No More Hiding

Gemma Stow
No More Hiding Podcast

No More Hiding: Self Promotion at Work with Gemma Stow is a podcast that celebrates women using their voice to be seen and heard. Self promotion is often seen as a dirty word but there has never been a more important time to showcase strength. Own your expertise. Step into your spotlight. #SelfPromotion #NoMoreHiding #Leadership #visibilitymatters

  1. EPISODE 54

    [NMH54] When they tell you not to be too pushy

    When they tell you not to be too pushy? #Takeaways Labels have the biggest impact on how women see themselves Women censor themselves if they are labelled in negative ways Research shows that successful female leaders are not as ‘likeable’ as their male counterparts Double standards are still going unchallenged in the workplace The importance of recognising our own judgements and labelling of others Even if the world is not quite ready for you - that doesn't mean you aren't ready for the world.   Today we are talking about those double standards that still happen in the workplace - you know the ones where men are seen as assertive and women are often labeled as bossy, pushy or aggressive for the same behaviour.  The impact of these labels can lead women to censoring themselves and not be who they truly are at work and this ultimately impacts on their performance never mind their visibility.  Women have so much to bring including those power skills and all are needed around that decision making table.   #Resources  “5 Steps to being more visible at work” one page guide mentioned in the episode - get yours here:   Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:   Book a call with Gemma:   More info about the 1-1 No More Hiding 12 month Coaching Programme:   Connect with your host Gemma Stow: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram: #nomorehiding #leadership #selfpromotion #femaleleaders #leadershipdevelopment #visibilitymatters #personalbranding

    14 min
  2. EPISODE 55

    [NMH55] Does your company encourage you to be more visible?

    Does your company encourage you to be more visible? #Takeaways   It’s a win win for companies to provide a platform to showcase the talents of their employees Companies can highlight your work when you take ownership over it and tell them about it There are different strategies that companies can take to start to put the spotlight on their people When female leaders engage key stakeholders their companies also reap the rewards as well. Self promotion = Company reputation   So today I am talking about whether companies want their people to be more visible and showcasing their work in the organisation and how important that is for women's career progression and how they can provide a platform to make this easier. On the show with me today is Alexandra Greenwood who leads the people culture in Derwent fm and is an advocate for developing positive cultures within the workplace. Her passion is to ensure people are working in an environment where they can be their authentic self which will support creativity.   She shares the importance of female leaders being more visible and that they can do this through stepping forward on behalf of others too and really highlight the work they are doing which in turn puts them on the map as incredible leaders.   “I got a real buzz for the HR world and enjoyed developing people in a different way to how I had done it previously” - Alex “I’ve also had many knock backs and trying to get to where I am today hasn't always been easy but with each of the knock backs I have learned something new about myself” - Alex “I know you are really passionate about creating that culture where people can be themselves “This is crucial within HR as we shape a lot of the people processes within the company so we need to understand our diverse workforce but we also need to be mindful that not all colleagues want to be visible and they need to feel safe and have your trust so it’s about getting our visibility right for all.  Our people are everything they are at the heart of what we do” - Alex “I find that a lot with women who are often very ambitious but don’t want the attention” - Gemma “There has to be that internal encouragement within companies that self promotion is ok and that it isn’t showing off and finding ways to help people to do that” - Gemma   #Resources     “5 Steps to being more visible at work” one page guide mentioned in the episode - get yours here:     Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:     Book a call with Gemma:     More info about the 1-1 No More Hiding 12 month Coaching Programme:   Connect with your host Gemma Stow: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram:   Connect with Alex Linkedin:   #nomorehiding #leadership #selfpromotion #femaleleaders #leadershipdevelopment #visibilitymatters #personalbranding

    26 min
  3. EPISODE 56

    [NMH56] How can I make the most out of interviews?

