37 min

Matin Movassate On Raising $95 Million To Help Companies Turn Data Into Action DealMakers: Entrepreneur | Startups | Venture Capital

    • Entrepreneurship

Matin Movassate has raised almost $100M for his deep analytics startup to help entrepreneurs systemize building great products. During our interview on the Dealmakers Podcast Movassate shared how he got hooked on coding, the gap between finding product-market fit and being ready to scale your business, how he got inspired to reinvent analytics tools, and the fundraising journey. Plus, his insights on building a leadership team.

Matin Movassate has raised almost $100M for his deep analytics startup to help entrepreneurs systemize building great products. During our interview on the Dealmakers Podcast Movassate shared how he got hooked on coding, the gap between finding product-market fit and being ready to scale your business, how he got inspired to reinvent analytics tools, and the fundraising journey. Plus, his insights on building a leadership team.

37 min