In this podcast we talk about Ian Marter's first two stories after his character, Harry Sullivan, joins the TARDIS crew: The Ark in Space and The Sontaran Experiment. We discuss the ease at which Marter portrays Sullivan as a decent, square-jawed Englishman. We also lament what could have been if the Doctor Who production team better utilised the character since he was an effective foil and compatriot of Tom Baker's Doctor. At the end of the podcast are two brief convention panel answers from Marter (on Harry being "naff" and "clumsy") in 1983 in Chicago celebrating 20 years of the programme. Opening music is from The Ark in Space soundtrack and closing music is from The Sontaran Experiment soundtrack, both composed by Dudley Simpson. We recorded this episode on 16 September 2024.
- Show
- PublishedOctober 7, 2024 at 12:20 a.m. UTC
- Length43 min
- Episode256
- RatingClean