    How can I make the most out of interviews? #Takeaways   Interviews are a great opportunity for self promotion in fact interviewers want you to promote yourself and tell them all about YOU. Interviews go badly when you undervalue yourself and don’t share and own your expertise. 3 things that will shift your perspective when it comes to interviews Preparation is key - Practice out loud talking about yourself - it doesn't always come naturally Embrace silence don’t be scared of it Have a good balance to show your work and your results - own it! Remember to use the word ‘I’ - they want to hire you not your team     Today we are talking about those dreaded interviews.  I mean seriously I am not surprised that so many women say to me how much they hate interviews.  Everyone starting at you, feeling like you are in the hot seat and trying to remember everything you want to say - talk about putting pressure on yourself.  So today I want to shift this perspective for you because interviews are one of the best ways to promote yourself - it is expected and the interviewers want to hear about you so this is a great opportunity for you to shine.  Listen in for 3 things you can start thinking about today to make sure you smash that next interviews in all the right ways.   “So many people ask me ‘what are interviewers looking for’ and my answer is they want to hear about you and the impact you have” - Gemma “Don’t be scared of silence... women feel the need to fill silence.  Don’t be afraid to give yourself a minute to digest the question - done well this gives that vibe of confident energy in the room” “Don’t buy into that theory that great work speaks for itself - you need to own the part of that great work that was yours” - Gemma   #Resources     “5 Steps to being more visible at work” one page guide mentioned in the episode - get yours here:     Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:     Book a call with Gemma:     More info about the 1-1 No More Hiding 12 month Coaching Programme:   Connect with your host Gemma Stow: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram:   #nomorehiding #leadership #selfpromotion #femaleleaders #leadershipdevelopment #visibilitymatters #personalbranding

    15 min
  4. EPISODE 57

    [NMH57] What you are missing by not being on LinkedIn

    What you are missing by not being on LinkedIn. #Takeaways   LinkedIn is a great platform to grow your network without having to attend any events You get to build your personal brand and showcase the work you do Don’t rely on your work speaking for itself - tell people about it Connecting with those decision makers that can influence or creat opportunities for your career progression Use the 4 C’s to build your visibility - Clarity, Connection, Content and Consistency     On today's show we are talking all about LinkedIn and how I believe you are missing out by not being on the platform or being on there and not doing much.  I share 3 key things that you are missing out on and how you can start to build your own LinkedIn strategy using the 4 C’, clarity, connection, content and consistency.  If you are ready to raise your profile, build your personal brand and grow your network then LinkedIn is a great place to do all these things - and if you are on LinkedIn then make sure we are connected. “So if building a supportive and engaging network, using your personal brand and creating new opportunities for yourself is something that interests you?  Then you need to be using LinkedIn more.” - Gemma “A network that works.  Being on LinkedIn it is expected that you will connect with others, tell them about you and want to find out more about others too.” - Gemma “I have to say that the majority of opportunities from speaking gigs, to being a guest on other peoples podcasts, to writing articles for magazines, being on a panel, and working with more and more women and organisations have come from the connections and most importantly the relationships I build on LinkedIn.  Don’t take this for granted.” - Gemma   ** How to leave a review on iTunes - use the podcast app and then  find the No More Hiding podcast - you can click how many stars you think show is worth and then add some feedback by clicking ‘write a review’  it really only takes a couple of minutes to leave a review and I will share them with our listeners and give you a shout out at the same time! ** #Resources     “5 Steps to being more visible at work” one page guide mentioned in the episode - get yours here:     Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:     Book a call with Gemma:     More info about the 1-1 No More Hiding 12 month Coaching Programme:   Connect with your host Gemma Stow: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram:   #nomorehiding #leadership #selfpromotion #femaleleaders #leadershipdevelopment #visibilitymatters #personalbranding

    15 min
  5. EPISODE 58

    [NMH58] Do I need a coach to be more visible?

