100 episodes

Impact is what lives on beyond our daily challenges as an entrepreneur, parent and global citizen. It is the end product of living on purpose, thinking strategically, optimizing your health and committing to an evolving mindset. Impact is possible for all of us.

Join your host, Dr. Meghan Walker, an entrepreneur, author, mother and former Naturopathic Doctor for provocative, progressive and playful weekly conversations that shatter the boundaries of what is possible for your life.

Whether it is a solo session with Meghan, a soulful story, or a profound interview with actionable takeaways, you will leave each conversation inspired and prepared to turn your dreams into impactful creations and opportunities.

Each week we explore topics and speak to world-class experts related to optimal health, mindset, wealth creation, and entrepreneurial tactics. We believe you can have your cake and eat it too. If you are ready to escape hustle culture and build a life on your terms, we’ve got your back. Impact is for women who are ready to pick up the pen and write the unregrettable version of their life’s story.

Brace for Impact.

IMPACT Meghan Walker

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.9 • 90 Ratings

Impact is what lives on beyond our daily challenges as an entrepreneur, parent and global citizen. It is the end product of living on purpose, thinking strategically, optimizing your health and committing to an evolving mindset. Impact is possible for all of us.

Join your host, Dr. Meghan Walker, an entrepreneur, author, mother and former Naturopathic Doctor for provocative, progressive and playful weekly conversations that shatter the boundaries of what is possible for your life.

Whether it is a solo session with Meghan, a soulful story, or a profound interview with actionable takeaways, you will leave each conversation inspired and prepared to turn your dreams into impactful creations and opportunities.

Each week we explore topics and speak to world-class experts related to optimal health, mindset, wealth creation, and entrepreneurial tactics. We believe you can have your cake and eat it too. If you are ready to escape hustle culture and build a life on your terms, we’ve got your back. Impact is for women who are ready to pick up the pen and write the unregrettable version of their life’s story.

Brace for Impact.

    My Next Big Act & Goodbye For Now with Dr. Meghan Walker

    My Next Big Act & Goodbye For Now with Dr. Meghan Walker

    Brace yourselves! This episode of IMPACT unveils a seismic decision that will shake the very foundation of Meghan’s world.
    In this episode, Meghan shares her realization that to take things to a much bigger level of impact, there are things she needs to let go of blindly. 
    There are things she needs to let go of not necessarily knowing what is on the other side because they are tethering her from the full view. 
    Moving to the next level is not about harder work, it's about harder decisions. Meghan believes that to lead other people, we have to be willing to lead ourselves not just with our voice, but with our actions. So with that in mind, Meghan has decided to take a sabbatical from the IMPACT Podcast. 
    She is committed to making huge leaps on an emotional level, on a financial level, and on a ‘potential for failure’ level because her vision for impact is huge.
    Life is less about what you do, more about how you make people feel, and everything about how you choose to show up in the world.
    But fear not, as Meghan clarifies this sabbatical is not a goodbye in any way. This is not the end of the show, this is the end of act one.
    Meghan's fearless choice will compel you to examine your life through a lens of unwavering clarity and empower you to release anything that no longer serves your future. Hit play now to embrace the changes needed for your next chapter, your next act. 

    [01:04] Reflection on Ted Lasso and the power of knowing when to move on
    [04:45] Exploring the benefits of personal coaching
    [10:01] Reflections on letting go and moving forward
    [16:30] Closing this act

    “We are walking into the intermission, and one of the things I'll invite you to do is maybe regroup yourself, grab a drink, stretch your legs, but know that the story is not over.”
     -Dr. Meghan Walker
    “And so this is an act of personal leadership. That may or may not inspire you to take similar actions in your own life and in your own world. I'm excited for this next step.”
     -Dr. Meghan Walker
    “I'd love for this to be a moment where you two look at your life with ruthless clarity and confidence and acknowledge the things that may not be serving the next chapter, the next act."
     -Dr. Meghan Walker
    “I have a vision for how I want to live my own life and it is not constantly pushed up against the wall. And I've worked really hard to create certain freedoms in my life and yet I engage in an ongoing manner in the behaviors that keep me pushed there.”
     -Dr. Meghan Walker

    “I have committed six and a half years, 327 episodes of conversations. It has been an enabler of ticket sales and traffic and growth of my clinical practice. It has been a launching ground for new programs and new phases of my life. It is also at a place where I feel like I can tie a beautiful bow on this experience, that I can look at this podcast with immense gratitude for what it has brought into my life.”
    -Dr. Meghan Walker

