173 episodes

Six Pixels of Separation - Mitch Joel’s weekly conversation with business leaders, thinkers, innovators and cultural icons. The show is about insights and provocations on brands, consumers, technology, business and how connected we’ve all become.

Six Pixels of Separation Podcast Mitch Joel

    • Business
    • 4.7 • 47 Ratings

Six Pixels of Separation - Mitch Joel’s weekly conversation with business leaders, thinkers, innovators and cultural icons. The show is about insights and provocations on brands, consumers, technology, business and how connected we’ve all become.

    SPOS #941 – Alex Edmans On How Our Biases Cause Us To Fall For Misinformation (And How To Combat It)

    SPOS #941 – Alex Edmans On How Our Biases Cause Us To Fall For Misinformation (And How To Combat It)

    Welcome to episode #941 of Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast.
    Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast - Episode #941. He is a finance professor at London Business School, and Alex Edmans knows his stuff. With a background that spans Morgan Stanley and a PhD from MIT, Alex's insights on corporate finance, responsible business, and behavioral finance are top-notch. He's a TED talk star, with millions of views, and his research has been featured everywhere from the World Economic Forum to the UK Parliament. In our conversation, Alex dives into his latest book, May Contain Lies - How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases – And What We Can Do About It (he is also the author of Grow The Pie and Principles of Corporate Finance). We explore the tricky terrain of our post-truth world and the fine line between fact and fiction and conspiracy theories. Alex breaks down the role of statistical significance and why simple messages can be so appealing — and misleading. It's not just about the facts... it's about how they get twisted. We also tackle the financial incentives that drive misinformation. Alex is big on critical thinking and urges us all to look beyond the surface. He explains the ladder of mis-inference, making it clear why we need to understand the differences between statements, facts, data, and evidence. We get into the weeds about peer review in academic research and the biases that can creep in. Alex talks about the internet's role in spreading misinformation and how social media can create echo chambers. He’s all about teaching critical thinking early and often. I loved reading May Contain Lies... and it really is more than just a book - it's a guide to navigating the murky waters of modern information. Alex uses real-world examples to show how biases distort our views and decision-making. He offers practical tips to cut through the noise and think smarter. So, if you're tired of being misled and want to make better decisions (and, who isn’t always fooled by “facts”?), take a listen. Enjoy the conversation...
    Running time: 1:00:43. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at Apple Podcasts. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. Check out ThinkersOne. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on Twitter. Here is my conversation with Alex Edmans. May Contain Lies - How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases – And What We Can Do About It. Grow The Pie. Principles of Corporate Finance. Follow Alex on LinkedIn. Follow Alex on X. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'. Takeaways
    The concept of a post-truth world goes beyond the question of whether something is factually true or not. It also includes the potential for misleading inferences drawn from accurate information. Statistical significance can help evaluate the reliability of claims, but it is important to consider the broader context and potential biases in interpreting the results. Simplistic messages that align with people's pre-existing views are more likely to be accepted and shared, even if they lack scientific rigor or evidence. The prevalence of misinformation is driven by financial incentives and the desire for quick fixes and easy solutions. While misinformation poses challenges, there are also opportunities for more nuanced and informed discussions, particularly among open-minded individuals who value scientific consensus. AI can be both a solution and a problem in addressing misinformation, as it can help identify scientific consensus but also be used to spread false information. Peer review is a useful but imperfect process for evaluating the accuracy and quality of academic research. Being discerning consumers of information requires recognizing our own biases and questioning the validity of statements, facts, data, and evidence. Teaching crit

