“We are stuck because we did not apply the basic issues of implementation in supply chain management, things that we have known for decades.”
Dr. Nada Sanders is Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University & the author of “Supply Chain Management: A Global Perspective.” She joins us at a critical juncture in the Covid19 pandemic to help us better understand how supply chains work, how to look for and resolve bottlenecks, and the importance of a unified standard approach built around the concept of “Reverse Scheduling”
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Key Learnings
1. Understanding that ideas are everywhere, implementation is everything through “Shark Tank”
2. Laying out the frustrating part of what we’ve experienced
3. What is a supply chain an supply chain management
4. The essential need for the Federal government to drive the supply chain and vaccine process
5. Horizontal and vertical coordination within a supply chain
6. Why “Backwards Scheduling” is Dr. Sanders’ top priority going forward
7. Identifying and dealing with bottlenecks in the supply chain
8. Rebuilding public confidence in the vaccine supply chain and the vital need for messaging
Twitter @nadasanders
Email: n.sanders@northeastern.edu
Dr. Sanders’ book: Supply Chain Management, A Global Perspective
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- Show
- PublishedJanuary 5, 2021 at 6:53 a.m. UTC
- Length44 min
- RatingClean