13 episodes

Ready to actually enjoy dating? Tune in to learn tips & ideas for how to have better dates & relationships.

Aligned & Confident Dating With Colette Gallagher Colette

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Ready to actually enjoy dating? Tune in to learn tips & ideas for how to have better dates & relationships.

    5 Toxic Relationship Signs - Sure Ways to Tell

    5 Toxic Relationship Signs - Sure Ways to Tell

    5 Toxic Relationship Signs - Sure Ways to Tell

    Are you looking to attract your soulmate? Not sure how to do it? If so, I've created a Soulmate Manifestation Kit. Receive it for FREE by clicking here - https://www.colettegallagher.com/freestuff

    Ever find yourself stuck in a toxic relationship? Read on, there’s help. Toxic relationships happen to a lot of people. Relationships start so excitingly. Over time, they can turn toxic. Often without you even really realizing it. In this week's episode, Colette Lori Gallagher talks about the signs of a toxic relationship.

    Part One of ‘5 Toxic Relationship Signs - Sure Ways to Tell’

    Are you in a toxic relationship, yet you think you're still in love? Feel unable to walk away? The first sign of a toxic relationship is they make you feel they're the only ones who will love you. They make you feel like you're lucky to be with them. Even though you don't really feel good around them.

    Sometimes you bring up something, maybe you're upset about something, and they tell you how crazy you are. It's not a good thing if you are feeling unworthy of love from the person that you are with.

    “It's not a healthy relationship if they bring out the worst in you.” – Colette Gallagher (05:01-05:04)

    The second sign is that they laugh at you. They belittle you and make fun of you. You feel like there's something wrong with you when you're around them. They're not lifting you, not encouraging you, and not supporting you. It doesn't have to be all the time, even just once in a while is fine. But you should be with someone who compliments you. Who loves you just the way you are.

    Part Two of ‘5 Toxic Relationship Signs - Sure Ways to Tell’

    The third sign that you're in a toxic relationship is they don't accept your feelings. They're not emotionally supportive. Maybe sometimes you're with your partner, feeling great. Out of nowhere, they're mean. You have to ask yourself if that's what you want in life.

    Do you always want to wonder how your partner feels about you? Or do you want someone who entirely loves and accepts you for who you are? No one is perfect, but there's a vast difference between a gentle suggestion and someone making you feel like you're wrong all the time.

    “There is a way to align and be confident in yourself to have that healthy relationship that you know is possible.” – Colette Gallagher (10:03-10:13)

    The fourth sign you're in a toxic relationship is they bring out the worst in you. If you're looking through their things because of trust issues, then they're not bringing out the best in you. Relationship fights are normal. But if you're being triggered all the time, that's something you need to pay attention to. Take a break, step back, and realign.

    The fifth and final sign is they try to control you. This can be through manipulation. Maybe they say your friends are bad for you. Maybe they separate you from people you love. They question all of your relationships. In a relationship, you should feel free. You shouldn't feel like you have to limit yourself or control yourself because you're with somebody.

    Maybe you didn't realize it was a toxic relationship. You choose to forgive and forget when something terrible happened. You must recognize that the cycle of drama and trauma needs to be broken. You think things are going to be different next time. But they're not different.

    You didn't heal that part of you. The one that said you're not enough. That thinks that you're not worthy of love. The time is now. Protect yourself by recognizing toxic behaviors. There is a way to align and become confident in yourself. To have that healthy relationship that you know is possible.

    • 10 min
    How to Leave an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

    How to Leave an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

    Are you in need of a positive relationship coach who can help guide you in the right direction? In this week's episode, Colette Gallagher shares advice on how you can leave an emotionally abusive relationship whether you're about to leave, you've already left, or you're stuck in-between feeling terrible about the whole thing.

    Part One of ‘How to Leave an Emotionally Abusive Relationship’

    Everybody goes through a lot of pains and trials that sometimes those things make it hard for us to identify whether something is normal or not. You don't have to hold on to the wrong relationships. You deserve the best love with the right person, at the right time. If you want something to last forever, you can't keep brushing the unhealthy areas of that particular relationship with hopes that it will work out.

    And if you're in a real emotionally abusive relationship, you must actively do something to get out of that relationship. Many times, you hope the person's going to change, or they're going to see your value suddenly, or they're going to realize that they can't live without us and change. But the reality is they probably won't. There's a slight chance, but it's not worth your happiness and your life to stay and find out. It's much better to walk away. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you rather than hanging out with those that don't see your value. It's great to be around people who are caring and loving.

    Tune into the full episode for more... 

