Chick Chat

Nina Spears
Chick Chat Podcast

Welcome to Chick Chat: The Baby Chick Podcast, your go-to podcast for navigating the crazy, beautiful chaos of pregnancy and motherhood!  We know that pregnancy and motherhood are no joke. While they are miraculous and wonderful, they can also be overwhelming and exhausting. Our baby expert and host, Nina Spears - The Baby Chick, knows this all too well as an experienced baby planner, doula, childbirth and newborn care educator, and mother. On this show, she has real conversations that celebrate the joys, challenges, and everyday triumphs of growing and raising tiny humans while exposing the truths that moms really want to know. From pregnancy tips to parenting hacks, our experts and real-life parents share stories, advice, tips, and laughter to guide you through the thrilling and wild adventure of raising your family. By tuning in to Chick Chat, expect candid discussions on everything from morning sickness and sleepless nights to first steps and parenting styles. You’ll hear expert insights on topics like pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding, formula-feeding, toddler tantrums, baby sleep, potty training, childproofing, self-care for parents, and so much more. Each episode is crafted with love and warmth, creating a village where mothers can find support, knowledge, and a community that understands the complex magic of motherhood. We understand the unique challenges that mothers face, and we’re here to empower moms with knowledge, support, and inspiration along the way! Whether you're a seasoned parent or awaiting the arrival of your little one, Chick Chat is here with the latest parenting trends, timeless advice, and genuine conversations that make you feel right at home. So, take a moment to relax, tune in, and let's “chick chat” about the joys and challenges of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Subscribe now to ensure you don't miss a single show; visit our website,, for show notes, and connect with us on Instagram @thebabychickchat to continue the conversation together. Come be part of our growing community of moms supporting moms. Because in the world of motherhood, you deserve the village you’ve always dreamed of!

  1. The Great Sleepover Debate: To Allow Your Kids to Have Sleepovers or Not?

    3 HRS AGO

    The Great Sleepover Debate: To Allow Your Kids to Have Sleepovers or Not?

    I grew up in the late 80s and 90s. Back then, things were a lot simpler. There weren't any smartphones, and the internet was nonexistent. It didn't feel as fast-paced and loud as it is today. Thinking back to childhood, I remember playing outside a lot and having sleepovers at my girlfriends' houses on the weekends after we picked out a movie at the local Blockbuster store. Life was pretty sweet. I hope that's how everyone feels about their childhood. But maybe I was young, naive, and oblivious to the worries that adults face. Or maybe I was just really lucky that nothing scary had happened to me at that point in my life. Today, I feel like we have so much more information available at our fingertips. We can know what's going on in every part of the world instantly on our phones. While this technology is amazing, it can also be overwhelming. There is no denying that we all know so much more about the world and what can and does happen to people (good and bad) daily. It has shed light on many things we may have never known. For instance, how we've lately seen headlines about terrible things happening to children during sleepovers. It's upsetting and disturbing and causing parents to debate their kids having sleepovers entirely. Today's guest, Kristin Andrus, is extremely passionate about this topic. Her family has one big rule: They don't allow their children to have sleepovers. Some people disagree wholeheartedly with this rule, while others agree with her stance because they, too, know of scary stories that can happen and have happened during sleepovers. We had Kristin share her thoughts and experiences advocating for children on the show. Who is Kristin Andrus? Kristin Andrus is a philanthropist and community champion who advocates for women, children, and refugees within and beyond Utah. Kristin is the driving force behind the impactful Building Bridges non-profit/philanthropy partnership. She also serves as a board member for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Intermountain Area and for UnDEfeated, an organization serving underprivileged youth and single mothers in Uganda. In addition, she holds advisory roles with the First Lady of Utah, Neighborhood House, the Younique Foundation, Utah Valley University, and Women Who Succeed. She is a community activator who believes in building bridges and bringing people together to help communities thrive! Nonprofits count on Kristin for her social media and marketing savvy and supernatural ability to get stuff done. She is also the Chief Culture Officer of her husband and six children and an incredible cook! What Did We Discuss? In this episode, we chat with Kristin Andrus about the great sleepover debate — should you or should you not allow your kids to do sleepovers — and how to make the best decision for your family when it comes to sleepovers. This is a very big and passionate conversation. While some of my favorite childhood memories were sleepovers at my girlfriends' houses, hearing Kristin's stories and the stats made me rethink how I might approach this topic with my kids when they reach the age of being invited to sleepovers. This episode really gives us parents information that we need to know and new things to consider. I wonder, where do you stand on this great sleepover debate? Share your thoughts in the comments! Kristin's Resources Instagram: @kristinandrus YouTube: @KristinAndrus Website: Her Deseret News article, 'The Great Sleepover Debate' Thank you for listening to this episode! Be sure to follow us on our podcast Instagram page @thebabychickchat. Let us know what you think and if there are any other topics you'd like us to cover. Cheers to informed parenting and advocating for your family! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    52 min
  2. SEPT 17