    Do I need a coach to be more visible? What is it like to work with me and build your self promotion strategy (including what happens on a call with me)?   #Takeaways   The Top 10 reasons to work with me on building your self promotion strategy  What happens when you book that call with me The results my clients and the organisation achieve The importance of having fun when it comes to visibility The opportunity to work with me 1-1 in Dec      On today's show we are going to dive in to chat about the top ten reasons I can support you and your organisation when it comes to self promotion.  I have had a few enquiries about how I work and although there is info on my website I thought it would be fun to put it all into context so you can see the huge difference it can make.  I am taking booking form companies right now for 2021 and also chat about 3 spots I have available for some 1-1 coaching in December.  Listen in and hear about what is most important when it comes to build your own self promotion strategy to raise your game and play bigger.   “Confidence is the number one thing my clients say they want to feel more of - and the question I always throw back at them is ‘How will you know when you are?’” - Gemma “Basically worrying about what others think is a massive deal to women and understanding why you care about that can really set you free.” - Gemma “Fun. I bring this to my coaching so that my clients enjoy being challenged and pushed outside their comfort zone.  They actually enjoy the mini challenges I set and the tough questions that they love to hate but the ones that actually get them thinking deeper than they have before.  Because that's when change happens.” - Gemma   ** How to leave a review on iTunes - use the podcast app and then  find the No More Hiding podcast - you can click how many stars you think show is worth and then add some feedback by clicking ‘write a review’  it really only takes a couple of minutes to leave a review and I will share them with our listeners and give you a shout out at the same time! ** #Resources     “5 Steps to being more visible at work” one page guide mentioned in the episode - get yours here:     Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:     Book a call with Gemma:     More info about the 1-1 No More Hiding 12 month Coaching Programme:   Connect with your host Gemma Stow: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram:   #nomorehiding #leadership #selfpromotion #femaleleaders #leadershipdevelopment #visibilitymatters #personalbranding

    22 min
  6. EPISODE 59

    [NMH59] Are you waiting for permission to promote?

    Are you waiting for permission to promote? #Takeaways   The importance of well being when it comes to visibility Your achievements are always something to celebrate Don’t let others limitations become yours If you don’t talk about your achievements then who will? Listen to your instincts - really hear her.  The thing to remember is that the more women celebrate their achievements the more women will achieve.  It’s that simple.     We are chatting about this waiting game when it comes to having the permission to promote.  I see it so much and I know I have been there too.  You can’t hear your instincts and what they are telling you to do so you almost have this need to ask others first.  This is especially difficult when you want to celebrate your own achievements when we are in the middle of a global  pandemic and others are having it really tough and you can easily talk yourself out of celebrating anything - but focus on how inspired you can feel from others sharing and you too can inspire by not hiding or waiting for permission to share.  “Showing up when you think everyone around you won't want to hear from you as they have other tougher stuff to deal with.  This is a limitation that women come back to time and time again.” - Gemma “So what do you do - you keep quiet.  You hide it all.  You don’t celebrate it.  You bypass it.  You don’t own it. And the consequences are that it didn't matter.  And in turn this means you don't matter.” - Gemma “Talking about your achievements can be so uncomfortable for women that they would rather stick pins in their eyes. Yet they also want that next promotion too and know that if they don’t showcase their skills and expertise then who will?  A double edged sword.” - Gemma    #Resources   “5 Steps to being more visible at work” one page guide mentioned in the episode - get yours here:     Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:     Book a call with Gemma:     More info about the 1-1 No More Hiding 12 month Coaching Programme:   Connect with your host Gemma Stow: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram:   #nomorehiding #leadership #selfpromotion #femaleleaders #leadershipdevelopment #visibilitymatters #personalbranding

    11 min
  7. EPISODE 60

    [NMH60] How companies can encourage their women more effectively

    #Takeaways   The important part that companies can play when it comes to women being more visible. The company culture is vital to identify and empower the top and emerging talent. Being able to be themselves allows women to step up and find their own ways to be more visible. Companies need to give women the platform to shine. Organisations need to start by talking to their people. The drive starts at the top and isn’t all down to HR to solve the gender gap.      Today on the No More Hiding podcast I am talking to an amazing and super inspiring woman all about how companies have a responsibility in providing their female top talent a platform to help them be more visible and own their ideas and opinions.   Working Mum. Essex girl. Committed feminist. Jess Taha has spent her career working across multiple industries for a number of household names and most recently with Swan in social housing. Her extensive experience as an HR professional has seen her deal with people, talent and policy and the challenges those bring for women progressing their careers. Promoting, pioneering and advocating for fairer working environments for all, Jess is unapologetically a woman on a mission.  So listen in to this incredible conversation that will give you insights into how companies can support women’s career progression and self promotion and how women themselves can start owning their expertise.  Love love love this conversation and could have chatted all day to Jess!  “I got massive imposter syndrome and didn’t feel like I fitted in where I was working...I felt like I had to fit in with that ‘boy’s club” - Jess “I got into HR because I wanted to fight injustice and I am a huge femionist and I believe in equal pay” - Jess “As we get older we tend to stop giving a shit about what people think” - Jess “Part of my role is un-training women everything they have learned as a child about being a good girl, about being accepting about having to fit in and having to please people and wanting to be liked” - Jess “I am a senior manager in my organisation and I still make sure I have those conversations with people on the ground regardless of their level to really get to know them and that's when you start to realise oh my goodness we have got a good girl on our hands we need to make them more of a rebel” - Jess “People can look at me and think god she's so confident and actually I am not - underneath it all I am actually just a girl from Essex … and people don’t always know the fight or the struggle I have been through to get to be this confident woman” - Jess “I am working with companies and these group coaching programmes and what comes up time and time again are all these amazing ideas and opinions and that they haven't shared any of them outside the group” - Gemma “It’s all about unleashing her capabilities and getting her confidence up.  For me it’s all about giving that individual the platform.  I don’t do anything she shines on her own. She is amazing” - Jess   #Resources   “5 Steps to being more visible at work” one page guide mentioned in the episode - get yours here:     Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:     Book a call with Gemma:     More info about the 1-1 No More Hiding 12 month Coaching Programme:   Connect with your host Gemma Stow: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram:   Connect with guest Jess Taha : LinkedIn: #nomorehiding #leadership #selfpromotion #femaleleaders #leadershipde