    How to Get Involved

    Are you looking to attract your soulmate? But you are not sure how to do it? If so, I've created a Soulmate Manifestation Kit. Receive it for FREE by clicking here - https://www.colettegallagher.com/freestuff

    • 24 min
    What to Do If There’s A Rough Patch in Your Relationship

    What to Do If There’s A Rough Patch in Your Relationship

    Have you been spending the last few weeks or months fighting with your partner? Arguments commonly occur, but if they keep happening without any resolution, your relationship is not healthy anymore. It may be possibly getting closer to the end. There are effective strategies that work to get your partnership back on track. In this week's episode, Colette Gallagher talks about the things you can do if there's a rough patch in your relationship.

    Part One of ‘What to Do If There’s a Rough Patch in Your Relationship’

    This happens with pretty much every couple. You're dating and things that had been going well. And for the most part, you're working through challenges. Then slowly but surely, things start to go a little downhill, and then the fear begins to set in. If this is happening to you, you're not alone. It's common, and you can get through it, especially if you're with the right person.

    “When things get tough, don’t give up easily and remember why you fell in love with your partner.” – Colette Gallagher (03:11-03:20)

    You're reading this because you're probably going through a rough patch with your partner, and you're wondering if it's still worth fighting for. Focus on the things that you like about the relationship. There is no perfect relationship. There's always something that you'd like to change, maybe if you could. But if you focus on the negative things, you're going to find more of them. But if you switch and go back to why you found your partner attractive in the first place, what you liked about them and what's good about them, and you start focusing on those things, you're going to find that there's more of those to focus on.

    Focus on the good qualities of your partner, even if you're frustrated with them. right now. Maybe they're not behaving the way you would like them to act. Love is a choice, and it's up to you to make a daily commitment to choose to love your partner. Focusing on the positive qualities about them is one of the best ways to love your partner and being grateful for everything that they do for you.

    Part Two of ‘What to Do If There’s a Rough Patch in Your Relationship’

    Another thing you want to do is start to notice the patterns that are happening. Identify what triggers a particular argument or what causes both of you to be upset. Sometimes, misunderstandings tend to get in the way of excellent communication. And maybe it's just that your partner says one thing when they mean something completely different.

    This time, try your best to analyze the situation. You want to go back to how you were in the beginning. Where you don't get easily offended, you don't overthink or overanalyze everything the other person does. Have fun together as much as possible, just like how it was during the dating stage.

    “Too many expectations lead to heartbreak.” – Colette Gallagher (11:26-11:38)

    If you want to save your relationship, consider asking questions, and communicate without taking things personally. If you're having a rough patch, let go of expectations because those are relationship killers. When you start to expect the person to do things for you. When you expect them to behave a certain way. When you expect them to react, that's when problems arise. Release all the anger and pain. This can be challenging if you got used to them doing things for you, or you got used to them being a certain way. Just let go of all expectations, whether they're good or bad, because there's always societal pressure for the other person to meet our demands.

    How to Get Involved

    Are you looking to attract your soulmate? But you are not sure how to do it? If so, I've created a Soulmate Manifestation Kit. Receive it for FREE by clicking here - https://www.colettegallagher.com/freestuff.

    • 19 min
    5 Dating Red Flags You Should Never Ignore

    5 Dating Red Flags You Should Never Ignore

    5 Dating Red Flags You Should Never Ignore 

    “Obsessive behavior is not love.” -Colette Gallagher (04:39-04:41)

    You might be dating someone with great qualities. You're getting along really well and having a wonderful time. Can you really spot the red flags during the dating stage to save yourself? In this week's episode, Colette Gallagher shares the five red flags during dating to watch out for.

    Part One of ‘5 Red Flags During the Dating Stage to Watch Out For’

    The first red flag - the person you're dating starts showing up to places that they weren't invited to. As cute and romantic as it might seem, if a guy shows up to see you without being invited, it's a red flag. That's something to be aware of because obsessive behavior is not love. If you're living in the same neighborhood and you just happen to randomly see him, you can overlook that. In general, just stay aware.

    “Be with someone who brings out the best in you.” – Colette Gallagher (13:51-13:54)

    We live in this society where it's almost romantic to be obsessed with somebody. We call that love. However, being obsessed with somebody, following them around and stalking them is not love.

    Being stalked is not romantic no matter how seemingly innocent it might begin.

    The second red flag - when they go out of their way to help you without being asked, to the point where it's pushy. The third one is not having friends or a social life. It might seem cute if they can spend a lot of time with you, but if they can't make friends, communicate, form bonds and relationships with people in a general sense, it's definitely a red flag. You don't want to become someone's whole life. It's okay if someone wants to do everything with you. But it's important that you have your own life.