    How To Care For Your Body and Pelvic Floor After Childbirth with Liz Miracle

    One topic that I don't think is talked about enough with expecting and new mothers (or people in general) is pelvic floor health. In my opinion, pelvic floor health should be considered as a form of self-care and a part of us taking care of our overall health. I can't even tell you the number of people I have met who weren't totally sure what their pelvic floor is, what it does, how it affects them, and that everyone has one. And when a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to her baby, these are the times when she might experience some problems with her pelvic floor and wishes she had known more about her changing body and had support. Whether you had a vaginal birth or cesarean birth, your body has done some hard, amazing work. Our guest today, Liz Miracle, knows all about this since she has supported hundreds of women as a pelvic floor physical therapist. Today, she is sharing her tips on how to best take care of our bodies after childbirth, including our pelvic floors. Who is Liz Miracle? Liz Miracle, PT, MPT, WCS is the Head of Clinical Quality and Education at Origin, the leading provider of physical therapy for maternity, menopause, and sexual health, with deep expertise in the pelvic floor and full body. Liz is a Texas native and graduate of Texas Woman's University School of Physical Therapy. She began practicing pelvic floor physical therapy in 2006 and has since received her Clinical Specialization in Women’s Health from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. After running her own practice for a decade, she was excited to join Origin Physical Therapy, where she works to implement the highest standards of evidence-based care and help train the next generation of pelvic floor therapists. When not exploring innovative ways to help her patients, she is at home hiking the hills in the North Bay of San Francisco with her husband and daughter. What Did We Discuss? Check out our SHOW NOTES for details on our discussion and my thoughts! Liz Miracle's Resources Liz's Practice: MiraclePT Liz's LinkedIn: @lizmiracle Origin Website: Origin Origin Instagram: @theoriginway Origin LinkedIn: @theoriginway Thank you for listening to this episode! Be sure to follow us on our podcast Instagram page @thebabychickchat. Let us know what you think and if there are any other topics you'd like us to cover. Cheers to taking care of yourself postpartum! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    49 min
  3. How to Honor Your Parenting Journey & Enjoy Each Moment with OliviaR

    SEPT 10

    How to Honor Your Parenting Journey & Enjoy Each Moment with OliviaR

    I don't know about you, but I always knew, even as a child, that I wanted to be a mom. My dream was to grow up and have kids, create special family traditions, and be a very involved and loving mother. I had hoped that my journey to motherhood would be a smooth one. I knew that my mother experienced some difficulty conceiving my twin brother and me, but I was hopeful. As an adult, when I entered into the career side of the mom-and-baby world, I quickly learned how much more common it is for people not to have the smoothest start to becoming a parent — getting pregnant and having a child. I've heard thousands of stories over the years from women about "becoming a mother." Each one, like a fingerprint, has her own unique story. Today's guest, Irina Reeves, is no exception. During our chat, I was inspired by her outlook on life and how she took her journey of becoming a mom and turned it into something beautiful. Who is Irina Reeves? Irina Reeves is a wife, mother to a beautiful baby girl, and the founder of OliviaR, a jewelry company that celebrates one-of-a-kind connections between loved ones. Growing up in Russia, Irina was raised in a culture that encouraged very traditional family values: men went to work, and women became mothers and stayed home. But as a teenager in Moscow, Irina quickly recognized that her ambitions and interests often differed from those around her. She felt called to explore the world, travel, go to school, get a degree, have a career of her own, and one day become a mother. She knew she could do both – have a career and be a mom. Irina first went to university in Moscow, then received her second master's degree in London, and then pursued a third master’s degree in New York. It was in New York when she met her now husband, and her life’s direction became clear and began to unfold. She now lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their 15-month-old daughter, Olivia. Irina's Resources Website: Company Instagram: @oliviarbyirina Personal Instagram: @iamirinareeves See the SHOW NOTES to learn more about Irina's company, OliviaR, our discussion, and my final thoughts. *This episode is sponsored by our friends at OliviaR. Visit their website to order your jewelry piece today!* Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1h 5m
  4. SEPT 3