    • 1 hr
    SPOS #940 – Bob Tapscott On The Tech Trivergence

    SPOS #940 – Bob Tapscott On The Tech Trivergence

    Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast - Episode #940. I’ve had his brother (Don Tapscott) and nephew (Alex Tapscott) on the show countless times. We might as well extend the invitation to Bob Tapscott. Bob has a knack for diving into the deep end of tech and coming up with pearls of wisdom. With a background as a CIO, speaker, and consultant, Bob’s journey spans nuclear power maintenance, Wall Street derivatives, and flying commercial aircrafts by computer. He’s the go-to guy for developing and implementing disruptive strategies that actually work, focusing on corporate performance and customer satisfaction (meaning: He’s the person that is building the tech we all talk about). Bob delves into what he calls the second era of computing - where computers don't just follow orders, they learn, ask questions and show us what we need. It’s a “game-changer” (and I hate that word!), driven by the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Bob breaks it down: We're seeing an growth in computing power that's reshaping our world. AI isn’t just about making things faster - it’s about making things smarter. The company with the most data will have the smartest systems, and that’s a big deal. But with great power comes great responsibility (thanks, Uncle Ben!). We talk about the potential for job displacement and the societal challenges that come with these advancements. It’s not just about the tech... it’s about the frameworks we need to guide its implementation responsibly. Our conversation touches on the exciting and somewhat daunting possibilities of AI, like the development of generative AI tools and the role of startups in this evolving landscape. Bob is particularly keen on the ethical implications - how do we ensure these technologies benefit society as a whole? And let’s not forget the international angle. Tech doesn’t respect borders, so collaboration is key. Bob’s new book, Trivergence - How Ai, Blockchain, And The Internet Of Things Are Ushering In A New Digital Age, is all about navigating this brave new world. He explores the synergies between AI, blockchain, and IoT, showing how these technologies can work together to transform business and society. It’s not a tech manual... it’s a guide for making smart decisions in a world full of uncertainties. Bob talks about the power of Infinite Data - where AI, powered by vast datasets, can generate insights and value without human intervention. It’s fascinating and a must-read for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve. Bob unpacks these concepts with a mix of technical insight and practical wisdom. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a business leader, there’s something here for you. Enjoy the conversation...
    Running time: 1:04:20. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at Apple Podcasts. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. Check out ThinkersOne. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on Twitter. Here is my conversation with Bob Tapscott. Trivergence - How Ai, Blockchain, And The Internet Of Things Are Ushering In A New Digital Age. Follow Bob on LinkedIn. Follow Bob on X. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'. Takeaways
    The second era of computing is characterized by computers being able to ask and learn, rather than just being programmed. The exponential growth in computing power, driven by blockchain and AI, is transforming society. Data is crucial for AI development, and the company with the most data will likely have the most intelligent system. The implementation of AI and other technologies could lead to job displacement and societal challenges. Thoughtful frameworks and discussions are needed to guide the responsible and beneficial use of these technologies. The development of AI tools like chat GPT is impressive and has

    • 1 hr 4 min
    SPOS #939 – Renee Warren On Building Authority And Content Creation

