the diagnosis?  [12:04] How do family members help someone struggling with dementia avoid being taken advantage of financially?  [14:24] What happens when someone goes into the hospital with a psychiatric admission? [20:25] How do you help a family member who doesn’t want to accept their diagnosis?    KEY TAKEAWAYS   Have hard conversations about how the ailing parent wants to live the rest of their life. Do they want a DNI (do not intubate) or DNR (do not resuscitate)? Know all medications and have everything laid out to help the parent. Form a relationship with a care partner if you are out of state or need additional support. Those with dementia need a lot of support. Some people can continue to live at home, work, and speak for themselves, but the proper support needs to be in place. If your loved one goes into the psychiatric emergency department, they may get scared and become aggressive. If they are sedated due to that behavior, it can be difficult to go back to inpatient care. An impatient home may not want to take the patient back if they display aggressive behavior. It’s important to have a care partner to help avoid the loved one being put in a psychiatric department.     RESOURCES: Beyond the Balance Sheet Website   BIO: Sam van Kalkeren, MSN, RN, CDP, is OPG’s Director of Aging Services. He has been working as a psychiatric RN since 2012 and is a Certified Dementia Practitioner. Sam has worked with all age populations suffering from mental illness, from pediatrics to geriatrics. He has experience working with clients suffering from substance use and co-occurring disorders, complex mental health diagnoses, neurocognitive disorders, and personality disorders. Most of his nursing career has been in the inpatient psychiatric setting. Sam joined OPG from Tufts Medical Center in Boston. Before Tufts, he was the Patient Care Director for the geriatric and adult inpat

    23 min
  3. Phenomenally Autistic: An Artist's Story with Ayanna Davis

    10 JAN

    Phenomenally Autistic: An Artist's Story with Ayanna Davis

    Ayanna Davis, also known as Phenomenally Autistic, joins Diana to discuss her unique path to navigating autism as a black artist. Autism is often overlooked within the black community in America. Ayanna actively promotes the recognition of autism, using her art to express love, joy, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Alongside her advocacy, she has faced various health challenges commonly associated with an autism diagnosis. Meeting Ayanna is an enriching experience. Her strength and perseverance radiate through every facet of her journey.   IN THIS EPISODE:   [:29] Diana introduces Ayanna Davis, also known as Phenomenally Autistic [1:36] Ayanna describes her feelings of being different and how she learned she was autistic [4:39] Ayanna talks about her confusion about the diagnosis and what her childhood was like [7:22] Ayanna speaks about the role art plays in her life [9:13] Ayanna talks about her history of seizures, and she reveals what she expects 2024 to look like [11:26] Ayanna explains how she named herself phenomenally autistic and how music plays a part in her life   KEY TAKEAWAYS:   [1:22] When you are an artist and autistic, some people will feel you are eccentric because of your artistic nature and not realize the underlying cause of your actions. [4:21] Once Ayanna learned of her diagnosis, she began to express her “true self.” [8:02] Ayanna’s neurodiversity allows her to see the world differently, as is apparent in her writing of children’s books.   RESOURCES:   Beyond the Balance Sheet Website   Phenomenally APhenomenally Autistic(Phenomenallyautistic) - Latest Linksutistic - Website     BIOGRAPHY:  Meet Ayanna, aka Phenomenally Autistic, an autism advocate advocating for black autistics to gain proper resources & visibility raised in Westchester County, New York. Along with being autistic, she has survived over 300 seizures, lives with Chronic illnesses, and has five autoimmune diseases. Still, she doesn’t let that stop her from spreading her messages of self-love, joy, equality, diversity, inclusion & autism acceptance through the Arts.

    14 min
  4. Psychological Assessments and Cognitive Testing with Dr. Colleen Jackson

    3 JAN

    Psychological Assessments and Cognitive Testing with Dr. Colleen Jackson

    Dr. Colleen Jackson discusses cognitive testing in a way that makes it easily understandable, alleviating any apprehension associated with the assessment. She starts by distinguishing between neuropsychological testing and cognitive assessments. Colleen shares insights into her approach and describes the valuable information that can be obtained from the testing process. Emphasizing a holistic perspective, she looks at an individual's overall health and well-being when giving her recommendations. Listeners will learn about cognitive assessments and neuropsychological testing to determine whether they might benefit a loved one.   IN THIS EPISODE:   [2:11] Colleen begins by describing the difference between neuropsychological testing and cognitive assessments [4:17] Colleen explains what the tests look like from a client perspective and what is involved [7:36] Colleen talks about how a family member can encourage a loved one to seek a provider and what is learned through the testing [12:06] Colleen discusses older adults, specifically  [16:06] Colleen refers to different treatment protocols based on test results [20:25] Colleen ends by discussing other illnesses that can impact mental health or cognitive impairment   KEY TAKEAWAYS:   [2:01] There is a difference between neuropsychological testing and cognitive assessment [7:27] There are some tips that family members can use to encourage a person to seek a provider [11:44] You can identify different conditions or illnesses through testing.   RESOURCES:   Beyond the Balance Sheet Website Dr. Colleen Jackson - LinkedIn   BIOGRAPHY:  Dr. Colleen Jackson received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Connecticut. She pursued a clinical internship in clinical neuropsychology and dementia clinical research at Rhode Island Hospital through the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, followed by research postdoctoral fellowships in the National Center for PTSD and the Translational Research Center for TBI and Stress Disorders at the VA Boston Healthcare System. After completing postdoctoral training, Colleen assumed a staff neuropsychologist position at the VA Boston Healthcare System, where she was involved in direct clinical care, clinical supervision/mentorship, and research. Colleen served as the Chief of the Neuropsychology Clinic in the Department of Neurology at Boston Medical Center prior to establishing her private practice in 2022. Colleen conducts clinical neuropsychological evaluations with adults presenting with cognitive concerns associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, neurodegenerative conditions, acquired brain injuries, substance use, and psychiatric conditions. Colleen approaches clinical care with a tailored focus on the client’s cognitive and psychological needs, individual strengths, and personal values.