    Parenting with Compassion: The Power of Respectful Parenting with Janet Lansbury

    We all know that children are the greatest blessings in life. They truly are. Raising them, however, can be quite a challenge for us parents. We want to protect them, mold them, and encourage them to be the best people they can be. But how do we do that without being too permissive or too authoritarian? Many parents struggle to find parenting methods that work for them and their children, especially when generations before us parented so differently. Maybe you're trying to break family cycles that you learned and want to do things differently with your kids. Maybe you want to parent with better boundaries and with more respect. If this is you and you're looking for ways to connect more with your children and parent with compassion, you're going to love today's guest, Janet Lansbury. Who is Janet Lansbury? Janet Lansbury is a former actress and model, and her passion for parent education began when she became a mother and sought guidance from infant expert Magda Gerber. Deeply inspired and grateful for her wisdom, Janet began training with Magda professionally. For the last 20 years, she has taught RIE parenting classes in Los Angeles and has served on the Board of Directors of Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) since 1995. Janet is privileged to support hundreds of thousands of parents across the globe, sharing insights gained through her parenting classes and personal experiences as a mother of three.  In 2009, Janet created her parent education blog,, and she later published two best-selling books, Elevating Child Care: A Guide to Respectful Parenting and No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame. In 2015, Janet launched her podcast, Unruffled, which is the top-ranking parenting podcast about respectful parenting from Wondery. Janet encourages parents and childcare professionals to perceive babies as unique, capable human beings with natural abilities to learn without being taught, develop motor and cognitive skills, communicate, face age-appropriate struggles, initiate and direct independent play for extended periods, and much more. My Thoughts Janet Lansbury is someone that I have admired in the baby and parenting industry for years. Her work has impacted me and so many others (including many of my clients) with our parenting and how we think about our children, boundaries, discipline, and more. Hearing her share her personal story and her overall thoughts on respectful parenting was inspiring. I have been interested for a while in learning more about RIE and the work that Janet does, but after this episode, I may just take a course myself. Stay tuned! If you would like a healthier relationship with your child and want to discover a different way of parenting that can blossom your own parenting skills, I highly recommend listening to this episode and learning more about Janet's work. I believe you will leave inspired, too. Janet Lansbury's Resources Website: Instagram: @janetlansbury Facebook: @janetlansbury Her podcast: Unruffled Her books: Elevating Child Care: A Guide to Respectful Parenting No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame No Bad Kids Master Course Resources for Infant Educarers Thank you for listening to this episode! Be sure to follow us on our podcast Instagram page @thebabychickchat. Let us know what you think and if there are any other topics you'd like us to cover. Cheers to parenting with respect! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1h 5m
  5. Navigating Pregnancy and New Motherhood in the Spotlight with Jessica Tarlov