    SPOS #939 – Renee Warren On Building Authority And Content Creation

    Welcome to episode #939 of Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast.
    Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast - Episode #939. Renée Warren is an award-winning entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, author, and founder of We Wild Women, which helps entrepreneurs get the media coverage of their dreams. She's also the host of the celebrated podcast, Into The Wild, a show that features curated interviews with women entrepreneurs designed to inspire and give actionable advice to women launching or growing their dream business. In 2012, Renée founded her content marketing and PR agency, taking it from the ground up to a 7-figure, globally-recognized company with clients from South Africa to San Diego. Today, she is sought after for her ability to create world-class PR strategies, marketing operations systems, content strategies, and classy media training. She is the co-author of Get Covered! - How To Craft, Pitch And Tell Your Startup's Story To Get More Customers, and is always challenging conventional ways to garner media and customer attention. When she's not crafting the ultimate PR pitch or podcasting, Renée spends time with her family, working out, enjoying really great business books, or refining her drumming skills. In our conversation, Renée dives into the challenges and opportunities for women in entrepreneurship, the evolving landscape of public relations, and the impact of AI on the industry. She emphasizes the need for more women in positions of power and highlights the importance of leveraging AI tools to streamline PR efforts. Renée discusses the changing dynamics of content creation and the potential implications of AI on various industries. We explore the importance of building authority and rising above the noise in today's crowded digital landscape by being unique and controversial while providing value and staying true to one's values. Renée and I touch on the impact of cancel culture and the need to navigate the fine line between expressing opinions and avoiding potential backlash. We also discuss the role of social media platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, and Instagram in building authority and reaching target audiences. Renée emphasizes the power of personal branding and the shift towards individuals rather than organizations as trusted sources of information and influence. Whether you're a startup looking to stand out or an entrepreneur aiming to build your brand, Renee offers essential strategies to attract media attention and grow your customer base. Enjoy the conversation...
    Running time: 1:05:48. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at Apple Podcasts. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. Check out ThinkersOne. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on Twitter. Here is my conversation with Renée Warren. We Wild Women. Renee’s podcast: Into The Wild. Get Covered! - How To Craft, Pitch And Tell Your Startup's Story To Get More Customers. Follow Renee on Instagram. Follow Renee on X. Follow Renee on LinkedIn. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'. Takeaways
    More women need to be in positions of power to drive gender equality and change in various industries. AI tools can be leveraged to streamline PR efforts and improve efficiency in pitching and content creation. Content creation has become more accessible and affordable, but it is important to have a solid understanding of business fundamentals to succeed as an entrepreneur. The impact of AI extends beyond text and includes images, audio, and video, enabling more efficient and creative content production. The future implications of AI and automation raise concerns about job displacement and the need for new types of work and skills. Building authority in today's noisy digital landscape requires being unique and controversial, while also providing value and staying true to one

    • 1 hr 5 min
    SPOS #938 – Johann Hari On The Promises and Perils of Weight-Loss Drugs

    SPOS #938 – Johann Hari On The Promises and Perils of Weight-Loss Drugs

    Welcome to episode #938 of Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast.
    Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast - Episode #938. He’s back! Johann Hari, the bestselling author and celebrated journalist, is known for diving deep into the human condition, from addiction to depression to our scattered attention. His books, translated into 40 languages, have earned praise from the likes of Oprah, Elton John, and Noam Chomsky. Now, Johann is back with his latest book, Magic Pill - The Extraordinary Benefits And Disturbing Risks Of The New Weight-Loss Drugs, and it's sparking conversations everywhere. In our lively chat, Johann opens up about his latest journey, one that began with him injecting himself with Ozempic, a new weight-loss drug. Imagine losing up to a quarter of your body weight in just six months. Sounds like magic, right? But Johann wasn't entirely convinced. He dove into this world with a mix of hope and skepticism, exploring whether these drugs are a miraculous solution or just another illusion. Johann breaks down the good, the bad, and the ugly of these new drugs. On the plus side, they offer significant health benefits for those struggling with severe obesity, potentially reducing risks of diabetes, cancer, and early death. But, and it's a big but, they come with their own set of risks and side effects. Johann didn't just stop at the surface - he traveled from Iceland to Minneapolis to Tokyo, talking to top experts and uncovering twelve major potential risks that come with these seemingly wonder drugs. Our discussion also takes a broader look at the roots of the obesity crisis. Johann points out how our shift from whole foods to processed junk has played a huge role. He explains why diets often fail in the long run — our bodies are biologically programmed to resist weight loss. So, while these drugs might help, they’re not a silver bullet. Johann also emphasizes the need to tackle the social causes of obesity. It’s not just about popping a pill. We need to rethink our relationship with food and our bodies. We talk about the evolutionary reasons why our bodies hoard fat, the food industry's role in pushing sugar-laden products, and the emotional aspects of eating. Magic Pill isn’t just another book on weight loss - it’s a thought-provoking exploration of our modern health dilemmas. Johann's blend of personal experience, thorough research, and engaging storytelling makes this book a must-read. Whether you’re curious about the science behind these new drugs or their cultural impact, Johann provides a comprehensive guide to understanding this health revolution. With that he also the author of sone of my favorite books: Stolen Focus - Why You Can’t Pay Attention - And How To Think Deeply Again, Lost Connections, and Chasing The Scream. Enjoy the conversation...
    Running time: 1:08:04. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at Apple Podcasts. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. Check out ThinkersOne. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on Twitter. Here is my conversation with Johann Hari. Magic Pill - The Extraordinary Benefits And Disturbing Risks Of The New Weight-Loss Drugs. Stolen Focus - Why You Can’t Pay Attention - And How To Think Deeply Again. Lost Connections. Chasing The Scream. Follow Johann on X. Follow Johann on Instagram. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'. Takeaways
    Weight loss drugs can offer significant benefits in terms of health outcomes, particularly for those who are severely obese. The rise of obesity is linked to the shift from whole foods to processed and ultra-processed foods. Diets often fail in the long term due to biological changes that make it harder to maintain weight loss. While weight loss drugs can be a solution, addressing the social causes of obesity is crucial for long-term change. There is

