52 min

S6 E8: Dehydrating Powders: A Simple, Space-Saving Way to Preserve Fruits & Vegetables with Darci Baldwin Old Fashioned On Purpose

    • How To

A few episodes ago, my friend Jessica and I laid out all the basics when it comes to getting started with dehydrating. Today, I'm thrilled to be joined be Darci Baldwin to push this conversation even further. Darci is an author and blogger who specializes in helping homesteader preserve their harvests through dehydration and pantry planning. In today's episode, we discuss why you have to be careful when dehydrating proteins, Darci's favorite fruits & veggies for dehydrating, how to preven...

A few episodes ago, my friend Jessica and I laid out all the basics when it comes to getting started with dehydrating. Today, I'm thrilled to be joined be Darci Baldwin to push this conversation even further. Darci is an author and blogger who specializes in helping homesteader preserve their harvests through dehydration and pantry planning. In today's episode, we discuss why you have to be careful when dehydrating proteins, Darci's favorite fruits & veggies for dehydrating, how to preven...

52 min