Faust I by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)

Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend; a highly successful scholar, but also dissatisfied with his life, and so makes a deal with the devil, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust is a tragic play in two parts. It is Goethe's most famous work and considered by many to be one of the greatest works of German literature. This first part of Faust is not divided into acts, but is structured as a sequence of scenes in a variety of settings. After a dedicatory poem and a prelude in the theatre, the actual plot begins with a prologue in Heaven and Scene 1 in Faust's study. (Summary modified from Wikipedia) Cast List: Narrator, Stage Directions, Dedication: Alex Foster Mephistopheles: om123 Faust: Stewart Wills Margaret (Gretchen): Lucy Perry Manager (scene 22), Chorus of Disciples, Beggar, Crane: George Deprez, PhD Dramatic Poet, Chorus of Disciples, Citizen 2, Wizards, Minister, Worldling: bish Merry-Andrew, Chorus of Disciples, Apprentice 1, Citizen 3, Siebel, Valentine, Wizards, Purist, Leader of the Band, Sceptic, The Heavy Fellows, Parvenu, Oberon, The Adroit, Dancing-Master: ToddHW Raphael, Chorus of Angels, Student 1, Author, Musagetes: tipaew Gabriel, Chorus of Angels, Student 2, Proktophantasmist, Xenies, Dogmatist: David Lawrence Manager (Prelude), Michael, Chorus of Angels, Citizen 1, Servibilis, Hennings, Idealist: Peter Yearsley The Lord, Old Peasant, Spirits, Ci-Devant Genius of the Age, Supernaturalist: Marty Kris Wagner, General, Weathercock, Realist: John Burnett People, Witches, Titania: Ana Simão Chorus of Women, Servant-Girl 2, Peasants, Chorus (scene 20), Voice 2, Half-Witch, Witches, Orchestra: Kalynda Martha, Chorus of Women, Servant-Girl 1, Peasants, Citizen's Daughter, The She-Ape, The Witch, Lisbeth, Huckster-Witch, Young Witch, Witches, Solo, Little Couple, Dancer: Natalie Chorus of Women, Old Woman, Spirits, Evil Spirit, Old Witch, Matron: Rosalind Wills Apprentice 2, Soldiers, Northern Artist, The Heavy Fellows: Lars Rolander Spirit, Apprentice 3, Soldiers, Peasants, People, Chorus (scene 20), Ariel, Spirit Just Growing into Form, Will-O'-The-Wisps: TriciaG Apprentice 4, Soldiers, Peasants, Chorus (scene 20), Voice 1, Orchestra, Little Couple, The Awkward: Liberty Stump Apprentice 5, Soldiers, The He-Ape, The Orthodox, Shooting-Star: Bob Gonzalez Frosch, Will-O'-The-Wisp, Inquisitive Traveller: Ransom Brander, Herald, Good Fellow: Algy Pug Altmayer, Puck: John Fricker Editors: Stewart Wills om123 Natalie David Olson Hennell Annise TriciaG Roseanne Schmidt Corinna Schultz Linette Geisel David Lawrence
- 8 Episodes
- CreatorLibriVox
- Years Active2013 - 2021
- Episodes8
- Show Website