    AUG 27

    Navigating Pregnancy and New Motherhood in the Spotlight with Jessica Tarlov

    If you're a working woman with a job outside of the home, you know that having order and a good routine is essential and sets you up for success in work and in life. Once you throw in pregnancy, like navigating morning sickness, fatigue, and all the other things that may come along with pregnancy while working a highly demanding job, it can be quite a challenge. Not to mention figuring out your new path when you become a new mother and balancing your new role with your career. There's definitely a transition period, but eventually, you get into your groove and figure it out. But imagine what it must be like for people in the public eye . . . They're trying to navigate pregnancy and new motherhood in the spotlight! There have to be pressures they experience that we are unaware of. Do they have it easier or harder? We had to get the scoop on how Jessica Tarlov, a new mother of two, is staying on top of being a mom and having a thriving career. Who is Jessica Tarlov? Jessica Tarlov joined FOX News Channel as a contributor in 2017 and serves as a co-host of the nation’s highest-rated cable news show, The Five.  A graduate of Bryn Mawr College with a B.A. in History, Jessica holds two master’s degrees in Political Science and Public Policy and a Ph.D. in Government from the London School of Economics and Political Science. As a new mom to her two daughters, Cleo, and baby Teddy, Jessica shared with the Los Angeles Times that motherhood and parenting have put a whole new column on the board that has made her see the world completely differently. Jessica has also opened up about her postpartum experience and juggling it all as a new mom and co-host of The Five. Jessica is a lifetime New Yorker who grew up in TriBeCa and continues to live there today with her husband and daughters. My Thoughts As a career mom, listening to Jessica's story as she navigates motherhood with a busy career was completely relatable. While I'm not on cable television and don't have the Fox makeup team to help me out ;), I could relate to a lot of what she said. I heard her genuine love for her family and her career. These are things I feel passionate about in my life, too. Sometimes, women feel like they have to choose — be a "good mom" (however you ideally define that) or have a thriving career. But, as Jessica said in this episode, with a solid support system, a good schedule, time for yourself (self-care), and allowing yourself to feel your feelings (let out a good cry when you need to), you can have both and do them both well. It's like Taylor Swift says, "I cry a lot, but I am so productive." Jessica and I can totally relate to that! If you're a new mom or someone considering growing their family and you also have (and love) a demanding career, this episode is for you. Listen to Jessica's story and tips and hear how you can continue pursuing your dreams and passions while you also venture through motherhood. Jessica Tarlov's Resources Twitter: @JessicaTarlov Co-host of The Five Thank you for listening to this episode! Be sure to follow us on our podcast Instagram page @thebabychickchat. Let us know what you think and if there are any other topics you'd like us to cover. Cheers to navigating motherhood your way! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    59 min
  6. AUG 20

    Today's Modern Mom Problems & Solutions with Tara Clark

    Parenting, while wonderful, is tough. Every parent knows that. And while some of the parenting challenges that previous generations faced are still applicable today, there are new challenges we're experiencing that have never been dealt with before. No one knows this better than Mrs. Modern Mom Probs herself, Tara Clark. She has been shedding light (and humor) along the way on what mothers face today since 2017. Her work helps mothers feel less alone and reminds us that we're not failing; we're all just trying to do our best. We had to chat with Tara on the show to hear her thoughts on modern mom probs and her solutions! Who is Tara Clark? Tara Clark is an author, speaker, content creator, podcaster, and the founder of Modern Mom Probs. After becoming a mom and recognizing a hole in the online space for moms to connect authentically, she launched her Instagram account in 2017. She has since built a valued community, solidifying herself as a humorous, trusted voice in the parenting space. Tara holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Villanova University and an MBA in Media Management from Metropolitan College of New York. She currently lives in New Jersey with her husband and son. What Did We Discuss? In this episode, we chat with Tara Clark about modern mom problems. We wanted to talk to Tara about some of the most common struggles modern moms face and solutions to help us move forward. Here are several of the questions that we covered in our conversation: What are some of the most common problems modern mothers face today?  In your experience, what are some effective strategies for managing the juggling act of motherhood, work, and personal life? Social media often portrays an idealized version of motherhood, which can lead to comparison and feelings of inadequacy. How do you address this issue, and what advice do you give moms struggling with it? The mental load of motherhood, including managing household tasks, schedules, and emotional labor, is a significant challenge for many mothers. How do you raise awareness about this issue, and what strategies do you suggest for managing the mental load? Parenting is sometimes likened to a competitive sport, with pressure to excel in various aspects. How do you advocate for a more supportive and empathetic approach to parenting? What are some ways moms can combat feelings of isolation? How do you encourage moms to prioritize their mental health and well-being amidst the demands of parenthood, especially in a culture that often glorifies busyness and self-sacrifice? How can modern moms prioritize self-compassion and self-care when feeling overwhelmed or burnt out? What would it be if you could give modern mothers one piece of advice? Mamas, we are human. We make mistakes. However, we must remember that we are trying our best, and our best is good enough. Give yourself more grace as you navigate this stage of motherhood (and the next stage, and the next). If you're listening to this episode, chances are, you're a very good mother. We hope you feel the love and support you so deserve. Tara Clark's Resources Website: Book: Modern Mom Probs: A Survival Guide for 21st Century Mothers Instagram: @modernmomprobs Podcast: Modern Mom Probs PodcastMy episode with Tara on her podcast: Birth Planning with "The Baby Chick" Nina Spears Thank you for listening to this episode! Be sure to follow us on our podcast Instagram page @thebabychickchat. Let us know what you think and if there are any other topics you'd like us to cover. Cheers to thriving as a modern mom! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    58 min
  7. The Mother-Load: How to Carry Less & Enjoy Motherhood More with Erica Djossa from Momwell