    26 min
  5. There's an App for That: AI and Mental Health


    There's an App for That: AI and Mental Health

    Dr. Sera Lavelle has a unique perspective on therapy and technology, specifically artificial intelligence (AI). Dr. Lavelle, owner of New York Health and Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy and founder of Bea Better Eating, shares insights on how AI has influenced her practice and discusses the pros and cons.  Dr. Lavelle talks about the various apps designed to teach about mindful eating and other disorders. She explains the different components in her guided hypnotherapy recordings as knowledge, motivation, and meditation. Get inspired and learn about different therapy techniques today.    IN THIS EPISODE: [1:21] Dr. Lavelle talks about the pros and cons of using AI in therapy [3:00] Dr. Lavelle explains what a therapy app is  [6:29] Dr. Lavelle shares information about the Bea Better Eating app she is launching [9:51] Dr. Lavelle explains how Ericksonian hypnotherapy recordings work [14:19] Dr. Lavelle explains how she got interested in Hypnotherapy, AI, and other technical tools for supporting her therapeutic work [16:57] Dr. Lavelle talks about the similarities between hypnotherapy and meditation  [19:47] Dr. Lavelle says that hypnosis can be very valuable and not to fear AI   KEY TAKEAWAYS: [2:55] There are many types of therapy apps online; however, the consumer needs to know who produced the apps and whether they are a licensed therapist. [9:30] Meditation apps designed by a team of psychologists can be helpful for guided hypnotherapy recordings. [12:37] Does Oxytocin work, or is there a better option? Dr. Sera Lavelle shares her unique perspective on this topic and how therapy and technology, specifically online apps, can help.    RESOURCES: Beyond the Balance Sheet Website NY Health Hypnosis - Website Bea Better Eating - Website   BIOGRAPHY:  Dr. Sera Lavelle owns NY Health Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy and co-founded Bea Better Eating. She harbors a deep enthusiasm for the convergence of psychology and technology, driven by a vision to leverage AI to positively reshape the mental health domain. Her contributions have been recognized in reputable publications such as Forbes, Elle Magazine, and Allure. Through a mix of conscious and unconscious techniques, she has guided hundreds to overcome their challenges, propelling them toward a brighter future. A special focus of hers is aiding those wrestling with food-related issues. She believes that by healing this aspect of life, significant progress can be achieved in other areas.  Dr. Lavelle believes that merging psychology and technology can make mental health resources more within reach. While the irreplaceable value of in-person consultations with human psychologists is undeniable, as is the significance of human touch, it's a fact that they can't be omnipresent. By offering persistent access to ongoing self-help and psychological enrichment in an intelligent manner, we can bolster the efficacy of in-person sessions. This allows individuals to actively employ newfound strategies to foster change in the intervals between meetings.

    23 min
  6. Building a Happy and Harmonious Family with She-Rae Chen


    Building a Happy and Harmonious Family with She-Rae Chen

    She-Rae Chen, the CEO and visionary behind SpringSpot, introduces comprehensive health principles to steer your family toward a balanced mental and physical lifestyle. In today's discussion, she elaborates on the structured framework that guides parents, children, and families in fostering a positive and healthy perspective on their well-being. SpringSpot was born to aid busy families like yours by providing wholesome activities for children and supporting parents in prioritizing self-care. Join Arden and She-Rae as they delve into the mind-body connection, healthy eating and sleeping habits, and alternatives to screen-centric activities for children. Take advantage of the insights shared in this Beyond the Balance Sheet episode.   IN THIS EPISODE:   [1:32] She-Rae discusses her professional background and the health scare she experienced [4:44] SpringSpot was born from the idea that parents don’t have time to take care of themselves and their families [6:27] Parents' long work hours and devices contribute to a breakdown in family time [8:03] She-Rae explains how F.R.A.M.E.S works [11:40] She-Rae makes suggestions on how to implement these pillars in your home [20:30] Discussion regarding the importance of art and creativity [25:33] Discussion regarding scheduling and emotional regulation  [29:45] Answering a kid's hard questions   KEY TAKEAWAYS:   [3:13] A health scare can make you reassess your life and priorities. She credits her second chance at life as the motivation to begin self-care.  [6:23] Families face new challenges in today’s busy lifestyle they did not meet in the past. [8:19] Springspot is founded on the acronym FRAME, each letter representing a holistic health pillar.   RESOURCES: Beyond the Balance Sheet Website SpringSpot - Website -   BIOGRAPHY:  She-Rae Chen is the founder & CEO of SpringSpot. As a former NCAA Division I gymnast, she later juggled marriage, kids, and a full-time job. Balancing work, parenting, and household duties left little room for exercise and self-care. This struggle led her to create SpringSpot, aiming to empower families to prioritize health without sacrificing their own well-being or their children's. Before SpringSpot, she held tech leadership roles at Apple and Amazon, spearheading digital media, mobile, and health innovations. She holds degrees from Stanford University and Harvard Business School and is a certified RYT-200 yoga instructor, ACSM-CPT certified personal trainer, and PN1 certified nutrition coach. She lives in the Bay Area with her husband and three young kids: two boys and a baby girl. In her free time, she enjoys playing tennis, swimming, practicing yoga, and being active outdoors with her family and friends.

