2 Bros Bible Study

Henry and Justin
2 Bros Bible Study Podcast

Both Justin and Henry love learning the Bible and they wanted to enjoy that fun with everyone on the internet! About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).

  1. 2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 41


    2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 41

    Genesis 41 – Pharaoh’s Dream | Joseph Interprets | Joseph is Made a Ruler of Egypt – describes Joseph life from being ‘the forgotten Hebrew prison slave’ to ‘the second most powerful man in Egypt’. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+41&version=NASB _______________________________________ About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: We ask for grace from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to interpret the Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence, but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).

    54 min
  2. 2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 40


    2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 40

    Genesis 40 – Joseph Interprets Dreams – is about Joseph interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh’s chief baker and cupbearer while they were in jail. The cupbearer was restored but the baker was hanged. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+40&version=NASB _________________________________________ About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: We ask for grace from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to interpret the Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence, but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).

    29 min
  3. 2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 39


    2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 39

    Genesis 39 – Joseph’s Success in Egypt | Joseph Imprisoned – begins with Joseph being sold to Egypt and became as slave to Potiphar, Pharaoh’s officer and commander of the guard. Though he is a slave, Joseph thrives under the Lord’s blessings and rises to the top position in his master’s household. However, Joseph is imprisoned on a false accusation of attempted rape to Potiphar’s wife. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+39&version=NASB ________________________________________ About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: We ask for grace from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to interpret the Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence, but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16)

    45 min
  4. 2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 38


    2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 38

    Genesis 38 – Judah and Tamar – details the continuation of Judah’s line and the lives of his sons. Judah marries a Canaanite woman and has three sons. His firstborn son, Er, dies shortly after marrying a young woman called Tamar. Judah follows tradition that the brother of the dead husband inherits the widow and produce an heir to secure the lineage of his deceased brother. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+38&version=NASB _______________________________________ About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: We ask for grace from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to interpret the Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence, but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).

    50 min
  5. 2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 37


    2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 37

    Genesis 37 – Joseph’s Dreams | The Plot Against Joseph – tells us about Joseph being Israel’s favorite son. Joseph being loved by Israel the most was given a beautiful multicolored tunic that caused jealousy among his other sons. As a result, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery and told their father that he had been killed by an animal. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+37&version=NASB ______________________________ About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: We ask for grace from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to interpret the Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence, but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).

    44 min
  6. 2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 36


    2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 36

    Genesis 36 – Esau Moves | The Rulers of Edom – describes Esau’s generation, focuses on his genealogy and rulers of the land of Edom. The chapter emphasizes that Esau is Edom making the Edomite people as his descendants. It also lists eight kings of Edom, along with the chiefs whose names became associated with the regions their clans occupied. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+36&version=NIV ________________________________ About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: We ask for grace from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to interpret the Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence, but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).

    38 min
  7. 2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 35


    2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 35

    Genesis 35 – Jacob Moves to Bethel | Jacob is Named Israel | The Sons of Israel – depicts how Jacob takes counsel from God. Jacob and his family move through the land toward Bethel under the protection of the Lord. Rachel dies giving birth to Jacob's twelfth son as they were traveling. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+35&version=NASB _________________________________ About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: We ask for grace from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to interpret the Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence, but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).

    42 min
  8. 2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 34


    2 Bros Bible Study: Genesis 34

    Genesis 34 – The Treachery of Jacob’s Sons – tells us about Dinah, Jacob’s daughter by Leah, is raped by the son of the city's ruler Hamor, also named Shechem. Shechem says he loves Dinah and asks her to be his wife for their people to intermarry. However, Dinah's brothers are outraged. The chapter also details how the men in Hamor’s city were tricked into being circumcised so as to coexist with the Israelites. Two of Jacob’s sons then stole into the city and killed every male that lived therein. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+34&version=NASB Strive 21: https://www.strive21.com/ _____________________________________ About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: We ask for grace from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to interpret the Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence, but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).

    45 min


Both Justin and Henry love learning the Bible and they wanted to enjoy that fun with everyone on the internet! About the hosts: Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts. Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin. Message from the hosts: Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God's Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).

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