    AUG 13

    The Mother-Load: How to Carry Less & Enjoy Motherhood More with Erica Djossa from Momwell

    Motherhood is, without a doubt, the best thing that has ever happened to me. It has molded me into a better, stronger, more loving, and compassionate person. I never knew how much my heart could love until I had children. Motherhood has also made me very tired, a bit more anxious, and even more of an over-thinker and worrier. If you're a mom reading this, I'm sure you might be able to relate to a few of these. While we want to do everything we can for our children and be a good mom, sometimes (or oftentimes) we over-extend ourselves because we want to show them (and maybe the world) how much we care. It comes from the very best of intentions, but it can lead us to take on too many responsibilities and commitments. The load that we carry as mothers is heavy. That's why we refer to it as "the mother load." And while, of course, we would do anything for our children, mothers need to remember this . . . all of those things were never meant for one person to carry. Our guest, Erica Djossa, knows all about the mother-load that she literally wrote the book. She talks to us in-depth about this topic and how mothers can make a change for the better. Who is Erica Djossa? Erica Djossa is a registered psychotherapist specializing in maternal mental health with over a decade of experience. She is the author of Releasing the Mother Load: How to Carry Less and Enjoy Motherhood More, CEO and founder of Momwell, and the host of the Momwell podcast. As a mother of three rambunctious young boys, Erica understands first-hand the challenges of motherhood. Perfectionism, pressure, and loss of identity fueled her battle with postpartum depression, and she realized how difficult it is to seek care. She founded Momwell to set a standard of care for providers and ensure mom-centered specialized mental health support at any stage of motherhood. Erica has been featured in media publications, including Time Magazine, USA Today, The Toronto Star, Breakfast Television, and Scary Mommy. What Did We Discuss? In this episode, we chat with Erica about the invisible “mother-load” all moms carry and how moms can learn to carry less and enjoy motherhood more. Here are several of the questions that we covered in our conversation: What are some of the most common mental health issues you see in mothers today? Where does this "invisible load" come from? How can we break away from it?  So many modern moms feel pressure to be the "perfect mom.” Why is this harmful, and how can we change it?  What are your thoughts on gender norms and how moms can end up carrying more of the load? How does this affect relationships?  How do you recommend moms communicate with their partners about how they are feeling and how they can help? What is your advice for the mom who always feels like she needs to do and be “more”? Go to the SHOW NOTES for more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    51 min
  8. AUG 6