    26 min
  8. EPISODE 61

    [NMH61] How companies can value their people pleasers more!

    How companies can value their people pleasers more! #Takeaways   4 different ways that people pleasing behaviours show up at work Companies and their leaders need to watch out for these types of behaviours so they don’t take advantage of individuals ‘People pleasers’ are usually the nicest of people People pleasing can hold women back from owning their expertise People pleasers can take on too much work the antidote = boundaries! Although often seen as a positive for being more visible, people pleasing can have the opposite affect and there is a darker side     On today's show I am talking about ‘people pleasing’.  This has come up quite a lot recently income of the workshops and coaching I have been doing.  It is something that really holds women back from being able to truly promote themselves and not worry about what others think of them.  There are so many reasons why women often want to please others and this can have a huge impact not only for them but also for the companies that they work for.  This is a call out to team leaders and managers to recognise those people pleasing behaviours that often belong to the nicest of people, to help them to build boundaries that in turn mean their work and themselves gets the right attention it deserves. I do love connecting with companies and individuals who are also passionate about driving female leadership and closing the gap, so if that sounds like you - and I pretty sure it will be as you are here listening to this show - then make sure you are also receiving my newsletter that shares the latest around the gender pay gap, book recommendations and good practices that are happening all over the place that support more women to step up and be recognised for the value they bring.    Get yours by clicking >>   “People pleasers are usually the nicest of people.  They are the ones that give you the attention you need, they normally put your feelings before their own, they will let you speak up in meetings first, they will give you all the credit for work they have done and they will always make sure you have your glass topped up and food on your plate at parties” - Gemma “If there is one thing that a people pleaser will just not do - is interrupt anyone - so they often are forgotten about or their ideas and opinions are missed” - Gemma “The dark side of people pleasing is that they are often taken advantage of - and make no mistake this isn't alway maliciously or done on purpose, but what tends to happen is that individuals who say ‘yes’ to everything despite not having the time to do everything, are then ‘known as yes people’.” - Gemma “The biggest antidote to people pleasing is boundaries...people pleasers are the nicest people but in order to get the best out of them it is important to encourage them to have boundaries for themselves and their work...The best thing to do is check in with them.  Make sure they are not overstretched, and have the time to focus on doing their own work really well before taking on others work or extra responsibilities that nobody else wants.  Leaders are in a great position to role model boundaries and even help set them for their people.” - Gemma   #Resources   “5 Steps to being more visible at work”     Get the White Paper ‘Visibility at Work: The Importance of Self Promotion for Women’s Career Progression:     Book a call with Gemma:     More info about the 1-1 No More Hiding 12 month Coaching Programme:   Connect with your host Gemma Stow: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram: #nomorehiding #

    14 min


No More Hiding: Self Promotion at Work with Gemma Stow is a podcast that celebrates women using their voice to be seen and heard. Self promotion is often seen as a dirty word but there has never been a more important time to showcase strength. Own your expertise. Step into your spotlight. #SelfPromotion #NoMoreHiding #Leadership #visibilitymatters

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