    • 18 min
    How To Be A Powerful And Abundant Woman... And Move Past Your Shit with Geeta Sidhu-Robb

    How To Be A Powerful And Abundant Woman... And Move Past Your Shit with Geeta Sidhu-Robb

    This week on IMPACT, Meghan welcomes her personal mindset coach Geeta Sidhu-Robb to discuss how you can overcome your fear to become a powerful and abundant woman.
    Geeta is a multifaceted entrepreneur, lawyer, and health coach and helps powerful women overcome the inner blocks preventing them from reaching their true potential. She is direct, compassionate, and experienced. She does not hold back because honesty is the only way to heal emotional wounds. 
    Society trains women to hold back, but being a good girl will inevitably lead to unhappiness, people-pleasing, and a lacklustre existence. You don’t need to succumb to the cultural narrative any longer. Geeta teaches you how to face your deepest fears, especially your fear of failure. 
    Geeta reveals the blinders and traps that keep you stuck playing the good girl so that you can become a woman of IMPACT.
    Her motto is “anything is possible. If you can see it, you can do it; if you can dream it, you can make it happen. Listen to this powerful conversation and then get after it!

    [1:30] Making Internal Shifts 
    [5:00] Capitalizing on Your Failure 
    [8:00] Why Women Fear Failure
    [11:30] The By Product is Imposter Syndrome 
    [14:00] Moving Through and Past Your Fear 
    [18:30] The Reality of The Good Girl Payoff 
    [21:00] Start With Your Deepest Fear
    [26:30] What Enables Powerful Women 
    [30:00] Parenting Powerful Daughters 
    [32:00] What is Feminine Power 
    [36:00] How Power Isolates You 

    Lead Like A Woman
    “I find the original core problem that you’re really afraid of, and then I unpack that for you, and I show you that when you actually look at that problem if it happened you would not die, and then there’s an acceptance that takes place when you get there, and you just absorb it.” 
    -Geeta Sidhu-Robb
    “The good girl will never be rich. The good girl will never be happy. The good girl will never have self-respect. The good girl will never have self-love. The good girl will never permeate with lush abundant femininity, because they are directly opposite, so the good girl is never going to be happy, and she doesn’t know how to cope with it, so she tries to make it someone else's fault.” 
    -Geeta Sidhu-Robb 
    “The one thing I want everybody to think about is that actually the control to change this is in your hands. It's a hundred percent in your hands. Because if you take responsibility for being appalling, then I want you to take responsibility for the fact that you can change that as well. You must. You can't take responsibility for one and not the other.”
    -Geeta Sidhu-Robb 
    “The fear of these things will not stop bad things happening to you. So if they're gonna happen, why don't you just have control over your own life instead?”
    -Geeta Sidhu-Robb 

    • 48 min
    How To Be In A Relationship With An Entrepreneur with Dr. Patty-Ann Tublin

    How To Be In A Relationship With An Entrepreneur with Dr. Patty-Ann Tublin

    On this episode of IMPACT, Dr. Patty Ann Tublin reveals how to protect yourself from the biggest pitfalls in entrepreneurial relationships. 
    Dr. Patty Ann is an experienced psychotherapist who applies her knowledge to coaching high-level entrepreneurial relationships. She helps CEOs and business owners create safeguards that protect the integrity of each relationship they enter into. 
    Navigating business partnerships and personal relationships can easily fall into chaos if mismanaged. Dr. Patty Ann discusses how you can successfully navigate the three fundamental relationships for every entrepreneur and gives tools to predict and prevent the worst-case scenarios so you can thrive in business and life. 
    Dr. Patty Ann shows you how to set personal boundaries so you don’t lose your identity in your business venture. Your spouse, kids, and friends deserve your undivided attention at home; she teaches you how to create separation between professional and private time to preserve the relationships with your loved ones. 
    Some entrepreneurs will do anything but create a contract, but these are vital tools that protect you and your partner. Dr. Patty Ann helps you reframe your mindset regarding professional contracts and having an exit plan in writing.
    These conversations aren’t always easy, but to make an IMPACT in the world, you must lead yourself and your partnerships down a path of integrity. What’s an uncomfortable conversation today could be what preserves your relationship tomorrow. 
    Join us to learn how to safeguard your relationships from the common pitfalls of entrepreneurship. 