    37 min
  7. Addiction, Death and Meaning: A Story of Resilience with Jeff Johnston


    Addiction, Death and Meaning: A Story of Resilience with Jeff Johnston

    Jeff Johnston experienced the loss of his oldest son to Fentanyl poisoning in October 2016 and tragically lost his wife to alcoholism in 2021. Since then, he has dedicated himself to making a difference in mental health. In this edition of Beyond the Balance Sheet, Jeff shares his compelling story of a tragic death, substance use, and his path to recovery. His objective is to change the narrative around substance use and end the stigma. For individuals who are struggling, those who have lost loved ones, and those who are navigating the deep waters of substance use, there is help available. Don’t miss this powerful story.     IN THIS EPISODE: [1:37] Jeff shares the beginning of his journey of tragedy, substance use, and death [4:03] Jeff admits to being an alcoholic, how he quit, and how it took his wife's life [7:22] Jeff considers suicide [10:04] Jeff describes how he empowers youth to work on their mental health and the Gen Z advisory board [12:20] Jeff shares how he encourages his granddaughter when she has a bad day  [15:37] Jeff admits to having two psychedelic experiences and discusses the effects [17:50 What is negative visualization?  [19:56] Jeff describes his passion for Living Undeterred and what he is willing to do to see it survive   KEY TAKEAWAYS: October 4, 2016 changed Jeff Johnston’s life forever. He and his wife lost their son to Fentanyl poisoning. Jeff had a successful investment business and was on top of the world. Then his son, Seth, dies from Fentanyl poisoning, and Jeff’s secret life of alcoholism and gambling is exposed.  Jeff describes his journey from alcohol to gratitude. Making a sudden decision to stop drinking, he has dedicated his days to meditation and hosting a podcast focused on aiding individuals struggling with alcohol or substance use and those seeking to improve their mental well-being.   RESOURCES: Beyond the Balance Sheet Website Brightn Your Life Living Undeterred: Home Jeff on Twitter: "Never changes" / Twitter Brightn - Facebook Brightn - Instagram Living Undeterred - Podcast Jeffrey Johnston - LinkedIn This One's For You: Sophia, Eleni, Sophia, Eleni -   BIOGRAPHY: Jeff Johnston On October 4, 2016, the trajectory of Jeff’s life changed with one phone call. Prior to that day, Jeff was living the American Dream. He had a great family, was a successful entrepreneur running a financial services firm in Iowa, and was seemingly coasting through life. On the morning of October 4, 2016, Jeff received the phone call that is every parent’s worst nightmare. His oldest son, Seth, had died from fentanyl poisoning. He was 23 years old.  Jeff soon realized that he had two options. He could go down a road of anger and despair and become bitter, or he could use his situation as motivation to become better. He chose the latter. Jeff decided to take a step back from his career as a financial advisor and focus his attention on making a difference. He became an advocate for bringing awareness to substance use and addiction in teens & young adults. He began speaking at high schools and community events and joined the board of a local treatment facility that Seth spent time at before his death.  In 2020, Jeff founded a non-profit, the Living Undeterred Project, to change the narrative on mental health & substance use disorder. That same year, he wrote his first book, “This One’s For You: An Inspirational Journey Through Addiction, Death, and Meaning,” and started the Living Undeterred Podcast. In 2021, the project got even more personal for Jeff when he lost his wife, Prudence, to alcoholism. He is currently working on a new mental health project, Brightn, geared toward Gen Z.

    22 min


Advisors to high net worth families are increasingly serving a multitude of roles and need to have better developed, holistic skill sets. Technical expertise in finance, law or business operations may be why a family initially engages you, however, it may not be sufficient to create long-term value for clients. Trusted advisors develop emotionally intimate relationships with clients, and provide valuable resources to help families solve some of their biggest challenges. Join Arden and Diana in an interactive podcast discussing some of the most pressing issues around physical health, emotional health and family dynamics. Arden and Diana will invite a series of guests to the show who will cover topics ranging from managing client resistance, to addressing dementia with an aging CEO. The podcast will provide informative content and practical tools to help advisors to wealthy families better serve their clients.

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