    • 1 hr 8 min
    SPOS #937 – Scott Walker With Deep Insights From A Real-Life Hostage Negotiator

    SPOS #937 – Scott Walker With Deep Insights From A Real-Life Hostage Negotiator

    Welcome to episode #937 of Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast.
    Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast - Episode #937. Life is a negotiation... and every one of us should be thinking about how we can get better at it. Scott Walker is a Sunday Times bestselling author and a keynote speaker on negotiation, communications, leadership and resilience. Scott is one of the world’s most experienced kidnap-for-ransom negotiators, offering discreet advice to top corporate, political, and NGO leaders to manage and recover from all sorts of real-life threats. With over three hundred cases resolved worldwide, he now helps clients develop resilient and agile leadership skills to navigate uncertainty and conflict, while consistently delivering top performance. He also trains leaders and teams to master communication, influence, and conflict resolution.In our conversation, Scott dives into negotiation strategies and techniques, pulling from his new book, Order Out Of Chaos - Win Every Negotiation, Thrive In Adversity, And Become A World-Class Communicator. He emphasizes that negotiation is everywhere in life and underscores the critical role of trust, especially in hostage situations. Scott breaks down the challenges of dealing with irrational actors, the importance of saving face in negotiations, and why maintaining long-term relationships matters. We also touch on managing stress and anxiety, emotional self-regulation, and understanding one's own emotions before entering a negotiation. Scott shares stories from his hostage negotiation days, highlighting empathy, trust-building, and assertiveness. We also explore the complexities of kidnapping negotiations and the unique challenges of cyber extortion. His book, Order Out Of Chaos isn’t just about high-stakes negotiations - it's a guide to becoming a top-notch communicator. Scott's book, built on years of experience and research, offers simple, proven strategies to handle high-pressure moments, practice proactive listening, develop emotional intelligence, and manage conflict. Whether you're negotiating a deal at work or navigating everyday situations (like with your kids!), the techniques in this book will help you communicate effectively and get the results you want. Enjoy the conversation...
    Running time: 1:08:246. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at Apple Podcasts. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. Check out ThinkersOne. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on Twitter. Here is my conversation with Scott Walker. Order Out Of Chaos - Win Every Negotiation, Thrive In Adversity, And Become A World-Class Communicator. Follow Scott on LinkedIn. Follow Scott on X. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'. Takeaways
    Negotiation is a part of everyday life, and it is important to recognize and improve our negotiation skills. Trust is crucial in hostage negotiations, and third-party intermediaries can play a significant role in building trust. Saving face and maintaining pride are important considerations in negotiations, as they can impact the outcome and long-term relationships. Time can be a powerful negotiation strategy, allowing for emotional regulation and the exploration of options. Managing stress and anxiety is essential in negotiations, as they can impact decision-making and outcomes. Emotional self-regulation is crucial in negotiation, and understanding one's own emotions before entering a negotiation is essential. Building trust and empathy are key elements in successful negotiations, whether in hostage situations or business deals. Kidnapping negotiations involve balancing empathy and assertiveness, managing expectations, and developing a battle rhythm. The cyber extortion industry presents unique challenges, and companies must weigh the risks and benefits of negotiation. Difficult situations can