    [1:25] Managing Entrepreneurial Relationships 
    [4:30] The Gory Details 
    [5:45] Dr. Tublin’s Expertise 
    [8:10] Managing Personal Relationships as an Entrepreneur
    [14:00] Setting Intentional Boundaries for Working
    [16:00] Traps to Avoid in Entrepreneurial Couples 
    [18:50] Selecting a Business Partner 
    [22:00] The Importance of Putting It In Writing 
    [26:00] Crafting Your Exit Agreement 
    [29:00] Wanting a Business Friend 
    [32:00] Navigating Gendered Partnerships 
    How to Read Body Language: 10 Secret Tools of the Trade - download free report at DrPattyAnn.com
    “It doesn’t matter what your business is, because it’s the relationship aspect that is usually what creates the success, or what makes the success impossible.” 
    -Dr. Patty Ann Tublin 
    “It lays out the intentions. It enables you to come together and outline; if we did exit, if we did pull apart from this because things happen in life, here is the behavior and conduct, and integrity that we want to bring to the table.” 
    - Dr. Meghan Walker

    • 36 min
    Talking On Eggshells - How To Handle Even the Most Challenging Conversations with Grace and Poise with Sam Horn

    Talking On Eggshells - How To Handle Even the Most Challenging Conversations with Grace and Poise with Sam Horn

    Do you have the tools to navigate sensitive topics with wisdom and discernment? Navigating uncomfortable situations takes foresight and a willingness to accept how your words IMPACT the outcome of each of your engagements.  
    On this episode of IMPACT,  Sam Horn joins us for a second round of linguistic wisdom as she breaks down her framework for navigating difficult conversations from her book: Talking on Eggshells. She teaches you how to pause a situation so that you can interact with wisdom, grace, and presence. 
    The first thought that pops into your head does not always lead to a positive outcome. Sam shows you how to flip the script and shift from shaming to shaping behavior with critical thinking, personal responsibility, and empathy.  
    Interrupting communication patterns is hard, but Sam’s framework helps you master proactive grace and conscious language. Sometimes wisdom means knowing what topics are off limits so you can focus on commonalities instead of frivolous conflicts. Sam explains her theory about quicksand conversations and how she sets conversation boundaries to preserve long-lasting relationships.
    This episode will help you navigate any conversation with confidence and grace. Join us to discover the power of intentional language!

    [2:00] Talking on Eggshells 
    [5:20] The Origins of The Book
    [9:00] Stop and Think 
    [16:20] Own Instead of Other 
    [23:20] Informed Avoidance 
    [24:40] Employing Radical Empathy  
    [31:45] Interpersonal Situational Awareness 
    [36:40] Life is a Gift


    Early Access to Talking On Eggshells

    “As soon as we have contempt, we have no compassion, because we have come to the conclusion that they’re clueless, or that they don’t know what they’re doing, or that they’re stupid, or whatever, and it is the end of compassion and it will lead to conflicts.” 
    -Sam Horn
    “I believe that this book is my pebble in the pond of my legacy, of how we can, even in challenging times, choose words that help instead of hurt and shape instead of shame, and  coach instead of criticize.” 
    -Sam Horn
    “My hope and my goal is for us to understand that life is a gift. And, as the Harvard study found, the number one precursor of a healthy, happy life is good relationships.”
    -Sam Horn
    “We want to turn fight, flight and freeze into flow so that in the moment we can say something that helps instead of hurts.”
    -Sam Horn
    “We're not taught this in school. We're taught math, we're taught history and science, you know, we're taught calculus, you know, are we taught what to say when we don't know what to say? Are we taught what to do when someone's blaming us for something that's not our fault? Are we taught what to do when people are complaining and won't stop and listen? No, we're not taught this.”
    -Sam Horn

    • 39 min
    How To Design Habits To Predictably Increase Happiness And Love In Your Life with David Henzel

    How To Design Habits To Predictably Increase Happiness And Love In Your Life with David Henzel

    On this episode of IMPACT, Meghan is joined by David Henzel for a conversation you won’t want to miss! 
    David Henzel is a veteran entrepreneur who has taken his talent and skill in being able to design predictably positive and successful businesses and applied it to happiness and mindset in his own life. He doesn't just get a niche and arbitrarily go and design something new. He has a formula for how he designs successful businesses. In fact, David has a formula for how he designs his successful life. 
    David teaches you to overcome resistance and build habits that create the environment for your dreams to become a reality. You are in control of your destiny, but you have to be bold enough to face your fears to become a person of IMPACT.
    His approach to success is simple; form the habits that support your goals instead of waiting for the right mindset to start your journey. It’s obvious, yet most entrepreneurs are guilty of this specific type of procrastination. 
    This episode is your wake-up call to start living a life you can be proud of. Join us for an enlightening conversation about the power of habits, love, and happiness.