    Number four is coming to your girls’ nights or guys’ nights. If they have a small circle, it's definitely a red flag if he or she can't let you go out alone with your friends. Hanging out with your friends and being able to talk openly without your partner being there is really important. You could volunteer or take a class. You should have the freedom to do things on your own without your partner for your own joy and happiness.

    Part Two of ‘5 Red Flags During the Dating Stage to Watch Out For’

    The fifth red flag is when they want to make you their whole world. This is co-dependence. It's not healthy. It's not okay to think that one person is going to be able to fulfill every single need that you have. When you know your needs, you can find different people in different ways to get them met. Because what happens is if you do find this person that meets all your needs, you're going to overlook major issues in the relationship.

    “Don’t expect someone to fulfill every single need that you have.” – Colette Gallagher (11:33-11:40)

    If you're with somebody and they're starting to bring out the worst in you, making you feel crazy or bad, needing to check in all the time, or not feeling trust, then that's definitely a red flag that you want to look at. You want someone that brings out the best in you where it doesn't feel like drama.

    How to Get Involved

    Are you looking to attract your soulmate? But you are not sure how to do it? If so, I've created a Soulmate Manifestation Kit. Receive it for FREE by clicking here - https://www.colettegallagher.com/freestuff

    • 15 min
    What Makes A Guy Husband Material?

    What Makes A Guy Husband Material?

    What Makes A Guy Husband Material?

    “Your Partner Should Be Your Biggest Supporter.”-Colette Gallagher (03:36-03:47)

    Tying the knot with the person you’ve decided to spend the rest of your life with is something worth celebrating. But it can be a little challenging to find the ideal husband that matches your preference. The process includes staying alert with the red flags that occur during the dating stage. In this week’s episode, Colette Gallagher highlights the ten things that make a guy husband material.

    Part One of ‘What Makes A Guy Husband Material’

    First, you want to be with someone with the same goals and plans. For example, if you're someone who's planning to be an entrepreneur and travel the world, while that person wants to stick to a nine to five corporate job and wants to be part of a big company, then you might have to travel by yourself. One of the most common issues that many couples face is deciding how many kids they want to have. If you want two or three kids and he doesn't want kids, then you know it's not going to work out.

    It's important to talk about where you want to be in five to ten years. As you pursue your dreams and goals together, you want someone who supports you not just financially but as a person. You want someone who is encouraging and supports whatever you're doing because a husband is a life partner. It doesn't always have to be big things. There are many ways to show support for someone even with little things. If your guy isn't supportive of your hopes, dreams, goals, and aspirations, then he’s not husband material.

    “It’s better to be alone than be with someone who makes you feel alone.” – Colette Gallagher (15:47-16:02)

    Many times, we're attracted to someone because of their physical appearance that we lose sight of the other essential qualities like being responsible. You want to make sure that you're marrying someone accountable for what they already have. That's going to be a good sign of how they're going to be in the future.


    How To Get Involved:

    Are you looking to attract your soulmate? But you are not sure how to do it? If so, I've created a Soulmate Manifestation Kit. Receive it for FREE by clicking here - https://www.colettegallagher.com/freestuff

    • 21 min
    How to Love Yourself More

    How to Love Yourself More

    How to Love Yourself More

    “Fall in Love with Yourself First”

    Colette Gallagher (00:21-00:26)

    Many people perceive self-love as a basic human necessity. You can’t love other people unless your cup is full. In this week’s episode, Colette Gallagher talks about how you can love yourself more.

    Part One of ‘How to Love Yourself More’

    There's so much more to falling in love with yourself just as there's so much more than falling in love with someone else. I love talking about self-care because it's important to me. There was a time when I was a caregiver for my grandparents, and I was not taking care of myself.

    They were the first people I would always think of in the morning. I get up and take care of them before I even think about showering in the morning. I ended up being depressed and miserable because I kept on giving out of my love for them.

    “Spend more time with just you.” – Colette Gallagher (2:56-2:59)

    If you've been dating someone for a while or you've been married for ten years, it doesn't matter. It is so important to be in love with yourself at the very core. You're going to be a much better partner, friend, and you're going to be much happier.

    Tune into the FULL Episode to hear tips on how to love yourself more.

    How to Get Involved

    Are you looking to attract your soulmate? But you are not sure how to do it? If so, I've created a Soulmate Manifestation Kit. Receive it for FREE here -https://www.colettegallagher.com/freestuff

    • 11 min

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