    • 1 hr 8 min
    SPOS #936 – Dan Pontefract On Leaders As Coaches

    SPOS #936 – Dan Pontefract On Leaders As Coaches

    Welcome to episode #936 of Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast.
    Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - The ThinkersOne Podcast - Episode #936. My friend, Dan Pontefract, is a renowned leadership strategist, author, and keynote speaker with over two decades of experience in senior executive roles at companies like SAP, TELUS, and Business Objects. His focus has always been on corporate culture change, leadership development, employee experience, and overall performance improvement. Since leaving the world of full-time gigs in 2018, Dan has worked with organizations worldwide, including Salesforce, Amgen, Nestlé, and the City of Toronto, and countless others. He has a knack for turning leaders and corporate cultures into a competitive advantage, believing firmly that the future of work is now. In this conversation, Dan shares his insights on the evolution from work-life balance to work-life flow, emphasizing the need for a more fluid integration of work and personal life. We discuss how economic factors like the death of the middle class and shareholder primacy has reshaped work-life balance. Dan highlights the generational shifts in perspectives, with younger generations craving greater personalization and flexibility in their work lives. He stresses the importance of setting and respecting boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance, the role of culture in shaping this balance, and the potential impacts of gamifying work. Dan’s latest book, Work-Life Bloom - How to Nurture A Team That Flourishes, delves into the intricate dance between our professional and personal lives. Drawing parallels to how a flower needs the right mix of sunlight, water, and nutrients to thrive, Dan argues that team members need the right mix of work-life factors to create a fulfilling existence. Through global research, interviews, and personal anecdotes, he offers practical solutions for leaders and organizations to foster environments where teams can truly bloom. Dan is also the author of Lead Care Win, Open To Think, The Purpose Effect and Flat Army. Enjoy the conversation...
    Running time: 59:06. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at Apple Podcasts. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. Check out ThinkersOne. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on Twitter. Here is my conversation with Dan Pontefract. Work-Life Bloom - How to Nurture A Team That Flourishes. Lead Care Win. Open To Think. The Purpose Effect. Flat Army. You can also have Dan pop in to your meeting and more at ThinkersOne. Follow Dan on LinkedIn. Follow Dan on X. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'. Takeaways
    Work-life balance has evolved into work-life flow, emphasizing the need for a more fluid integration of work and personal life. Economic factors, such as the death of the middle class and shareholder primacy, have had a significant impact on work-life balance. Generational differences exist in work-life balance perspectives, with younger generations seeking greater personalization and flexibility in their work. Setting and respecting boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Culture plays a vital role in shaping work-life balance, and organizations need to consider individual needs and values. The gamification of work can have both positive and negative effects on work-life balance. In-person interactions and connections are valuable for fostering work-life balance. Integrating productivity into work-life balance is a complex challenge that requires finding ways to be productive without sacrificing personal time. Leaders should strive to be coaches, providing support, empathy, and constructive feedback to their team members. The integration of artificial intelligence in the workplace raises concerns about job security and the need for human skills that cannot be automated. Societal co

    • 59 min

Customer Reviews

4.7 out of 5
47 Ratings

47 Ratings

ChrisJohnStephens ,

Wonderful & Inspirational

Mitch delivers a tremendous service for anyone interested in business, marketing, and technology. The discussion is very informative, the guests are fantastic, and the format is perfect. Thanks Mitch.

GrantHigginson ,

Absolutely Great

Mitch Joel and his all-star roster of guests discuss a wealth of insightful and modern subjects surrounding the industry that's a must-know for everyone in marketing & communications.

@AnnieChanie ,

Worth every minute

I’ve been listening to Mitch Joel for years on this podcast and I loved every minute of it- The content is always original and delivered in a casual way - Merci Mitch

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