    [3:00] A meaningful conversation
    [4:45] A multifaceted entrepreneur 
    [10:30] Starting multiple businesses 
    [16:00] Recognizing the patterns 
    [19:00] Developing the mindset 
    [25:00] Exposure therapy 
    [27:45] Dismantling your fear
    [32:00] Managing your happiness
    [35:00] Structure brings freedom


    “I’m not dwelling that long in emotional states, and if it doesn’t feel good I take a step back and contemplate; how can I work around this? How can I fix this? How can I create the environment that makes this easier for me?” 
    -David Henzel
    “I think habits determine everything in your life.”
    -David Henzel
    “Every decision in life you have to make out of love or out of fear.”
    -David Henzel
    “I always use my emotions as a filter. Like do I feel good about something? Then I lean in. Does it not feel good? Then I take a step back and think like why does this not feel good? Is it something that's not aligned with my values? Do I not want this? Or is it something that I actually want but I’m afraid because it’s outside of my comfort zone. And then I reframe my mind.”
    -David Henzel
    “The courage won't come in the mail. Competence and confidence is the byproduct of repeated courageous action.”
    -Dr. Meghan Walker
    “I think structure brings freedom and also planning brings freedom.”
    -David Henzel

    • 43 min
    The One Question You Need to Answer to Attract Your Perfect Client Every Time with Dr. Meghan Walker

    The One Question You Need to Answer to Attract Your Perfect Client Every Time with Dr. Meghan Walker

    Are you waiting for your ideal customers to come to you? You probably have a list of expectations of your ideal client, but have you ever asked yourself if you are an ideal provider?
    On this episode of IMPACT, Meghan will challenge you to evaluate the standards you have of yourself.  
    She teaches you that the energy you project is reciprocal. The clients you are currently attracting are a reflection of your own energetic output. If you want to level up your clientele, you need to assess what your ideal clients desire from you. Meghan shows that it is possible to effortlessly manifest opportunities and clients by doing the work within yourself first.
    You are capable of raising your energetic capacity, building courage, and becoming the person your ideal clients want. This episode will encourage you to ask the right questions and get to the bottom of who and what you are attracting so that you can expand your own capacity and shift into a better version of yourself. 
    It’s time to stop looking outward and take a deeper look at the IMPACT your energy has on the world around you. If you are ready to do the work and become your client's ideal provider, do not miss this episode.
    [1:00] Working within our confines provided
    [1:50] Who is your ideal customer?
    [3:00] What are you doing to be the ideal provider? 
    [4:50] Are you equally being the person they want?
    [5:30] The qualities of your questions
    [6:30] Who do you need to become?
    “When you are doing what you need to do to sit in a space of confidence. When you are dismantling your own limiting beliefs. When you are taking yourself to the next level, guess what wants to walk through the door…an equal energetic match.” 
    -Meghan Walker
    “The question is not where do I find these rich people who are ready to get well? The question is, who do you need to be to effortlessly attract them into your world?”
    -Meghan Walker
    “I believe the quality of your life is tied to the quality of your questions.”
    -Meghan Walker
    “Who do you need to be to attract your energetic match into your world? Whether that be your job or your ideal client. What needs to come next for you so that you are the person who effortlessly brings those other individuals into your world?”
    -Meghan Walker

    • 7 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
90 Ratings

90 Ratings

Ebeaton ,

My go to health podcast

This show is a MUST for anyone wanting to take control of their health.

meg macpherson ,

A beautifully curated podcast for wellness entrepreneurs

I enjoy the intersection of health + wellness, entrepreneurship + lifestyle. The episodes are the perfect length to provoke thought and to explore new ways of thinking. I look forward to hearing what is ahead in 2022!

88Tina22 ,


Dr. Meghan does an incredible job of combining wellness and business advice! She also brings on knowledgeable guests who add to the experience. If you’re in the health and wellness space, look no further, this is the podcast for you!

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