    Beyond the Finish Line: Allyson Felix's Journey Through Motherhood and Success

    As I'm currently watching the Olympics as I write this, I am in awe of all of these incredible athletes. Seeing the greatest in the world compete against one another in their sports is truly amazing. You know what's also amazing? Knowing that some of these competitors are mothers. These women have grown, birthed, and continue to sustain life. And they are Olympians. I have wonderful memories watching the Olympics growing up and one athlete that I have admired over the years is Allyson Felix. She has done some amazing things as a track and field star, but her work off the track is just as inspiring. Who is Allyson Felix? Allyson Felix is the most decorated track and field athlete in history. That’s right! With a record 20 World Championship medals and 11 medals at the Olympic Games — seven gold, three silver, and one bronze — she ranks among the sport's greats. Throughout her career, Allyson has demonstrated resilience and determination, overcoming setbacks and injuries to achieve greatness on the track. Her dedication to her sport and commitment to excellence have made her a role model for aspiring athletes worldwide. In 2022, Allyson retired from her athletic career after winning her last world championship gold in Eugene, Oregon, ending her career as the most decorated athlete in track and field history. Beyond her athletic achievements, Felix is also recognized for her advocacy work and leadership in promoting gender equality and diversity in sports. She has been a vocal advocate for maternity rights for athletes, sparking important conversations about supporting women athletes during pregnancy and postpartum. She has also been an advocate for Black maternal health for racial disparities in maternal mortality rates in the U.S. For all of her efforts, Allyson was named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People twice, in 2020 and 2021. Allyson is also a wife and mother to her two children. In November 2018, Allyson gave birth to her daughter, Camryn, early at 32 weeks via emergency C-section due to severe preeclampsia. In April 2024, she welcomed her son, Kenneth (Trey), via an unmedicated VBAC. Her journey as a mother has added a new dimension to her career, inspiring others with her ability to excel both on and off the track. What Did We Discuss? In this episode, we chat with Allyson Felix about her journey through motherhood — from her career as a professional athlete and Olympic champion to embracing life as a mother of two as well as her latest partnership with Pampers. Check out our SHOW NOTES for more details. Chatting with Allyson was such a pleasure. Her humbleness and genuine care for supporting women and mothers is evident and we are so grateful for all that she is doing to make a difference. Listen to the episode to hear her thoughts and story! Allyson Mentioned Allyson mentioned that she used a doula during her last birth. What is a Doula? – Podcast Episode #2 She also said that she used Hypnobabies for her VBAC. An episode with Kerry Tuschhoff, the Founder, Director, & Owner of Hypnobabies: How to Prepare Your Mind and Body for Childbirth – Podcast Episode 9 Allyson Felix's Resources Website: Instagram: @allysonfelix X: @allysonfelix Company: Saysh Thank you for listening to this episode! Be sure to follow us on our podcast Instagram page @thebabychickchat. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    16 min
out of 5
4 Ratings


Welcome to Chick Chat: The Baby Chick Podcast, your go-to podcast for navigating the crazy, beautiful chaos of pregnancy and motherhood!  We know that pregnancy and motherhood are no joke. While they are miraculous and wonderful, they can also be overwhelming and exhausting. Our baby expert and host, Nina Spears - The Baby Chick, knows this all too well as an experienced baby planner, doula, childbirth and newborn care educator, and mother. On this show, she has real conversations that celebrate the joys, challenges, and everyday triumphs of growing and raising tiny humans while exposing the truths that moms really want to know. From pregnancy tips to parenting hacks, our experts and real-life parents share stories, advice, tips, and laughter to guide you through the thrilling and wild adventure of raising your family. By tuning in to Chick Chat, expect candid discussions on everything from morning sickness and sleepless nights to first steps and parenting styles. You’ll hear expert insights on topics like pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding, formula-feeding, toddler tantrums, baby sleep, potty training, childproofing, self-care for parents, and so much more. Each episode is crafted with love and warmth, creating a village where mothers can find support, knowledge, and a community that understands the complex magic of motherhood. We understand the unique challenges that mothers face, and we’re here to empower moms with knowledge, support, and inspiration along the way! Whether you're a seasoned parent or awaiting the arrival of your little one, Chick Chat is here with the latest parenting trends, timeless advice, and genuine conversations that make you feel right at home. So, take a moment to relax, tune in, and let's “chick chat” about the joys and challenges of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Subscribe now to ensure you don't miss a single show; visit our website,, for show notes, and connect with us on Instagram @thebabychickchat to continue the conversation together. Come be part of our growing community of moms supporting moms. Because in the world of motherhood, you deserve the village you’ve always dreamed of!

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