Investing Insights From a Value Focused Portfolio Manager In Today's Inflation and Technology Based World with Sean Moir

Sean is a portfolio manager focused on the Warren Buffet principles of value investing. We discuss his capital allocation approach, what inflation really means, how technology is changing the investment game & what he thinks the biggest thing which separates the financial position of Canadians is. He's had a track record of success for his clients so it was interesting to get his thoughts and the reasoning behind them.
Sean Moir, CIM
Portfolio Manager
Mandeville Private Client Inc.
Disclaimer: Mandeville Private Client Inc. is regulated by Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization and a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.
The Your Life. Your Terms. Event. is happening on April 12. Full event details and tickets are available at
- Émission
- FréquenceChaque semaine
- Publiée25 février 2025 à 15 h 25 UTC
- Durée1 h 39 min
- ClassementContenu explicite